80,775 research outputs found

    System/360 Computer Assisted Network Scheduling (CANS) System

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    Computer assisted scheduling techniques that produce conflict-free and efficient schedules have been developed and implemented to meet needs of the Manned Space Flight Network. CANS system provides effective management of resources in complex scheduling environment. System is automated resource scheduling, controlling, planning, information storage and retrieval tool

    Automated telescope scheduling

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    With the ever increasing level of automation of astronomical telescopes the benefits and feasibility of automated planning and scheduling are becoming more apparent. Improved efficiency and increased overall telescope utilization are the most obvious goals. Automated scheduling at some level has been done for several satellite observatories, but the requirements on these systems were much less stringent than on modern ground or satellite observatories. The scheduling problem is particularly acute for Hubble Space Telescope: virtually all observations must be planned in excruciating detail weeks to months in advance. Space Telescope Science Institute has recently made significant progress on the scheduling problem by exploiting state-of-the-art artificial intelligence software technology. What is especially interesting is that this effort has already yielded software that is well suited to scheduling groundbased telescopes, including the problem of optimizing the coordinated scheduling of more than one telescope

    Planning & Scheduling Applications in Urban Traffic Management

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    Local authorities that manage traffic-related issues in urban areas have to optimise the use of available resources, in order to minimise congestion and delays. In this context, Automated Planning and Scheduling can be fruitfully exploited, in order to provide dynamic plans that help managing the urban road network. In this paper we provide a review of existing planning and scheduling approaches that have been designed for dealing with different aspects of traffic management, with the aim of gaining insights on the limits of current applications, and highlighting the open challenges

    The Fifth International Competition on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling: Summary and Trends

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    We review the 2016 International Competition on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (ICKEPS), the fifth in a series of competitions started in 2005. ICKEPS series focuses on promoting the importance of knowledge engineering methods and tools for automated Planning and Scheduling system

    The 2008 Scheduling and Planning Applications Workshop (SPARK'08)

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    SPARK'08 was the first edition of a workshop series designed to provide a stable, long‐term forum where researchers could discuss the applications of planning and scheduling techniques to real problems. Animated discussion characterized the workshop, which was collocated with the 18th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS‐08) held in Sydney, Australia, in September 2008

    Expert systems tools for Hubble Space Telescope observation scheduling

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    The utility of expert systems techniques for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) planning and scheduling is discussed and a plan for development of expert system tools which will augment the existing ground system is described. Additional capabilities provided by these tools will include graphics-oriented plan evaluation, long-range analysis of the observation pool, analysis of optimal scheduling time intervals, constructing sequences of spacecraft activities which minimize operational overhead, and optimization of linkages between observations. Initial prototyping of a scheduler used the Automated Reasoning Tool running on a LISP workstation

    AUTOPLAN: A PC-based automated mission planning tool

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    A PC-based automated mission and resource planning tool, AUTOPLAN, is described, with application to small-scale planning and scheduling systems in the Space Station program. The input is a proposed mission profile, including mission duration, number of allowable slip periods, and requirement profiles for one or more resources as a function of time. A corresponding availability profile is also entered for each resource over the whole time interval under study. AUTOPLAN determines all integrated schedules which do not require more than the available resources

    An intelligent framework and prototype for autonomous maintenance planning in the rail industry

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    This paper details the development of the AUTONOM project, a project that aims to provide an enterprise system tailored to the planning needs of the rail industry. AUTONOM extends research in novel sensing, scheduling, and decision-making strategies customised for the automated planning of maintenance activities within the rail industry. This paper sets out a framework and software prototype and details the current progress of the project. In the continuation of the AUTONOM project it is anticipated that the combination of techniques brought together in this work will be capable of addressing a wider range of problem types, offered by Network rail and organisations in different industries