1,349 research outputs found

    BlogForever D2.6: Data Extraction Methodology

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    This report outlines an inquiry into the area of web data extraction, conducted within the context of blog preservation. The report reviews theoretical advances and practical developments for implementing data extraction. The inquiry is extended through an experiment that demonstrates the effectiveness and feasibility of implementing some of the suggested approaches. More specifically, the report discusses an approach based on unsupervised machine learning that employs the RSS feeds and HTML representations of blogs. It outlines the possibilities of extracting semantics available in blogs and demonstrates the benefits of exploiting available standards such as microformats and microdata. The report proceeds to propose a methodology for extracting and processing blog data to further inform the design and development of the BlogForever platform

    Performance Comparison of Response Time Native, Mobile and Progressive Web Application Technology

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    The development of technology in web-based applications is growing, this creates new problems. The web technology that is currently being discussed is Progressive Web Application (PWA) but is the PWA's performance better than the previous technology. This research is about measuring the performance of the Native Web, Mobile Web and PWA using three testing tools, namely GTMetrix, Lighthouse, and Chrome DevTool. The results of this study show how to measure the performance of a Progressive Web Application (PWA), where PWA can beat the performance of Native Web and Mobile Web if a web page is tested more than once. Test results on the Progressive Web Application (PWA), the minimum number of page files (home) is 217 kB with page loading time of 638 ms, while the medium page (about) is 431 kB with page loading time of 646 ms, and when accessing heavy pages (news) with a size of 41700 kB the page load time is 532 ms


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    Kebutuhan kado semakin hari semakin meningkat. Kado yang dulu hanya digukanan saat acara tertentu, saat ini mulai banyak digunakan untuk berbagai acara, misalnya acara wisuda, pernikahan, kenang-kenangan seminar dan lain-lain. Keadaan ini merupakan peluang bagi industri kreatif terutama dalam bidang penyedia kado ini. Youthproject adalah salah satu toko yang bergerak dalam bidang pembuatan kado kreatif. Pemasaran yang masih menggunakan media social membuat pencatatan dan pengelolaan transaksi belum praktis. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya website untuk mengelola pemesanan dan memperluas pemasaran produk. Website e-commerce youthproject.id merupakan website yang dibuat untuk memasarkan dan mengelola pemesanan produk toko online youthproject. Website ini dibuat dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php dengan menggunakan framework Codeigniter. Pada website ini pembeli dapat menambahkan gambar untuk kategori desain tertentu. Selain itu juga terdapat fitur revisi pada beberapa produk, sehingga pembeli yang kurang sesuai dengan hasil pemesanan dapat mengajukan revisi. Dengan adanya website e-commerce ini diharapkan dapat memperluas pemasaran dan mengelola manajemen pemesanan dengan baik

    Tendencias del comportamiento de consumidores mediante herramientas de Data Mining, en supermercados del Perú: una revisión de la literatura científica

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    A pesar de que el Data Mining es una herramienta clave para comprender el comportamiento de clientes de tiendas minoristas como supermercados, hace falta una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura que ayude a comprender mucho mejor su aplicación y los beneficios que esta trae. Esta revisión proporciona una base de datos dentro de un periodo de diez años, entre el 2009 y 2019, de donde en un primer momento se extrajeron 48 artículos por tener relación con la aplicación de Data Mining para encontrar tendencias de comportamiento de consumidores, se extrajeron de nueve bases de datos especializadas: Emerald Insight, ResearchGate, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, Semantic Scholar, Google Scholar, Cuaderno Activa, Taylor and Francis y Mary Ann Liebert, INC. Los resultados demuestran que para entender el comportamiento del consumidor se debe minar: i) Su ruta de compras, temporadas, cantidades y preferencias con el fin de organizar los productos en la tienda y realizar promociones acorde a su perfil; ii) El CLV con el fin de separarlos en segmentos y enfocarse en ellos con mayor claridad; iii) Sus necesidades y quejas para mejorar su CRM; iv) Sus percepciones y requisitos para aplicar estrategias de marketing más precisas; v) Qué productos buscan y comparan en tiendas de retail online, tema del cual se tiene poca información, por lo que se recomienda ahondar a detalle para otras investigaciones. Todo ello mediante diferentes técnicas de DM y se demostró que las redes neuronales, seguidas por los árboles de decisión y las técnicas de reglas de asociación son recomendadas para los que no son expertos en DM. Nuestra investigación sirve como un derrotero para la futura creación de conocimiento sobre los temas abordados

    Framework for opinion as a service on review data of customer using semantics based analytics

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    At Opinion mining plays a significant role in representing the original and unbiased perception of the products/services. However, there are various challenges associated with performing an effective opinion mining in the present era of distributed computing system with dynamic behaviour of users. Existing approaches is more laborious towards extracting knowledge from the reviews of user which is further subjected to various rounds of operation with complex procedures. The proposed system addresses the problem by introducing a novel framework called as Opinion-as-a-Service which is meant for direct utilization of the extracted knowledge in most user friendly manner. The proposed system introduces a set of three sequential algorithm that performs aggregated of incoming stream of opinion data, performing indexing, followed by applying semantics for extracting knowledge. The study outcome shows that proposed system is better than existing system in mining performance

    Listening back

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    Listening Back is a practice-based research project that develops a critical mode of sonic inquiry into a technique of contemporary Web surveillance – the cookie. Following creative sonification practices, cookie data is sonified as a strategy for interrupting the visual surface of the browser interface to sonically draw attention to backend data capture. Theoretical scholarship from surveillance studies proposes that visual panopticism has been largely superseded by automated technologies of humanly incomprehensible data collection. Scholars such as Mark Andrejevic have observed how the operations of algorithmic surveillance have become post-representational. Listening Back aims to address the post-representational character of Web surveillance by asking: how can artists critically render an online experience of continuous and ubiquitous surveillance? During this PhD research, I have created the Listening Back browser add-on that sonifies Internet cookies in real-time. The add-on has been enacted across both live performance, installation, and personal computer usage. As a sounding Web-based arts practice, it deploys artistic approaches to browser add-ons and creative data sonification that I and others have developed within networked and sounding art fields during the last two decades. Artists such as Adriana Knouf, Allison Burtch and Michael Mandiberg have addressed the opacity and normalisation of the Web browser by creating artistic browser add-ons. These ethico-aesthetic strategies of awareness adopt Web protocols and data mining techniques to re-navigate and expose ordinarily obscured data logics and repurpose the browser as a site for artistic practice. In addition to repurposing and exposing hidden cookie data, sonification aims to situate an embodied listening within the real-time dynamics of Web surveillance and facilitate an engagement across critical analysis and sensing modes of online surveillance. By providing the opportunity to listen back, a human-level connection to real-time data capture is facilitated as an aesthetic sounding strategy for making the capture of surveillant data online tangible. Listening Back, as practice-based research, contributes a new artistic strategy to creative browser add-on practices by engaging an embodied listening experience that deploys time-based and experiential aspects of sound. Listening Back also uses creative sonification to situate online listening as an activity that occurs at the intersection of the network infrastructure, the Web browser, and personal computing