7 research outputs found

    The importance of correcting for signal drift in diffusion MRI

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    Purpose To investigate previously unreported effects of signal drift as a result of temporal scanner instability on diffusion MRI data analysis and to propose a method to correct this signal drift. Methods We investigated the signal magnitude of non-diffusion-weighted EPI volumes in a series of diffusion-weighted imaging experiments to determine whether signal magnitude changes over time. Different scan protocols and scanners from multiple vendors were used to verify this on phantom data, and the effects on diffusion kurtosis tensor estimation in phantom and in vivo data were quantified. Scalar metrics (eigenvalues, fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, mean kurtosis) and directional information (first eigenvectors and tractography) were investigated. Results Signal drift, a global signal decrease with subsequently acquired images in the scan, was observed in phantom data on all three scanners, with varying magnitudes up to 5% in a 15-min scan. The signal drift has a noticeable effect on the estimation of diffusion parameters. All investigated quantitative parameters as well as tractography were affected by this artifactual signal decrease during the scan. Conclusion By interspersing the non-diffusion-weighted images throughout the session, the signal decrease can be estimated and compensated for before data analysis; minimizing the detrimental effects on subsequent MRI analyses. Magn Reson Med 77:285–299, 2017. © 2016 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

    Macroscale White Matter Alterations Due to Traumatic Cerebral Microhemorrhages Are Revealed by Diffusion Tensor Imaging

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    With the advent of susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI), the ability to identify cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) associated with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) has become increasingly commonplace. Nevertheless, the clinical significance of post-traumatic CMBs remains controversial partly because it is unclear whether mTBI-related CMBs entail brain circuitry disruptions which, although structurally subtle, are functionally significant. This study combines magnetic resonance and diffusion tensor imaging (MRI and DTI) to map white matter (WM) circuitry differences across 6 months in 26 healthy control volunteers and in 26 older mTBI victims with acute CMBs of traumatic etiology. Six months post-mTBI, significant changes (p < 0.001) in the mean fractional anisotropy of perilesional WM bundles were identified in 21 volunteers, and an average of 47% (σ = 21%) of TBI-related CMBs were associated with such changes. These results suggest that CMBs can be associated with lasting changes in perilesional WM properties, even relatively far from CMB locations. Future strategies for mTBI care will likely rely on the ability to assess how subtle circuitry changes impact neural/cognitive function. Thus, assessing CMB effects upon the structural connectome can play a useful role when studying CMB sequelae and their potential impact upon the clinical outcome of individuals with concussion

    Automated longitudinal intra-subject analysis (ALISA) for diffusion MRI tractography

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    Fiber tractography (FT), which aims to reconstruct the three-dimensional trajectories of white matter (WM) fibers non-invasively, is one of the most popular approaches for analyzing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data given its high inter- and intra-rater reliability and scan-rescan reproducibility. The major disadvantage of manual FT segmentations, unfortunately, is that placing regions-of-interest for tract selection can be very labor-intensive and time-consuming. Although there are several methods that can identify specific WM fiber bundles in an automated way, manual FT segmentations across multiple subjects performed by a trained rater with neuroanatomical expertise are generally assumed to be more accurate. However, for longitudinal DTI analyses it may still be beneficial to automate the FT segmentation across multiple time points, but then for each individual subject separately. Both the inter-subject and intra-subject automation in this situation are intended for subjects without gross pathology. In this work, we propose such an automated longitudinal intra-subject analysis (dubbed ALISA) approach, and assessed whether ALISA could preserve the same level of reliability as obtained with manual FT segmentations. In addition, we compared ALISA with an automated inter-subject analysis. Based on DTI data sets from (i) ten healthy subjects that were scanned five times (six-month intervals, aged 7.6-8.6years at the first scan) and (ii) one control subject that was scanned ten times (weekly intervals, 12.2years at the first scan), we demonstrate that the increased efficiency provided by ALISA does not compromise the high degrees of precision and accuracy that can be achieved with manual FT segmentations. Further automation for inter-subject analyses, however, did not provide similarly accurate FT segmentations