8 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Techniques for Geospatial Data Analysis

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    Consumer electronic devices such as mobile handsets, goods tagged with RFID labels, location and position sensors are continuously generating a vast amount of location enriched data called geospatial data. Conventionally such geospatial data is used for military applications. In recent times, many useful civilian applications have been designed and deployed around such geospatial data. For example, a recommendation system to suggest restaurants or places of attraction to a tourist visiting a particular locality. At the same time, civic bodies are harnessing geospatial data generated through remote sensing devices to provide better services to citizens such as traffic monitoring, pothole identification, and weather reporting. Typically such applications are leveraged upon non-hierarchical machine learning techniques such as Naive-Bayes Classifiers, Support Vector Machines, and decision trees. Recent advances in the field of deep-learning showed that Neural Network-based techniques outperform conventional techniques and provide effective solutions for many geospatial data analysis tasks such as object recognition, image classification, and scene understanding. The chapter presents a survey on the current state of the applications of deep learning techniques for analyzing geospatial data. The chapter is organized as below: (i) A brief overview of deep learning algorithms. (ii)Geospatial Analysis: a Data Science Perspective (iii) Deep-learning techniques for Remote Sensing data analytics tasks (iv) Deep-learning techniques for GPS data analytics(iv) Deep-learning techniques for RFID data analytics.Comment: This is a pre-print of the following chapter: Arvind W. Kiwelekar, Geetanjali S. Mahamunkar, Laxman D. Netak, Valmik B Nikam, {\em Deep Learning Techniques for Geospatial Data Analysis}, published in {\bf Machine Learning Paradigms}, edited by George A. TsihrintzisLakhmi C. Jain, 2020, publisher Springer, Cham reproduced with permission of publisher Springer, Cha

    Intelligent Identification for Rock-Mineral Microscopic Images Using Ensemble Machine Learning Algorithms

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    It is significant to identify rock-mineral microscopic images in geological engineering. The task of microscopic mineral image identification, which is often conducted in the lab, is tedious and time-consuming. Deep learning and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) provide a method to analyze mineral microscopic images efficiently and smartly. In this research, the transfer learning model of mineral microscopic images is established based on Inception-v3 architecture. The four mineral image features, including K-feldspar (Kf), perthite (Pe), plagioclase (Pl), and quartz (Qz or Q), are extracted using Inception-v3. Based on the features, the machine learning methods, logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), multilayer perceptron (MLP), and gaussian naive Bayes (GNB), are adopted to establish the identification models. The results are evaluated using 10-fold cross-validation. LR, SVM, and MLP have a significant performance among all the models, with accuracy of about 90.0%. The evaluation result shows LR, SVM, and MLP are the outstanding single models in high-dimensional feature analysis. The three models are also selected as the base models in model stacking. The LR model is also set as the meta classifier in the final prediction. The stacking model can achieve 90.9% accuracy, which is higher than all the single models. The result also shows that model stacking effectively improves model performance

    Can citizen science and social media images support the detection of new invasion sites? A deep learning test case with Cortaderia selloana

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    Deep learning has advanced the content analysis of digital data, unlocking opportunities for detecting, mapping, and monitoring invasive species. Here, we tested the ability of open source classification and object detection models (i.e., convolutional neural networks: CNNs) to identify and map the invasive plant Cortaderia selloana (pampas grass) in mainland Portugal. CNNs were trained over citizen science images and then applied to social media content (from Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook), allowing to classify or detect the species in over 77% of situations. Images where the species was identified were mapped, using their georeferenced coordinates and time stamp, showing previously unreported occurrences of C. selloana, and a tendency for the species expansion from 2019 to 2021. Our study shows great potential from deep learning, citizen science and social media data for the detection, mapping, and monitoring of invasive plants, and, by extension, for supporting follow-up management options

    Integrating remote sensing and geospatial big data for urban land use mapping: a review

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    Remote Sensing (RS) has been used in urban mapping for a long time; however, the complexity and diversity of urban functional patterns are difficult to be captured by RS only. Emerging Geospatial Big Data (GBD) are considered as the supplement to RS data, and help to contribute to our understanding of urban lands from physical aspects (i.e., urban land cover) to socioeconomic aspects (i.e., urban land use). Integrating RS and GBD could be an effective way to combine physical and socioeconomic aspects with great potential for high-quality urban land use classification. In this study, we reviewed the existing literature and focused on the state-of-the-art and perspective of the urban land use categorization by integrating RS and GBD. Specifically, the commonly used RS features (e.g., spectral, textural, temporal, and spatial features) and GBD features (e.g., spatial, temporal, semantic, and sequence features) were identified and analyzed in urban land use classification. The integration strategies for RS and GBD features were categorized into feature-level integration (FI) and decision-level integration (DI). To be more specific, the FI method integrates the RS and GBD features and classifies urban land use types using the integrated feature sets; the DI method processes RS and GBD independently and then merges the classification results based on decision rules. We also discussed other critical issues, including analysis unit setting, parcel segmentation, parcel labeling of land use types, and data integration. Our findings provide a retrospect of different features from RS and GBD, strategies of RS and GBD integration, and their pros and cons, which could help to define the framework for future urban land use mapping and better support urban planning, urban environment assessment, urban disaster monitoring and urban traffic analysis

    Assuring the quality of VGI on land use and land cover: experiences and learnings from the LandSense project

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    The potential of citizens as a source of geographical information has been recognized for many years. Such activity has grown recently due to the proliferation of inexpensive location aware devices and an ability to share data over the internet. Recently, a series of major projects, often cast as citizen observatories, have helped explore and develop this potential for a wide range of applications. Here, some of the experiences and learnings gained from part of one such project, which aimed to further the role of citizen science within Earth observation and help address environmental challenges, LandSense, are shared. The key focus is on quality assurance of citizen generated data on land use and land cover especially to support analyses of remotely sensed data and products. Particular focus is directed to quality assurance checks on photographic image quality, privacy, polygon overlap, positional accuracy and offset, contributor agreement, and categorical accuracy. The discussion aims to provide good practice advice to aid future studies and help fulfil the full potential of citizens as a source of volunteered geographical information (VGI)

    Geo-Information Harvesting from Social Media Data

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    As unconventional sources of geo-information, massive imagery and text messages from open platforms and social media form a temporally quasi-seamless, spatially multi-perspective stream, but with unknown and diverse quality. Due to its complementarity to remote sensing data, geo-information from these sources offers promising perspectives, but harvesting is not trivial due to its data characteristics. In this article, we address key aspects in the field, including data availability, analysis-ready data preparation and data management, geo-information extraction from social media text messages and images, and the fusion of social media and remote sensing data. We then showcase some exemplary geographic applications. In addition, we present the first extensive discussion of ethical considerations of social media data in the context of geo-information harvesting and geographic applications. With this effort, we wish to stimulate curiosity and lay the groundwork for researchers who intend to explore social media data for geo-applications. We encourage the community to join forces by sharing their code and data.Comment: Accepted for publication IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazin