653 research outputs found

    Semantic Web Based Relational Database Access With Conflict Resolution

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    This thesis focuses on (1) accessing relational databases through Semantic Web technologies and (2) resolving conflicts that usually arises when integrating data from heterogeneous source schemas and/or instances. In the first part of the thesis, we present an approach to access relational databases using Semantic Web technologies. Our approach is built on top of Ontop framework for Ontology Based Data Access. It extracts both Ontop mappings and an equivalent OWL ontology from an existing database schema. The end users can then access the underlying data source through SPARQL queries. The proposed approach takes into consideration the different relationships between the entities of the database schema when it extracts the mapping and the equivalent ontology. Instead of extracting a flat ontology that is an exact copy of the database schema, it extracts a rich ontology. The extracted ontology can also be used as an intermediary between a domain ontology and the underlying database schema. Our approach covers independent or master entities that do not have foreign references, dependent or detailed entities that have some foreign keys that reference other entities, recursive entities that contain some self references, binary join entities that relate two entities together, and n-ary join entities that map two or more entities in an n-ary relation. The implementation results indicate that the extracted Ontop mappings and ontology are accurate. i.e., end users can query all data (using SPARQL) from the underlying database source in the same way as if they have written SQL queries. In the second part, we present an overview of the conflict resolution approaches in both conventional data integration systems and collaborative data sharing communities. We focus on the latter as it supports the needs of scientific communities for data sharing and collaboration. We first introduce the purpose of the study, and present a brief overview of data integration. Next, we talk about the problem of inconsistent data in conventional integration systems, and we summarize the conflict handling strategies used to handle such inconsistent data. Then we focus on the problem of conflict resolution in collaborative data sharing communities. A collaborative data sharing community is a group of users who agree to share a common database instance, such that all users have access to the shared instance and they can add to, update, and extend this shared instance. We discuss related works that adopt different conflict resolution strategies in the area of collaborative data sharing, and we provide a comparison between them. We find that a Collaborative Data Sharing System (CDSS) can best support the needs of certain communities such as scientific communities. We then discuss some open research opportunities to improve the efficiency and performance of the CDSS. Finally, we summarize our work so far towards achieving these open research directions

    What are Australia’s national security interests in the South China Sea?

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    Abstract This paper examines Australia’s national security interests in the South China Sea. It notes that a number of states lay claim to various islands in the region, and that territorial disputes over those claims have occasionally erupted into armed conflict in the past. The paper contends that China’s more recent behaviour in asserting its claim is unsettling the region and heightening strategic competition between China and the US, particularly regarding freedom of navigation through the South China Sea. The paper explores two key interests: first, the maintenance of a rules-based international order, especial ly in a contested and strategically-located area so close to Australia’s diplomatic, economic and military interests; and second, in ensuring continued and free access to the ‘global commons’. It concludes that Australia has real and tangible national security interests in the South China Sea that will become increasingly significant across the next decade, not least because Australia’s interests are closely aligned with those of the US, which potentially could involve aiding the US in the event of conflict

    Personalized medicine support system : resolving conflict in allocation to risk groups and predicting patient molecular response to targeted therapy

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    Treatment management in cancer patients is largely based on the use of a standardized set of predictive and prognostic factors. The former are used to evaluate specific clinical interventions, and they can be useful for selecting treatments because they directly predict the response to a treatment. The latter are used to evaluate a patient’s overall outcomes, and can be used to identify the risks or recurrence of a disease. Current intelligent systems can be a solution for transferring advancements in molecular biology into practice, especially for predicting the molecular response to molecular targeted therapy and the prognosis of risk groups in cancer medicine. This framework primarily focuses on the importance of integrating domain knowledge in predictive and prognostic models for personalized treatment. Our personalized medicine support system provides the needed support in complex decisions and can be incorporated into a treatment guide for selecting molecular targeted therapies.Haneen Banjar, David Adelson, Fred Brown, and Tamara Leclerc

    The use of computer-interpretable clinical guidelines to manage care complexities of patients with multimorbid conditions : a review

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    Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) document evidence-based information and recommendations on treatment and management of conditions. CPGs usually focus on management of a single condition; however, in many cases a patient will be at the centre of multiple health conditions (multimorbidity). Multiple CPGs need to be followed in parallel, each managing a separate condition, which often results in instructions that may interact with each other, such as conflicts in medication. Furthermore, the impetus to deliver customised care based on patient-specific information, results in the need to be able to offer guidelines in an integrated manner, identifying and managing their interactions. In recent years, CPGs have been formatted as computer-interpretable guidelines (CIGs). This enables developing CIG-driven clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), which allow the development of IT applications that contribute to the systematic and reliable management of multiple guidelines. This study focuses on understanding the use of CIG-based CDSSs, in order to manage care complexities of patients with multimorbidity. The literature between 2011 and 2017 is reviewed, which covers: (a) the challenges and barriers in the care of multimorbid patients, (b) the role of CIGs in CDSS augmented delivery of care, and (c) the approaches to alleviating care complexities of multimorbid patients. Generating integrated care plans, detecting and resolving adverse interactions between treatments and medications, dealing with temporal constraints in care steps, supporting patient-caregiver shared decision making and maintaining the continuity of care are some of the approaches that are enabled using a CIG-based CDSS

    Conflict resolution in clinical treatments

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia InformáticaCurrently, in the health area, there is a need for systems that provide support for the decision of health professionals through specific recommendations for each patient based on Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for automatic interpretation. CPGs are documents that have enormous importance in the daily life of health professionals, playing a key role in reducing variations in medical practice, improving the quality of health care, and reducing health care costs. These documents reflect knowledge about how best to diagnose and treat diseases in the form of a list of clinical recommendations. However, there may be conflicts and interactions in the application of these clinical recommendations, that which in their maximum exponent may impair the patient’s clinical condition. These conflicts are transported to decision support systems, creating the need to develop computational methods to solve these same conflicts. In the case of multimorbid patients, this resolution of conflicts can be very problematic because these patients suffer from several pathologies at the same time, and that the use of a drug for one particular pathology may have a detrimental effect on the application of another drug in another pathology. Therefore, the objective of this dissertation topic is the determination of conflicts and interactions between drugs and the determination of these same alternatives.Atualmente na área da saúde, existe uma necessidade de existirem sistemas que forneçam apoio à decisão dos profissionais de saúde através de recomendações específicas para cada paciente com base em protocolos clínicos para interpretação automática. Os protocolos clínicos são documentos que têm enorme importância no dia-a-dia dos profissionais de saúde, desempenhando um papel fundamental na redução das variações na prática médica, na melhoria da qualidade dos cuidados de saúde e na redução dos custos de saúde. Estes documentos reflectem o conhecimento sobre a melhor forma de diagnosticar e tratar doenças na forma de uma lista de recomendações clínicas. Contudo, podem existir conflitos e interações na aplicação destas recomendações clínicas, que no seu expoente máximo poderão levar a um agravamento do estado clínico do paciente, nomeadamente no caso da aplicação de diferentes fármacos. Estes conflitos são transportados para os sistemas de apoio à decisão, criando a necessidade de desenvolver métodos computacionais de resolução destes mesmos conflitos. No caso dos pacientes multimórbidos esta resolução de conflitos pode ser bastante problemática devido ao facto destes pacientes sofrerem de várias patologias ao mesmo tempo, e que a utilização de um fármaco para uma determinada patologia possa vir a ter um efeito nocivo na aplicação de outro fármaco noutra patologia. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste tema de dissertação é a determinação dos conflitos e interações entre fármacos e a determinação dessas mesmas alternativas

    Molecular processes underlying synergistic linuron mineralization in a triple-species bacterial consortium biofilm revealed by differential transcriptomics

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    The proteobacteria Variovorax sp. WDL1, Comamonas testosteroni WDL7, and Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans WDL6 compose a triple-species consortium that synergistically degrades and grows on the phenylurea herbicide linuron. To acquire a better insight into the interactions between the consortium members and the underlying molecular mechanisms, we compared the transcriptomes of the key biodegrading strains WDL7 and WDL1 grown as biofilms in either isolation or consortium conditions by differential RNAseq analysis. Differentially expressed pathways and cellular systems were inferred using the network-based algorithm PheNetic. Coculturing affected mainly metabolism in WDL1. Significantly enhanced expression of hylA encoding linuron hydrolase was observed. Moreover, differential expression of several pathways involved in carbohydrate, amino acid, nitrogen, and sulfur metabolism was observed indicating that WDL1 gains carbon and energy from linuron indirectly by consuming excretion products from WDL7 and/or WDL6. Moreover, in consortium conditions, WDL1 showed a pronounced stress response and overexpression of cell to cell interaction systems such as quorum sensing, contact-dependent inhibition, and Type VI secretion. Since the latter two systems can mediate interference competition, it prompts the question if synergistic linuron degradation is the result of true adaptive cooperation or rather a facultative interaction between bacteria that coincidentally occupy complementary metabolic niches

    Previous, current, and future stereotactic EEG techniques for localising epileptic foci

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    INTRODUCTION: Drug-resistant focal epilepsy presents a significant morbidity burden globally, and epilepsy surgery has been shown to be an effective treatment modality. Therefore, accurate identification of the epileptogenic zone for surgery is crucial, and in those with unclear noninvasive data, stereoencephalography is required. AREAS COVERED: This review covers the history and current practices in the field of intracranial EEG, particularly analyzing how stereotactic image-guidance, robot-assisted navigation, and improved imaging techniques have increased the accuracy, scope, and use of SEEG globally. EXPERT OPINION: We provide a perspective on the future directions in the field, reviewing improvements in predicting electrode bending, image acquisition, machine learning and artificial intelligence, advances in surgical planning and visualization software and hardware. We also see the development of EEG analysis tools based on machine learning algorithms that are likely to work synergistically with neurophysiology experts and improve the efficiency of EEG and SEEG analysis and 3D visualization. Improving computer-assisted planning to minimize manual input from the surgeon, and seamless integration into an ergonomic and adaptive operating theater, incorporating hybrid microscopes, virtual and augmented reality is likely to be a significant area of improvement in the near future

    Harmonizing European Union Bank Resolution: Central Clearing of OTC Derivative Contracts Maintaining the Status Quo of Safe Harbors

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    This Article argues that safe harbors for financial contracts should not be expanded in Europe, but instead should be repealed, as suggested by some commentators in the United States. At the very minimum, credit derivatives, swaps, and repurchasing agreements should be subject to a stay, and the resolution authorities in the Member States should have the power to assume beneficial contracts and to reject other unfavorable contracts. Also, the power of resolution authorities to transfer derivative positions in full or in part should not be sanctioned in favor of a full transfer. Rather, resolution authorities should have the power to cherry pick individual contracts for transfers after determining any potential systemic risk involved. In addition, it is essential to grant resolution authorities clear avoidance powers, specifically the power to avoid preferential transfer prior to bankruptcy. A pre-bankruptcy transfer could be exempted if made in the ordinary course of business. Without the extension of the avoidance powers, counterparties will simply move for contract termination, set off, and close-out at a time prior to bankruptcy
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