33 research outputs found

    Business School-Industry Cooperation: Lessons from Case Studies

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    There is evidence to suggest that firms wish to work with universities to gain access to new technologies, to knowledge of future technologies and their possible impact and to thechnical problem-solving capability. There is much less evidence to support the proposition that firms work with business models and new processes. The barriers identified include those concerning management and leadership.Following an overview of relevant literature, the research here reported is the outcome of investigations carried out by a network of academics and practitioners from the automotive industry. Though the examination of a number of case studiesof joint efforts, a model for cooperation is developed. Critical success factors for sustainable networks, relating to the different modes of collaboration, are put forward. Finally, areas for further research are identified.business-school ; universities ; cooperation ; knowledge transfer ; automotive industry ; case studies ; key success factors

    Post-transaction brand and model line-up integration in the automotive industry: Case studies of European companies as target of acquisitions by Chinese and Indian multinational corporations

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    Corporations practice company acquisitions in order to create shareholder’s value. During the last few decades, the companies in emerging markets have become active in the acquisition business. During the last decade, large and significant acquisitions have occurred especially in automotive industry. While domestic markets have become too competitive and companies are lacking required capabilities, they seek possibilities to expand into Western markets by attaining valuable assets through acquisitions of developed country corporations. This study discusses the issues and characteristics of these acquisitions through case studies. The purpose of this study was to identify the acquisition motives and strategies for post-transaction brand and product integration as well as analyze the effect of the motives to the integration strategy. The cases chosen for the research were Chinese Geely acquiring Swedish Volvo in 2010 and Indian Tata Motors buying British Jaguar Land Rover in 2008. The main topics were chosen according to their significance for companies in automotive industry as well as those are most visible parts for consumers. The study is based on qualitative case study methods, analyzing secondary data from academic papers and news articles as well as companies’ own announcements e.g. stock exchange and press releases. The study finds that the companies in the cases mainly possessed asset-seeking and market-seeking motives. In addition, the findings refer to rather minimal post-acquisition brand and product integration strategies. Mainly the parent companies left the target company autonomous to make their own business strategies and decisions. The most noticeable integrations were in the product development and production processes. Through restructuring the product architectures, the companies were able to share components and technology between product families and brands, which results in cutting down costs and in increase of profitability and efficiency. In the Geely- Volvo case, the strategy focused more on component sharing and product development know-how, whereas in Tata Motors-Jaguar Land Rover case, the main actions were to cut down costs through component sharing and combine production and distribution networks especially in Asian markets. However, it was evident that in both cases the integration and technology sharing were executed cautiously to prevent on harming the valuable image of the luxury brand. This study has concluded that the asset-seeking motives have significant influence on the posttransaction brand and model line-up integration strategies. By taking a cautious approach in acquiring assets, such as luxury brand, the companies in the cases have implemented a successful post-acquisition strategy and managed to create value for the shareholders at least in short-term. Yritykset harjoittavat yritysostoja luodakseen osakkeenomistajille lisĂ€arvoa. Viimeisten muutamien vuosikymmenien aikana yritykset kehittyvissĂ€ maissa ovat myös aktivoituneet yritysostoissa. Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana erityisesti autoteollisuudessa on esiintynyt suuria ja merkittĂ€viĂ€ yritysostoja. Koska kilpailu kotimaan markkinoilla on kiristynyt ja yritykset ovat vailla vaadittavia valmiuksia, ne etsivĂ€t mahdollisuuksiaan laajentaa lĂ€nsimaisiin markkinoihin hankkimalla arvokkaita etuja kehittyneiden maiden yrityksistĂ€ yritysostojen avulla. TĂ€mĂ€ tutkimus pohtii nĂ€iden yritysostojen olennaisia kysymyksiĂ€ ja ominaisuuksia casetutkimuksien kautta. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tunnistaa sekĂ€ yritysostojen motiiveja ja brĂ€ndi- ja mallisto-integraation strategioita ettĂ€ analysoida kyseisten motiivien vaikutusta integraatiostrategiaan. Tapaus-tutkimuksiksi valittiin kiinalaisen Geelyn yritysosto ruotsalaisesta Volvosta vuonna 2010 ja intialaisen Tata Motorsin yritysosto englantilaisesta Jaguar Land Roverista vuonna 2008. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen case-tutkimus ja siinĂ€ analysoidaan toissijaista tietoa sekĂ€ akateemisten ja uutisartikkeleiden ettĂ€ yritysten omien ilmoitusten, kuten pörssi- ja lehdistötiedotteiden, kautta. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ tutkittujen yritysten toiminnat perustuivat motiiveihin, joita ajoivat etujen and uusien markkinoiden tarve. Sen lisĂ€ksi tutkimustulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ yritysoston jĂ€lkeinen brĂ€ndi- ja mallisto-integraatio pidettiin minimaalisena. PÀÀasiallisesti kohdeyrityksille jĂ€tettiin autonomia tehdĂ€ omat liikkeenjohdolliset pÀÀtökset yritysstrategioihin liittyen. Huomattavimmat integraatiot koskivat tuotekehityksellisiĂ€ ja tuotannollisia prosesseja. KehittĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ uudelleen tuotearkkitehtuureja, yritykset pystyivĂ€t jakamaan komponentteja ja teknologiaa tuoteperheiden ja brĂ€ndien vĂ€lillĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€ mahdollisti kustannusleikkauksia sekĂ€ kannattavuuden ja tehokkuuden parantamista. Geely-Volvo –tapauksessa integraatiostrategia keskittyi komponenttien jakamiseen yhteisten tuotearkkitehtuurien avulla ja tuotekehityksen ammattitaitoon, kun taas Tata Motors-JLR –tapauksessa pÀÀtoiminnat olivat kustannuksien leikkaus sekĂ€ tuotannon ja jakeluverkoston yhdistĂ€minen erityisesti Aasian maissa. YhteistĂ€ yrityskaupoissa oli, ettĂ€ brĂ€ndi- ja mallisto-integraatio sekĂ€ teknologian jakaminen suoritettiin varoen ehkĂ€istĂ€kseen arvokkaiden luksus-brĂ€ndien tuotekuvan vahingoittamista. Tutkimuksen lopputulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ yrityskaupan motiiveilla on huomattava vaikutus brĂ€ndija mallisto-integraation strategiaan. Toteuttamalla varovaista lĂ€hestymistapaa luksus-brĂ€ndin hankinnassa ja integraatiossa, yritykset ovat onnistuneet luomaan lisĂ€arvoa osakkeenomistajille vĂ€hintÀÀn lyhyellĂ€ aikavĂ€lillĂ€

    Language learning strategies of graduates for future employment – An overview

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    English language fluency among graduates is becoming an important capability that graduates need for employment.The industry has noted the declining level of English among Malaysian graduates thus strategies and policies need to be implemented.This paper gives an overview on three areas of literature that is pertinent to this topic: competencies and future employment, language learning strategies and supplier learning.This paper suggest that a model for capability development from the area of supply chain management could be extrapolated as a framework for future research on analyzing the strategies that graduates employ on their own to improve their capability of English language fluency

    International Production Networks in the Automotive Industry:Drivers and Enablers

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    The automotive industry was one of the earliest to internationalise, with overseas production by US companies already happening in the early 1900s. However, the arrangement for overseas automotive production at that time was quite different from the idea of international production networks in the contemporary sense. There were few linkages between international locations and overseas operations were designed either as largely self-sufficient, vertically integrated, replications of their domestic factories or as CKD/SKD assembly plants with little local technical content. By comparison, our current understanding of international production networks is that they are dispersed, collaborative, high value adding and centrally coordinated. This paper uses global company case analysis to identify the drivers and enablers that shape the international production networks of two automotive companies, BMW and Volvo Cars. The methodology contrasts with previous network studies of the automotive industry that have concentrated their analysis at the country and regional level. /320191409_International_Production_Networks_in_the_Automotive_Industry_Drivers_and_Enablers [accessed Oct 18 2017]

    Identification and assessment of cleaner production technologies and appropriate technology management strategies and methods in the South African vehicle industry

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    Environmental degradation is a burgeoning problem owing to the continual expansion of industrial production and high-levels of energy and material consumption world-wide. CP (CP) is a preventive environmental approach, aimed at increasing resource efficiency and reducing the generation of pollution and waste at source, which is being implemented globally and in South Africa. CP is not just an environmental initiative; it also supports other productivity-oriented programmes and strategies. This report deals with the development of an assessment model for CP to support the business process of a company using TM. A conceptual model for CP assessment including TM assessment of identified CP improvement options is derived. The research investigates the possibility of improving the understanding of CP by using TM frameworks. Through direct participation data was collected to compile case studies with in the South African automotive industry. Case studies identify CP focus areas and improvement techniques. Results from the CP assessments were used to forecast cost saving through the implementation of the CP techniques. The CP improvement options were assessed using three different TM methods. The main reason behind the TM assessment of CP technologies was to develop a better understating of CP from a TM perspective. Results derived from the TM assessment were used to suggest strategies to benefit managers of companies and other stake holders. The research provides a different approach towards the understanding of CP technologies and improvement options. The study attempts to link the CP process to the business process in a company using TM methods. The study contributes towards the understanding and growth of CP technologies in the South African automotive sector and states the challenges with regards to the implementation of CP in South Africa. Based on the TM assessment results, technologies strategies for CP implementation were proposed.Dissertation (MEng (Technology Management))--University of Pretoria, 2007.Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM)MEngunrestricte

    State control and corporate governance in transition economies:25 years on from 1989

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    Research Question/Issue - Which forms of state control over corporations have emerged in countries that made a transition from centrally-planned to marked-based economies and what are their implications for corporate governance? We assess the literature on variation and evolution of state control in transition economies, focusing on corporate governance of state-controlled firms. We highlight emerging trends and identify future research avenues. Research Findings/Insights - Based on our analysis of more than 100 articles in leading management, finance, and economics journals since 1989, we demonstrate how research on state control evolved from a polarized approach of public–private equity ownership comparison to studying a variety of constellations of state capitalism. Theoretical/Academic Implications - We identify theoretical perspectives that help us better understand benefits and costs associated with various forms of state control over firms. We encourage future studies to examine how context-specific factors determine the effect of state control on corporate governance. Practitioner/Policy Implications - Investors and policymakers should consider under which conditions investing in state-affiliated firms generates superior returns

    Neuroergonomics: the brain at work and in everyday life

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    This book is dedicated to Professor Raja Parasuraman who unexpectedly passed on March 22, 2015. Raja Parasuraman’s pioneering work led to the emergence of Neuroergonomics as a new scientific field. He made significant contributions to a number of disciplines from human factors to cognitive neuroscience. His early work included important contributions to topics such as vigilance and human interaction with automated systems. He later consolidated his interests in human factors and cognitive neuroscience to develop a new discipline called Neuroergonomics, which he defined as the study of the brain and behavior at work. His advice to young researchers was to be passionate in order to develop theory and knowledge that can guide the design of technologies and environments for people. His legacy, the field of Neuroergonomics, will live on in countless faculties and students whom he advised and inspired with unmatched humility throughout the span of his distinguished career. Raja Parasuraman was an impressive human being, a very kind person, and an absolutely inspiring individual who will be remembered by everyone who had the chance to meet him

    Forms of Transnational Economic Cooperation and Integration in the Baltic Region

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    The Baltic macro-region is a heterogeneous socio-economic ecosystem consisting of both the innovative and successful ‘core regions' and the peripheral areas of the borderland. Facing contemporary challenges of the global market competition, national policies are increasingly being directed at establishing conjoint competence centers capable of absorption and recombination of heterogeneous tacit and codified knowledge generated by the nodes of an international innovation network. Furthermore, systematic and sustainable institutional efforts on facilitating the embeddedness of the remote and underdeveloped areas into these networking activities have created a diversity of transnational economic cooperation and integration (TECI) forms being elaborated and applied by the institutions of the respective territories. Drawing on an in-depth review, the study reflects on the development factors relevant to an active integration and cooperation process of individual territories of the respective countries. The study suggests that social, cultural, institutional proximity facilitates industrial collaboration being of the highest significance in increasing competitive advantage of a territory. Keywords: cross-border cooperation, Baltic region, regionalization, new regionalism, Russia JEL Classifications: F15, F63, O19, R1

    Catalog | 2004-2005 (June)

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    Vol. 95, No. 1 (June 2004). In its early years as the State Normal School, JSU produced a variety of publications (announcements, bulletins, and catalogs) that contain course information combined with the types of information that would later be found in yearbooks. Examples include historical information about the school, lists of enrolled students and club officers, photographs of athletic teams and literary clubs, notes on alumni, faculty and campus facilities, and more.https://digitalcommons.jsu.edu/lib_ac_bul_bulletin/1204/thumbnail.jp