370 research outputs found

    Preventing Atomicity Violations with Contracts

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    Software developers are expected to protect concurrent accesses to shared regions of memory with some mutual exclusion primitive that ensures atomicity properties to a sequence of program statements. This approach prevents data races but may fail to provide all necessary correctness properties.The composition of correlated atomic operations without further synchronization may cause atomicity violations. Atomic violations may be avoided by grouping the correlated atomic regions in a single larger atomic scope. Concurrent programs are particularly prone to atomicity violations when they use services provided by third party packages or modules, since the programmer may fail to identify which services are correlated. In this paper we propose to use contracts for concurrency, where the developer of a module writes a set of contract terms that specify which methods are correlated and must be executed in the same atomic scope. These contracts are then used to verify the correctness of the main program with respect to the usage of the module(s). If a contract is well defined and complete, and the main program respects it, then the program is safe from atomicity violations with respect to that module. We also propose a static analysis based methodology to verify contracts for concurrency that we applied to some real-world software packages. The bug we found in Tomcat 6.0 was immediately acknowledged and corrected by its development team

    Static Application-Level Race Detection in STM Haskell using Contracts

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    Writing concurrent programs is a hard task, even when using high-level synchronization primitives such as transactional memories together with a functional language with well-controlled side-effects such as Haskell, because the interferences generated by the processes to each other can occur at different levels and in a very subtle way. The problem occurs when a thread leaves or exposes the shared data in an inconsistent state with respect to the application logic or the real meaning of the data. In this paper, we propose to associate contracts to transactions and we define a program transformation that makes it possible to extend static contract checking in the context of STM Haskell. As a result, we are able to check statically that each transaction of a STM Haskell program handles the shared data in a such way that a given consistency property, expressed in the form of a user-defined boolean function, is preserved. This ensures that bad interference will not occur during the execution of the concurrent program.Comment: In Proceedings PLACES 2013, arXiv:1312.2218. [email protected]; [email protected]

    A Study of Concurrency Bugs and Advanced Development Support for Actor-based Programs

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    The actor model is an attractive foundation for developing concurrent applications because actors are isolated concurrent entities that communicate through asynchronous messages and do not share state. Thereby, they avoid concurrency bugs such as data races, but are not immune to concurrency bugs in general. This study taxonomizes concurrency bugs in actor-based programs reported in literature. Furthermore, it analyzes the bugs to identify the patterns causing them as well as their observable behavior. Based on this taxonomy, we further analyze the literature and find that current approaches to static analysis and testing focus on communication deadlocks and message protocol violations. However, they do not provide solutions to identify livelocks and behavioral deadlocks. The insights obtained in this study can be used to improve debugging support for actor-based programs with new debugging techniques to identify the root cause of complex concurrency bugs.Comment: - Submitted for review - Removed section 6 "Research Roadmap for Debuggers", its content was summarized in the Future Work section - Added references for section 1, section 3, section 4.3 and section 5.1 - Updated citation

    Understanding Concurrency Vulnerabilities in Linux Kernel

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    While there is a large body of work on analyzing concurrency related software bugs and developing techniques for detecting and patching them, little attention has been given to concurrency related security vulnerabilities. The two are different in that not all bugs are vulnerabilities: for a bug to be exploitable, there needs be a way for attackers to trigger its execution and cause damage, e.g., by revealing sensitive data or running malicious code. To fill the gap, we conduct the first empirical study of concurrency vulnerabilities reported in the Linux operating system in the past ten years. We focus on analyzing the confirmed vulnerabilities archived in the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) database, which are then categorized into different groups based on bug types, exploit patterns, and patch strategies adopted by developers. We use code snippets to illustrate individual vulnerability types and patch strategies. We also use statistics to illustrate the entire landscape, including the percentage of each vulnerability type. We hope to shed some light on the problem, e.g., concurrency vulnerabilities continue to pose a serious threat to system security, and it is difficult even for kernel developers to analyze and patch them. Therefore, more efforts are needed to develop tools and techniques for analyzing and patching these vulnerabilities.Comment: It was finished in Oct 201

    Rigorous concurrency analysis of multithreaded programs

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    technical reportThis paper explores the practicality of conducting program analysis for multithreaded software using constraint solv- ing. By precisely defining the underlying memory consis- tency rules in addition to the intra-thread program seman- tics, our approach orders a unique advantage for program ver- ification | it provides an accurate and exhaustive coverage of all thread interleavings for any given memory model. We demonstrate how this can be achieved by formalizing sequen- tial consistency for a source language that supports control branches and a monitor-style mutual exclusion mechanism. We then discuss how to formulate programmer expectations as constraints and propose three concrete applications of this approach: execution validation, race detection, and atom- icity analysis. Finally, we describe the implementation of a formal analysis tool using constraint logic programming, with promising initial results for reasoning about small but non-trivial concurrent programs

    IFIX: Fixing concurrency bugs while they are introduced

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