211 research outputs found

    Effects of cable geometry and aircraft attitude on the accuracy of a magnetic leader cable system for aircraft guidance during rollout and turnoff

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    A theoretical analysis of a single wire magnetic leader cable system for aircraft rollout and turnoff guidance was performed to determine the errors produced by the leader cable installation geometry and aircraft attitude. It was found that errors in the measurement of lateral displacement from the cable are smaller than errors in the measurement of aircraft heading and that both errors are smallest at or near the cable

    Personality factors in flight operations. Volume 1: Leader characteristics and crew performance in a full-mission air transport simulation

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    Crew effectiveness is a joint product of the piloting skills, attitudes, and personality characteristics of team members. As obvious as this point might seem, both traditional approaches to optimizing crew performance and more recent training development highlighting crew coordination have emphasized only the skill and attitudinal dimensions. This volume is the first in a series of papers on this simulation. A subsequent volume will focus on patterns of communication within crews. The results of a full-mission simulation research study assessing the impact of individual personality on crew performance is reported. Using a selection algorithm described in previous research, captains were classified as fitting one of three profiles along a battery of personality assessment scales. The performances of 23 crews led by captains fitting each profile were contrasted over a one-and-one-half-day simulated trip. Crews led by captains fitting a positive Instrumental-Expressive profile (high achievement motivation and interpersonal skill) were consistently effective and made fewer errors. Crews led by captains fitting a Negative Expressive profile (below average achievement motivation, negative expressive style, such as complaining) were consistently less effective and made more errors. Crews led by captains fitting a Negative Instrumental profile (high levels of competitiveness, verbal aggressiveness, and impatience and irritability) were less effective on the first day but equal to the best on the second day. These results underscore the importance of stable personality variables as predictors of team coordination and performance

    Aspects of Synthetic Vision Display Systems and the Best Practices of the NASA's SVS Project

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    NASA s Synthetic Vision Systems (SVS) Project conducted research aimed at eliminating visibility-induced errors and low visibility conditions as causal factors in civil aircraft accidents while enabling the operational benefits of clear day flight operations regardless of actual outside visibility. SVS takes advantage of many enabling technologies to achieve this capability including, for example, the Global Positioning System (GPS), data links, radar, imaging sensors, geospatial databases, advanced display media and three dimensional video graphics processors. Integration of these technologies to achieve the SVS concept provides pilots with high-integrity information that improves situational awareness with respect to terrain, obstacles, traffic, and flight path. This paper attempts to emphasize the system aspects of SVS - true systems, rather than just terrain on a flight display - and to document from an historical viewpoint many of the best practices that evolved during the SVS Project from the perspective of some of the NASA researchers most heavily involved in its execution. The Integrated SVS Concepts are envisagements of what production-grade Synthetic Vision systems might, or perhaps should, be in order to provide the desired functional capabilities that eliminate low visibility as a causal factor to accidents and enable clear-day operational benefits regardless of visibility conditions

    Networking Transportation

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    Networking Transportation looks at how the digital revolution is changing Greater Philadelphia's transportation system. It recognizes several key digital transportation technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, connected and automated vehicles, digital mapping, Intelligent Transportation Systems, the Internet of Things, smart cities, real-time information, transportation network companies (TNCs), unmanned aerial systems, and virtual communications. It focuses particularly on key issues surrounding TNCs. It identifies TNCs currently operating in Greater Philadelphia and reviews some of the more innovative services around the world. It presents four alternative future scenarios for their growth: Filling a Niche, A Tale of Two Regions, TNCs Take Off, and Moore Growth. It then creates a future vision for an integrated, multimodal transportation network and identifies infrastructure needs, institutional reforms, and regulatory recommendations intended to help bring about this vision

    Natural language generation in the LOLITA system an engineering approach

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    Natural Language Generation (NLG) is the automatic generation of Natural Language (NL) by computer in order to meet communicative goals. One aim of NL processing (NLP) is to allow more natural communication with a computer and, since communication is a two-way process, a NL system should be able to produce as well as interpret NL text. This research concerns the design and implementation of a NLG module for the LOLITA system. LOLITA (Large scale, Object-based, Linguistic Interactor, Translator and Analyser) is a general purpose base NLP system which performs core NLP tasks and upon which prototype NL applications have been built. As part of this encompassing project, this research shares some of its properties and methodological assumptions: the LOLITA generator has been built following Natural Language Engineering principles uses LOLITA's SemNet representation as input and is implemented in the functional programming language Haskell. As in other generation systems the adopted solution utilises a two component architecture. However, in order to avoid problems which occur at the interface between traditional planning and realisation modules (known as the generation gap) the distribution of tasks between the planner and plan-realiser is different: the plan-realiser, in the absence of detailed planning instructions, must perform some tasks (such as the selection and ordering of content) which are more traditionally performed by a planner. This work largely concerns the development of the plan- realiser and its interface with the planner. Another aspect of the solution is the use of Abstract Transformations which act on the SemNet input before realisation leading to an increased ability for creating paraphrases. The research has lead to a practical working solution which has greatly increased the power of the LOLITA system. The research also investigates how NLG systems can be evaluated and the advantages and disadvantages of using a functional language for the generation task

    The dynamic vehicle routing problem

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    On the Wisdom of Algorithmic Markets: Governance by Algorithmic Price

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    Leading digital platform providers such as Google and Uber construct marketplaces in which algorithms set prices. The efficiency-maximising free market credentials of this approach are touted by the companies involved and by legislators, policy makers and marketers. They have also taken root in the public imagination. In this article we challenge this understanding of algorithmically constructed marketplaces. We do so by returning to Hayek’s (1945) classic defence of the price mechanism, and by arguing that algorithmically-mediated price mechanisms do not, and probably cannot, accumulate and signal that same kinds of knowledge that Hayek felt were essential to effective market governance. Indeed, we argue that algorithmically-constructed marketplaces are closer to, though distinct from, the central planning model that Hayek critiqued. Regardless of how you feel about Hayek’s argument, this has important consequences for how we respond to the rise of algorithmic governance tools in both markets and elsewhere
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