528 research outputs found

    MR thermometry for hyperthermia in the head and neck

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    MR thermometry for hyperthermia in the head and neck

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    Two-dimensional spectroscopy of γ-aminobutyric acid on a clinical MRI scanner

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    Measurement of the cerebral metabolite y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) has been performed on clinical MRI scanners using a variety of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) techniques. MRS studies of GABA are difficult, especially at 1.5T due to low in-vivo concentrations and overlapping of higher concentration metabolites. Unlike spectral editing methods, two-dimensional (2D) MRS allows the simultaneous measurement of GABA and other, more traditional metabolites. This work evaluates three implementations of 2D MRS for both in-vitro and in-vivo GABA measurement on a clinical MRI scanner.Existing spectroscopy sequences were used to develop a protocol for performing 2D Jresolved MRS without a dedicated sequence. GABA was measured in-vitro at concentrations approaching normal physiological levels and volunteer results allowed assignment of the 3.01ppm GABA resonance at its J-coupling frequency (7.4Hz). However, the prolonged scan time of over two hours prevented practical application of this approach.A far more efficient method of acquiring 2D J-resolved spectra is achieved with a dedicated 2D J-resolved sequence. An optimised set of acquisition parameters was produced to allow GABA measurement with maximum SNR, and without macromolecule contamination, in 35 minutes. Since the reproducibility of the sequence must be sufficient to detect physiological changes, a formal reproducibility study was performed acquiring three measures of reproducibility at six concentrations of GABA, using a standard volume head coil, 3"- and 5"- surface coils. To our knowledge, this is the first such reproducibility study dedicated to 2D J-resolved GABA measurement, and as such, could have significant implications on the interpretation of in-vivo results. In-vivo 2D J-resolved spectra were acquired and compared well to the published results, allowing assignment of the 3.0Ippm GABA (plus macromolecule) peak (J = 7.4Hz). In the first reported 2D J-resolved spectra specifically designed to reduce the macromolecule contribution by optimising the echo time range, assignment of the in-vivo 3.01 ppm GABA peak was less convincing.As an alternative to 2D J-resolved spectroscopy, preliminary testing of 2D correlation spectroscopy (COSY) showed that it was not as sensitive or robust for either in-vitro or invivo GABA measurement. Although provisional assignment of the 3.01 ppm GABA peak was made, in their current form, neither technique is suitable for pure GABA measurement at 1.5T

    Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Inversion of a Perturbation Field Model: Correlation With Brain Iron in Normal Aging

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    There is increasing evidence that iron deposition occurs in specific regions of the brain in normal aging and neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's disease. Iron deposition changes the magnetic susceptibility of tissue, which alters the MR signal phase, and allows estimation of susceptibility differences using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM). We present a method for quantifying susceptibility by inversion of a perturbation model, or “QSIP.” The perturbation model relates phase to susceptibility using a kernel calculated in the spatial domain, in contrast to previous Fourier-based techniques. A tissue/air susceptibility atlas is used to estimate B[subscript 0] inhomogeneity. QSIP estimates in young and elderly subjects are compared to postmortem iron estimates, maps of the Field-Dependent Relaxation Rate Increase, and the L1-QSM method. Results for both groups showed excellent agreement with published postmortem data and in vivo FDRI: statistically significant Spearman correlations ranging from Rho=0.905 to Rho=1.00 were obtained. QSIP also showed improvement over FDRI and L1-QSM: reduced variance in susceptibility estimates and statistically significant group differences were detected in striatal and brainstem nuclei, consistent with age-dependent iron accumulation in these regions.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P41EB015902)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P41RR013218)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P41EB015898)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant P41RR019703)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant T32EB0011680-06)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant K05AA017168)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant R01AA012388

    Quantification of bone using a 3.0 tesla clinical magnetic resonance scanner

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    The work in this thesis examines the potential of using magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy (MRI & MRS) as a quantitative tool for diagnosing bone abnormalities at multiple skeletal sites, which could be used in conjunction with routine clinical imaging.MRI and MRS are routinely used in the clinical setting for the diagnosis of various types of diseases and abnormalities due to its advantages of providing excellent soft tissue contrast and also providing physiological and metabolic information. The use of MRI and MRS as a direct diagnostic tool for bone abnormalities is very limited at the moment due to issues of costs and standardisation. The aim in this thesis was to use the clinical 3.0 T MR scanner to acquire data from bone and bone marrow for identification of structural and chemical properties and to use those features to identify differences in bone strength and condition. The volunteers in this thesis were part of the high bone mass (HBM) study and they had additional acquisitions from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT).MR acquisition protocols have been successfully optimised for each type of bone region and in-house software has also been created to process the acquired data and quantify various types of structural and chemical properties.The MR data from distal radius and tibia demonstrated good correlation with pQCT data (e.g. Figure 8-2 & Figure 8-3) and were also able to differentiate between HBM-affected and control populations (e.g. Figure 8-26). The MR data from lumbar vertebrae also demonstrated good correlation with DEXA data and some of the measurements were also able to differentiate between the HBM-affected and control populations.The combined results from this thesis demonstrate that both MRI and MRS are sensitive techniques for measurement of bone quantity and quality, and they are ready to be applied for clinical investigation as part of routine clinical imaging to identify bone strength in relation to abnormalities and treatments

    Manufacturing Methods for Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Tools with Application to Neuroscience

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    Magnetresonanztomographie (MR) ist ein unverzichtbares nicht-invases und hochselektives bildgebendes Verfahren in der Medizin. MR Tomographie wird kommerziell in der klinischen Diagnostik und der Forschung für Gehirnkrankheit, z.B. Epilepsie, Alzheimer und Parkinson, angewandt. In den Neurowissenschaften haben sich Kleintiere als biologische Modelle für die grundlegenden Studien zur diesen Gehirnkrankheiten etabliert. MR Methoden sind ein wertvolles Werkzeug um die Morphologie und den Metabolismus von Kleintieren zu untersuchen. Die Modelle für die Untersuchung von Gehirnkrankheiten schließen Zellen/Zellkulturen und organotypische hippocampale Schnittkulturen (OHSC) mit ein. Obwohl die MR Mikroskopie für die Untersuchung von OHSC schon angewandt wurde fehlt eine effektive Plattform für umfangreiche longitudinale Studien an OHSC wie sie in den Neurowissenschaften üblich sind. Zwei Detektorkonzepte für die MR Mikroskopie inklusive ihrer Auslegung, der Herstellung und der Charakterisierung, werden in dieser Arbeit beschrieben. Beide Konzepte basieren auf Herstellungsmethoden welche hohe Fertigungsgenauigkeiten zulassen und in ihrem Herstellungsvolumen skalierbar sind. Hohle solenoide Mikrospulen welche für hochauflösende Untersuchung von Zell und Zellanhäufungen geeignet sind werden eingeführt. Die Herstellung basiert auf dem automatisierten wickeln von Mikrospulen, eine skalierbare und hochpräzise Fertigungsmethode der Mikrotechnologie. Zudem werde induktiv gekoppelte Ober ächenspulen eingeführt. Diese Oberflächenspulen fokussieren den magnetischen Fluss und werden deshalb Lenz Linsen genannt. Die Lenz Linsen werden mit kabelgebundenen und induktiv gekoppelten Spulen verglichen. Ihre Breitband-Fähigkeit machen sie zu einem idealen Kandidaten für die Nutzung in verschiedensten MR Tomographie Systemen. Die Lenz Linsen wurden für den Einsatz in einer MR kompatiblen Inkubationsplattform ausgelegt, welche in dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurde. Der MR Inkubator erweitert die Funktionalität eines MR Tomographen um neurologische Gewebe (z.B. OHSC) über mehrere Stunden andauernde MR Messungen am Leben zu erhalten. Der MR Inkubator erlaubt longitudinale Studien an OHSC und bietet damit eine Plattform für umfangreiche Studien in den Neurowissenschaften. Die Lenz Linsen wurden zusammen mit dem MR Inkubator für MR Mikroskopie Mes- sung von akuten/ xierten hippocampalen Schnitten und OHSC genutzt. Die Resultate dieser MR Mikoskopie Messungen zeigen dass in OHSC die grobe Zytoarchitektur sicht- bar ist, ohne dass die OHSC während der Messungen sterben. Somit ist das eingeführte System bereit für longitudinale Studien an OHSC, welche bereits für die Aufklärung der Epilepsieprogression begonnen wurden

    Pathological and Biomedical Characteristics of Spinal Cord Injury Determined Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    Traumatic spinal cord injury: SCI) is the most devastating injury that often causes the victim permanent paralysis and undergo a lifetime of therapy and care. It is caused by a mechanical impact that ultimately causes pathophysiological consequences which at this moment in time are an unresolved scientific challenge of great social impact. Scientists have long used animal contusion models to study the pathophysiology of SCI in the discovery of progressive secondary tissue degeneration, demyelination, and apoptosis. More importantly, most therapies that have gone to human clinical trial were first validated in spinal cord contusion models. Magnetic resonance imaging: MRI) is the modality of choice to noninvasively detect the soft tissue injury, particularly suitable for assessing the tissue integrity in SCI. However, the convention MRI lacks capability of detecting and evaluating the injury severity acutely, probably resulting in lost opportunities of effective prognostication or treatment stratification for SCI patients. Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging: DTMRI, DTI) is an emerging technique known to provide dynamic contrast reflecting the progression of the underlying pathology in CNS tissues. In this study, we hypothesized that axial: ||) and radial: λ^) diffusivity derived from DTI is sensitive to the pathological alteration in spinal cord white matter: WM) tract and could be used as potential biomarkers detecting and characterizing the axonal and myelin damage in SCI. A mouse model of contusion SCI was examined using DTI, behavioral assessment, and histology to test our hypothesis. Techniques employed including the simplification of diffusion weighting scheme, the implementation of diffusion weighted multiple spin-echo sequence, and verified for setting up the experimental protocol and data processing procedures. Secondly, the hypothesis was test on the projects comparing the change of these biomarkers on both the myelinated and dysmyelinated shiverer mice cooperating with histological analysis, and behavioral assessment. Finally, a finite element analysis: FEA) of contusion SCI was deployed to provide evidences of injury mechanics correlated with the injury patterns detected by diffusion MRI for a better characterized animal model of contusion SCI

    The Rotterdam Scan Study: design update 2016 and main findings

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    Imaging plays an essential role in research on neurological diseases in the elderly. The Rotterdam Scan Study was initiated as part of the ongoing Rotterdam Study with the aim to elucidate the causes of neurological disease by performing imaging of the brain in a prospective population-based setting. Initially, in 1995 and 1999, random subsamples of participants from the Rotterdam Study underwent neuroimaging, whereas from 2005 onwards MRI has been implemented into the core protocol of the Rotterdam Study. In this paper, we discuss the background and rationale of the Rotterdam Scan Study. Moreover, we describe the imaging protocol, image post-processing techniques, and the main findings to date. Finally, we provide recommendations for future research, which will also be topics of investigation in the Rotterdam Scan Study