139 research outputs found

    Automatic Differentiation for Adjoint Stencil Loops

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    Stencil loops are a common motif in computations including convolutional neural networks, structured-mesh solvers for partial differential equations, and image processing. Stencil loops are easy to parallelise, and their fast execution is aided by compilers, libraries, and domain-specific languages. Reverse-mode automatic differentiation, also known as algorithmic differentiation, autodiff, adjoint differentiation, or back-propagation, is sometimes used to obtain gradients of programs that contain stencil loops. Unfortunately, conventional automatic differentiation results in a memory access pattern that is not stencil-like and not easily parallelisable. In this paper we present a novel combination of automatic differentiation and loop transformations that preserves the structure and memory access pattern of stencil loops, while computing fully consistent derivatives. The generated loops can be parallelised and optimised for performance in the same way and using the same tools as the original computation. We have implemented this new technique in the Python tool PerforAD, which we release with this paper along with test cases derived from seismic imaging and computational fluid dynamics applications.Comment: ICPP 201

    Automatic parallel implementations of adjoint codes for structured mesh applications

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    Algorithmic Differentiation (AD) shown to be an essential tool to get sensitivity information for va in multiple areas of science such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applications or finance. Yet there is no sufficient tool to ease the cost of providing performance portable AD codes, especially for modern hardware like GPU clusters. This paper sketches our plans and progress so far to extend the OPS framework with an adjoint tape (storage for descriptors of intermediate steps and intermediate states of variables) and shows preliminary performance results on CPU nodes. The OPS (Oxford Parallel library for Structured mesh solvers) has shown good performance and scaling on a wide range of HPC architectures. Our work aims to exploit the benefits of OPS to provide performance portable adjoint implementations for future structured mesh stencil applications using OPS with minimal modifications

    Compiler Support for Operator Overloading and Algorithmic Differentiation in C++

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    Multiphysics software needs derivatives for, e.g., solving a system of non-linear equations, conducting model verification, or sensitivity studies. In C++, algorithmic differentiation (AD), based on operator overloading (overloading), can be used to calculate derivatives up to machine precision. To that end, the built-in floating-point type is replaced by the user-defined AD type. It overloads all required operators, and calculates the original value and the corresponding derivative based on the chain rule of calculus. While changing the underlying type seems straightforward, several complications arise concerning software and performance engineering. This includes (1) fundamental language restrictions of C++ w.r.t. user-defined types, (2) type correctness of distributed computations with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) library, and (3) identification and mitigation of AD induced overheads. To handle these issues, AD experts may spend a significant amount of time to enhance a code with AD, verify the derivatives and ensure optimal application performance. Hence, in this thesis, we propose a modern compiler-based tooling approach to support and accelerate the AD-enhancement process of C++ target codes. In particular, we make contributions to three aspects of AD. The initial type change - While the change to the AD type in a target code is conceptually straightforward, the type change often leads to a multitude of compiler error messages. This is due to the different treatment of built-in floating-point types and user-defined types by the C++ language standard. Previously legal code constructs in the target code subsequently violate the language standard when the built-in floating-point type is replaced with a user-defined AD type. We identify and classify these problematic code constructs and their root cause is shown. Solutions by localized source transformation are proposed. To automate this rather mechanical process, we develop a static code analyser and source transformation tool, called OO-Lint, based on the Clang compiler framework. It flags instances of these problematic code constructs and applies source transformations to make the code compliant with the requirements of the language standard. To show the overall relevance of complications with user-defined types, OO-Lint is applied to several well-known scientific codes, some of which have already been AD enhanced by others. In all of these applications, except the ones manually treated for AD overloading, problematic code constructs are detected. Type correctness of MPI communication - MPI is the de-facto standard for programming high performance, distributed applications. At the same time, MPI has a complex interface whose usage can be error-prone. For instance, MPI derived data types require manual construction by specifying memory locations of the underlying data. Specifying wrong offsets can lead to subtle bugs that are hard to detect. In the context of AD, special libraries exist that handle the required derivative book-keeping by replacing the MPI communication calls with overloaded variants. However, on top of the AD type change, the MPI communication routines have to be changed manually. In addition, the AD type fundamentally changes memory layout assumptions as it has a different extent than the built-in types. Previously legal layout assumptions have, thus, to be reverified. As a remedy, to detect any type-related errors, we developed a memory sanitizer tool, called TypeART, based on the LLVM compiler framework and the MPI correctness checker MUST. It tracks all memory allocations relevant to MPI communication to allow for checking the underlying type and extent of the typeless memory buffer address passed to any MPI routine. The overhead induced by TypeART w.r.t. several target applications is manageable. AD domain-specific profiling - Applying AD in a black-box manner, without consideration of the target code structure, can have a significant impact on both runtime and memory consumption. An AD expert is usually required to apply further AD-related optimizations for the reduction of these induced overheads. Traditional profiling techniques are, however, insufficient as they do not reveal any AD domain-specific metrics. Of interest for AD code optimization are, e.g., specific code patterns, especially on a function level, that can be treated efficiently with AD. To that end, we developed a static profiling tool, called ProAD, based on the LLVM compiler framework. For each function, it generates the computational graph based on the static data flow of the floating-point variables. The framework supports pattern analysis on the computational graph to identify the optimal application of the chain rule. We show the potential of the optimal application of AD with two case studies. In both cases, significant runtime improvements can be achieved when the knowledge of the code structure, provided by our tool, is exploited. For instance, with a stencil code, a speedup factor of about 13 is achieved compared to a naive application of AD and a factor of 1.2 compared to hand-written derivative code

    Source-to-Source Automatic Differentiation of OpenMP Parallel Loops

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    International audienceThis paper presents our work toward correct and efficient automatic differentiation of OpenMP parallel worksharing loops in forward and reverse mode. Automatic differentiation is a method to obtain gradients of numerical programs, which are crucial in optimization, uncertainty quantification, and machine learning. The computational cost to compute gradients is a common bottleneck in practice. For applications that are parallelized for multicore CPUs or GPUs using OpenMP, one also wishes to compute the gradients in parallel. We propose a framework to reason about the correctness of the generated derivative code, from which we justify our OpenMP extension to the differentiation model. We implement this model in the automatic differentiation tool Tapenade and present test cases that are differentiated following our extended differentiation procedure. Performance of the generated derivative programs in forward and reverse mode is better than sequential, although our reverse mode often scales worse than the input programs

    Source-to-Source Automatic Differentiation of OpenMP Parallel Loops

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    International audienceThis paper presents our work toward correct and efficient automatic differentiation of OpenMP parallel worksharing loops in forward and reverse mode. Automatic differentiation is a method to obtain gradients of numerical programs, which are crucial in optimization, uncertainty quantification, and machine learning. The computational cost to compute gradients is a common bottleneck in practice. For applications that are parallelized for multicore CPUs or GPUs using OpenMP, one also wishes to compute the gradients in parallel. We propose a framework to reason about the correctness of the generated derivative code, from which we justify our OpenMP extension to the differentiation model. We implement this model in the automatic differentiation tool Tapenade and present test cases that are differentiated following our extended differentiation procedure. Performance of the generated derivative programs in forward and reverse mode is better than sequential, although our reverse mode often scales worse than the input programs

    Automatic Differentiation of Parallel Loops with Formal Methods

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    International audienceThis paper presents a novel combination of reverse mode automatic differentiation and formal methods, to enable efficient differentiation of (or backpropagation through) shared-memory parallel loops. Compared to the state of the art, our approach can reduce the need for atomic updates or private data copies during the parallel derivative computation, even in the presence of unstructured or data-dependent data access patterns. This is achieved by gathering information about the memory access patterns from the input program, which is assumed to be correctly parallelized. This information is then used to build a model of assertions in a theorem prover, which can be used to check the safety of shared memory accesses during the parallel derivative loops. We demonstrate this approach on scientific computing benchmarks including a lattice-Boltzmann method (LBM) solver from the Parboil benchmark suite and a Green's function Monte Carlo (GFMC) kernel from the CORAL benchmark suite

    Adjoint-based aerodynamic shape optimization on unstructured meshes

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    In this paper, the exact discrete adjoint of an unstructured finite-volume formulation of the Euler equations in two dimensions is derived and implemented. The adjoint equations are solved with the same implicit scheme as used for the flow equations. The scheme is modified to efficiently account for multiple functionals simultaneously. An optimization framework, which couples an analytical shape parameterization to the flow/adjoint solver and to algorithms for constrained optimization, is tested on airfoil design cases involving transonic as well as supersonic flows. The effect of some approximations in the discrete adjoint, which aim at reducing the complexity of the implementation, is shown in terms of optimization results rather than only in terms of gradient accuracy. The shape-optimization method appears to be very efficient and robust

    Discrete adjoints on many cores Algorithmic differentiation of accelerated fluid simulations

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    PhDSimulations are used in science and industry to predict the performance of technical systems. Adjoint derivatives of these simulations can reveal the sensitivity of the system performance to changes in design or operating conditions, and are increasingly used in shape optimisation and uncertainty quantification. Algorithmic differentiation (AD) by source-transformation is an efficient method to compute such derivatives. AD requires an analysis of the computation and its data flow to produce efficient adjoint code. One important step is the activity analysis that detects operations that need to be differentiated. An improved activity analysis is investigated in this thesis that simplifies build procedures for certain adjoint programs, and is demonstrated to improve the speed of an adjoint fluid dynamics solver. The method works by allowing a context-dependent analysis of routines. The ongoing trend towards multi- and many-core architectures such as the Intel XeonPhi is creating challenges for AD. Two novel approaches are presented that replicate the parallelisation of a program in its corresponding adjoint program. The first approach detects loops that naturally result in a parallelisable adjoint loop, while the second approach uses loop transformation and the aforementioned context-dependent analysis to enforce parallelisable data access in the adjoint loop. A case study shows that both approaches yield adjoints that are as scalable as their underlying primal programs. Adjoint computations are limited by their memory footprint, particularly in unsteady simulations, for which this work presents incomplete checkpointing as a method to reduce memory usage at the cost of a slight reduction in accuracy. Finally, convergence of iterative linear solvers is discussed, which is especially relevant on accelerator cards, where single precision floating point numbers are frequently used and the choice of solvers is limited by the small memory size. Some problems that are particular to adjoint computations are discussed.European Union

    Getting to the Point. Index Sets and Parallelism-Preserving Autodiff for Pointful Array Programming

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    We present a novel programming language design that attempts to combine the clarity and safety of high-level functional languages with the efficiency and parallelism of low-level numerical languages. We treat arrays as eagerly-memoized functions on typed index sets, allowing abstract function manipulations, such as currying, to work on arrays. In contrast to composing primitive bulk-array operations, we argue for an explicit nested indexing style that mirrors application of functions to arguments. We also introduce a fine-grained typed effects system which affords concise and automatically-parallelized in-place updates. Specifically, an associative accumulation effect allows reverse-mode automatic differentiation of in-place updates in a way that preserves parallelism. Empirically, we benchmark against the Futhark array programming language, and demonstrate that aggressive inlining and type-driven compilation allows array programs to be written in an expressive, "pointful" style with little performance penalty.Comment: 31 pages with appendix, 11 figures. A conference submission is still under revie
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