13 research outputs found

    Generating compact meshes under planar constraints: an automatic approach for modeling buildings from aerial LiDAR

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    International audienceWe present an automatic approach for modeling buildings from aerial LiDAR data. The method produces accurate, watertight and compact meshes under planar constraints which are especially designed for urban scenes. The LiDAR point cloud is classified through a non-convex energy minimization problem in order to separate the points labeled as building. Roof structures are then extracted from this point subset, and used to control the meshing procedure. Experiments highlight the potential of our method in term of minimal rendering, accuracy and compactnes

    A Featureless Approach to 3D Polyhedral Building Modeling from Aerial Images

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    This paper presents a model-based approach for reconstructing 3D polyhedral building models from aerial images. The proposed approach exploits some geometric and photometric properties resulting from the perspective projection of planar structures. Data are provided by calibrated aerial images. The novelty of the approach lies in its featurelessness and in its use of direct optimization based on image rawbrightness. The proposed framework avoids feature extraction and matching. The 3D polyhedral model is directly estimated by optimizing an objective function that combines an image-based dissimilarity measure and a gradient score over several aerial images. The optimization process is carried out by the Differential Evolution algorithm. The proposed approach is intended to provide more accurate 3D reconstruction than feature-based approaches. Fast 3D model rectification and updating can take advantage of the proposed method. Several results and evaluations of performance from real and synthetic images show the feasibility and robustness of the proposed approach

    Study of City Landscape Heritage Using Lidar Data and 3d-City Models

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    Deep Neural Network Architectures and Learning Methodologies for Classification and Application in 3D Reconstruction

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    In this work we explore two different scenarios of 3D reconstruction. The first, urban scenes, is approached using a deep learning network trained to identify structurally important classes within aerial imagery of cities. The network was trained using data taken from ISPRS benchmark dataset of the city of Vaihingen. Using the segmented maps generated by the network we can proceed to more accurately reconstruct the scenes by a process of clustering and then class specific model generation. The second scenario is that of underwater scenes. We use two separate networks to first identify caustics and then remove them from a scene. Data was generated synthetically as real world datasets for this subject are extremely hard to produce. Using the generated caustic free image we can then reconstruct the scene with more precision and accuracy through a process of structure from motion. We investigate different deep learning architectures and parameters for both scenarios. Our results are evaluated to be efficient and effective by comparing them with online benchmarks and alternative reconstruction attempts. We conclude by discussing the limitations of problem specific datasets and our potential research into the generation of datasets through the use of Generative-Adverserial-Networks

    3D indoor topological modelling based on homotopy continuation

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    Indoor navigation is important for various applications such as disaster management, building modelling and safety analysis. In the last decade, the indoor environment has been a focus of extensive research that includes the development of indoor data acquisition techniques, three-dimensional (3D) data modelling and indoor navigation. 3D indoor navigation modelling requires a valid 3D geometrical model that can be represented as a cell complex: a model without any gap or intersection such that the two cells, a room and corridor, should perfectly touch each other. This research is to develop a method for 3D topological modelling of an indoor navigation network using a geometrical model of an indoor building environment. To reduce the time and cost of the surveying process, a low-cost non-contact range-based surveying technique was used to acquire indoor building data. This technique is rapid as it requires a shorter time than others, but the results show inconsistencies in the horizontal angles for short distances in indoor environments. The rangefinder was calibrated using the least squares adjustment and a polynomial kernel. A method of combined interval analysis and homotopy continuation was developed to model the uncertainty level and minimize error of the non-contact range-based surveying techniques used in an indoor building environment. Finally, a method of 3D indoor topological building modelling was developed as a base for building models which include 3D geometry, topology and semantic information. The developed methods in this research can locate a low-cost, efficient and affordable procedure for developing a disaster management system in the near-future

    Modeling urban landscapes from point clouds: a generic approach

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    We present a robust method for modeling cities from 3D-point data. Our algorithm provides a more complete description than existing approaches by reconstructing simultaneously buildings, trees and topographically complex grounds. A major contribution of our work is the original way of modeling buildings which guarantees a high generalization level while having semantized and compact representations. Geometric 3D-primitives such as planes, cylinders, spheres or cones describe regular roof sections, and are combined with mesh-patches that represent irregular roof components. The various urban components interact through a non-convex energy minimization problem in which they are propagated under arrangement constraints over a planimetric map. Our approach is experimentally validated on complex buildings and large urban scenes of millions of points and compare it to state-of-the-art methods.Nous présentons une méthode robuste pour modéliser les villes à partir de nuages de points 3D. Notre algorithme fournit une description plus complète que les approches existantes en reconstruisant simultanément bâtiments, arbres et sols topographiquement complexes. Une des contributions importantes réside dans la manière originale de modéliser en 3D les bâtiments, garantissant un niveau de généralisation élevé tout en ayant une représentation compacte et sémantisée. Des primitive géométriques 3D telles que des plans, des cylindres, des sphères ou des cones décrivent les facettes de toit régulières. Elles sont combinées avec des parties de maillages qui représentent les composants de toits irréguliers. Les différents éléments urbains intéragissent au sein d'un problème de minimisation d'énergie non convexe dans lequel ils sont propagés sous des contraintes d'arrangement sur une carte planimétrique. L'approche est validée expérimentalement sur des bâtiments complexes et sur des scènes à grandes échelles contenant des millions de points, et comparée à des méthodes références

    LOD Generation for Urban Scenes

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    International audienceWe introduce a novel approach that reconstructs 3D urban scenes in the form of levels of detail (LODs). Starting from raw data sets such as surface meshes generated by multi-view stereo systems, our algorithm proceeds in three main steps: classification, abstraction and reconstruction. From geometric attributes and a set of semantic rules combined with a Markov random field, we classify the scene into four meaningful classes. The abstraction step detects and regularizes planar structures on buildings, fits icons on trees, roofs and facades, and performs filtering and simplification for LOD generation. The abstracted data are then provided as input to the reconstruction step which generates watertight buildings through a min-cut formula-tion on a set of 3D arrangements. Our experiments on complex buildings and large scale urban scenes show that our approach generates meaningful LODs while being robust and scalable. By combining semantic segmentation and abstraction it also outperforms general mesh approximation ap-proaches at preserving urban structures