71 research outputs found

    Automated Classification for Electrophysiological Data: Machine Learning Approaches for Disease Detection and Emotion Recognition

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    Smart healthcare is a health service system that utilizes technologies, e.g., artificial intelligence and big data, to alleviate the pressures on healthcare systems. Much recent research has focused on the automatic disease diagnosis and recognition and, typically, our research pays attention on automatic classifications for electrophysiological signals, which are measurements of the electrical activity. Specifically, for electrocardiogram (ECG) and electroencephalogram (EEG) data, we develop a series of algorithms for automatic cardiovascular disease (CVD) classification, emotion recognition and seizure detection. With the ECG signals obtained from wearable devices, the candidate developed novel signal processing and machine learning method for continuous monitoring of heart conditions. Compared to the traditional methods based on the devices at clinical settings, the developed method in this thesis is much more convenient to use. To identify arrhythmia patterns from the noisy ECG signals obtained through the wearable devices, CNN and LSTM are used, and a wavelet-based CNN is proposed to enhance the performance. An emotion recognition method with a single channel ECG is developed, where a novel exploitative and explorative GWO-SVM algorithm is proposed to achieve high performance emotion classification. The attractive part is that the proposed algorithm has the capability to learn the SVM hyperparameters automatically, and it can prevent the algorithm from falling into local solutions, thereby achieving better performance than existing algorithms. A novel EEG-signal based seizure detector is developed, where the EEG signals are transformed to the spectral-temporal domain, so that the dimension of the input features to the CNN can be significantly reduced, while the detector can still achieve superior detection performance

    Accelerometry based detection of epileptic seizures

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    Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders. Epileptic seizures are the manifestation of abnormal hypersynchronous discharges of cortical neurons that impair brain function. Most of the people affected can be treated successfully with drug therapy or neurosurgical procedures. But there is still a large group of epilepsy patients that continues to have frequent seizures. For these patients automated detection of epileptic seizures can be of great clinical importance. Seizure detection can influence daily care or can be used to evaluate treatment effect. Furthermore automated detection can be used to trigger an alarm system during seizures that might be harmful to the patient. This thesis focusses on accelerometry (ACM) based seizure detection. A detailed overview is provided, on the perspectives for long-term epilepsy monitoring and automated seizure detection. The value of accelerometry for seizure detection is shown by means of a clinical evaluation and the first steps are made towards automatic detection of epileptic seizures based on ACM. With accelerometers movements are recorded. A large group of epileptic seizures manifest in specific movement patterns, so called motor seizures. Chapter 2 of this thesis presents an overview of the published literature on available methods for epileptic seizure detection in a long-term monitoring context. Based on this overview recommendations are formulated that should be used in seizure detection research and development. It is shown that for seizure detection in home environments, other sensor modalities besides EEG become more important. The use of alternative sensor modalities (such as ACM) is relatively new and so is the algorithm development for seizure detection based on these measures. It was also found that for both the adaptation of existing techniques and the development of new algorithms, clinical information should be taken more into account. The value of ACM for seizure detection is shown by means of a clinical evaluation in chapter 3. Here 3-D ACM- and EEG/video-recordings of 18 patients with severe epilepsy are visually analyzed. A striking outcome presented in this chapter is the large number of visually detected seizures versus the number of seizures that was expected on forehand and the number of seizures that was observed by the nurses. These results underscore the need for an automatic seizure detection device even more, since in the current situation many seizures are missed and therefore it is possible that patients do not get the right (medical) treatment. It was also observed that 95% of the ACM-patterns during motor seizures are sequences of three elementary patterns: myoclonic, tonic and clonic patterns. These characteristic patterns are a starting point for the development of methods for automated seizure detection based on ACM. It was decided to use a modular approach for the detection methodology and develop algorithms separately for motor activity in general, myoclonic seizures and tonic seizures. Furthermore, clinical information is incorporated in the detection methodology. Therefore in this thesis features were used that are either based on the shape of the patterns of interest as described in clinical practice (chapter 4 and 7), or the features were based on a physiological model with parameters that are related to seizure duration and intensity (chapter 5 and 6). In chapter 4 an algorithm is developed to distinguish periods with and without movement from ACM-data. Hence, when there is no movement there is no motor seizure. The amount of data that needs further analysis for seizure detection is thus reduced. From 15 ACM-signals (measured on five positions on the body), two features are computed, the variance and the jerk. In the resulting 2-D feature space a linear threshold function is used for classification. For training and testing the algorithm ACM data along with video data are used from nocturnal recordings in mentally retarded patients with severe epilepsy. Using this algorithm the amount of data that needs further analysis is reduced considerably. The results also indicate that the algorithm is robust for fluctuations across patients and thus there is no need for training the algorithm for each new patient. For the remaining data it needs to be established whether the detected movement is seizure related or not. To this purpose a model is developed for the accelerometer pattern measured on the arm during a myoclonic seizure (chapter 5). The model consists of a mechanical and an electrophysiological part. This model is used as a matched wavelet filter to detect myoclonic seizures. In chapter 6 the model based wavelet is compared to three other time frequency measures: the short time Fourier transform, the Wigner distribution and the continuous wavelet transform using a Daubechies wavelet. All four time-frequency methods are evaluated in a linear classification setup. Data from mentally retarded patients with severe epilepsy are used for training and evaluation. The results show that both wavelets are useful for detection of myoclonic seizures. On top of that, our model based wavelet has the advantage that it consists of parameters that are related to seizure duration and intensity that are physiological meaningful. Besides myoclonic seizures, the model is also useful for the detection of clonic seizures; physiologically these are repetitive myoclonic seizures. Finally for the detection of tonic seizures, in chapter 7 a set of features is studied that incorporate the mean characteristics of ACM-patterns associated with tonic seizures. Linear discriminant analysis is used for classification in the multi-dimensional feature space. For training and testing the algorithm, again data are used from recordings in mentally retarded patients with severe epilepsy. The results show that our approach is useful for the automated detection of tonic seizures based on 3-D ACM and that it is a promising contribution in a complete multi-sensor seizure detection setup

    Eye State Identification Based on Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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    [Abstract]: We present a prototype to identify eye states from electroencephalography signals captured from one or two channels. The hardware is based on the integration of low-cost components, while the signal processing algorithms combine discrete wavelet transform and linear discriminant analysis. We consider different parameters: nine different wavelets and two features extraction strategies. A set of experiments performed in real scenarios allows to compare the performance in order to determine a configuration with high accuracy and short response delay.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/15Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/156This work has been funded by the Xunta de Galicia (by grant ED431C 2020/15 and grant ED431G2019/01 to support the Centro de Investigación de Galicia “CITIC”), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación of Spain (by grants RED2018-102668-T and PID2019-104958RB-C42) and ERDF funds of the EU (FEDER Galicia & AEI/FEDER, UE); and the predoctoral Grant No. ED481A-2018/156 (Francisco Laport)

    Pattern Recognition

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    Pattern recognition is a very wide research field. It involves factors as diverse as sensors, feature extraction, pattern classification, decision fusion, applications and others. The signals processed are commonly one, two or three dimensional, the processing is done in real- time or takes hours and days, some systems look for one narrow object class, others search huge databases for entries with at least a small amount of similarity. No single person can claim expertise across the whole field, which develops rapidly, updates its paradigms and comprehends several philosophical approaches. This book reflects this diversity by presenting a selection of recent developments within the area of pattern recognition and related fields. It covers theoretical advances in classification and feature extraction as well as application-oriented works. Authors of these 25 works present and advocate recent achievements of their research related to the field of pattern recognition

    A Physiological Signal Processing System for Optimal Engagement and Attention Detection.

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    In today’s high paced, hi-tech and high stress environment, with extended work hours, long to-do lists and neglected personal health, sleep deprivation has become common in modern culture. Coupled with these factors is the inherent repetitious and tedious nature of certain occupations and daily routines, which all add up to an undesirable fluctuation in individuals’ cognitive attention and capacity. Given certain critical professions, a momentary or prolonged lapse in attention level can be catastrophic and sometimes deadly. This research proposes to develop a real-time monitoring system which uses fundamental physiological signals such as the Electrocardiograph (ECG), to analyze and predict the presence or lack of cognitive attention in individuals during task execution. The primary focus of this study is to identify the correlation between fluctuating level of attention and its implications on the physiological parameters of the body. The system is designed using only those physiological signals that can be collected easily with small, wearable, portable and non-invasive monitors and thereby being able to predict well in advance, an individual’s potential loss of attention and ingression of sleepiness. Several advanced signal processing techniques have been implemented and investigated to derive multiple clandestine and informative features. These features are then applied to machine learning algorithms to produce classification models that are capable of differentiating between the cases of a person being attentive and the person not being attentive. Furthermore, Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are also analyzed and classified for use as a benchmark for comparison with ECG analysis. For the study, ECG signals and EEG signals of volunteer subjects are acquired in a controlled experiment. The experiment is designed to inculcate and sustain cognitive attention for a period of time following which an attempt is made to reduce cognitive attention of volunteer subjects. The data acquired during the experiment is decomposed and analyzed for feature extraction and classification. The presented results show that to a fairly reasonable accuracy it is possible to detect the presence or lack of attention in individuals with just their ECG signal, especially in comparison with analysis done on EEG signals. The continual work of this research includes other physiological signals such as Galvanic Skin Response, Heat Flux, Skin Temperature and video based facial feature analysis

    시계열 데이터 패턴 분석을 위한 종단 심층 학습망 설계 방법론

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 공과대학 컴퓨터공학부, 2019. 2. 장병탁.Pattern recognition within time series data became an important avenue of research in artificial intelligence following the paradigm shift of the fourth industrial revolution. A number of studies related to this have been conducted over the past few years, and research using deep learning techniques are becoming increasingly popular. Due to the nonstationary, nonlinear and noisy nature of time series data, it is essential to design an appropriate model to extract its significant features for pattern recognition. This dissertation not only discusses the study of pattern recognition using various hand-crafted feature engineering techniques using physiological time series signals, but also suggests an end-to-end deep learning design methodology without any feature engineering. Time series signal can be classified into signals having periodic and non-periodic characteristics in the time domain. This thesis proposes two end-to-end deep learning design methodologies for pattern recognition of periodic and non-periodic signals. The first proposed deep learning design methodology is Deep ECGNet. Deep ECGNet offers a design scheme for an end-to-end deep learning model using periodic characteristics of Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals. ECG, recorded from the electrophysiologic patterns of heart muscle during heartbeat, could be a promising candidate to provide a biomarker to estimate event-based stress level. Conventionally, the beat-to-beat alternations, heart rate variability (HRV), from ECG have been utilized to monitor the mental stress status as well as the mortality of cardiac patients. These HRV parameters have the disadvantage of having a 5-minute measurement period. In this thesis, human's stress states were estimated without special hand-crafted feature engineering using only 10-second interval data with the deep learning model. The design methodology of this model incorporates the periodic characteristics of the ECG signal into the model. The main parameters of 1D CNNs and RNNs reflecting the periodic characteristics of ECG were updated corresponding to the stress states. The experimental results proved that the proposed method yielded better performance than those of the existing HRV parameter extraction methods and spectrogram methods. The second proposed methodology is an automatic end-to-end deep learning design methodology using Bayesian optimization for non-periodic signals. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is elicited from the central nervous system (CNS) to yield genuine emotional states, even at the unconscious level. Due to the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of EEG signals, spectral analysis in frequency domain has been conventionally applied to EEG studies. As a general methodology, EEG signals are filtered into several frequency bands using Fourier or wavelet analyses and these band features are then fed into a classifier. This thesis proposes an end-to-end deep learning automatic design method using optimization techniques without this basic feature engineering. Bayesian optimization is a popular optimization technique for machine learning to optimize model hyperparameters. It is often used in optimization problems to evaluate expensive black box functions. In this thesis, we propose a method to perform whole model hyperparameters and structural optimization by using 1D CNNs and RNNs as basic deep learning models and Bayesian optimization. In this way, this thesis proposes the Deep EEGNet model as a method to discriminate human emotional states from EEG signals. Experimental results proved that the proposed method showed better performance than that of conventional method based on the conventional band power feature method. In conclusion, this thesis has proposed several methodologies for time series pattern recognition problems from the feature engineering-based conventional methods to the end-to-end deep learning design methodologies with only raw time series signals. Experimental results showed that the proposed methodologies can be effectively applied to pattern recognition problems using time series data.시계열 데이터의 패턴 인식 문제는 4차 산업 혁명의 패러다임 전환과 함께 매우 중요한 인공 지능의 한 분야가 되었다. 이에 따라, 지난 몇 년간 이와 관련된 많은 연구들이 이루어져 왔으며, 최근에는 심층 학습망 (deep learning networks) 모델을 이용한 연구들이 주를 이루어 왔다. 시계열 데이터는 비정상, 비선형 그리고 잡음 (nonstationary, nonlinear and noisy) 특성으로 인하여 시계열 데이터의 패턴 인식 수행을 위해선, 데이터의 주요한 특징점을 추출하기 위한 최적화된 모델의 설계가 필수적이다. 본 논문은 대표적인 시계열 데이터인 생체 신호를 사용하여 여러 특징 벡터 추출 방법 (hand-crafted feature engineering methods)을 이용한 패턴 인식 기법에 대하여 논할 뿐만 아니라, 궁극적으로는 특징 벡터 추출 과정이 없는 종단 심층 학습망 설계 방법론에 대한 연구 내용을 담고 있다. 시계열 신호는 시간 축 상에서 크게 주기적 신호와 비주기적 신호로 구분할 수 있는데, 본 연구는 이러한 두 유형의 신호들에 대한 패턴 인식을 위해 두 가지 종단 심층 학습망에 대한 설계 방법론을 제안한다. 첫 번째 제안된 방법론을 이용해 설계된 모델은 신호의 주기적 특성을 이용한 Deep ECGNet이다. 심장 근육의 전기 생리학적 패턴으로부터 기록된 심전도 (Electrocardiogram, ECG)는 이벤트 기반 스트레스 수준을 추정하기 위한 척도 (bio marker)를 제공하는 유효한 데이터가 될 수 있다. 전통적으로 심전도의 심박수 변동성 (Herat Rate Variability, HRV) 매개변수 (parameter)는 심장 질환 환자의 정신적 스트레스 상태 및 사망률을 모니터링하는 데 사용되었다. 하지만, 표준 심박수 변동성 매개 변수는 측정 주기가 5분 이상으로, 측정 시간이 길다는 단점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 심층 학습망 모델을 이용하여 10초 간격의 ECG 데이터만을 이용하여, 추가적인 특징 벡터의 추출 과정 없이 인간의 스트레스 상태를 인식할 수 있음을 보인다. 제안된 설계 기법은 ECG 신호의 주기적 특성을 모델에 반영하였는데, ECG의 은닉 특징 추출기로 사용된 1D CNNs 및 RNNs 모델의 주요 매개 변수에 주기적 특성을 반영함으로써, 한 주기 신호의 스트레스 상태에 따른 주요 특징점을 종단 학습망 내부적으로 추출할 수 있음을 보였다. 실험 결과 제안된 방법이 기존 심박수 변동성 매개변수와 spectrogram 추출 기법 기반의 패턴 인식 방법보다 좋은 성능을 나타내고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 두 번째 제안된 방법론은 비 주기적이며 비정상, 비선형 그리고 잡음 특성을 지닌 신호의 패턴인식을 위한 최적 종단 심층 학습망 자동 설계 방법론이다. 뇌파 신호 (Electroencephalogram, EEG)는 중추 신경계 (CNS)에서 발생되어 무의식 상태에서도 본연의 감정 상태를 나타내는데, EEG 신호의 낮은 신호 대 잡음비 (SNR)로 인해 뇌파를 이용한 감정 상태 판정을 위해서 주로 주파수 영역의 스펙트럼 분석이 뇌파 연구에 적용되어 왔다. 통상적으로 뇌파 신호는 푸리에 (Fourier) 또는 웨이블렛 (wavelet) 분석을 사용하여 여러 주파수 대역으로 필터링 된다. 이렇게 추출된 주파수 특징 벡터는 보통 얕은 학습 분류기 (shallow machine learning classifier)의 입력으로 사용되어 패턴 인식을 수행하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 기본적인 특징 벡터 추출 과정이 없는 베이지안 최적화 (Bayesian optimization) 기법을 이용한 종단 심층 학습망 자동 설계 기법을 제안한다. 베이지안 최적화 기법은 초 매개변수 (hyperparamters)를 최적화하기 위한 기계 학습 분야의 대표적인 최적화 기법인데, 최적화 과정에서 평가 시간이 많이 소요되는 목적 함수 (expensive black box function)를 갖고 있는 최적화 문제에 적합하다. 이러한 베이지안 최적화를 이용하여 기본적인 학습 모델인 1D CNNs 및 RNNs의 전체 모델의 초 매개변수 및 구조적 최적화를 수행하는 방법을 제안하였으며, 제안된 방법론을 바탕으로 Deep EEGNet이라는 인간의 감정상태를 판별할 수 있는 모델을 제안하였다. 여러 실험을 통해 제안된 모델이 기존의 주파수 특징 벡터 (band power feature) 추출 기법 기반의 전통적인 감정 패턴 인식 방법보다 좋은 성능을 나타내고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 결론적으로 본 논문은 시계열 데이터를 이용한 패턴 인식문제를 여러 특징 벡터 추출 기법 기반의 전통적인 방법을 통해 설계하는 방법부터, 추가적인 특징 벡터 추출 과정 없이 원본 데이터만을 이용하여 종단 심층 학습망을 설계하는 방법까지 제안하였다. 또한, 다양한 실험을 통해 제안된 방법론이 시계열 신호 데이터를 이용한 패턴 인식 문제에 효과적으로 적용될 수 있음을 보였다.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Pattern Recognition in Time Series 1 1.2 Major Problems in Conventional Approaches 7 1.3 The Proposed Approach and its Contribution 8 1.4 Thesis Organization 10 Chapter 2 Related Works 12 2.1 Pattern Recognition in Time Series using Conventional Methods 12 2.1.1 Time Domain Features 12 2.1.2 Frequency Domain Features 14 2.1.3 Signal Processing based on Multi-variate Empirical Mode Decomposition (MEMD) 15 2.1.4 Statistical Time Series Model (ARIMA) 18 2.2 Fundamental Deep Learning Algorithms 20 2.2.1 Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) 20 2.2.2 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) 22 2.3 Hyper Parameters and Structural Optimization Techniques 24 2.3.1 Grid and Random Search Algorithms 24 2.3.2 Bayesian Optimization 25 2.3.3 Neural Architecture Search 28 2.4 Research Trends related to Time Series Data 29 2.4.1 Generative Model of Raw Audio Waveform 30 Chapter 3 Preliminary Researches: Patten Recognition in Time Series using Various Feature Extraction Methods 31 3.1 Conventional Methods using Time and Frequency Features: Motor Imagery Brain Response Classification 31 3.1.1 Introduction 31 3.1.2 Methods 32 3.1.3 Ensemble Classification Method (Stacking & AdaBoost) 32 3.1.4 Sensitivity Analysis 33 3.1.5 Classification Results 36 3.2 Statistical Feature Extraction Methods: ARIMA Model Based Feature Extraction Methodology 38 3.2.1 Introduction 38 3.2.2 ARIMA Model 38 3.2.3 Signal Processing 39 3.2.4 ARIMA Model Conformance Test 40 3.2.5 Experimental Results 40 3.2.6 Summary 43 3.3 Application on Specific Time Series Data: Human Stress States Recognition using Ultra-Short-Term ECG Spectral Feature 44 3.3.1 Introduction 44 3.3.2 Experiments 45 3.3.3 Classification Methods 49 3.3.4 Experimental Results 49 3.3.5 Summary 56 Chapter 4 Master Framework for Pattern Recognition in Time Series 57 4.1 The Concept of the Proposed Framework for Pattern Recognition in Time Series 57 4.1.1 Optimal Basic Deep Learning Models for the Proposed Framework 57 4.2 Two Categories for Pattern Recognition in Time Series Data 59 4.2.1 The Proposed Deep Learning Framework for Periodic Time Series Signals 59 4.2.2 The Proposed Deep Learning Framework for Non-periodic Time Series Signals 61 4.3 Expanded Models of the Proposed Master Framework for Pattern Recogntion in Time Series 63 Chapter 5 Deep Learning Model Design Methodology for Periodic Signals using Prior Knowledge: Deep ECGNet 65 5.1 Introduction 65 5.2 Materials and Methods 67 5.2.1 Subjects and Data Acquisition 67 5.2.2 Conventional ECG Analysis Methods 72 5.2.3 The Initial Setup of the Deep Learning Architecture 75 5.2.4 The Deep ECGNet 78 5.3 Experimental Results 83 5.4 Summary 98 Chapter 6 Deep Learning Model Design Methodology for Non-periodic Time Series Signals using Optimization Techniques: Deep EEGNet 100 6.1 Introduction 100 6.2 Materials and Methods 104 6.2.1 Subjects and Data Acquisition 104 6.2.2 Conventional EEG Analysis Methods 106 6.2.3 Basic Deep Learning Units and Optimization Technique 108 6.2.4 Optimization for Deep EEGNet 109 6.2.5 Deep EEGNet Architectures using the EEG Channel Grouping Scheme 111 6.3 Experimental Results 113 6.4 Summary 124 Chapter 7 Concluding Remarks 126 7.1 Summary of Thesis and Contributions 126 7.2 Limitations of the Proposed Methods 128 7.3 Suggestions for Future Works 129 Bibliography 131 초 록 139Docto

    Brain Music : Sistema generativo para la creación de música simbólica a partir de respuestas neuronales afectivas

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    gráficas, tablasEsta tesis de maestría presenta una metodología de aprendizaje profundo multimodal innovadora que fusiona un modelo de clasificación de emociones con un generador musical, con el propósito de crear música a partir de señales de electroencefalografía, profundizando así en la interconexión entre emociones y música. Los resultados alcanzan tres objetivos específicos: Primero, ya que el rendimiento de los sistemas interfaz cerebro-computadora varía considerablemente entre diferentes sujetos, se introduce un enfoque basado en la transferencia de conocimiento entre sujetos para mejorar el rendimiento de individuos con dificultades en sistemas de interfaz cerebro-computadora basados en el paradigma de imaginación motora. Este enfoque combina datos de EEG etiquetados con datos estructurados, como cuestionarios psicológicos, mediante un método de "Kernel Matching CKA". Utilizamos una red neuronal profunda (Deep&Wide) para la clasificación de la imaginación motora. Los resultados destacan su potencial para mejorar las habilidades motoras en interfaces cerebro-computadora. Segundo, proponemos una técnica innovadora llamada "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) para sonificar respuestas neurales a estímulos representados en datos no estructurados, como música afectiva. Esto genera características musicales basadas en la actividad cerebral inducida por las emociones. LCA aborda la variabilidad entre sujetos y dentro de sujetos mediante el análisis de correlación, lo que permite la creación de envolventes acústicos y la distinción entre diferente información sonora. Esto convierte a LCA en una herramienta prometedora para interpretar la actividad neuronal y su reacción a estímulos auditivos. Finalmente, en otro capítulo, desarrollamos una metodología de aprendizaje profundo de extremo a extremo para generar contenido musical MIDI (datos simbólicos) a partir de señales de actividad cerebral inducidas por música con etiquetas afectivas. Esta metodología abarca el preprocesamiento de datos, el entrenamiento de modelos de extracción de características y un proceso de emparejamiento de características mediante Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, lo que permite la generación de música a partir de señales EEG. En conjunto, estos logros representan avances significativos en la comprensión de la relación entre emociones y música, así como en la aplicación de la inteligencia artificial en la generación musical a partir de señales cerebrales. Ofrecen nuevas perspectivas y herramientas para la creación musical y la investigación en neurociencia emocional. Para llevar a cabo nuestros experimentos, utilizamos bases de datos públicas como GigaScience, Affective Music Listening y Deap Dataset (Texto tomado de la fuente)This master’s thesis presents an innovative multimodal deep learning methodology that combines an emotion classification model with a music generator, aimed at creating music from electroencephalography (EEG) signals, thus delving into the interplay between emotions and music. The results achieve three specific objectives: First, since the performance of brain-computer interface systems varies significantly among different subjects, an approach based on knowledge transfer among subjects is introduced to enhance the performance of individuals facing challenges in motor imagery-based brain-computer interface systems. This approach combines labeled EEG data with structured information, such as psychological questionnaires, through a "Kernel Matching CKA"method. We employ a deep neural network (Deep&Wide) for motor imagery classification. The results underscore its potential to enhance motor skills in brain-computer interfaces. Second, we propose an innovative technique called "Labeled Correlation Alignment"(LCA) to sonify neural responses to stimuli represented in unstructured data, such as affective music. This generates musical features based on emotion-induced brain activity. LCA addresses variability among subjects and within subjects through correlation analysis, enabling the creation of acoustic envelopes and the distinction of different sound information. This makes LCA a promising tool for interpreting neural activity and its response to auditory stimuli. Finally, in another chapter, we develop an end-to-end deep learning methodology for generating MIDI music content (symbolic data) from EEG signals induced by affectively labeled music. This methodology encompasses data preprocessing, feature extraction model training, and a feature matching process using Deep Centered Kernel Alignment, enabling music generation from EEG signals. Together, these achievements represent significant advances in understanding the relationship between emotions and music, as well as in the application of artificial intelligence in musical generation from brain signals. They offer new perspectives and tools for musical creation and research in emotional neuroscience. To conduct our experiments, we utilized public databases such as GigaScience, Affective Music Listening and Deap DatasetMaestríaMagíster en Ingeniería - Automatización IndustrialInvestigación en Aprendizaje Profundo y señales BiológicasEléctrica, Electrónica, Automatización Y Telecomunicaciones.Sede Manizale

    Non Invasive Tools for Early Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) describe a set of neurodevelopmental disorders. ASD represents a significant public health problem. Currently, ASDs are not diagnosed before the 2nd year of life but an early identification of ASDs would be crucial as interventions are much more effective than specific therapies starting in later childhood. To this aim, cheap an contact-less automatic approaches recently aroused great clinical interest. Among them, the cry and the movements of the newborn, both involving the central nervous system, are proposed as possible indicators of neurological disorders. This PhD work is a first step towards solving this challenging problem. An integrated system is presented enabling the recording of audio (crying) and video (movements) data of the newborn, their automatic analysis with innovative techniques for the extraction of clinically relevant parameters and their classification with data mining techniques. New robust algorithms were developed for the selection of the voiced parts of the cry signal, the estimation of acoustic parameters based on the wavelet transform and the analysis of the infant’s general movements (GMs) through a new body model for segmentation and 2D reconstruction. In addition to a thorough literature review this thesis presents the state of the art on these topics that shows that no studies exist concerning normative ranges for newborn infant cry in the first 6 months of life nor the correlation between cry and movements. Through the new automatic methods a population of control infants (“low-risk”, LR) was compared to a group of “high-risk” (HR) infants, i.e. siblings of children already diagnosed with ASD. A subset of LR infants clinically diagnosed as newborns with Typical Development (TD) and one affected by ASD were compared. The results show that the selected acoustic parameters allow good differentiation between the two groups. This result provides new perspectives both diagnostic and therapeutic