444 research outputs found

    Development of method of matched morphological filtering of biomedical signals and images

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    Formalized approach to the analysis of biomedical signals and images with locally concentrated features is developed on the basis of matched morphological filtering taking into account the useful signal models that allowed generalizing the existing methods of digital processing and analysis of biomedical signals and images with locally concentrated features. The proposed matched morphological filter has been adapted to solve such problems as localization of the searched structural elements on biomedical signals with locally concentrated features, estimation of the irregular background aimed at the visualization quality improving of biological objects on X-ray biomedical images, pathologic structures selection on mammogram. The efficiency of the proposed methods of matched morphological filtration of biomedical signals and images with locally concentrated features is proved by experiments

    For the Jubilee of Vladimir Mikhailovich Chernov

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    On April 25, 2019, Vladimir Chernov celebrated his 70th birthday, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing of the Image Processing Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPSI RAS), a branch of the Federal Science Research Center "Crystallography and Photonics RAS and part-Time Professor at the Department of Geoinformatics and Information Security of the Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). The article briefly describes the scientific and pedagogical achievements of the hero of the day. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The informatics system designed for the needs of the workgroup working at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Sciences of Opole University of Technology consisting of two applications, of which one is currently the most popular operating system in smart phones was described in the article. The objective of operation of the mobile application is connection of functionality of a device for electroencephalographic measurements with a daily used mobile phone. Thanks to applied connection in the form of an application it is possible to verify the concentration state of the particular person during execution of the particular action with the special consideration to the tasks, which require high concentration. Thanks to the elaborated mobile application we are able to determine the most effective daytime for learning and to draw the characteristics of the concentration loss time. The second application in the system is used as the synchronization server.W artykule opisany został zaprojektowany na potrzeby grupy roboczej pracującej w ramach Instytutu Automatyki i Informatyki Politechniki Opolskiej system informatycznym składający się z dwóch aplikacji, z których jedna działa pod najpopularniejszym obecnie systemem operacyjnym na smartfonach. Celem pracy aplikacji mobilnej jest połączenie funkcjonalności urządzenia do pomiarów elektroencefalograficznych z używanym na co dzień urządzeniem telefonii mobilnej. Dzięki zastosowanemu połączeniu w postaci aplikacji, możliwa jest weryfikacja stanu skupienia danej osoby podczas wykonywania konkretnej czynności ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem tych zadań, które wymagają wysokiego skupienia. Dzięki opracowanej aplikacji mobilnej jesteśmy w stanie określić najbardziej efektywne pory dnia na naukę oraz wykreślić charakterystykę czasu utraty skupienia. Druga z aplikacji w systemie służy jako serwer synchronizacji