1,925 research outputs found

    A biomechanical approach for real-time tracking of lung tumors during External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT)

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    Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer related death in both men and women. Radiation therapy is widely used for lung cancer treatment. However, this method can be challenging due to respiratory motion. Motion modeling is a popular method for respiratory motion compensation, while biomechanics-based motion models are believed to be more robust and accurate as they are based on the physics of motion. In this study, we aim to develop a biomechanics-based lung tumor tracking algorithm which can be used during External Beam Radiation Therapy (EBRT). An accelerated lung biomechanical model can be used during EBRT only if its boundary conditions (BCs) are defined in a way that they can be updated in real-time. As such, we have developed a lung finite element (FE) model in conjunction with a Neural Networks (NNs) based method for predicting the BCs of the lung model from chest surface motion data. To develop the lung FE model for tumor motion prediction, thoracic 4D CT images of lung cancer patients were processed to capture the lung and diaphragm geometry, trans-pulmonary pressure, and diaphragm motion. Next, the chest surface motion was obtained through tracking the motion of the ribcage in 4D CT images. This was performed to simulate surface motion data that can be acquired using optical tracking systems. Finally, two feedforward NNs were developed, one for estimating the trans-pulmonary pressure and another for estimating the diaphragm motion from chest surface motion data. The algorithm development consists of four steps of: 1) Automatic segmentation of the lungs and diaphragm, 2) diaphragm motion modelling using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), 3) Developing the lung FE model, and 4) Using two NNs to estimate the trans-pulmonary pressure values and diaphragm motion from chest surface motion data. The results indicate that the Dice similarity coefficient between actual and simulated tumor volumes ranges from 0.76±0.04 to 0.91±0.01, which is favorable. As such, real-time lung tumor tracking during EBRT using the proposed algorithm is feasible. Hence, further clinical studies involving lung cancer patients to assess the algorithm performance are justified

    Characterisation and correction of respiratory-motion artefacts in cardiac PET-CT

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    Respiratory motion during cardiac Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Computed Tomography (CT) imaging results in blurring of the PET data and can induce mismatches between the PET and CT datasets, leading to attenuation-correction artefacts. The aim of this project was to develop a method of motion-correction to overcome both of these problems. The approach implemented was to transform a single CT to match the frames of a gated PET study, to facilitate respiratory-matched attenuation-correction, without the need for a gated CT. This is benecial for lowering the radiation dose to the patient and in reducing PETCT mismatches, which can arise even in gated studies. The heart and diaphragm were identied through phantom studies as the structures responsible for generating attenuation-correction artefacts in the heart and their motions therefore needed to be considered in transforming the CT. Estimating heart motion was straight-forward, due to its high contrast in PET, however the poor diaphragm contrast meant that additional information was required to track its position. Therefore a diaphragm shape model was constructed using segmented diaphragm surfaces, enabling complete diaphragm surfaces to be produced from incomplete and noisy initial estimates. These complete surfaces, in combination with the estimated heart motions were used to transform the CT. The PET frames were then attenuation-corrected with the transformed CT, reconstructed, aligned and summed, to produce motion-free images. It was found that motion-blurring was reduced through alignment, although benets were marginal in the presence of small respiratory motions. Quantitative accuracy was improved from use of the transformed CT for attenuation-correction (compared with no CT transformation), which was attributed to both the heart and the diaphragm transformations. In comparison to a gated CT, a substantial dose saving and a reduced dependence on gating techniques were achieved, indicating the potential value of the technique in routine clinical procedures

    Fully Automatic Danger Zone Determination for SBRT in NSCLC

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    Lung cancer is the major cause of cancer death worldwide. The most common form of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) has emerged as a good alternative to surgery in patients with peripheralstage I NSCLC, demonstrating favorable tumor control and low toxicity. Due to spatial relationship to several critical organs atrisk, SBRT of centrally located lesions is associated with more severe toxicity and requires modification in dose application andfractionation, which is currently evaluated in clinical trials. Therefore a classification of lung tumors into central or peripheralis required. In this work we present a novel, highly versatile, mulitmodality tool for tumor classification which requires no userinteraction. Furthermore the tool can automatically segment the trachea, proximal bronchial tree, mediastinum, gross target volumeand internal target volume. The proposed work is evaluated on 19 cases with different image modalities assessing segmentationquality as well as classification accuracy. Experiments showed a good segmentation quality and a classification accuracy of 95 %.These results suggest the use of the proposed tool for clinical trials to assist clinicians in their work and to fasten up the workflowin NSCLC patients treatment

    A Novel Deep Learning Framework for Internal Gross Target Volume Definition from 4D Computed Tomography of Lung Cancer Patients

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    In this paper, we study the reliability of a novel deep learning framework for internal gross target volume (IGTV) delineation from four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT), which is applied to patients with lung cancer treated by Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). 77 patients who underwent SBRT followed by 4DCT scans were incorporated in a retrospective study. The IGTV_DL was delineated using a novel deep machine learning algorithm with a linear exhaustive optimal combination framework, for the purpose of comparison, three other IGTVs base on common methods was also delineated, we compared the relative volume difference (RVI), matching index (MI) and encompassment index (EI) for the above IGTVs. Then, multiple parameter regression analysis assesses the tumor volume and motion range as clinical influencing factors in the MI variation. Experimental results demonstrated that the deep learning algorithm with linear exhaustive optimal combination framework has a higher probability of achieving optimal MI compared with other currently widely used methods. For patients after simple breathing training by keeping the respiratory frequency in 10 BMP, the four phase combinations of 0%, 30%, 50% and 90% can be considered as a potential candidate for an optimal combination to synthesis IGTV in all respiration amplitudes

    A Composite Material-based Computational Model for Diaphragm Muscle Biomechanical Simulation

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    Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer related death among both men and women. Radiation therapy is the most widely used treatment for this disease. Motion compensation for tumor movement is often clinically important and biomechanics-based motion models may provide the most robust method as they are based on the physics of motion. In this study, we aim to develop a patient specific biomechanical model that predicts the deformation field of the diaphragm muscle during respiration. The first part of the project involved developing an accurate and adaptable micro-to-macro mechanical approach for skeletal muscle tissue modelling for application in a FE solver. The next objective was to develop the FE-based mechanical model of the diaphragm muscle based on patient specific 4D-CT data. The model shows adaptability to pathologies and may have the potential to be incorporated into respiratory models for the aid in treatment and diagnosis of diseases

    Dynamic Analysis of X-ray Angiography for Image-Guided Coronary Interventions

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    Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is a minimally-invasive procedure for treating patients with coronary artery disease. PCI is typically performed with image guidance using X-ray angiograms (XA) in which coronary arter

    Multi-Modality Automatic Lung Tumor Segmentation Method Using Deep Learning and Radiomics

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    Delineation of the tumor volume is the initial and fundamental step in the radiotherapy planning process. The current clinical practice of manual delineation is time-consuming and suffers from observer variability. This work seeks to develop an effective automatic framework to produce clinically usable lung tumor segmentations. First, to facilitate the development and validation of our methodology, an expansive database of planning CTs, diagnostic PETs, and manual tumor segmentations was curated, and an image registration and preprocessing pipeline was established. Then a deep learning neural network was constructed and optimized to utilize dual-modality PET and CT images for lung tumor segmentation. The feasibility of incorporating radiomics and other mechanisms such as a tumor volume-based stratification scheme for training/validation/testing were investigated to improve the segmentation performance. The proposed methodology was evaluated both quantitatively with similarity metrics and clinically with physician reviews. In addition, external validation with an independent database was also conducted. Our work addressed some of the major limitations that restricted clinical applicability of the existing approaches and produced automatic segmentations that were consistent with the manually contoured ground truth and were highly clinically-acceptable according to both the quantitative and clinical evaluations. Both novel approaches of implementing a tumor volume-based training/validation/ testing stratification strategy as well as incorporating voxel-wise radiomics feature images were shown to improve the segmentation performance. The results showed that the proposed method was effective and robust, producing automatic lung tumor segmentations that could potentially improve both the quality and consistency of manual tumor delineation
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