19 research outputs found

    Automatically improving SAT encoding of constraint problems through common subexpression elimination in Savile Row

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    The formulation of a Propositional Satisfiability (SAT) problem instance is vital to efficient solving. This has motivated research on preprocessing, and inprocessing techniques where reformulation of a SAT instance is interleaved with solving. Preprocessing and inprocessing are highly effective in extending the reach of SAT solvers, however they necessarily operate on the lowest level representation of the problem, the raw SAT clauses, where higher-level patterns are difficult and/or costly to identify. Our approach is different: rather than reformulate the SAT representation directly, we apply automated reformulations to a higher level representation (a constraint model) of the original problem. Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE) is a family of techniques to improve automatically the formulation of constraint satisfaction problems, which are often highly beneficial when using a conventional constraint solver. In this work we demonstrate that CSE has similar benefits when the reformulated constraint model is encoded to SAT and solved using a state-of-the-art SAT solver. In some cases we observe speed improvements of over 100 times

    Exploring lifted planning encodings in Essence Prime

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    This work is supported by UK EPSRC EP/P015638/1 and EP/V027182/1, by the MICINN/FEDER, UE (RTI2018-095609-B-I00), by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche, reference ANR-19-CHIA-0013-01, and by Archimedes institute, Aix-Marseille University.State-space planning is the de-facto search method of the automated planning community. Planning problems are typically expressed in the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL), where action and variable templates describe the sets of actions and variables that occur in the problem. Typically, a planner begins by generating the full set of instantiations of these templates, which in turn are used to derive useful heuristics that guide the search. Thanks to this success, there has been limited research in other directions. We explore a different approach, keeping the compact representation by directly reformulating the problem in PDDL into ESSENCE PRIME, a Constraint Programming language with support for distinct solving technologies including SAT and SMT. In particular, we explore two different encodings from PDDL to ESSENCE PRIME, how they represent action parameters, and their performance. The encodings are able to maintain the compactness of the PDDL representation, and while they differ slightly, they perform quite differently on various instances from the International Planning Competition.Publisher PD

    Automatically improving constraint models in Savile Row

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    When solving a combinatorial problem using Constraint Programming (CP) or Satisfiability (SAT), modelling and formulation are vital and difficult tasks. Even an expert human may explore many alternatives in modelling a single problem. We make a number of contributions in the automated modelling and reformulation of constraint models. We study a range of automated reformulation techniques, finding combinations of techniques which perform particularly well together. We introduce and describe in detail a new algorithm, X-CSE, to perform Associative-Commutative Common Subexpression Elimination (AC-CSE) in constraint problems, significantly improving existing CSE techniques for associative and commutative operators such as +. We demonstrate that these reformulation techniques can be integrated in a single automated constraint modelling tool, called Savile Row, whose architecture we describe. We use Savile Row as an experimental testbed to evaluate each reformulation on a set of 50 problem classes, with 596 instances in total. Our recommended reformulations are well worthwhile even including overheads, especially on harder instances where solver time dominates. With a SAT solver we observed a geometric mean of 2.15 times speedup compared to a straightforward tailored model without recommended reformulations. Using a CP solver, we obtained a geometric mean of 5.96 times speedup for instances taking over 10 seconds to solve

    Exploiting incomparability in solution dominance : improving general purpose constraint-based mining

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    In data mining, finding interesting patterns is a challenging task. Constraint-based mining is a well-known approach to this, and one for which constraint programming has been shown to be a well-suited and generic framework. Constraint dominance programming (CDP) has been proposed as an extension that can capture an even wider class of constraint-based mining problems, by allowing us to compare relations between patterns. In this paper we improve CDP with the ability to specify an incomparability condition. This allows us to overcome two major shortcomings of CDP: finding dominated solutions that must then be filtered out after search, and unnecessarily adding dominance blocking constraints between incomparable solutions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by extending the problem specification language ESSENCE and implementing it in a solver-independent manner on top of the constraint modelling tool CONJURE. Our experiments on pattern mining tasks with both a CP solver and a SAT solver show that using the incomparability condition during search significantly improves the efficiency of dominance programming and reduces (and often eliminates entirely) the need for post-processing to filter dominated solutions.Publisher PD

    Efficient incremental modelling and solving

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    Funding: This work is supported by EPSRC grant EP/P015638/1. Nguyen Dang is a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow (ECF-2020-168).In various scenarios, a single phase of modelling and solving is either not sufficient or not feasible to solve the problem at hand. A standard approach to solving AI planning problems, for example, is to incrementally extend the planning horizon and solve the problem of trying to find a plan of a particular length. Indeed, any optimization problem can be solved as a sequence of decision problems in which the objective value is incrementally updated. Another example is constraint dominance programming (CDP), in which search is organized into a sequence of levels. The contribution of this work is to enable a native interaction between SAT solvers and the automated modelling system Savile Row to support efficient incremental modelling and solving. This allows adding new decision variables, posting new constraints and removing existing constraints (via assumptions) between incremental steps. Two additional benefits of the native coupling of modelling and solving are the ability to retain learned information between SAT solver calls and to enable SAT assumptions, further improving flexibility and efficiency. Experiments on one optimisation problem and five pattern mining tasks demonstrate that the native interaction between the modelling system and SAT solver consistently improves performance significantly.Publisher PD

    Automatic discovery and exploitation of promising subproblems for tabulation

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    The performance of a constraint model can often be improved by converting a subproblem into a single table constraint. In this paper we study heuristics for identifying promising subproblems. We propose a small set of heuristics to identify common cases such as expressions that will propagate weakly. The process of discovering promising subproblems and tabulating them is entirely automated in the tool Savile Row. A cache is implemented to avoid tabulating equivalent subproblems many times. We give a simple algorithm to generate table constraints directly from a constraint expression in Savile Row. We demonstrate good performance on the benchmark problems used in earlier work on tabulation, and also for several new problem classes

    Effective encodings of constraint programming models to SMT

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    Funding: UK EPSRC grant EP/P015638/1.Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is a well-established methodology that generalises propositional satisfiability (SAT) by adding support for a variety of theories such as integer arithmetic and bit-vector operations. SMT solvers have made rapid progress in recent years. In part, the efficiency of modern SMT solvers derives from the use of specialised decision procedures for each theory. In this paper we explore how the Essence Prime constraint modelling language can be translated to the standard SMT-LIB language. We target four theories: bit-vectors (QF_BV), linear integer arithmetic (QF_LIA), non-linear integer arithmetic (QF_NIA), and integer difference logic (QF_IDL). The encodings are implemented in the constraint modelling tool Savile Row. In an extensive set of experiments, we compare our encodings for the four theories, showing some notable differences and complementary strengths. We also compare our new encodings to the existing work targeting SMT and SAT, and to a well-established learning CP solver. Our two proposed encodings targeting the theory of bit-vectors (QF_BV) both substantially outperform earlier work on encoding to QF_BV on a large and diverse set of problem classes.Postprin

    Effective Encodings of Constraint Programming Models to SMT

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    Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is a well-established methodology that generalises propositional satisfiability (SAT) by adding support for a variety of theories such as integer arithmetic and bit-vector operations. SMT solvers have made rapid progress in recent years. In part, the efficiency of modern SMT solvers derives from the use of specialised decision procedures for each theory. In this paper we explore how the Essence Prime constraint modelling language can be translated to the standard SMT-LIB language. We target four theories: bit-vectors (QF_BV), linear integer arithmetic (QF_LIA), non-linear integer arithmetic (QF_NIA), and integer difference logic (QF_IDL). The encodings are implemented in the constraint modelling tool Savile Row. In an extensive set of experiments, we compare our encodings for the four theories, showing some notable differences and complementary strengths. We also compare our new encodings to the existing work targeting SMT and SAT, and to a well-established learning CP solver. Our two proposed encodings targeting the theory of bit-vectors (QF_BV) both substantially outperform earlier work on encoding to QF_BV on a large and diverse set of problem classes

    Exploiting short supports for improved encoding of arbitrary constraints into SAT

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    Encoding to SAT and applying a highly efficient modern SAT solver is an increasingly popular method of solving finite-domain constraint problems. In this paper we study encodings of arbitrary constraints where unit propagation on the encoding provides strong reasoning. Specifically, unit propagation on the encoding simulates generalised arc consistency on the original constraint. To create compact and efficient encodings we use the concept of short support. Short support has been successfully applied to create efficient propagation algorithms for arbitrary constraints. A short support of a constraint is similar to a satisfying tuple however a short support is not required to assign every variable in scope. Some variables are left free to take any value. In some cases a short support representation is smaller than the table of satisfying tuples by an exponential factor. We present two encodings based on short supports and evaluate them on a set of benchmark problems, demonstrating a substantial improvement over the state of the art

    CONJURE: automatic generation of constraint models from problem specifications

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    Funding: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EP/V027182/1, EP/P015638/1), Royal Society (URF/R/180015).When solving a combinatorial problem, the formulation or model of the problem is critical tothe efficiency of the solver. Automating the modelling process has long been of interest because of the expertise and time required to produce an effective model of a given problem. We describe a method to automatically produce constraint models from a problem specification written in the abstract constraint specification language Essence. Our approach is to incrementally refine the specification into a concrete model by applying a chosen refinement rule at each step. Any nontrivial specification may be refined in multiple ways, creating a space of models to choose from. The handling of symmetries is a particularly important aspect of automated modelling. Many combinatorial optimisation problems contain symmetry, which can lead to redundant search. If a partial assignment is shown to be invalid, we are wasting time if we ever consider a symmetric equivalent of it. A particularly important class of symmetries are those introduced by the constraint modelling process: modelling symmetries. We show how modelling symmetries may be broken automatically as they enter a model during refinement, obviating the need for an expensive symmetry detection step following model formulation. Our approach is implemented in a system called Conjure. We compare the models producedby Conjure to constraint models from the literature that are known to be effective. Our empirical results confirm that Conjure can reproduce successfully the kernels of the constraint models of 42 benchmark problems found in the literature.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe