2,206 research outputs found

    Children's naming and word-finding difficulties: descriptions and explanations

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    Purpose: There are a substantial minority of children for whom lexical retrieval problems impede the normal pattern of language development and use. These problems include accurately producing the correct word even when the word?s meaning is understood; such children are often referred to as having word-finding difficulties (WFDs). This review examines the nature of naming and lexical retrieval difficulties in these and other groups of children. Method: A review of the relevant literature on lexical access difficulties in children with word finding difficulties was conducted. Studies were examined in the terms of population parameters and comparison groups included in the study. Results and Conclusions: Most discussions of the cognitive processes causing lexical retrieval difficulties have referred to semantics, phonology and processing speed. It is argued that our understanding of these topics will be further advanced by the use of appropriate methodology to test developmental models that both identify the processes in successfully performing different lexical retrieval tasks and more precisely locating the difficulties experienced by children with such tasks

    The time factor in EFL practice

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    This paper analyzes whether the distribution of the hours of classroom practice has any effect on students' foreign language gains, by comparing two types of EFL (English as a foreign language) programs: one in which the hours of instruction are distributed in long sessions over a short period (intensive course), and another in which the students attend short sessions over a long period of time (regular course). Data from 152 participants at two proficiency levels were gathered. Learners' grammar and vocabulary knowledge, as well as listening, writing and speaking skills were examined through a variety of tasks. The results of the analyses performed indicate that intermediate-level students tend to make more language gains in intensive programs than in regular programs, whereas advanced EFL students do not seem to benefit from intensive classroom practice as much as intermediate students do

    Cognitive underpinnings of multidimensional Japanese literacy and its impact on higher-level language skills

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    漢字の手書き習得が高度な言語能力の発達に影響を与えることを発見 --読み書き習得の生涯軌道に関するフレームワークの提唱--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-01-27.This study aimed to identify the cognitive underpinnings of Japanese kanji abilities and clarify the contributions of kanji acquisition to the development of higher-level language skills based on a three-dimensional view of kanji abilities encompassing reading accuracy, writing accuracy, and semantic comprehension. First, a series of regression analyses was used to identify the multifactorial models of each dimension of Japanese kanji acquisition. These models suggest that, among basic cognitive skills, naming speed, visuospatial processing, and syntactic processing underpin kanji abilities in a dimension-specific manner, whereas phonological processing is a common factor. Second, although all the dimensions of kanji abilities predicted acquired verbal knowledge equally, writing skills on the text level, measured as idea density, were only predicted by the writing dimension (indirectly via acquired knowledge). Our findings represent the first evidence of the dimension-specific relationships of the three dimensions of Japanese kanji abilities with their cognitive predictors, as well as with higher-level language skills. They suggest the importance of handwriting acquisition during school years for the development of language skills through to adulthood. Finally, taking the seminal “Nun study, ” which suggests that higher idea density is protective against dementia, into account, we propose a theoretical framework for the lifelong trajectory of literacy acquisition

    Prediktori čitanja u hrvatskome jeziku: Doprinos (meta)fonoloških varijabli

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    Phonological awareness (PA), rapid automatised naming (RAN) and working memory (WM) are considered to be the most important factors supporting reading development. However, their relative importance varies across orthographies and age. The goal of this study was to examine reading predictors in Croatian, a language with highly transparent orthography, after three years of formal reading instruction. The study included 80 participants (mean age: 10.07 years). Reading rate and accuracy were measured using lists of words and pseudowords, and PA was measured using phoneme deletion, phoneme addition and spoonerism tasks. RAN was measured using naming of colours, and WM was measured using the WM standardised measure of digit span (WISC-IV-HR) and pseudoword repetition. In order to find the best predictors of reading rate and accuracy for both words and pseudowords, three-stage hierarchical multiple regression was conducted. The results showed that in highly transparent language when reading is automatised, RAN is the most significant predictor of both reading rate and accuracy. Although this study did not show dissociation between the predictors supporting reading speed and reading accuracy, it confirmed the importance of PA as a suppressor variable for RAN in predicting pseudowords reading time.Fonološka svjesnost, brzo automatizirano imenovanje i radno pamćenje smatraju se najvažnijim čimbenicima koji podupiru ovladavanje čitanjem, no njihova relativna važnost ovisi o dobi te o pravopisu kojim dijete ovladava. Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati prediktore čitanja u hrvatskome jeziku, koji ima proziran pravopis, nakon tri godine sustavne poduke u čitanju. U istraživanje je uključeno 80 sudionika (prosječne dobi 10.07 godina). Kriterijske varijable, brzina čitanja i točnost čitanja mjerene su čitanjem liste riječi i liste pseudoriječi. Fonološka je svjesnost ispitana zadatcima brisanja i dodavanja fonema te zadatkom premetanja, a brzo imenovanje zadatkom imenovanja boja. Radno je pamćenje ispitano ponavljanjem pseudoriječi i suptestom raspona pamćenja brojeva (WISC-IV-HR). Da bi se provjerila prediktivnost promatranih varijabli, provedena je hijerarhijska regresijska analiza. Rezultati su pokazali da je u jeziku s prozirnim pravopisom nakon tri godine sustavne poduke brzo automatizirano imenovanje najznačajniji prediktor i brzine čitanja i točnosti čitanja. Iako ovo istraživanje nije pokazalo disocijaciju prediktora koji podupiru brzinu čitanja i točnost čitanja, potvrdilo je važnost fonološke svjesnosti kao supresijske varijable za brzo imenovanje u predviđanju brzine čitanja pseudoriječi

    The role of phonemic awareness in the development of emergent literacy

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    Phonemic awareness is discussed as one possible prerequisite and predictor of later reading ability. The role of phonemic awareness in the development of emergent literacy is investigated through a thorough review of relevant literature. The usefulness of phonemic awareness as a predictor of later reading and spelling achievement is discussed. In addition, the effectiveness of phonemic awareness intervention is discussed. Suggestion for future research are presented

    Lexiland: A Tablet-based Universal Screener for Reading Difficulties in the School Context

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    First published online January 27, 2022Massive and timely screening of the student population for early signs of reading difficulties is needed to implement timely effective remediation of these difficulties. However, traditional approaches are costly and hard to apply. Here, we present Lexiland, a tablet-based reading assessment tool for kindergarten and primary school children developed to be applied in school settings with minimal personnel intervention. Following a story line, players help a character of the game perform several tasks that measure different predictors of reading outcomes. Most of the tasks that usually involve a verbal response were switched to receptive tasks to demand a touch-screen response only. The tablet application was administered to a sample of N = 616 5-yo kindergarten children and to a sub-sample of these children twice during the following two years (First and Second Grades). Applying logistic regression and cross-validation, we selected a reduced subset of tasks that can predict with great sensitivity and specificity, whether a five-year-old child will have reading difficulties by the end of first grade (sensitivity 90% and specificity 76%) and two years later (sensitivity 90% and specificity 61%). Importantly, Lexiland is a scalable tool to implement universal screening, given the increasing availability of devices able to run android and iOS applications.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This project was funded by ANII FSED_2_2015_1_120741 and ANII FSED_2_2016_1_131230 grants to Juan Valle-Lisboa and Manuel Carreiras. Camila Zugarramurdi received a PhD Scholarship from Fundación Carolin

    The Cognitive And Linguistic Underpinnings Of Mathematical Abilities Of Children With Reading Disabilities

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    There is high comorbidity between reading disabilities and mathematical learning difficulties, yet the reasons behind this comorbidity has not been determined. Research, however, have suggested some correlates including linguistic abilities and executive functioning skills that influence mathematical skills. A comprehensive examination of how these factors relate to mathematical ability has not been determined. This study aims to investigates the possible influence of cognitive functioning, verbal skills, and reading skills, on the arithmetic competency of second and third graders with reading disabilities between the ages of 78 and 102 months. The data utilized in this study were from a longitudinal project which evaluated the effectiveness of various reading intervention programs. The first objective of this present study was to explore how performance on basic and advanced mathematical concepts related to verbal skills and reading skills. The results generally did not illustrate any differences in the way these constructs related to the mathematical concepts. The second objective of the study was to analyze the influence of verbal skills, reading skills, and cognitive functioning skills, on the mathematical ability in children, and to develop a parsimonious model of mathematical ability for children with reading disabilities. Various models were assessed using path analyses. The two-construct model of verbal skills and mathematical skills was determined to be the best model describing the mathematical skills of children with reading disabilities. Supplementary analyses were conducted which clarified the various constructs’ relationship to specific mathematical concepts. These analyses provided understanding to the impact of verbal skills, as well as other constructs’, influence on specific mathematical concepts. The findings of this study have important educational implications and provide insight on more effective methods for developing the mathematical skills of children with reading disabilities. Finally, these findings foster future research in determining more effective interventions methodologies for children with reading disabilities

    An Overview of Dyslexia: Definition, Characteristics, Assessment, Identification, and Intervention

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    Background: Dyslexia is a developmental brain-based type of learning disability that affects a person\u27s ability to read and spell words. Best estimates place 5 percent to 10 percent of the population with the condition, but the incidence of dyslexia is challenging to pinpoint, as the definition of dyslexia varies throughout research. Objective: The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of dyslexia, its characteristics, assessment and identification, and intervention techniques for the condition. Results: Although the disorder varies from person to person, common characteristics among people with dyslexia include difficulty with phonological skills, low accuracy and fluency of reading, poor spelling, and/or rapid visual-verbal responding. Dyslexia is a neurological condition and can be inherited, and recent studies have identified a number of genes that may predispose an individual to developing dyslexia. Identification of dyslexia early requires recognition of characteristics such as difficulty associating sounds with letters, reading dysfluencies, spelling difficulties, challenges with written expression and poor handwriting. Dyslexia assessments can guide professions in ways to best administer treatment, such as via strategies to enhance word training and improve decoding skills. All of these interventions have shown to benefit the reading and writing abilities of persons with dyslexia. Conclusions: The unique nature and presentation of dyslexia varies among individuals. The importance of understanding as much as possible and keeping abreast of the assessment and intervention strategies available is critical to minimizing the long-term effects of dyslexia

    Assessment measures for specific language impairment in Brazil: A systematic review

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    Specific Language Impairment (SLI) is defined as an unexpected failure in linguistic abilities during a child\u27s early years of development. Children with SLI do not present significant impairment in nonverbal intellectual outcomes and do not lack normal environmental exposure to language. Brazilian and worldwide researchers have sought to understand the cultural implications of SLI in the Brazilian Portuguese language. Standardized and validated measures must be used in empirical studies. The present study systematically reviewed the instruments used to assess linguistic abilities in quantitative SLI research in Brazil. Three databases were chosen: Medline, SciELO, and Google Scholar. From a total of 828 articles retrieved, only 10 met the inclusion criteria. Seven standardized assessment measures were identified. However, only two of these reported psychometric properties using adequate normative data. No normalized instrument measured the entire spectrum of linguistic abilities. We discuss the results from the perspective of SLI theories and evidence in Brazil and worldwide