7,037 research outputs found

    VeriCool: An Automatic Verifier for a Concurrent Object-Oriented Language

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    Reasoning about object-oriented programs is hard, due to aliasing, dynamic binding and the need for data abstraction and framing. Reasoning about concurrent object-oriented programs is even harder, since in general interference by other threads has to be taken into account at each program point. In this paper, we propose an approach to the automatic verification of concurrent Java-like programs. The cornerstone of the approach is a programming model, a set of rules, which limits thread inference to synchronization points such that one can reason sequentially about most code. In particular, programs conforming to the programming model are guaranteed to be data race free. Compared to previous incarnations of the programming model, our approach is more flexible in describing the set of memory locations protected by an object’s lock. In addition, we combine the model with an approach for data abstraction and framing based on dynamic frames. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper combining dynamic frames and concurrency. We implemented the approach in a tool, called VeriCool, and used it to verify several small concurrent programs.status: publishe

    Permission-Based Separation Logic for Multithreaded Java Programs

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    This paper presents a program logic for reasoning about multithreaded Java-like programs with dynamic thread creation, thread joining and reentrant object monitors. The logic is based on concurrent separation logic. It is the first detailed adaptation of concurrent separation logic to a multithreaded Java-like language. The program logic associates a unique static access permission with each heap location, ensuring exclusive write accesses and ruling out data races. Concurrent reads are supported through fractional permissions. Permissions can be transferred between threads upon thread starting, thread joining, initial monitor entrancies and final monitor exits. In order to distinguish between initial monitor entrancies and monitor reentrancies, auxiliary variables keep track of multisets of currently held monitors. Data abstraction and behavioral subtyping are facilitated through abstract predicates, which are also used to represent monitor invariants, preconditions for thread starting and postconditions for thread joining. Value-parametrized types allow to conveniently capture common strong global invariants, like static object ownership relations. The program logic is presented for a model language with Java-like classes and interfaces, the soundness of the program logic is proven, and a number of illustrative examples are presented

    Verification of Java Bytecode using Analysis and Transformation of Logic Programs

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    State of the art analyzers in the Logic Programming (LP) paradigm are nowadays mature and sophisticated. They allow inferring a wide variety of global properties including termination, bounds on resource consumption, etc. The aim of this work is to automatically transfer the power of such analysis tools for LP to the analysis and verification of Java bytecode (JVML). In order to achieve our goal, we rely on well-known techniques for meta-programming and program specialization. More precisely, we propose to partially evaluate a JVML interpreter implemented in LP together with (an LP representation of) a JVML program and then analyze the residual program. Interestingly, at least for the examples we have studied, our approach produces very simple LP representations of the original JVML programs. This can be seen as a decompilation from JVML to high-level LP source. By reasoning about such residual programs, we can automatically prove in the CiaoPP system some non-trivial properties of JVML programs such as termination, run-time error freeness and infer bounds on its resource consumption. We are not aware of any other system which is able to verify such advanced properties of Java bytecode

    A formally verified compiler back-end

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    This article describes the development and formal verification (proof of semantic preservation) of a compiler back-end from Cminor (a simple imperative intermediate language) to PowerPC assembly code, using the Coq proof assistant both for programming the compiler and for proving its correctness. Such a verified compiler is useful in the context of formal methods applied to the certification of critical software: the verification of the compiler guarantees that the safety properties proved on the source code hold for the executable compiled code as well

    Featherweight VeriFast

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    VeriFast is a leading research prototype tool for the sound modular verification of safety and correctness properties of single-threaded and multithreaded C and Java programs. It has been used as a vehicle for exploration and validation of novel program verification techniques and for industrial case studies; it has served well at a number of program verification competitions; and it has been used for teaching by multiple teachers independent of the authors. However, until now, while VeriFast's operation has been described informally in a number of publications, and specific verification techniques have been formalized, a clear and precise exposition of how VeriFast works has not yet appeared. In this article we present for the first time a formal definition and soundness proof of a core subset of the VeriFast program verification approach. The exposition aims to be both accessible and rigorous: the text is based on lecture notes for a graduate course on program verification, and it is backed by an executable machine-readable definition and machine-checked soundness proof in Coq

    Deductive verification of object-oriented software : dynamic frames, dynamic logic and predicate abstraction

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    Software systems play a central role in modern society, and their correctness is often crucially important. Formal specification and verification are promising approaches for ensuring correctness more rigorously than just by testing. This work presents an approach for deductively verifying design-by-contract specifications of object-oriented programs. The approach is based on dynamic logic, and addresses the challenges of modularity and automation using dynamic frames and predicate abstraction
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