782 research outputs found

    Regulating Drones Under the First and Fourth Amendments

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    The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 requires the Federal Aviation Administration to integrate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, into the national airspace system by September 2015. Yet perhaps because of their chilling accuracy in targeted killings abroad, perhaps because of an increasing consciousness of diminishing privacy more generally, and perhaps simply because of a fear of the unknown, divergent UAV-restrictive legislation has been proposed in Congress and enacted in a number of states. Given UAV utility and cost-effectiveness over a vast range of tasks, however, widespread commercial use ultimately seems certain. Consequently, it is imperative to understand the constitutional restraints on public flight and constitutional protections afforded to private flight. Unfortunately, although there are a few Fourth Amendment precedents in manned aviation, they are mired not only in 1980s technology but also in the 1980s third party doctrine, and therefore do not reflect more recent Fourth Amendment developments and doctrinal fissures. There is also considerable uncertainty over First Amendment protection of information-gathering—for example, is there a right to record? Further, there is no judicial or scholarly analysis of how UAV flight fits within contemporary First Amendment forum doctrine, a framework that provides a useful starting point for analyzing speech restrictions in government-controlled airspace, but that comes with some uncertainties of its own. It is into this thicket that we dive, and fortunately some clarity emerges. Although the Fourth Amendment third party doctrine hopelessly misunderstands privacy and therefore under-protects our security and liberty interests, the Supreme Court’s manned flyover cases can be mined for a sensible public disclosure doctrine that seems agnostic as to the various Fourth Amendment conceptions: we do not typically require only law enforcement to shield its eyes. Of course, both constitutions and legislation can place special restrictions upon law enforcement, and sometimes doing so makes good sense. But as a general Fourth Amendment matter, the officer may do and see as the citizen would. Hence to understand Fourth Amendment regulation, we must understand how the First Amendment limits government restraint on speech-relevant private UAV flight. Here we analyze the developing right to record and apply contemporary forum doctrine to this novel means of speech and information-gathering. If navigable airspace is treated as a limited public forum, as we propose with some qualification, then the Federal Aviation Administration will have significant—though not unlimited—regulatory leeway to evenhandedly burden speech-related UAV activities where doing so would reasonably promote safe unmanned and manned flight operations. The Agency, however, would likely need further congressional action before it can restrict UAV flight based on privacy rather than safety concerns. As the legality and norms of private flight correspondingly take shape, they will inform Fourth Amendment restrictions on government use

    Quantifying human-environment interactions using videography in the context of infectious disease transmission

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    Quantitative data on human-environment interactions are needed to fully understand infectious disease transmission processes and conduct accurate risk assessments. Interaction events occur during an individual's movement through, and contact with, the environment, and can be quantified using diverse methodologies. Methods that utilize videography, coupled with specialized software, can provide a permanent record of events, collect detailed interactions in high resolution, be reviewed for accuracy, capture events difficult to observe in real-time, and gather multiple concurrent phenomena. In the accompanying video, the use of specialized software to capture humanenvironment interactions for human exposure and disease transmission is highlighted. Use of videography, combined with specialized software, allows for the collection of accurate quantitative representations of human-environment interactions in high resolution. Two specialized programs include the Virtual Timing Device for the Personal Computer, which collects sequential microlevel activity time series of contact events and interactions, and LiveTrak, which is optimized to facilitate annotation of events in real-time. Opportunities to annotate behaviors at high resolution using these tools are promising, permitting detailed records that can be summarized to gain information on infectious disease transmission and incorporated into more complex models of human exposure and risk

    Cities and Drones: What Cities Need to Know about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    NLC's municipal guide, Cities and Drones, is designed to serve as a primer on drones for local officials, providing insight into the recently released federal rules relating to drone operation, as well as offering suggestions for how local governments can craft their own drone ordinances to encourage innovation while also protecting their cities.Drones have the potential to revolutionize many industries and city services, particularly as their technology advances. There are many applications for drones within the public sector at the local and state level. Drones can be used for law enforcement and firefighting, as rural ambulances, and for inspections, environmental monitoring, and disaster management. Any commercial arena that involves outdoor photography or visual inspection will likely be experimenting with drones in the near future, as will retailers who want to speed up package delivery.However, drones also present challenges. There are some safety issues, for instance, when operators fly their drones over people or near planes. City residents often have privacy concerns when any small device hovering nearby could potentially be taking photos or video. The FAA's final rule on drones left some opportunity for city governments to legislate on this issue. Rather than ban them outright, city officials should consider how this new technology might serve residents or enhance city services

    Small UAS Detect and Avoid Requirements Necessary for Limited Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) Operations

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    Potential small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS) beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) operational scenarios/use cases and Detect And Avoid (DAA) approaches were collected through a number of industry wide data calls. Every 333 Exemption holder was solicited for this same information. Summary information from more than 5,000 exemption holders is documented, and the information received had varied level of detail but has given relevant experiential information to generalize use cases. A plan was developed and testing completed to assess Radio Line Of Sight (RLOS), a potential key limiting factors for safe BVLOS ops. Details of the equipment used, flight test area, test payload, and fixtures for testing at different altitudes is presented and the resulting comparison of a simplified mathematical model, an online modeling tool, and flight data are provided. An Operational Framework that defines the environment, conditions, constraints, and limitations under which the recommended requirements will enable sUAS operations BVLOS is presented. The framework includes strategies that can build upon Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and industry actions that should result in an increase in BVLOS flights in the near term. Evaluating approaches to sUAS DAA was accomplished through five subtasks: literature review of pilot and ground observer see and avoid performance, survey of DAA criteria and recommended baseline performance, survey of existing/developing DAA technologies and performance, assessment of risks of selected DAA approaches, and flight testing. Pilot and ground observer see and avoid performance were evaluated through a literature review. Development of DAA criteria—the emphasis here being well clear— was accomplished through working with the Science And Research Panel (SARP) and through simulations of manned and unmanned aircraft interactions. Information regarding sUAS DAA approaches was collected through a literature review, requests for information, and direct interactions. These were analyzed through delineation of system type and definition of metrics and metric values. Risks associated with sUAS DAA systems were assessed by focusing on the Safety Risk Management (SRM) pillar of the SMS (Safety Management System) process. This effort (1) identified hazards related to the operation of sUAS in BVLOS, (2) offered a preliminary risk assessment considering existing controls, and (3) recommended additional controls and mitigations to further reduce risk to the lowest practical level. Finally, flight tests were conducted to collect preliminary data regarding well clear and DAA system hazards

    A high resolution digital system for automated aerial surveying.

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    Thesis (MSc.)- University of Natal,Pietermaritzburg, 2000.Resource managers frequently require moderate to high resolution imagery within short turnaround periods for use in a GIS-based management system. These spatial data can greatly enhance their ability to make timely, cost-saving decisions and recommendations. MBB Consulting Engineers, Inc., of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa had for many years made use of airborne videography to provide the imagery for several resource-based applications. Applications included detailed land use mapping in various South African river catchments and identification, density classification and mapping of alien vegetation. While the system was low cost and easy to operate, MBB had found that their system was inherently limited, particularly by its lack of automation and poor spatial resolution. This project was started because of a need to address these limitations and provide an airborne remote sensing system that was more automated and could produce higher resolution imagery than the existing system. In addition, the overall cost and time required to produce a map of the resource of interest needed to be reduced. The system developed in this project aimed to improve upon the pre-flight planning and in-flight image acquisition aspects of the existing system. No new post-flight image processing procedures were developed, but possible future refinement of the post-flight image processing routine was considered throughout the development of the system. A pre-flight planning software package was developed that could quickly and efficiently calculate the positions offlight lines and photographs or images with a minimum of user input. The in-flight image acquisition setup developed involved the integration of a high resolution digital still camera, a Global Positioning System (GPS), and camera control software. The use of the rapidly developing and improving technology of a digital still camera was considered to be a better alternative than a video graphic or traditional film camera system for a number of reasons. In particular, digital still cameras produce digital imagery without the need for development and scanning of aerial photographs or frame grabbing of video images. Furthermore, the resolution of current digital still cameras is already significantly better than that of video cameras and is rivalling the resolution of 35rnm film. The system developed was tested by capturing imagery of an urban test area. The images obtained were then rectified using photogrammetric techniques. Results obtained were promising with planimetric accuracies of 5 to 1 Om being obtained. From this test it was concluded that for high accuracy applications involving numerous images, use would be made of softcopy photogrammetric software to semi-automatically position and rectify images, while for applications requiring fewer images and lower accuracy, images could be rectified using the simpler technique of assigning GCPs for each image from scanned orthophotos

    An Institute to promote the learning of aerial photography, which will promote the academic tourism in Portugal, help in the formation of destination image and promote sustainable tourism in Portugal.

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    This business plan is focused on promoting sustainable academic tourism and destination image of Portugal. Pixair Institute acts as a medium for achieving this by attracting international students, promoting student mobility and providing the students in Portugal the opportunity to, learn UAV pilot skills, aerial photography and enhance their career opportunities, maintaining sustainability by keeping the guiding principles required for economic, environmental and socio-cultural sustainability. Pixair focuses on providing attractive training services, with the cutting-edge equipment and expert staff, at a reasonable cost and flexible learning hours in the most attractive city of Portugal, Lisbon. The aim of Pixair is to combine the concept of achieving academic tourism by encouraging student mobility, and create destination image of Portugal, with aerial photography services through UAV, and promote Lisbon as a competitive destination for providing aerial photography and UAV pilot skills, compared to other institutes around the world. The plan focuses on analyzing the needs of Portugal, in terms of social, economic and environmental aspects and designing its structure and objectives required. Focusing on using an approach required for planning business model, such as Business Model Canvas determining the external market and internal environment by conducting questionnaires, competitor analysis and using it efficiently to plan effective strategies required for implementing the plan. Lastly designing a work plan and milestones required as a benchmark for analyzing the business financial projections for the next 5 years to determine the profitability and feasibility of Pixair. Pixair received a good response from students, photographers, and businesses for providing this opportunity in Portugal by promoting academic and sustainable tourism in Portugal by encouraging and promoting this new niche-segment of tourism in Portugal

    Integration of Altimeter and GPS Sensors on IoT-Based Drone Delivery System (DDS)

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    As the trend of online shopping increased, the demand for cheaper and quicker delivery became apparent. Hence, the proposed IoT-based DDS is targeted as an alternative to decreasing the price and time taken to perform the delivery operation. This system will extract the current altitude and position of the drone via the MPL3115A2 altimeter sensor and GY-NEO6MV2 GPS module attached to the drone. The ESP32 NodeMCU would collect sensor measurement and transmit this information to the cloud server hosted on AWS EC2 virtual machine wirelessly via Wi-Fi. The recipient and operator can access the dashboard through the cloud server to perform operations such as tracking, registering, confirming, and dropping parcels. The servo motor attached to the drone would automatically facilitate parcel dropping through a simple release mechanism

    An exploratory investigation of low-altitude aerial image acquisition for land surface studies

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    In the context of environmental monitoring and sustainable land management this thesis seeks to evaluate the application of low-altitude remote sensing from a DIY perspective in the lower Ashburton River catchment. It seeks to demonstrate that the innovative synergistic use of airborne digital videography and CIR (colour infrared) 35mm photography can provide near real-time photomapping at local levels. These technologies are relatively inexpensive, easy-to-use and have proven successful in other countries. Used together with Desktop software systems for image processing, measurement and spatial calibration one can fulfil many community based environmental monitoring and sustainable land use management tasks. The concept of sustainable land use also implies we have an understanding of the landscape processes past and present that have occurred in the region. This is assessed using historical documents so that we may better appreciate the pace of rapid transformation. The role of GPS technology for the georeferencing of selected images into a GIS system is evaluated. The potential adoption of environmental monitoring index systems developed in Australia and Canada is investigated which would rely partly on the proposals recommended in this study

    Developing a traffic control device maintenance management system interfacing with Gis

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    Roadway systems contain a wide variety of spatially distributed physical features which require installation, maintenance and replacement. These features include traffic control devices such as signs, signals, pavement markings and streetlights. Several technologies exist that can be utilized by the transportation sector to improve program management of a number of these features. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology provides a powerful environment for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial (locationally defined) data. A need exists to provide an inventory of the transportation physical plant to interface with a work management system. Information pertaining to the number and condition of such features is required for planning, operating, maintaining, managing and budgeting needs. This thesis summarizes the development of a user-friendly, computerized process to establish a graphical interface between a roadway inventory database and GIS; Evaluation of existing technologies and a survey of current literature will provide a basis for the design of a Traffic Control Device Maintenance Management System. This system will provide a consistent form of technology transfer on a common platform. This system will manage resources by integrating work-orders and the database. The system will utilize GIS technology to integrate a work-order system and a database reporting system for resource management. The work order interface capabilities will include maintenance work-order management, project cost and progress tracking, and program planning and policy analysis; The key is to develop a user-friendly system useful to both the field-level installation crews and planning-level management. A case study in Clark County, Nevada, will be used to evaluate alternative methods of collecting and data on traffic control devices and to illustrate the development of a GIS-based management system. This system is intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operational practices as well as serve as a vital decision support tool for planning and management
