59 research outputs found

    BDS GNSS for Earth Observation

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    For millennia, human communities have wondered about the possibility of observing phenomena in their surroundings, and in particular those affecting the Earth on which they live. More generally, it can be conceptually defined as Earth observation (EO) and is the collection of information about the biological, chemical and physical systems of planet Earth. It can be undertaken through sensors in direct contact with the ground or airborne platforms (such as weather balloons and stations) or remote-sensing technologies. However, the definition of EO has only become significant in the last 50 years, since it has been possible to send artificial satellites out of Earth’s orbit. Referring strictly to civil applications, satellites of this type were initially designed to provide satellite images; later, their purpose expanded to include the study of information on land characteristics, growing vegetation, crops, and environmental pollution. The data collected are used for several purposes, including the identification of natural resources and the production of accurate cartography. Satellite observations can cover the land, the atmosphere, and the oceans. Remote-sensing satellites may be equipped with passive instrumentation such as infrared or cameras for imaging the visible or active instrumentation such as radar. Generally, such satellites are non-geostationary satellites, i.e., they move at a certain speed along orbits inclined with respect to the Earth’s equatorial plane, often in polar orbit, at low or medium altitude, Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO), thus covering the entire Earth’s surface in a certain scan time (properly called ’temporal resolution’), i.e., in a certain number of orbits around the Earth. The first remote-sensing satellites were the American NASA/USGS Landsat Program; subsequently, the European: ENVISAT (ENVironmental SATellite), ERS (European Remote-Sensing satellite), RapidEye, the French SPOT (Satellite Pour l’Observation de laTerre), and the Canadian RADARSAT satellites were launched. The IKONOS, QuickBird, and GeoEye-1 satellites were dedicated to cartography. The WorldView-1 and WorldView-2 satellites and the COSMO-SkyMed system are more recent. The latest generation are the low payloads called Small Satellites, e.g., the Chinese BuFeng-1 and Fengyun-3 series. Also, Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) have captured the attention of researchers worldwide for a multitude of Earth monitoring and exploration applications. On the other hand, over the past 40 years, GNSSs have become an essential part of many human activities. As is widely noted, there are currently four fully operational GNSSs; two of these were developed for military purposes (American NAVstar GPS and Russian GLONASS), whilst two others were developed for civil purposes such as the Chinese BeiDou satellite navigation system (BDS) and the European Galileo. In addition, many other regional GNSSs, such as the South Korean Regional Positioning System (KPS), the Japanese quasi-zenital satellite system (QZSS), and the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS/NavIC), will become available in the next few years, which will have enormous potential for scientific applications and geomatics professionals. In addition to their traditional role of providing global positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) information, GNSS navigation signals are now being used in new and innovative ways. Across the globe, new fields of scientific study are opening up to examine how signals can provide information about the characteristics of the atmosphere and even the surfaces from which they are reflected before being collected by a receiver. EO researchers monitor global environmental systems using in situ and remote monitoring tools. Their findings provide tools to support decision makers in various areas of interest, from security to the natural environment. GNSS signals are considered an important new source of information because they are a free, real-time, and globally available resource for the EO community

    Investigation of Shadow Matching for GNSS Positioning in Urban Canyons

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    All travel behavior of people in urban areas relies on knowing their position. Obtaining position has become increasingly easier thanks to the vast popularity of ‘smart’ mobile devices. The main and most accurate positioning technique used in these devices is global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). However, the poor performance of GNSS user equipment in urban canyons is a well-known problem and it is particularly inaccurate in the cross-street direction. The accuracy in this direction greatly affects many applications, including vehicle lane identification and high-accuracy pedestrian navigation. Shadow matching is a new technique that helps solve this problem by integrating GNSS constellation geometries and information derived from 3D models of buildings. This study brings the shadow matching principle from a simple mathematical model, through experimental proof of concept, system design and demonstration, algorithm redesign, comprehensive experimental tests, real-time demonstration and feasibility assessment, to a workable positioning solution. In this thesis, GNSS performance in urban canyons is numerically evaluated using 3D models. Then, a generic two-phase 6-step shadow matching system is proposed, implemented and tested against both geodetic and smartphone-grade GNSS receivers. A Bayesian technique-based shadow matching is proposed to account for NLOS and diffracted signal reception. A particle filter is designed to enable multi-epoch kinematic positioning. Finally, shadow matching is adapted and implemented as a mobile application (app), with feasibility assessment conducted. Results from the investigation confirm that conventional ranging-based GNSS is not adequate for reliable urban positioning. The designed shadow matching positioning system is demonstrated complementary to conventional GNSS in improving urban positioning accuracy. Each of the three generations of shadow matching algorithm is demonstrated to provide better positioning performance, supported by comprehensive experiments. In summary, shadow matching has been demonstrated to significantly improve urban positioning accuracy; it shows great potential to revolutionize urban positioning from street level to lane level, and possibly meter level

    Three decades of statistical pattern recognition paradigm for SHM of bridges

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordBridges play a crucial role in modern societies, regardless of their culture, geographical location, or economic development. The safest, economical, and most resilient bridges are those that are well managed and maintained. In the last three decades, structural health monitoring (SHM) has been a promising tool in management activities of bridges as potentially it permits one to perform condition assessment to reduce uncertainty in the planning and designing of maintenance activities as well as to increase the service performance and safety of operation. The general idea has been the transformation of massive data obtained from monitoring systems and numerical models into meaningful information. To deal with large amounts of data and perform the damage identification automatically, SHM has been cast in the context of the statistical pattern recognition (SPR) paradigm, where machine learning plays an important role. Meanwhile, recent technologies have unveiled alternative sensing opportunities and new perspectives to manage and observe the response of bridges, but it is widely recognized that bridge SHM is not yet fully capable of producing reliable global information on the presence of damage. While there have been multiple review studies published on SHM and vibration-based structural damage detection for wider scopes, there have not been so many reviews on SHM of bridges in the context of the SPR paradigm. Besides, some of those reviews become obsolete quite fast, and they are usually biased towards applications falling outside of bridge engineering. Therefore, the main goal of this article is to summarize the concept of SHM and point out key developments in research and applications of the SPR paradigm observed in bridges in the last three decades, including developments in sensing technology and data analysis, and to identify current and future trends to promote more coordinated and interdisciplinary research in the SHM of bridges

    Advanced Sensors for Real-Time Monitoring Applications

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    It is impossible to imagine the modern world without sensors, or without real-time information about almost everything—from local temperature to material composition and health parameters. We sense, measure, and process data and act accordingly all the time. In fact, real-time monitoring and information is key to a successful business, an assistant in life-saving decisions that healthcare professionals make, and a tool in research that could revolutionize the future. To ensure that sensors address the rapidly developing needs of various areas of our lives and activities, scientists, researchers, manufacturers, and end-users have established an efficient dialogue so that the newest technological achievements in all aspects of real-time sensing can be implemented for the benefit of the wider community. This book documents some of the results of such a dialogue and reports on advances in sensors and sensor systems for existing and emerging real-time monitoring applications

    Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, Volume 1 Issue 2, 2022

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    This open access book provides an overview of the progress in landslide research and technology and is part of a book series of the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL). It gives an overview of recent progress in landslide research and technology for practical applications and the benefit for the society contributing to understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk

    Radar satellite imagery for humanitarian response. Bridging the gap between technology and application

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    This work deals with radar satellite imagery and its potential to assist of humanitarian operations. As the number of displaced people annually increases, both hosting countries and relief organizations face new challenges which are often related to unclear situations and lack of information on the number and location of people in need, as well as their environments. It was demonstrated in numerous studies that methods of earth observation can deliver this important information for the management of crises, the organization of refugee camps, and the mapping of environmental resources and natural hazards. However, most of these studies make use of -high-resolution optical imagery, while the role of radar satellites is widely neglected. At the same time, radar sensors have characteristics which make them highly suitable for humanitarian response, their potential to capture images through cloud cover and at night in the first place. Consequently, they potentially allow quicker response in cases of emergencies than optical imagery. This work demonstrates the currently unused potential of radar imagery for the assistance of humanitarian operations by case studies which cover the information needs of specific emergency situations. They are thematically grouped into topics related to population, natural hazards and the environment. Furthermore, the case studies address different levels of scientific objectives: The main intention is the development of innovative techniques of digital image processing and geospatial analysis as an answer on the identified existing research gaps. For this reason, novel approaches are presented on the mapping of refugee camps and urban areas, the allocation of biomass and environmental impact assessment. Secondly, existing methods developed for radar imagery are applied, refined, or adapted to specifically demonstrate their benefit in a humanitarian context. This is done for the monitoring of camp growth, the assessment of damages in cities affected by civil war, and the derivation of areas vulnerable to flooding or sea-surface changes. Lastly, to foster the integration of radar images into existing operational workflows of humanitarian data analysis, technically simple and easily-adaptable approaches are suggested for the mapping of rural areas for vaccination campaigns, the identification of changes within and around refugee camps, and the assessment of suitable locations for groundwater drillings. While the studies provide different levels of technical complexity and novelty, they all show that radar imagery can largely contribute to the provision of a variety of information which is required to make solid decisions and to effectively provide help in humanitarian operations. This work furthermore demonstrates that radar images are more than just an alternative image source for areas heavily affected by cloud cover. In fact, what makes them valuable is their information content regarding the characteristics of surfaces, such as shape, orientation, roughness, size, height, moisture, or conductivity. All these give decisive insights about man-made and natural environments in emergency situations and cannot be provided by optical images Finally, the findings of the case studies are put into a larger context, discussing the observed potential and limitations of the presented approaches. The major challenges are summarized which need be addressed to make radar imagery more useful in humanitarian operations in the context of upcoming technical developments. New radar satellites and technological progress in the fields of machine learning and cloud computing will bring new opportunities. At the same time, this work demonstrated the large need for further research, as well as for the collaboration and transfer of knowledge and experiences between scientists, users and relief workers in the field. It is the first extensive scientific compilation of this topic and the first step for a sustainable integration of radar imagery into operational frameworks to assist humanitarian work and to contribute to a more efficient provision of help to those in need.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit bildgebenden Radarsatelliten und ihrem potenziellen Beitrag zur UnterstĂŒtzung humanitĂ€rer EinsĂ€tze. Die jĂ€hrlich zunehmende Zahl an vertriebenen oder geflĂŒchteten Menschen stellt sowohl AufnahmelĂ€nder als auch humanitĂ€re Organisationen vor große Herausforderungen, da sie oft mit unĂŒbersichtlichen VerhĂ€ltnissen konfrontiert sind. Effektives Krisenmanagement, die Planung und Versorgung von FlĂŒchtlingslagern, sowie der Schutz der betroffenen Menschen erfordern jedoch verlĂ€ssliche Angaben ĂŒber Anzahl und Aufenthaltsort der GeflĂŒchteten und ihrer natĂŒrlichen Umwelt. Die Bereitstellung dieser Informationen durch Satellitenbilder wurde bereits in zahlreichen Studien aufgezeigt. Sie beruhen in der Regel auf hochaufgelösten optischen Aufnahmen, wĂ€hrend bildgebende Radarsatelliten bisher kaum Anwendung finden. Dabei verfĂŒgen gerade Radarsatelliten ĂŒber Eigenschaften, die hilfreich fĂŒr humanitĂ€re EinsĂ€tze sein können, allen voran ihre UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Bewölkung oder Tageslicht. Dadurch ermöglichen sie in KrisenfĂ€llen verglichen mit optischen Satelliten eine schnellere Reaktion. Diese Arbeit zeigt das derzeit noch ungenutzte Potenzial von Radardaten zur UnterstĂŒtzung humanitĂ€rer Arbeit anhand von Fallstudien auf, in denen konkrete Informationen fĂŒr ausgewĂ€hlte Krisensituationen bereitgestellt werden. Sie sind in die Themenbereiche Bevölkerung, Naturgefahren und Ressourcen aufgeteilt, adressieren jedoch unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche AnsprĂŒche: Der Hauptfokus der Arbeit liegt auf der Entwicklung von innovativen Methoden zur Verarbeitung von Radarbildern und rĂ€umlichen Daten als Antwort auf den identifizierten Forschungsbedarf in diesem Gebiet. Dies wird anhand der Kartierung von FlĂŒchtlingslagern zur AbschĂ€tzung ihrer Bevölkerung, zur Bestimmung von Biomasse, sowie zur Ermittlung des Umwelteinflusses von FlĂŒchtlingslagern aufgezeigt. DarĂŒber hinaus werden existierende oder erprobte AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr die Anwendung im humanitĂ€ren Kontext angepasst oder weiterentwickelt. Dies erfolgt im Rahmen von Fallstudien zur Dynamik von FlĂŒchtlingslagern, zur Ermittlung von SchĂ€den an GebĂ€uden in Kriegsgebieten, sowie zur Erkennung von Risiken durch Überflutung. Zuletzt soll die Integration von Radardaten in bereits existierende AblĂ€ufe oder Arbeitsroutinen in der humanitĂ€ren Hilfe anhand technisch vergleichsweise einfacher AnsĂ€tze vorgestellt und angeregt werden. Als Beispiele dienen hier die radargestĂŒtzte Kartierung von entlegenen Gebieten zur UnterstĂŒtzung von Impfkampagnen, die Identifizierung von VerĂ€nderungen in FlĂŒchtlingslagern, sowie die Auswahl geeigneter Standorte zur Grundwasserentnahme. Obwohl sich die Fallstudien hinsichtlich ihres Innovations- und KomplexitĂ€tsgrads unterscheiden, zeigen sie alle den Mehrwert von Radardaten fĂŒr die Bereitstellung von Informationen, um schnelle und fundierte Planungsentscheidungen zu unterstĂŒtzen. DarĂŒber hinaus wird in dieser Arbeit deutlich, dass Radardaten fĂŒr humanitĂ€re Zwecke mehr als nur eine Alternative in stark bewölkten Gebieten sind. Durch ihren Informationsgehalt zur Beschaffenheit von OberflĂ€chen, beispielsweise hinsichtlich ihrer Rauigkeit, Feuchte, Form, GrĂ¶ĂŸe oder Höhe, sind sie optischen Daten ĂŒberlegen und daher fĂŒr viele Anwendungsbereiche im Kontext humanitĂ€rer Arbeit besonders. Die in den Fallstudien gewonnenen Erkenntnisse werden abschließend vor dem Hintergrund von Vor- und Nachteilen von Radardaten, sowie hinsichtlich zukĂŒnftiger Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen diskutiert. So versprechen neue Radarsatelliten und technologische Fortschritte im Bereich der Datenverarbeitung großes Potenzial. Gleichzeitig unterstreicht die Arbeit einen großen Bedarf an weiterer Forschung, sowie an Austausch und Zusammenarbeit zwischen Wissenschaftlern, Anwendern und EinsatzkrĂ€ften vor Ort. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist die erste umfassende Darstellung und wissenschaftliche Aufarbeitung dieses Themenkomplexes. Sie soll als Grundstein fĂŒr eine langfristige Integration von Radardaten in operationelle AblĂ€ufe dienen, um humanitĂ€re Arbeit zu unterstĂŒtzen und eine wirksame Hilfe fĂŒr Menschen in Not ermöglichen

    Automatic Reconstruction of Parametric, Volumetric Building Models from 3D Point Clouds

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    Planning, construction, modification, and analysis of buildings requires means of representing a building's physical structure and related semantics in a meaningful way. With the rise of novel technologies and increasing requirements in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) domain, two general concepts for representing buildings have gained particular attention in recent years. First, the concept of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is increasingly used as a modern means for representing and managing a building's as-planned state digitally, including not only a geometric model but also various additional semantic properties. Second, point cloud measurements are now widely used for capturing a building's as-built condition by means of laser scanning techniques. A particular challenge and topic of current research are methods for combining the strengths of both point cloud measurements and Building Information Modeling concepts to quickly obtain accurate building models from measured data. In this thesis, we present our recent approaches to tackle the intermeshed challenges of automated indoor point cloud interpretation using targeted segmentation methods, and the automatic reconstruction of high-level, parametric and volumetric building models as the basis for further usage in BIM scenarios. In contrast to most reconstruction methods available at the time, we fundamentally base our approaches on BIM principles and standards, and overcome critical limitations of previous approaches in order to reconstruct globally plausible, volumetric, and parametric models.Automatische Rekonstruktion von parametrischen, volumetrischen GebĂ€udemodellen aus 3D Punktwolken FĂŒr die Planung, Konstruktion, Modifikation und Analyse von GebĂ€uden werden Möglichkeiten zur sinnvollen ReprĂ€sentation der physischen GebĂ€udestruktur sowie dazugehöriger Semantik benötigt. Mit dem Aufkommen neuer Technologien und steigenden Anforderungen im Bereich von Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) haben zwei Konzepte fĂŒr die ReprĂ€sentation von GebĂ€uden in den letzten Jahren besondere Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. Erstens wird das Konzept des Building Information Modeling (BIM) zunehmend als ein modernes Mittel zur digitalen Abbildung und Verwaltung "As-Planned"-Zustands von GebĂ€uden verwendet, welches nicht nur ein geometrisches Modell sondern auch verschiedene zusĂ€tzliche semantische Eigenschaften beinhaltet. Zweitens werden Punktwolkenmessungen inzwischen hĂ€ufig zur Aufnahme des "As-Built"-Zustands mittels Laser-Scan-Techniken eingesetzt. Eine besondere Herausforderung und Thema aktueller Forschung ist die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Vereinigung der StĂ€rken von Punktwolken und Konzepten des Building Information Modeling um schnell akkurate GebĂ€udemodelle aus den gemessenen Daten zu erzeugen. In dieser Dissertation prĂ€sentieren wir unsere aktuellen AnsĂ€tze um die miteinander verwobenen Herausforderungen anzugehen, Punktwolken mithilfe geeigneter Segmentierungsmethoden automatisiert zu interpretieren, sowie hochwertige, parametrische und volumetrische GebĂ€udemodelle als Basis fĂŒr die Verwendung im BIM-Umfeld zu rekonstruieren. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten derzeit verfĂŒgbaren Rekonstruktionsverfahren basieren unsere AnsĂ€tze grundlegend auf Prinzipien und Standards aus dem BIM-Umfeld und ĂŒberwinden kritische EinschrĂ€nkungen bisheriger AnsĂ€tze um vollstĂ€ndig plausible, volumetrische und parametrische Modelle zu erzeugen.</p

    ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 Calibration, Validation, Science and Applications

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    Twelve edited original papers on the latest and state-of-art results of topics ranging from calibration, validation, and science to a wide range of applications using ALOS-2/PALSAR-2. We hope you will find them useful for your future research

    Impact of Geomatic Techniques on Topo-Bathymetric Surveys for Coastal Analysis

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    Sandy coasts represent vital areas whose preservation and maintenance also involve economic and tourist interests. Besides, these dynamic environments undergo the erosion process at different levels depending on their specific characteristics. For this reason, defence interventions are commonly realized by combining engineering solutions and management policies to evaluate their effects over time. Monitoring activities represent the fundamental instrument to obtain a deep knowledge of the investigated phenomenon. Thanks to technological development, several possibilities both in terms of geomatic surveying techniques and processing tools are available, allowing to reach high performances and accuracy. Nevertheless, when the littoral definition includes both emerged and submerged beaches, several issues have to be considered. Therefore, the geomatic surveys and all the following steps need to be calibrated according to the individual application, with the reference system, accuracy and spatial resolution as primary aspects. This study provides the evaluation of the available geomatic techniques, processing approaches, and derived products, aiming at optimising the entire workflow of coastal monitoring by adopting an accuracy-efficiency trade-off. The presented analyses highlight the balance point when the increase in performance becomes an additional value for the obtained products ensuring proper data management. This perspective can represent a helpful instrument to properly plan the monitoring activities according to the specific purposes of the analysis. Finally, the primary uses of the acquired and processed data in monitoring contexts are presented, also considering possible applications for numerical modelling as supporting tools. Moreover, the theme of coastal monitoring has been addressed throughout this thesis by considering a practical point of view, linking to the activities performed by Arpae (Regional agency for prevention, environment and energy of Emilia-Romagna). Indeed, the Adriatic coast of Emilia-Romagna, where sandy beaches particularly exposed to erosion are present, has been chosen as a case study for all the analyses and considerations
