20 research outputs found

    Quadtrees as an Abstract Domain

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    Quadtrees have proved popular in computer graphics and spatial databases as a way of representing regions in two dimensional space. This hierarchical data-structure is flexible enough to support non-convex and even disconnected regions, therefore it is natural to ask whether this datastructure can form the basis of an abstract domain. This paper explores this question and suggests that quadtrees offer a new approach to weakly relational domains whilst their hierarchical structure naturally lends itself to representation with boolean functions

    Automatic Abstraction for Congruences

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    One approach to verifying bit-twiddling algorithms is to derive invariants between the bits that constitute the variables of a program. Such invariants can often be described with systems of congruences where in each equation c⃗⋅x⃗=dmod  m\vec{c} \cdot \vec{x} = d \mod m, (unknown variable m)isapoweroftwo, is a power of two, \vec{c}isavectorofintegercoefficients,and is a vector of integer coefficients, and \vec{x}$ is a vector of propositional variables (bits). Because of the low-level nature of these invariants and the large number of bits that are involved, it is important that the transfer functions can be derived automatically. We address this problem, showing how an analysis for bit-level congruence relationships can be decoupled into two parts: (1) a SAT-based abstraction (compilation) step which can be automated, and (2) an interpretation step that requires no SAT-solving. We exploit triangular matrix forms to derive transfer functions efficiently, even in the presence of large numbers of bits. Finally we propose program transformations that improve the analysis results

    Speeding up the constraint-based method in difference logic

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    "The final publication is available at http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-40970-2_18"Over the years the constraint-based method has been successfully applied to a wide range of problems in program analysis, from invariant generation to termination and non-termination proving. Quite often the semantics of the program under study as well as the properties to be generated belong to difference logic, i.e., the fragment of linear arithmetic where atoms are inequalities of the form u v = k. However, so far constraint-based techniques have not exploited this fact: in general, Farkas’ Lemma is used to produce the constraints over template unknowns, which leads to non-linear SMT problems. Based on classical results of graph theory, in this paper we propose new encodings for generating these constraints when program semantics and templates belong to difference logic. Thanks to this approach, instead of a heavyweight non-linear arithmetic solver, a much cheaper SMT solver for difference logic or linear integer arithmetic can be employed for solving the resulting constraints. We present encouraging experimental results that show the high impact of the proposed techniques on the performance of the VeryMax verification systemPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Improving Strategies via SMT Solving

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    We consider the problem of computing numerical invariants of programs by abstract interpretation. Our method eschews two traditional sources of imprecision: (i) the use of widening operators for enforcing convergence within a finite number of iterations (ii) the use of merge operations (often, convex hulls) at the merge points of the control flow graph. It instead computes the least inductive invariant expressible in the domain at a restricted set of program points, and analyzes the rest of the code en bloc. We emphasize that we compute this inductive invariant precisely. For that we extend the strategy improvement algorithm of [Gawlitza and Seidl, 2007]. If we applied their method directly, we would have to solve an exponentially sized system of abstract semantic equations, resulting in memory exhaustion. Instead, we keep the system implicit and discover strategy improvements using SAT modulo real linear arithmetic (SMT). For evaluating strategies we use linear programming. Our algorithm has low polynomial space complexity and performs for contrived examples in the worst case exponentially many strategy improvement steps; this is unsurprising, since we show that the associated abstract reachability problem is Pi-p-2-complete

    Adaptable Value-Set Analysis for Low-Level Code

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    This paper presents a framework for binary code analysis that uses only SAT-based algorithms. Within the framework, incremental SAT solving is used to perform a form of weakly relational value-set analysis in a novel way, connecting the expressiveness of the value sets to computational complexity. Another key feature of our framework is that it translates the semantics of binary code into an intermediate representation. This allows for a straightforward translation of the program semantics into Boolean logic and eases the implementation efforts, too. We show that leveraging the efficiency of contemporary SAT solvers allows us to prove interesting properties about medium-sized microcontroller programs

    A minimalistic look at widening operators

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    We consider the problem of formalizing the familiar notion of widening in abstract interpretation in higher-order logic. It turns out that many axioms of widening (e.g. widening sequences are ascending) are not useful for proving correctness. After keeping only useful axioms, we give an equivalent characterization of widening as a lazily constructed well-founded tree. In type systems supporting dependent products and sums, this tree can be made to reflect the condition of correct termination of the widening sequence

    Context-Aided Variable Elimination for Requirement Engineering

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    Deriving system-level specifications from component specifications usually involves the elimination of variables that are not part of the interface of the top-level system. This paper presents algorithms for eliminating variables from formulas by computing refinements or relaxations of these formulas in a context. We discuss a connection between this problem and optimization and give efficient algorithms to compute refinements and relaxations of linear inequality constraints

    An Instantiation-Based Approach for Solving Quantified Linear Arithmetic

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    This paper presents a framework to derive instantiation-based decision procedures for satisfiability of quantified formulas in first-order theories, including its correctness, implementation, and evaluation. Using this framework we derive decision procedures for linear real arithmetic (LRA) and linear integer arithmetic (LIA) formulas with one quantifier alternation. Our procedure can be integrated into the solving architecture used by typical SMT solvers. Experimental results on standardized benchmarks from model checking, static analysis, and synthesis show that our implementation of the procedure in the SMT solver CVC4 outperforms existing tools for quantified linear arithmetic