63,234 research outputs found

    Automatic generation of hardware Tree Classifiers

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    Machine Learning is growing in popularity and spreading across different fields for various applications. Due to this trend, machine learning algorithms use different hardware platforms and are being experimented to obtain high test accuracy and throughput. FPGAs are well-suited hardware platform for machine learning because of its re-programmability and lower power consumption. Programming using FPGAs for machine learning algorithms requires substantial engineering time and effort compared to software implementation. We propose a software assisted design flow to program FPGA for machine learning algorithms using our hardware library. The hardware library is highly parameterized and it accommodates Tree Classifiers. As of now, our library consists of the components required to implement decision trees and random forests. The whole automation is wrapped around using a python script which takes you from the first step of having a dataset and design choices to the last step of having a hardware descriptive code for the trained machine learning model

    Data Management and Mining in Astrophysical Databases

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    We analyse the issues involved in the management and mining of astrophysical data. The traditional approach to data management in the astrophysical field is not able to keep up with the increasing size of the data gathered by modern detectors. An essential role in the astrophysical research will be assumed by automatic tools for information extraction from large datasets, i.e. data mining techniques, such as clustering and classification algorithms. This asks for an approach to data management based on data warehousing, emphasizing the efficiency and simplicity of data access; efficiency is obtained using multidimensional access methods and simplicity is achieved by properly handling metadata. Clustering and classification techniques, on large datasets, pose additional requirements: computational and memory scalability with respect to the data size, interpretability and objectivity of clustering or classification results. In this study we address some possible solutions.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Stochastic Shortest Path with Energy Constraints in POMDPs

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    We consider partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with a set of target states and positive integer costs associated with every transition. The traditional optimization objective (stochastic shortest path) asks to minimize the expected total cost until the target set is reached. We extend the traditional framework of POMDPs to model energy consumption, which represents a hard constraint. The energy levels may increase and decrease with transitions, and the hard constraint requires that the energy level must remain positive in all steps till the target is reached. First, we present a novel algorithm for solving POMDPs with energy levels, developing on existing POMDP solvers and using RTDP as its main method. Our second contribution is related to policy representation. For larger POMDP instances the policies computed by existing solvers are too large to be understandable. We present an automated procedure based on machine learning techniques that automatically extracts important decisions of the policy allowing us to compute succinct human readable policies. Finally, we show experimentally that our algorithm performs well and computes succinct policies on a number of POMDP instances from the literature that were naturally enhanced with energy levels.Comment: Technical report accompanying a paper published in proceedings of AAMAS 201

    Exploiting Contextual Information for Prosodic Event Detection Using Auto-Context

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    Prosody and prosodic boundaries carry significant information regarding linguistics and paralinguistics and are important aspects of speech. In the field of prosodic event detection, many local acoustic features have been investigated; however, contextual information has not yet been thoroughly exploited. The most difficult aspect of this lies in learning the long-distance contextual dependencies effectively and efficiently. To address this problem, we introduce the use of an algorithm called auto-context. In this algorithm, a classifier is first trained based on a set of local acoustic features, after which the generated probabilities are used along with the local features as contextual information to train new classifiers. By iteratively using updated probabilities as the contextual information, the algorithm can accurately model contextual dependencies and improve classification ability. The advantages of this method include its flexible structure and the ability of capturing contextual relationships. When using the auto-context algorithm based on support vector machine, we can improve the detection accuracy by about 3% and F-score by more than 7% on both two-way and four-way pitch accent detections in combination with the acoustic context. For boundary detection, the accuracy improvement is about 1% and the F-score improvement reaches 12%. The new algorithm outperforms conditional random fields, especially on boundary detection in terms of F-score. It also outperforms an n-gram language model on the task of pitch accent detection