11 research outputs found

    Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis Using Landmark-Based Features From Longitudinal Structural MR Images

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    Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been proven to be an effective tool for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) diagnosis. While conventional MRI-based AD diagnosis typically uses images acquired at a single time point, a longitudinal study is more sensitive in detecting early pathological changes of AD, making it more favorable for accurate diagnosis. In general, there are two challenges faced in MRI-based diagnosis. First, extracting features from structural MR images requires time-consuming nonlinear registration and tissue segmentation, whereas the longitudinal study with involvement of more scans further exacerbates the computational costs. Moreover, the inconsistent longitudinal scans (i.e., different scanning time points and also the total number of scans) hinder extraction of unified feature representations in longitudinal studies. In this paper, we propose a landmark-based feature extraction method for AD diagnosis using longitudinal structural MR images, which does not require nonlinear registration or tissue segmentation in the application stage and is also robust to inconsistencies among longitudinal scans. Specifically, 1) the discriminative landmarks are first automatically discovered from the whole brain using training images, and then efficiently localized using a fast landmark detection method for testing images, without the involvement of any nonlinear registration and tissue segmentation; 2) high-level statistical spatial features and contextual longitudinal features are further extracted based on those detected landmarks, which can characterize spatial structural abnormalities and longitudinal landmark variations. Using these spatial and longitudinal features, a linear support vector machine (SVM) is finally adopted to distinguish AD subjects or mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects from healthy controls (HCs). Experimental results on the ADNI database demonstrate the superior performance and efficiency of the proposed method, with classification accuracies of 88.30% for AD vs. HC and 79.02% for MCI vs. HC, respectively

    Using Machine Learning Tools to Predict the Severity of Osteoarthritis Based on Knee X-Ray Data

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    Knee osteoarthritis(OA) is a very general joint disease that disturb many people especially people over 60. The severity of pain caused by knee OA is the most important portent to disable. Until now, the bad impact of osteoarthritis on health care and public health systems is still increasing.In this paper, we will build a machine learning model to detect the edge of the knee based on the X-ray image and predict the severity of OA. We use a clustering algorithm and machine learning tools to predict the severity of OA in knee X-ray images. The data is coming from the OsteoArthritis Initiative (OAI). To process the data, we use the clustering method as the first step to do unsupervised learning on the dataset and get clusters from each single X-ray image. For every single image, we can get features. Therefore, we transfer complicate image data into simple data, a vector. Then, we use machine learning tools to analyze the extracted feature data and detect the severity of knee OA. We also built a convolutional neural network (CNN) model to make a comparison between the method we used and deep learning algorithm

    Automatic Craniomaxillofacial Landmark Digitization via Segmentation-Guided Partially-Joint Regression Forest Model and Multiscale Statistical Features

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    The goal of this paper is to automatically digitize craniomaxillofacial (CMF) landmarks efficiently and accurately from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, by addressing the challenge caused by large morphological variations across patients and image artifacts of CBCT images

    Detecting Anatomical Landmarks for Fast Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis

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    Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a very popular and effective technique used to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The success of computer-aided diagnosis methods using structural MRI data is largely dependent on the two time-consuming steps: 1) nonlinear registration across subjects, and 2) brain tissue segmentation. To overcome this limitation, we propose a landmark-based feature extraction method that does not require nonlinear registration and tissue segmentation. In the training stage, in order to distinguish AD subjects from healthy controls (HCs), group comparisons, based on local morphological features, are first performed to identify brain regions that have significant group differences. In general, the centers of the identified regions become landmark locations (or AD landmarks for short) capable of differentiating AD subjects from HCs. In the testing stage, using the learned AD landmarks, the corresponding landmarks are detected in a testing image using an efficient technique based on a shape-constrained regression-forest algorithm. To improve detection accuracy, an additional set of salient and consistent landmarks are also identified to guide the AD landmark detection. Based on the identified AD landmarks, morphological features are extracted to train a support vector machine (SVM) classifier that is capable of predicting the AD condition. In the experiments, our method is evaluated on landmark detection and AD classification sequentially. Specifically, the landmark detection error (manually annotated versus automatically detected) of the proposed landmark detector is 2.41mm, and our landmark-based AD classification accuracy is 83.7%. Lastly, the AD classification performance of our method is comparable to, or even better than, that achieved by existing region-based and voxel-based methods, while the proposed method is approximately 50 times faster

    Automatic knee joint space measurement from plain radiographs

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    Abstract. Knee osteoarthritis is a common joint disease and one of the leading causes of disability. The disease is characterized by loss of articular cartilage and bone remodeling. Tissue deformations eventually lead to joint space narrowing which can be detected from plain radiographs. Joint space narrowing is typically measured by an experienced radiologist manually, which can be time consuming and error prone process. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a fully automatic joint space width measurement method for bilateral knee radiographs. The knee joint was localized from the x-ray images using template matching and the joint space was delineated using active shape model (ASM). Two different automatic joint space measurement methods were tested and the results were validated against manual measurements performed by an experienced researcher. The first joint space width measurements were done by binarizing the joint space and measuring the local thickness of the binary mask using disk fitting. The second method classified bone pixels to tibia and femur. Classification was based on the ASM delineation. Nearest neighbors between femur and tibia were then used to find the joint space width. An automatic method for tibial region of interest (ROI) selection was also implemented. The algorithms used in this thesis were also made publicly available online. The automatically obtained joint space widths were in line with manual measurements. Higher accuracy was obtained using the disk fitting algorithm. Automatic Tibial ROI selection was accurate, although the orientation of the joint was ignored in this study. An open source software with a simple graphical user interface and visualization tools was also developed. Computationally efficient and easily explainable methods were utilized in order to improve accessibility and transparency of computer assisted diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis.Tiivistelmä. Polvinivelrikko on eräs yleisimpiä niveltauteja sekä yksi merkittävimmistä liikuntavammojen aiheuttajista. Nivelrikolle ominaisia piirteitä ovat nivelruston vaurioituminen ja muutokset nivelrustonalaisessa luussa. Kudosten muutokset ja vauriot johtavat lopulta niveltilan kaventumiseen, mikä voidaan havaita röntgenkuvista. Tavallisesti kokenut radiologi tekee niveltilan mittaukset manuaalisesti, mikä vaatii usein paljon aikaa ja on lisäksi virhealtis prosessi. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää täysin automaattinen niveltilan mittausmenetelmä bilateraalisille polven röntgenkuville. Polvinivel paikallistettiin röntgenkuvista muotoon perustuvalla hahmontunnistuksella ja nivelväli rajattiin käyttämällä aktiivista muodon sovitusta (active shape model, ASM). Nivelvälin mittaukseen käytettiin kahta eri menetelmää, joita verrattiin kokeneen tutkijan tekemiin manuaalisiin mittauksiin. Ensimmäinen nivelvälin mittausmenetelmä sovitti ympyränmuotoisia maskeja niveltilasta tehtyyn binäärimaskiin. Toinen mittausmenetelmä luokitteli luuhun kuuluvat pikselit sääri- ja reisiluuhun. Luokittelu perustui aikaisemmin tehtyyn automaattiseen nivelvälin rajaukseen. Nivelvälin mittaukseen käytettiin lähimpiä naapuripikseleitä sääri- ja reisiluusta. Työssä kehitettiin myös menetelmä automaattiseen sääriluun mielenkiintoalueiden (region of interest, ROI) valintaan. Käytetyt algoritmit ovat julkisesti saatavilla verkossa. Automaattiset nivelväli mittaukset vastasivat manuaalisia mittauksia hyvin. Parempi tarkkuus saatiin käyttämällä ympyrän sovitusta hyödyntävää algoritmia nivelvälin mittaukseen. Sääriluun mielenkiintoalueet onnistuttiin määrittämään automaattisesti, tosin nivelen orientaatiota ei huomioitu tässä työssä. Lisäksi kehitettiin avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmisto yksinkertaisella graafisella käyttöliittymällä ja visualisointityökaluilla. Työssä käytettiin laskennallisesti tehokkaita ja helposti selitettäviä menetelmiä, mikä edesauttaa tietokoneavusteisen menetelmien käyttöä polvinivelrikon tutkimuksessa

    Locally-constrained boundary regression for segmentation of prostate and rectum in the planning CT images

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    Automatic and accurate segmentation of the prostate and rectum in planning CT images is a challenging task due to low image contrast, unpredictable organ (relative) position, and uncertain existence of bowel gas across different patients. Recently, regression forest was adopted for organ deformable segmentation on 2D medical images by training one landmark detector for each point on the shape model. However, it seems impractical for regression forest to guide 3D deformable segmentation as a landmark detector, due to large number of vertices in the 3D shape model as well as the difficulty in building accurate 3D vertex correspondence for each landmark detector. In this paper, we propose a novel boundary detection method by exploiting the power of regression forest for prostate and rectum segmentation. The contributions of this paper are as follows: 1) we introduce regression forest as a local boundary regressor to vote the entire boundary of a target organ, which avoids training a large number of landmark detectors and building an accurate 3D vertex correspondence for each landmark detector; 2) an auto-context model is integrated with regression forest to improve the accuracy of the boundary regression; 3) we further combine a deformable segmentation method with the proposed local boundary regressor for the final organ segmentation by integrating organ shape priors. Our method is evaluated on a planning CT image dataset with 70 images from 70 different patients. The experimental results show that our proposed boundary regression method outperforms the conventional boundary classification method in guiding the deformable model for prostate and rectum segmentations. Compared with other state-of-the-art methods, our method also shows a competitive performance

    Automatic X-ray landmark detection and shape segmentation via data-driven joint estimation of image displacements

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for fully-automatic landmark detection and shape segmentation in X-ray images. To detect landmarks, we estimate the displacements from some randomly sampled image patches to the (unknown) landmark positions, and then we integrate these predictions via a voting scheme. Our key contribution is a new algorithm for estimating these displacements. Different from other methods where each image patch independently predicts its displacement, we jointly estimate the displacements from all patches together in a data driven way, by considering not only the training data but also geometric constraints on the test image. The displacements estimation is formulated as a convex optimization problem that can be solved efficiently. Finally, we use the sparse shape composition model as the a priori information to regularize the landmark positions and thus generate the segmented shape contour. We validate our method on X-ray image datasets of three different anatomical structures: complete femur, proximal femur and pelvis. Experiments show that our method is accurate and robust in landmark detection, and, combined with the shape model, gives a better or comparable performance in shape segmentation compared to state-of-the art methods. Finally, a preliminary study using CT data shows the extensibility of our method to 3D data