5 research outputs found

    Detection of grassland mowing frequency using time series of vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 imagery

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    5openInternationalItalian coauthor/editorManagement intensity deeply influences meadow structure and functioning, therefore affecting grassland ecosystem services. Conservation and management measures, including European Common Agricultural Policy subsidies, should therefore be based on updated and publicly available data about management intensity. The mowing frequency is a crucial trait to describe meadows management intensity, but the potential of using vegetation indices from Sentinel-2 imagery for its retrieval has not been fully exploited. In this work we developed on the Google Earth Engine platform a four-phases algorithm to identify mowing frequency, including i) vegetation index time-series computing, ii) smoothing and resampling, iii) mowing detection, and iv) majority analysis. Mowing frequency during 2020 of 240 ha of grassland fields in the Italian Alps was used for algorithm optimization and evaluation. Six vegetation indexes (EVI, GVMI, MTCI, NDII, NDVI, RENDVI783.740) were tested as input to the proposed algorithm. The Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII) showed the best performance, resulting in mean absolute error of 0.07 and 93% overall accuracy on average at the four sites used for optimization, at pixel resolution. A slightly lower accuracy (mean absolute error = 0.10, overall accuracy = 90%) was obtained aggregating the maps to management parcels. The algorithm showed a good generalization ability, with a similar performance between global and local optimization and an average mean absolute error of 0.12 and an overall accuracy of 89% on average on the sites not used for parameters optimization. The lowest accuracies occurred in intensively managed grasslands surveyed by one satellite orbit only. This study demonstrates the suitability of the proposed algorithm to monitor very fragmented grasslands in complex mountain ecosystems. Google Earth Engine was used to develop the model and will enable researchers, agencies and practitioners to easily and quickly apply the code to map grassland mowing frequency for extensive grasslands protection and conservation, for mowing event verification, or for forage system characterization.openAndreatta, Davide; Gianelle, Damiano; Scotton, Michele; Vescovo, Loris; Dalponte, MicheleAndreatta, D.; Gianelle, D.; Scotton, M.; Vescovo, L.; Dalponte, M

    Automatic Grassland Cutting Status Detection in the Context of Spatiotemporal Sentinel-1 Imagery Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks

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    Grassland contributes to carbon storage and animal feed production. Its yield is largely determined by the cutting times of grassland. Previous studies have used remote sensing data for grassland biomass estimation, but only a few studies have focused on SAR remote sensing approaches for automatic grassland cutting status detection. Due to the occurrence of multiple cuttings in a year, it is crucial to effectively monitor grassland cutting events in order to achieve accurate biomass estimations of a whole season. In this study, we examined the capabilities of multilayer perceptron neural networks for automatic grassland cutting status detection using SAR imagery. The proposed model inputs are a time series dataset of VV and VH Sentinel-1 C-band SAR and second-order texture metrics (homogeneity, entropy, contrast and dissimilarity). The proposed approach has been successfully tested on a dataset collected from several fields in Germany in 2016, with an overall accuracy of 85.71% for the validation set

    National farm scale estimates of grass yield from satellite remote sensing

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    Globally, grasslands are an important source of food for livestock and provide additional ecosystem services such as greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation through carbon sequestration, habitats for biodiversity, and recreational amenities. Grass is the cheapest source of fodder providing Irish farmers with an economic benefit against international competitors. Hence, to maintain profitability, farmers have to maximize the proportion of grazed grass in cow’s diet or save it as silage. The overall objective of the current research project was to build a machine-learning model to estimate grass growth nationally using earth observation imagery from the Sentinel 2 satellite constellation and ancillary meteorological data, which are known to influence grass growth. Firstly, the impact of meteorological data and Growing Degree Days (GDD) was assessed for Teagasc Moorepark experimental farm (Fermoy, Co Cork, Ireland). GDD was modified to include Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD), which included the impact of summer drought conditions in 2018. Results demonstrated the importance of GDD for grass growth estimation using ordinary linear regression (OLS). The potential evapotranspiration (PE) 0.65 (r=0.65) and evaporation (r=0.65) were equally significant variables in 2017, while in 2018 the solar radiation had the highest correlation (r=0.43), followed by potential evapotranspiration and evaporation with r of 0.42. The standard and modified GDD were equally significant variables with r of 0.65 in 2017, but both had a reduced correlation in 2018 with modified GDD (0.38, p<0.01) performing slightly better than the standard GDD (0.26, p<0.01) calculation. These models only explained 53% (RMSE of 18.90 kg DM ha-1day-1) and 36% (RMSE of 27.02 kg DM ha-1day-1) of variability in grass growth for 2017 and 2018, respectively. Considering the importance of meteorological data, an empirical grass model called the Brereton model, previously used for Irish grass growing conditions were tested. Since this model lacks a spatial element, we compared the Brereton model with the previously used machine-learning model ANFIS and Random Forest (RF) with the combination of satellite data and meteorological data for eight Teagasc farms. Overall, the machine-learning algorithms (R2= 0.32 to 0.73 and RMSE=14.65 to 24.76 kg DM ha-1day-1 for the test data) performed better than the Brereton model (range of R2=0.03 to 0.33 and RMSE=41.68 to 82.29 kg DM ha-1day-1). The RF model (with all the variables except rainfall) had the highest accuracy for predicting grass growth rate, with (R2= 0.55, RMSE = 14.65 kg DM ha-1day-1, MSE= 214.79 kg DM ha-1day-1 versus ANFIS with R2 = 0.47, RMSE = 15.95 kg DM ha-1day-1, MSE= 254.40 kg DM ha-1day-1). When developing a national model, meteorological data were missing (except precipitation). A different approach was followed, whereby the grass growing season was subdivided (January-June Agmodel 1 and July–December Agmodel 2). Phenologically, the peak grass growth in Ireland typically occurs in May, with a slow decline in subsequent months. Spring is the most important season for grassland management, where growing conditions can impact the grass supply for the whole year. The national models were developed using Sentinel 2 band metrics, spectral indices (NDVI and NDRE), and rainfall for 179 farms. Data from 2017-2019 was divided into training and testing data (70:30 split), with 2020 data used for independent validation of the final trained model. Test accuracy was higher for Agmodel 1 (R2 = 0.74, RMSE= 15.52 kg DM ha-1day-1) versus Agmodel 2 (R2 = 0.58, RMSE= 13.74 kg DM ha-1day-1). This trained model was used on validation data from 2020, and the results were similar with better performance for Agmodel1 (R2 =0.70) versus Agmodel2 (R2=0.36). The improved spatial resolution of Sentinel 2 and the availability of red-edge bands showed improved results compared with previous work based on coarse resolution satellite imagery