95 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Cerebral Lateral Ventricular Enlargement Derived from Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Candidate Biomarker of Alzheimer Disease Progression in Vivo

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    Alzheimer disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and has grievous mortality rates. Measuring brain volumes from structural magnetic resonance images (MRI) may be useful for illuminating disease progression. The goal of this thesis was to (1) help refine a novel technique used to segment the lateral cerebral ventricles from MRI, (2) validate this tool, and determine group-wise differences between normal elderly controls (NEC) and subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD and (3) determine the number of subjects necessary to detect a 20 percent change from the natural history of ventricular enlargement with respect to genotype. Three dimensional Ti-weighted MRI and cognitive measures were acquired from 504 subjects (NEC n = 152, MCI n = 247 and AD n = 105) participating in the multi-centre Alzheimer\u27s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Cerebral ventricular volume was quantified at baseline and after six months. For secondary analyses, all groups were dichotomized for Apolipoprotein E genotype based on the presence of an e4 polymorphism. The AD group had greater ventricular enlargement compared to both subjects with MCI (P = 0.0004) and NEC (P \u3c 0.0001), and subjects with MCI had a greater rate of ventricular enlargement compared to NEC (P =0.0001). MCI subjects that progressed to clinical AD after six months had greater ventricular enlargement than stable MCI subjects (P = 0.0270). Ventricular enlargement was different between apolipoprotein E genotypes within the AD group (P = 0.010). The number of subjects required to demonstrate a 20% change in ventricular enlargement (AD: N=342, MCI: N=1180) was substantially lower than that required to demonstrate a 20% change in cognitive scores (MMSE) (AD: N=7056, MCI: N=7712). Therefore, ventricular enlargement represents a feasible short-term marker of disease progression in subjects with MCI and subjects with AD for multi-centre studie

    Magnetic resonance imaging In Alzheimer’s disease, mild cognitive impairment and normal aging : Multi-template tensor-based morphometry and visual rating

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease preceded by a stage of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The structural brain changes in AD can be detected more than 20 years before symptoms appear. If we are to reveal early brain changes in AD process, it is important to develop new diagnostic methods. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique used in the diagnosis and monitoring of neurodegenerative diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging can detect the typical signs of brain atrophy of degenerative diseases, but similar changes can also be seen in normal aging. Visual rating methods (VRM) have been developed for visual evaluation of atrophy in dementia. A computer-based tensor-based morphometry (TBM) analysis is capable of assessing the brain volume changes typically encountered in AD. This study compared the VRM and TBM analysis in MCI and AD subjects by cross-sectional and longitudinal examination. The working hypothesis was that TBM analysis would be better than the visual methods in detecting atrophy in the brain. TBM was also used to analyze volume changes in the deep gray matter (DGM). Possible associations between TBM changes and neuropsychological tests performances were examined. This working hypothesis was that the structural DGM changes would be associated with impairments in cognitive functions. In the cross-sectional study, TBM distinguished the MCI from controls more sensitively than VRM, but the methods were equally effective in differentiating AD from MCI and controls. In the longitudinal study, both methods were equally good in the evaluation of atrophy in MCI, if the groups were sufficiently large and the disease progressed to AD. Volume changes were found in DGM structures, and the atrophy of DGM structures was related to cognitive impairment in AD. Based on these results, a TBM analysis is more sensitive in detecting brain changes in early AD as compared to VRM. In addition, the study produced information about the involvement of the deep gray matter in cognitive impairment in AD.Magneettikuvaus Alzheimerin taudissa, lievässä muistihäiriössä ja normaalissa ikääntymisessä: Tensoripohjainen muotoanalyysi ja visuaalinen arviointimenetelmä Alzheimerin tauti (AT) on yleisin dementoiva sairaus, jota edeltää yleensä lievä muistitoimintojen heikentyminen. AT:n aivomuutoksia voidaan todeta yli 20 vuotta ennen sairastumista. Jotta vielä varhaisempia AT:n aivomuutoksia voidaan todeta, on tärkeää kehittää uusia diagnostisia menetelmiä. Magneettikuvausta (MK) käytetään rappeuttavien aivosairauksien diagnostiikassa ja seurannassa. MK:lla voidaan havaita aivorappeumasairauksille tyypillistä kutistumista, mutta samanlaisia muutoksia voi esiintyä myös normaalissa ikääntymisessä. Aivorappeuman arviointiin on kehitetty silmämääräisiä arviointimenetelmiä. Tietokoneperusteinen tensoripohjainen muotoanalyysi (TPM) laskee esimerkiksi AT:lle tyypillisiä aivojen tilavuusmuutoksia. Tämä tutkimus vertaili silmämääräisiä arvioitimenetelmiä ja TPM:ä lievässä muistitoimintojen heikentymisessä ja AT:ssa poikittais- ja pitkittäistutkimuksella. TPM:n oletettiin olevan silmämääräisiä menetelmiä parempi tunnistamaan aivojen kutistumismuutoksia. Lisäksi TPM:llä tutkittiin AT:iin liittyviä aivojen syvän harmaan aiheen muutoksia, joita verrattiin neuropsykologisten testien tuloksiin. Syvän harmaan aineen kutistumisen oletettiin olevan yhteydessä tietojenkäsittelyn heikentymiseen. Tulosten perustella TPM tunnisti AT:iin liittyviä aivomuutoksia silmämääräistä menetelmää paremmin jo lievän muistitoimintojen heikentymisen vaiheessa. AT:iin liittyviä aivomuutoksia löytyi myös aivojen syvästä harmaasta aineesta ja ne olivat osittain yhteydessä neuropsykologisten testien tuloksiin. Tutkimuksen perusteella TPM voi parantaa AT:n varhaisdiagnostiikkaa verrattuna silmämääräisiin arviointimenetelmiin. Tutkimus antoi myös tietoa aivojen syvän harmaan aineen osallisuudesta ihmisen tietojenkäsittelyyn

    A Longitudinal Study of Closed Head Injury: Neuropsychological Outcome and Structural Analysis using Region of Interest Measurements and Voxel-Based Morphometry

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    Background: The hippocampus and corpus callosum have been shown to be vulnerable in head injury. Various neuroimaging modalities and quantitative measurement techniques have been employed to investigate pathological changes in these structures. Cognitive and behavioural deficiencies have also been well documented in head injury. Aims: The aim of this research project was to investigate structural changes in the hippocampus and corpus callosum. Two different quantitative methods were used to measure physical changes and neuropsychological assessment was performed to determine cognitive and behavioural deficit. It was also intended to investigate the relationship between structural change and neuropsychology at 1 and 6 months post injury. Method: Forty-seven patients with head injury (ranging from mild to severe) had undergone a battery of neuropsychological tests and an MRI scan at 1 and 6 months post injury. T1-weighted MRI scans were obtained and analysis of hippocampus and corpus callosum was performed using region-of-interest techniques and voxel-based morphometry which also included comparison to 18 healthy volunteers. The patients completed neuropsychological assessment at 1 and 6 months post injury and data obtained was analysed with respect to each assessment and with structural data to determine cognitive decline and correlation with neuroanatomy. Results: Voxel-based morphometry illustrated reduced whole scan signal differences between patients and controls and changes in patients between 1 and 6 months post injury. Reduced grey matter concentration was also found using voxel-based morphometry and segmented images between patients and controls. A number of neuropsychological aspects were related to injury severity and correlations with neuroanatomy were present. Voxel-based morphometry provided a greater number of associations than region-of-interest analysis. No longitudinal changes were found in the hippocampus or corpus callosum using region-of-interest methodology or voxel-based morphometry. Conclusions: Decreased grey matter concentration identified with voxel-based morphometry illustrated that structural deficit was present in the head injured patients and does not change between 1 and 6 months. Voxel-based morphometry appears more sensitive for detecting structural changes after head injury than region- of-interest methods. Although the majority of patients had suffered mild head injury, cognitive and neurobehavioural deficits were evidenced by a substantial number of patients reporting increased anxiety and depression levels. Also, the findings of relationships between reduced grey matter concentration and cognitive test scores are indicative of the effects of diffuse brain damage in the patient group

    Clinical, biochemical and neuroimaging studies in familial Alzheimer's disease.

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    This thesis investigates several aspects of familial Alzheimer disease (FAD). The specific results of the work undertaken for this thesis were: (1) The proportion of FAD accounted for by mutations in known genes was 68% in 31 FAD families Those without mutations were ten years older and associated with APOE e4 (2) The phenotype of PSEN1 FAD was found to share an early age at onset and features broadly suggestive of AD. However the phenotype was broad and included spastic paraparesis in association with "cotton wool" plaques in PSEN1 E280G (3) Plasma amyloid P peptide was found to be a potentially useful biomarker of FAD with levels being elevated in mutations carriers compared with non-carriers, and levels in at risk subjects falling halfway between the groups (4) Cerebral atrophy in early onset AD was 2-8% (95% CI 2-3-3-3) per year which rose by 0-32% per year (0-15-0-50) (5) Pre-symptomatic medial temporal lobe atrophy in FAD at risk family members who become symptomatic was demonstrated with MRI medial temporal lobe volumes 16.6% lower in patients than controls and a higher rate of atrophy in patients than controls (6) Cerebral atrophy in FAD was shown to begin in the posterior cingulate, temporoparietal and medial temporal cortices in presymptomatic FAD patients, a finding in accordance with previous cross-sectional neuropathological studies (7) By contrast the onset and progression of cerebral atrophy in non-AD familial dementia was shown to markedly different in an presymptomatic FTLD patient with focal left frontal lobe onset reflecting the different clinical presentation (8) Cerebral atrophy in FAD was found not to progress significantly faster than sporadic AD despite a twenty year age difference between the groups

    Delineation of hippocampal subregions using T1-weighted magnetic resonance images at 3 Tesla

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    Although several novel approaches for hippocampal subregion delineation have been developed, they need to be applied prospectively and may be limited by long scan times, the use of high field (\u3e3T) imaging systems, and limited reliability metrics. Moreover, the majority of MR imaging data collected to date has employed a T1-weighted acquisition, creating a critical need for an approach that provides reliable hippocampal subregion segmentation using such a contrast. We present a highly reliable approach for the identification of six subregions comprising the hippocampal formation from MR images including the subiculum, dentate gyrus/cornu Ammonis 4 (DG/CA4), entorhinal cortex, fimbria, and anterior and posterior segments of cornu Ammonis 1-3 (CA1-3). MR images were obtained in the coronal plane using a standard 3D spoiled gradient sequence acquired on a GE 3T scanner through the whole head in approximately 10 min. The average ICC for inter-rater reliability across right and left volumetric regions-of-interest was 0.85 (range 0.71-0.98, median 0.86) and the average ICC for intra-rater reliability was 0.92 (range 0.66-0.99, median 0.97). The mean Dice index for inter-rater reliability across right and left hemisphere subregions was 0.75 (range 0.70-0.81, median 0.75) and the mean Dice index for intra-rater reliability was 0.85 (range 0.82-0.90, median 0.85). An investigation of hippocampal asymmetry revealed significantly greater right compared to left hemisphere volumes in the anterior segment of CA1-3 and in the subiculum

    A longitudinal study of closed head injury : neuropsychological outcome and structural analysis using region of interest measurements and voxel-based morphometry

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    Background: The hippocampus and corpus callosum have been shown to be vulnerable in head injury. Various neuroimaging modalities and quantitative measurement techniques have been employed to investigate pathological changes in these structures. Cognitive and behavioural deficiencies have also been well documented in head injury. Aims: The aim of this research project was to investigate structural changes in the hippocampus and corpus callosum. Two different quantitative methods were used to measure physical changes and neuropsychological assessment was performed to determine cognitive and behavioural deficit. It was also intended to investigate the relationship between structural change and neuropsychology at 1 and 6 months post injury. Method: Forty-seven patients with head injury (ranging from mild to severe) had undergone a battery of neuropsychological tests and an MRI scan at 1 and 6 months post injury. T1-weighted MRI scans were obtained and analysis of hippocampus and corpus callosum was performed using region-of-interest techniques and voxel-based morphometry which also included comparison to 18 healthy volunteers. The patients completed neuropsychological assessment at 1 and 6 months post injury and data obtained was analysed with respect to each assessment and with structural data to determine cognitive decline and correlation with neuroanatomy. Results: Voxel-based morphometry illustrated reduced whole scan signal differences between patients and controls and changes in patients between 1 and 6 months post injury. Reduced grey matter concentration was also found using voxel-based morphometry and segmented images between patients and controls. A number of neuropsychological aspects were related to injury severity and correlations with neuroanatomy were present. Voxel-based morphometry provided a greater number of associations than region-of-interest analysis. No longitudinal changes were found in the hippocampus or corpus callosum using region-of-interest methodology or voxel-based morphometry. Conclusions: Decreased grey matter concentration identified with voxel-based morphometry illustrated that structural deficit was present in the head injured patients and does not change between 1 and 6 months. Voxel-based morphometry appears more sensitive for detecting structural changes after head injury than region- of-interest methods. Although the majority of patients had suffered mild head injury, cognitive and neurobehavioural deficits were evidenced by a substantial number of patients reporting increased anxiety and depression levels. Also, the findings of relationships between reduced grey matter concentration and cognitive test scores are indicative of the effects of diffuse brain damage in the patient group.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Ventricular dilatation in aging and dementia

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    The general objective of this thesis was to study the causes and consequences of ventricular dilatation in aging and dementia. For this purpose, we used ventricular shape analysis to study potential new MRI markers of cognitive decline in aging, subjective memory complaints, mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. In addition, we designed a volumetric measure that may objectively quantify the disproportionate ventricular dilatation that is characteristic of Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (NPH). We investigated the value of this measure for the selection of candidates with NPH for ventricular shunting, studied its association with NPH-like symptoms in the general population and used the measure to explore a possible cardiovascular origin of cerebral ventricular dilatation.UBL - phd migration 201

    A longitudinal study of closed head injury : neuropsychological outcome and structural analysis using region of interest measurements and voxel-based morphometry

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    Background: The hippocampus and corpus callosum have been shown to be vulnerable in head injury. Various neuroimaging modalities and quantitative measurement techniques have been employed to investigate pathological changes in these structures. Cognitive and behavioural deficiencies have also been well documented in head injury. Aims: The aim of this research project was to investigate structural changes in the hippocampus and corpus callosum. Two different quantitative methods were used to measure physical changes and neuropsychological assessment was performed to determine cognitive and behavioural deficit. It was also intended to investigate the relationship between structural change and neuropsychology at 1 and 6 months post injury. Method: Forty-seven patients with head injury (ranging from mild to severe) had undergone a battery of neuropsychological tests and an MRI scan at 1 and 6 months post injury. T1-weighted MRI scans were obtained and analysis of hippocampus and corpus callosum was performed using region-of-interest techniques and voxel-based morphometry which also included comparison to 18 healthy volunteers. The patients completed neuropsychological assessment at 1 and 6 months post injury and data obtained was analysed with respect to each assessment and with structural data to determine cognitive decline and correlation with neuroanatomy. Results: Voxel-based morphometry illustrated reduced whole scan signal differences between patients and controls and changes in patients between 1 and 6 months post injury. Reduced grey matter concentration was also found using voxel-based morphometry and segmented images between patients and controls. A number of neuropsychological aspects were related to injury severity and correlations with neuroanatomy were present. Voxel-based morphometry provided a greater number of associations than region-of-interest analysis. No longitudinal changes were found in the hippocampus or corpus callosum using region-of-interest methodology or voxel-based morphometry. Conclusions: Decreased grey matter concentration identified with voxel-based morphometry illustrated that structural deficit was present in the head injured patients and does not change between 1 and 6 months. Voxel-based morphometry appears more sensitive for detecting structural changes after head injury than region- of-interest methods. Although the majority of patients had suffered mild head injury, cognitive and neurobehavioural deficits were evidenced by a substantial number of patients reporting increased anxiety and depression levels. Also, the findings of relationships between reduced grey matter concentration and cognitive test scores are indicative of the effects of diffuse brain damage in the patient group.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The anthropometric, environmental and genetic determinants of right ventricular structure and function

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    BACKGROUND Measures of right ventricular (RV) structure and function have significant prognostic value. The right ventricle is currently assessed by global measures, or point surrogates, which are insensitive to regional and directional changes. We aim to create a high-resolution three-dimensional RV model to improve understanding of its structural and functional determinants. These may be particularly of interest in pulmonary hypertension (PH), a condition in which RV function and outcome are strongly linked. PURPOSE To investigate the feasibility and additional benefit of applying three-dimensional phenotyping and contemporary statistical and genetic approaches to large patient populations. METHODS Healthy subjects and incident PH patients were prospectively recruited. Using a semi-automated atlas-based segmentation algorithm, 3D models characterising RV wall position and displacement were developed, validated and compared with anthropometric, physiological and genetic influences. Statistical techniques were adapted from other high-dimensional approaches to deal with the problems of multiple testing, contiguity, sparsity and computational burden. RESULTS 1527 healthy subjects successfully completed high-resolution 3D CMR and automated segmentation. Of these, 927 subjects underwent next-generation sequencing of the sarcomeric gene titin and 947 subjects completed genotyping of common variants for genome-wide association study. 405 incident PH patients were recruited, of whom 256 completed phenotyping. 3D modelling demonstrated significant reductions in sample size compared to two-dimensional approaches. 3D analysis demonstrated that RV basal-freewall function reflects global functional changes most accurately and that a similar region in PH patients provides stronger survival prediction than all anthropometric, haemodynamic and functional markers. Vascular stiffness, titin truncating variants and common variants may also contribute to changes in RV structure and function. CONCLUSIONS High-resolution phenotyping coupled with computational analysis methods can improve insights into the determinants of RV structure and function in both healthy subjects and PH patients. Large, population-based approaches offer physiological insights relevant to clinical care in selected patient groups.Open Acces