5 research outputs found

    Development of Image Based Model for Basic Standing Yoga Poses that Control Type-2 Diabetes

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    Yoga is one of the ancient practices originated in India that helps in balancing mind and body of human. For the past few decades it has got wide spread throughout the world. Many are practicing it in the presence of yoga tutor or following some online modes. But improper practice may cause major harm to muscles and ligaments of the human body. There are different asanas proposed in the Patanjali Yoga Sutra that can cure different diseases. This paper, proposes a mathematical model for a set of yoga asanas that can help cure Type -2 Diabetes. A noninvasive analysis has been implemented using Kinect Sensor and LabVIEW software to analyze the performance of the practitioner. The joints are subjected to the flexibility of the practitioner without any overstress

    Sistema de realidad virtual y visualizaci贸n 3D del cuerpo humano en cl铆nicas diet茅ticas

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    Los sistemas de visualizaci贸n de modelos 3D est谩n teniendo gran utilidad en el 谩mbito m茅dico. En este proyecto, se ha desarrollado una aplicaci贸n de escritorio destinada al especialista m茅dico que le permite visualizar los modelos 3D escaneados de pacientes con obesidad y tener acceso a los datos registrados de cada una de las sesiones permiti茅ndole realizar comparativas entre diferentes sesiones de un mismo paciente para observar en que zonas ha perdido volumen a lo largo del tiempo. Una funcionalidad muy importante en esta aplicaci贸n ha sido la incorporaci贸n de medidas reales sobre el cuerpo digital escaneado. Para resolver este aspecto se han abordado tres aproximaciones y se ha realizado una comparativa de ellas para observar la precisi贸n de cada una. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado una aplicaci贸n de m贸vil destinada al paciente que les permite visualizar sus modelos 3D mediante realidad virtual con el objetivo de incrementar su adherencia al tratamiento

    Digital solutions for self-monitoring physical health and wellbeing during pregnancy

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    Perinatal disorders were among the top ten causes of global burden of disease in 2019. Better access to perinatal healthcare would help to reduce preventable morbidity. The increase in access to and use of smartphones presents a unique opportunity to transform and improve how women monitor their own health during pregnancy. This thesis aims to investigate the quality and usage of currently available pregnancy digital health tools for self-monitoring and to validate a newly developed, custom-built pregnancy self-monitoring tool. In Chapter 2, the most popular, commercially available pregnancy apps and their monitoring tools were evaluated for their quality by conducting a pregnancy app scoping review. In Chapters 3 and 4, pregnant women and healthcare professionals were surveyed and interviewed to better understand their usage of and attitudes towards digital health, as well as their thoughts about two hypothetical app features (a direct patient-to-healthcare professional communication tool and a novel body measurement tool). In Chapter 5, we test the performance of a first generation, custom-built body measurement tool (which we called BMT-1) by comparing the digital measurements extracted from photos taken on smartphones to physical measurements taken with measuring tape. The performance of BMT-1 was also assessed on a longitudinal set of digitally constructed pregnancy models. Collectively, the findings from Chapters 2, 3 and 4 provide evidence that there is both opportunity and scope for the development of new digital health tools to support and enhance the quality of care during pregnancy. The results from Chapter 5 indicate that BMT-1 successfully extracted body measurements from both photos and digitally constructed pregnancy models, though would require refinement before it could be launched. To finalise, in Chapter 6, I outline how these findings could help to guide the design, development and implementation of new pregnancy digital health tools