749 research outputs found

    Overcoming Language Dichotomies: Toward Effective Program Comprehension for Mobile App Development

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    Mobile devices and platforms have become an established target for modern software developers due to performant hardware and a large and growing user base numbering in the billions. Despite their popularity, the software development process for mobile apps comes with a set of unique, domain-specific challenges rooted in program comprehension. Many of these challenges stem from developer difficulties in reasoning about different representations of a program, a phenomenon we define as a "language dichotomy". In this paper, we reflect upon the various language dichotomies that contribute to open problems in program comprehension and development for mobile apps. Furthermore, to help guide the research community towards effective solutions for these problems, we provide a roadmap of directions for future work.Comment: Invited Keynote Paper for the 26th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'18

    Target Directed Event Sequence Generation for Android Applications

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    Testing is a commonly used approach to ensure the quality of software, of which model-based testing is a hot topic to test GUI programs such as Android applications (apps). Existing approaches mainly either dynamically construct a model that only contains the GUI information, or build a model in the view of code that may fail to describe the changes of GUI widgets during runtime. Besides, most of these models do not support back stack that is a particular mechanism of Android. Therefore, this paper proposes a model LATTE that is constructed dynamically with consideration of the view information in the widgets as well as the back stack, to describe the transition between GUI widgets. We also propose a label set to link the elements of the LATTE model to program snippets. The user can define a subset of the label set as a target for the testing requirements that need to cover some specific parts of the code. To avoid the state explosion problem during model construction, we introduce a definition "state similarity" to balance the model accuracy and analysis cost. Based on this model, a target directed test generation method is presented to generate event sequences to effectively cover the target. The experiments on several real-world apps indicate that the generated test cases based on LATTE can reach a high coverage, and with the model we can generate the event sequences to cover a given target with short event sequences

    Malware Detection and Analysis Tools

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    The huge amounts of data and information that need to be analyzed for possible malicious intent are one ofthe big and significant challenges that the Web faces today. Malicious software, also referred to as malware developed by attackers, is polymorphic and metamorphic in nature which can modify the code as it spreads.In addition, the diversity and volume of their variants severely undermine the effectiveness of traditional defenses that typically use signature-based techniques and are unable to detect malicious executables previously unknown. Malware family variants share typical patterns of behavior that indicate their origin and purpose. The behavioral trends observed either statically or dynamically can be manipulated by usingmachine learning techniques to identify and classify unknown malware into their established families. Thissurvey paper gives an overview of the malware detection and analysis techniques and tools

    A Survey on Malware Detection with Graph Representation Learning

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    Malware detection has become a major concern due to the increasing number and complexity of malware. Traditional detection methods based on signatures and heuristics are used for malware detection, but unfortunately, they suffer from poor generalization to unknown attacks and can be easily circumvented using obfuscation techniques. In recent years, Machine Learning (ML) and notably Deep Learning (DL) achieved impressive results in malware detection by learning useful representations from data and have become a solution preferred over traditional methods. More recently, the application of such techniques on graph-structured data has achieved state-of-the-art performance in various domains and demonstrates promising results in learning more robust representations from malware. Yet, no literature review focusing on graph-based deep learning for malware detection exists. In this survey, we provide an in-depth literature review to summarize and unify existing works under the common approaches and architectures. We notably demonstrate that Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) reach competitive results in learning robust embeddings from malware represented as expressive graph structures, leading to an efficient detection by downstream classifiers. This paper also reviews adversarial attacks that are utilized to fool graph-based detection methods. Challenges and future research directions are discussed at the end of the paper.Comment: Preprint, submitted to ACM Computing Surveys on March 2023. For any suggestions or improvements, please contact me directly by e-mai

    Automating Software Development for Mobile Computing Platforms

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    Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous in today\u27s computing landscape. These devices have ushered in entirely new populations of users, and mobile operating systems are now outpacing more traditional desktop systems in terms of market share. The applications that run on these mobile devices (often referred to as apps ) have become a primary means of computing for millions of users and, as such, have garnered immense developer interest. These apps allow for unique, personal software experiences through touch-based UIs and a complex assortment of sensors. However, designing and implementing high quality mobile apps can be a difficult process. This is primarily due to challenges unique to mobile development including change-prone APIs and platform fragmentation, just to name a few. in this dissertation we develop techniques that aid developers in overcoming these challenges by automating and improving current software design and testing practices for mobile apps. More specifically, we first introduce a technique, called Gvt, that improves the quality of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for mobile apps by automatically detecting instances where a GUI was not implemented to its intended specifications. Gvt does this by constructing hierarchal models of mobile GUIs from metadata associated with both graphical mock-ups (i.e., created by designers using photo-editing software) and running instances of the GUI from the corresponding implementation. Second, we develop an approach that completely automates prototyping of GUIs for mobile apps. This approach, called ReDraw, is able to transform an image of a mobile app GUI into runnable code by detecting discrete GUI-components using computer vision techniques, classifying these components into proper functional categories (e.g., button, dropdown menu) using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and assembling these components into realistic code. Finally, we design a novel approach for automated testing of mobile apps, called CrashScope, that explores a given android app using systematic input generation with the intrinsic goal of triggering crashes. The GUI-based input generation engine is driven by a combination of static and dynamic analyses that create a model of an app\u27s GUI and targets common, empirically derived root causes of crashes in android apps. We illustrate that the techniques presented in this dissertation represent significant advancements in mobile development processes through a series of empirical investigations, user studies, and industrial case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches and the benefit they provide developers