518 research outputs found

    A fast and robust patient specific Finite Element mesh registration technique: application to 60 clinical cases

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    Finite Element mesh generation remains an important issue for patient specific biomechanical modeling. While some techniques make automatic mesh generation possible, in most cases, manual mesh generation is preferred for better control over the sub-domain representation, element type, layout and refinement that it provides. Yet, this option is time consuming and not suited for intraoperative situations where model generation and computation time is critical. To overcome this problem we propose a fast and automatic mesh generation technique based on the elastic registration of a generic mesh to the specific target organ in conjunction with element regularity and quality correction. This Mesh-Match-and-Repair (MMRep) approach combines control over the mesh structure along with fast and robust meshing capabilities, even in situations where only partial organ geometry is available. The technique was successfully tested on a database of 5 pre-operatively acquired complete femora CT scans, 5 femoral heads partially digitized at intraoperative stage, and 50 CT volumes of patients' heads. The MMRep algorithm succeeded in all 60 cases, yielding for each patient a hex-dominant, Atlas based, Finite Element mesh with submillimetric surface representation accuracy, directly exploitable within a commercial FE software

    Automating the multimodal analysis of musculoskeletal imaging in the presence of hip implants

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    In patients treated with hip arthroplasty, the muscular condition and presence of inflammatory reactions are assessed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). As MRI lacks contrast for bony structures, computed tomography (CT) is preferred for clinical evaluation of bone tissue and orthopaedic surgical planning. Combining the complementary information of MRI and CT could improve current clinical practice for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment planning. In particular, the different contrast of these modalities could help better quantify the presence of fatty infiltration to characterise muscular condition after hip replacement. In this thesis, I developed automated processing tools for the joint analysis of CT and MR images of patients with hip implants. In order to combine the multimodal information, a novel nonlinear registration algorithm was introduced, which imposes rigidity constraints on bony structures to ensure realistic deformation. I implemented and thoroughly validated a fully automated framework for the multimodal segmentation of healthy and pathological musculoskeletal structures, as well as implants. This framework combines the proposed registration algorithm with tailored image quality enhancement techniques and a multi-atlas-based segmentation approach, providing robustness against the large population anatomical variability and the presence of noise and artefacts in the images. The automation of muscle segmentation enabled the derivation of a measure of fatty infiltration, the Intramuscular Fat Fraction, useful to characterise the presence of muscle atrophy. The proposed imaging biomarker was shown to strongly correlate with the atrophy radiological score currently used in clinical practice. Finally, a preliminary work on multimodal metal artefact reduction, using an unsupervised deep learning strategy, showed promise for improving the postprocessing of CT and MR images heavily corrupted by metal artefact. This work represents a step forward towards the automation of image analysis in hip arthroplasty, supporting and quantitatively informing the decision-making process about patient’s management

    Automated motion analysis of bony joint structures from dynamic computer tomography images: A multi-atlas approach

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    Dynamic computer tomography (CT) is an emerging modality to analyze in-vivo joint kinematics at the bone level, but it requires manual bone segmentation and, in some instances, landmark identification. The objective of this study is to present an automated workflow for the assessment of three-dimensional in vivo joint kinematics from dynamic musculoskeletal CT images. The proposed method relies on a multi-atlas, multi-label segmentation and landmark propagation framework to extract bony structures and detect anatomical landmarks on the CT dataset. The segmented structures serve as regions of interest for the subsequent motion estimation across the dynamic sequence. The landmarks are propagated across the dynamic sequence for the construction of bone embedded reference frames from which kinematic parameters are estimated. We applied our workflow on dynamic CT images obtained from 15 healthy subjects on two different joints: thumb base (n = 5) and knee (n = 10). The proposed method resulted in segmentation accuracies of 0.90 ± 0.01 for the thumb dataset and 0.94 ± 0.02 for the knee as measured by the Dice score coefficient. In terms of motion estimation, mean differences in cardan angles between the automated algorithm and manual segmentation, and landmark identification performed by an expert were below 1◦. Intraclass correlation (ICC) between cardan angles from the algorithm and results from expert manual landmarks ranged from 0.72 to 0.99 for all joints across all axes. The proposed automated method resulted in reproducible and reliable measurements, enabling the assessment of joint kinematics using 4DCT in clinical routine

    Automated Motion Analysis of Bony Joint Structures from Dynamic Computer Tomography Images: A Multi-Atlas Approach

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    Dynamic computer tomography (CT) is an emerging modality to analyze in-vivo joint kinematics at the bone level, but it requires manual bone segmentation and, in some instances, landmark identification. The objective of this study is to present an automated workflow for the assessment of three-dimensional in vivo joint kinematics from dynamic musculoskeletal CT images. The proposed method relies on a multi-atlas, multi-label segmentation and landmark propagation framework to extract bony structures and detect anatomical landmarks on the CT dataset. The segmented structures serve as regions of interest for the subsequent motion estimation across the dynamic sequence. The landmarks are propagated across the dynamic sequence for the construction of bone embedded reference frames from which kinematic parameters are estimated. We applied our workflow on dynamic CT images obtained from 15 healthy subjects on two different joints: thumb base (n = 5) and knee (n = 10). The proposed method resulted in segmentation accuracies of 0.90 ± 0.01 for the thumb dataset and 0.94 ± 0.02 for the knee as measured by the Dice score coefficient. In terms of motion estimation, mean differences in cardan angles between the automated algorithm and manual segmentation, and landmark identification performed by an expert were below 1◦. Intraclass correlation (ICC) between cardan angles from the algorithm and results from expert manual landmarks ranged from 0.72 to 0.99 for all joints across all axes. The proposed automated method resulted in reproducible and reliable measurements, enabling the assessment of joint kinematics using 4DCT in clinical routine

    Automated 3D quantitative assessment and measurement of alpha angles from the femoral head-neck junction using MR imaging

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    To develop an automated approach for 3D quantitative assessment and measurement of alpha angles from the femoral head-neck (FHN) junction using bone models derived from magnetic resonance (MR) images of the hip joint

    Automated Distinct Bone Segmentation from Computed Tomography Images using Deep Learning

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    Large-scale CT scans are frequently performed for forensic and diagnostic purposes, to plan and direct surgical procedures, and to track the development of bone-related diseases. This often involves radiologists who have to annotate bones manually or in a semi-automatic way, which is a time consuming task. Their annotation workload can be reduced by automated segmentation and detection of individual bones. This automation of distinct bone segmentation not only has the potential to accelerate current workflows but also opens up new possibilities for processing and presenting medical data for planning, navigation, and education. In this thesis, we explored the use of deep learning for automating the segmentation of all individual bones within an upper-body CT scan. To do so, we had to find a network architec- ture that provides a good trade-off between the problem’s high computational demands and the results’ accuracy. After finding a baseline method and having enlarged the dataset, we set out to eliminate the most prevalent types of error. To do so, we introduced an novel method called binary-prediction-enhanced multi-class (BEM) inference, separating the task into two: Distin- guishing bone from non-bone is conducted separately from identifying the individual bones. Both predictions are then merged, which leads to superior results. Another type of error is tack- led by our developed architecture, the Sneaky-Net, which receives additional inputs with larger fields of view but at a smaller resolution. We can thus sneak more extensive areas of the input into the network while keeping the growth of additional pixels in check. Overall, we present a deep-learning-based method that reliably segments most of the over one hundred distinct bones present in upper-body CT scans in an end-to-end trained matter quickly enough to be used in interactive software. Our algorithm has been included in our groups virtual reality medical image visualisation software SpectoVR with the plan to be used as one of the puzzle piece in surgical planning and navigation, as well as in the education of future doctors

    A deep learning approach to bone segmentation in CT scans

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    This thesis proposes a deep learning approach to bone segmentation in abdominal CT scans. Segmentation is a common initial step in medical images analysis, often fundamental for computer-aided detection and diagnosis systems. The extraction of bones in CT scans is a challenging task, which if done manually by experts requires a time consuming process and that has not today a broadly recognized automatic solution. The method presented is based on a convolutional neural network, inspired by the U-Net and trained end-to-end, that performs a semantic segmentation of the data. The training dataset is made up of 21 abdominal CT scans, each one containing between 403 and 994 2D transversal images. Those images are in full resolution, 512x512 voxels, and each voxel is classified by the network into one of the following classes: background, femoral bones, hips, sacrum, sternum, spine and ribs. The output is therefore a bone mask where the bones are recognized and divided into six different classes. In the testing dataset, labeled by experts, the best model achieves a Dice coefficient as average of all bone classes of 0.93. This work demonstrates, to the best of my knowledge for the first time, the feasibility of automatic bone segmentation and classification for CT scans using a convolutional neural network

    Analysis, Segmentation and Prediction of Knee Cartilage using Statistical Shape Models

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    Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is one of the leading causes of chronic disability (along with the hip). Due to rising healthcare costs associated with OA, it is important to fully understand the disease and how it progresses in the knee. One symptom of knee OA is the degeneration of cartilage in the articulating knee. The cartilage pad plays a major role in painting the biomechanical picture of the knee. This work attempts to quantify the cartilage thickness of healthy male and female knees using statistical shape models (SSMs) for a deep knee bend activity. Additionally, novel cartilage segmentation from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and estimation algorithms from computer tomography (CT) or x-rays are proposed to facilitate the efficient development and accurate analysis of future treatments related to the knee. Cartilage morphology results suggest distinct patterns of wear in varus, valgus, and neutral degenerative knees, and examination of contact regions during the deep knee bend activity further emphasizes these patterns. Segmentation results were achieved that were comparable if not of higher quality than existing state-of-the-art techniques for both femoral and tibial cartilage. Likewise, using the point correspondence properties of SSMs, estimation of articulating cartilage was effective in healthy and degenerative knees. In conclusion, this work provides novel, clinically relevant morphological data to compute segmentation and estimate new data in such a way to potentially contribute to improving results and efficiency in evaluation of the femorotibial cartilage layer
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