1,123 research outputs found

    ClouNS - A Cloud-native Application Reference Model for Enterprise Architects

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    The capability to operate cloud-native applications can generate enormous business growth and value. But enterprise architects should be aware that cloud-native applications are vulnerable to vendor lock-in. We investigated cloud-native application design principles, public cloud service providers, and industrial cloud standards. All results indicate that most cloud service categories seem to foster vendor lock-in situations which might be especially problematic for enterprise architectures. This might sound disillusioning at first. However, we present a reference model for cloud-native applications that relies only on a small subset of well standardized IaaS services. The reference model can be used for codifying cloud technologies. It can guide technology identification, classification, adoption, research and development processes for cloud-native application and for vendor lock-in aware enterprise architecture engineering methodologies

    Detecting Similarities in Virtual Machine Behavior for Cloud Monitoring using Smoothed Histograms

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    The growing size and complexity of cloud systems determine scalability issues for resource monitoring and management. While most existing solutions con- sider each Virtual Machine (VM) as a black box with independent characteristics, we embrace a new perspective where VMs with similar behaviors in terms of resource usage are clustered together. We argue that this new approach has the potential to address scalability issues in cloud monitoring and management. In this paper, we propose a technique to cluster VMs starting from the usage of multiple resources, assuming no knowledge of the services executed on them. This innovative technique models VMs behavior exploiting the probability histogram of their resources usage, and performs smoothing-based noise reduction and selection of the most relevant information to consider for the clustering process. Through extensive evaluation, we show that our proposal achieves high and stable performance in terms of automatic VM clustering, and can reduce the monitoring requirements of cloud systems

    Monitoring and analysis system for performance troubleshooting in data centers

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    It was not long ago. On Christmas Eve 2012, a war of troubleshooting began in Amazon data centers. It started at 12:24 PM, with an mistaken deletion of the state data of Amazon Elastic Load Balancing Service (ELB for short), which was not realized at that time. The mistake first led to a local issue that a small number of ELB service APIs were affected. In about six minutes, it evolved into a critical one that EC2 customers were significantly affected. One example was that Netflix, which was using hundreds of Amazon ELB services, was experiencing an extensive streaming service outage when many customers could not watch TV shows or movies on Christmas Eve. It took Amazon engineers 5 hours 42 minutes to find the root cause, the mistaken deletion, and another 15 hours and 32 minutes to fully recover the ELB service. The war ended at 8:15 AM the next day and brought the performance troubleshooting in data centers to world’s attention. As shown in this Amazon ELB case.Troubleshooting runtime performance issues is crucial in time-sensitive multi-tier cloud services because of their stringent end-to-end timing requirements, but it is also notoriously difficult and time consuming. To address the troubleshooting challenge, this dissertation proposes VScope, a flexible monitoring and analysis system for online troubleshooting in data centers. VScope provides primitive operations which data center operators can use to troubleshoot various performance issues. Each operation is essentially a series of monitoring and analysis functions executed on an overlay network. We design a novel software architecture for VScope so that the overlay networks can be generated, executed and terminated automatically, on-demand. From the troubleshooting side, we design novel anomaly detection algorithms and implement them in VScope. By running anomaly detection algorithms in VScope, data center operators are notified when performance anomalies happen. We also design a graph-based guidance approach, called VFocus, which tracks the interactions among hardware and software components in data centers. VFocus provides primitive operations by which operators can analyze the interactions to find out which components are relevant to the performance issue. VScope’s capabilities and performance are evaluated on a testbed with over 1000 virtual machines (VMs). Experimental results show that the VScope runtime negligibly perturbs system and application performance, and requires mere seconds to deploy monitoring and analytics functions on over 1000 nodes. This demonstrates VScope’s ability to support fast operation and online queries against a comprehensive set of application to system/platform level metrics, and a variety of representative analytics functions. When supporting algorithms with high computation complexity, VScope serves as a ‘thin layer’ that occupies no more than 5% of their total latency. Further, by using VFocus, VScope can locate problematic VMs that cannot be found via solely application-level monitoring, and in one of the use cases explored in the dissertation, it operates with levels of perturbation of over 400% less than what is seen for brute-force and most sampling-based approaches. We also validate VFocus with real-world data center traces. The experimental results show that VFocus has troubleshooting accuracy of 83% on average.Ph.D

    A comparison of techniques to detect similarities in cloud virtual machines

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    Scalability in monitoring and management of cloud data centres may be improved through the clustering of virtual machines (VMs) exhibiting similar behaviour. However, available solutions for automatic VM clustering present some important drawbacks that hinder their applicability to real cloud scenarios. For example, existing solutions show a clear trade-off between the accuracy of the VMs clustering and the computational cost of the automatic process; moreover, their performance shows a strong dependence on specific technique parameters. To overcome these issues, we propose a novel approach for VM clustering that uses Mixture of Gaussians (MoGs) together with the Kullback-Leiber divergence to model similarity between VMs. Furthermore, we provide a thorough experimental evaluation of our proposal and of existing techniques to identify the most suitable solution for different workload scenarios

    CloVR: A virtual machine for automated and portable sequence analysis from the desktop using cloud computing

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies have decentralized sequence acquisition, increasing the demand for new bioinformatics tools that are easy to use, portable across multiple platforms, and scalable for high-throughput applications. Cloud computing platforms provide on-demand access to computing infrastructure over the Internet and can be used in combination with custom built virtual machines to distribute pre-packaged with pre-configured software. We describe the Cloud Virtual Resource, CloVR, a new desktop application for push-button automated sequence analysis that can utilize cloud computing resources. CloVR is implemented as a single portable virtual machine (VM) that provides several automated analysis pipelines for microbial genomics, including 16S, whole genome and metagenome sequence analysis. The CloVR VM runs on a personal computer, utilizes local computer resources and requires minimal installation, addressing key challenges in deploying bioinformatics workflows. In addition CloVR supports use of remote cloud computing resources to improve performance for large-scale sequence processing. In a case study, we demonstrate the use of CloVR to automatically process next-generation sequencing data on multiple cloud computing platforms. The CloVR VM and associated architecture lowers the barrier of entry for utilizing complex analysis protocols on both local single- and multi-core computers and cloud systems for high throughput data processing.https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2105-12-35

    Self-managing cloud-native applications : design, implementation and experience

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    Running applications in the cloud efficiently requires much more than deploying software in virtual machines. Cloud applications have to be continuously managed: (1) to adjust their resources to the incoming load and (2) to face transient failures replicating and restarting components to provide resiliency on unreliable infrastructure. Continuous management monitors application and infrastructural metrics to provide automated and responsive reactions to failures (health management) and changing environmental conditions (auto-scaling) minimizing human intervention. In the current practice, management functionalities are provided as infrastructural or third party services. In both cases they are external to the application deployment. We claim that this approach has intrinsic limits, namely that separating management functionalities from the application prevents them from naturally scaling with the application and requires additional management code and human intervention. Moreover, using infrastructure provider services for management functionalities results in vendor lock-in effectively preventing cloud applications to adapt and run on the most effective cloud for the job. In this paper we discuss the main characteristics of cloud native applications, propose a novel architecture that enables scalable and resilient self-managing applications in the cloud, and relate on our experience in porting a legacy application to the cloud applying cloud-native principles