25,318 research outputs found

    Automatic Error Localization for Software using Deductive Verification

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    Even competent programmers make mistakes. Automatic verification can detect errors, but leaves the frustrating task of finding the erroneous line of code to the user. This paper presents an automatic approach for identifying potential error locations in software. It is based on a deductive verification engine, which detects errors in functions annotated with pre- and post-conditions. Using an automatic theorem prover, our approach finds expressions in the code that can be modified such that the program satisfies its specification. Scalability is achieved by analyzing each function in isolation. We have implemented our approach in the widely used Frama-C framework and present first experimental results. This is an extended version of [8], featuring an additional appendix.Comment: This is an extended version of [8], featuring an additional appendi

    GamaSlicer : an online laboratory for program verification and analysis

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    In this paper we present the GamaSlicer tool, which is primarily a semantics-based program slicer that also offers formal verification (generation of verification conditions) and program visualization functionality. The tool allows users to obtain slices using a number of different families of slicing algorithms (\precond-based, \postcond-based, and specification-based), from a correct software component annotated with pre and postconditions (contracts written in JML-annotated Java). Each family in turn contains algorithms of different precision (with more precise algorithms being asymptotically slower). A novelty of our work at the theoretical level is the inclusion of a new, much more effective algorithm for specification-based slicing, and in fact other current work at this level is being progressively incorporated in the tool. The tool also generates (in a step-by-step fashion) a set of verification conditions (as formulas written in the SMT-lib language, which enables the use of different automatic SMT provers). This allows to establish the initial correctness of the code with respect to their contracts.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Translating alloy apecifications to UML class diagrams annotated with OCL

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    Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal MethodsModel-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a Software Engineering approach based on model transformations at different abstraction levels. It prescribes the development of software by successively transforming models from abstract (specifications) to more concrete ones (code). Alloy is an increasingly popular lightweight formal specification language that supports automatic verification. Unfortunately, its widespread industrial adoption is hampered by the lack of an ecosystem of MDE tools, namely code generators. This paper presents a model transformation between Alloy and UML Class Diagrams annotated with OCL. The proposed transformation enables current UML-based tools to also be applied to Alloy specifications, thus unleashing its potential for MDE

    Where are your Manners? Sharing Best Community Practices in the Web 2.0

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    The Web 2.0 fosters the creation of communities by offering users a wide array of social software tools. While the success of these tools is based on their ability to support different interaction patterns among users by imposing as few limitations as possible, the communities they support are not free of rules (just think about the posting rules in a community forum or the editing rules in a thematic wiki). In this paper we propose a framework for the sharing of best community practices in the form of a (potentially rule-based) annotation layer that can be integrated with existing Web 2.0 community tools (with specific focus on wikis). This solution is characterized by minimal intrusiveness and plays nicely within the open spirit of the Web 2.0 by providing users with behavioral hints rather than by enforcing the strict adherence to a set of rules.Comment: ACM symposium on Applied Computing, Honolulu : \'Etats-Unis d'Am\'erique (2009

    On Verifying Resource Contracts using Code Contracts

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    In this paper we present an approach to check resource consumption contracts using an off-the-shelf static analyzer. We propose a set of annotations to support resource usage specifications, in particular, dynamic memory consumption constraints. Since dynamic memory may be recycled by a memory manager, the consumption of this resource is not monotone. The specification language can express both memory consumption and lifetime properties in a modular fashion. We develop a proof-of-concept implementation by extending Code Contracts' specification language. To verify the correctness of these annotations we rely on the Code Contracts static verifier and a points-to analysis. We also briefly discuss possible extensions of our approach to deal with non-linear expressions.Comment: In Proceedings LAFM 2013, arXiv:1401.056

    Your Proof Fails? Testing Helps to Find the Reason

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    Applying deductive verification to formally prove that a program respects its formal specification is a very complex and time-consuming task due in particular to the lack of feedback in case of proof failures. Along with a non-compliance between the code and its specification (due to an error in at least one of them), possible reasons of a proof failure include a missing or too weak specification for a called function or a loop, and lack of time or simply incapacity of the prover to finish a particular proof. This work proposes a new methodology where test generation helps to identify the reason of a proof failure and to exhibit a counter-example clearly illustrating the issue. We describe how to transform an annotated C program into C code suitable for testing and illustrate the benefits of the method on comprehensive examples. The method has been implemented in STADY, a plugin of the software analysis platform FRAMA-C. Initial experiments show that detecting non-compliances and contract weaknesses allows to precisely diagnose most proof failures.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure