24 research outputs found

    Probabilistic graphical techniques for automated ice-bottom tracking and comparison between state-of-the-art solutions

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    We present improvements to existing frameworks for automated extraction of ice interfaces applied to two-dimensional and three-dimensional radar echograms of polar ice sheets. These improvements consist of novel image pre-processing steps and empirically-derived cost functions that allow for the integration of further domain-specific knowledge into the models employed. Along with an explanation of our modifications, we demonstrate the results obtained by our proposed models and algorithms, such as a 43% decrease in mean tracking error in the case of three-dimensional imagery. We also present the results obtained by several state-of-the-art ice-interface tracking solutions, and compare all automated results with manually-corrected ground-truth data. Furthermore, we perform a self-assessment of tracking results by analyzing the differences found between the automatically extracted ice-layers in cases where two separate radar measurements have been made at the same location


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    Ice bottom topography layers are an important boundary condition required to model the flow dynamics of an ice sheet. In this work, using low frequency multichannel radar data, we locate the ice bottom using two types of automatic trackers. First, we use the multiple signal classification (MUSIC) beamformer to determine the pseudo-spectrum of the targets at each range-bin. The result is passed into a sequential tree-reweighted message passing belief-propagation algorithm to track the bottom of the ice in the 3D image. This technique is successfully applied to process data collected over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago ice caps in 2014, and produce digital elevation models (DEMs) for 102 data frames. We perform crossover analysis to self-assess the generated DEMs, where flight paths cross over each other and two measurements are made at the same location. Also, the tracked results are compared before and after manual corrections. We found that there is a good match between the overlapping DEMs, where the mean error of the crossover DEMs is 38±7 m, which is small relative to the average ice-thickness, while the average absolute mean error of the automatically tracked ice-bottom, relative to the manually corrected ice-bottom, is 10 range-bins. Second, a direction of arrival (DOA)-based tracker is used to estimate the DOA of the backscatter signals sequentially from range bin to range bin using two methods: a sequential maximum a posterior probability (S-MAP) estimator and one based on the particle filter (PF). A dynamic flat earth transition model is used to model the flow of information between range bins. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the performance of these two DOA trackers. The results show that the PF-based tracker can handle low-quality data better than S-MAP, but, unlike S-MAP, it saturates quickly with increasing numbers of snapshots. Also, S-MAP is successfully applied to track the ice-bottom of several data frames collected from over Russell glacier in 2011, and the results are compared against those generated by the beamformer-based tracker. The results of the DOA-based techniques are the final tracked surfaces, so there is no need for an additional tracking stage as there is with the beamformer technique

    Trade-off analysis of modes of data handling for earth resources (ERS), volume 1

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    Data handling requirements are reviewed for earth observation missions along with likely technology advances. Parametric techniques for synthesizing potential systems are developed. Major tasks include: (1) review of the sensors under development and extensions of or improvements in these sensors; (2) development of mission models for missions spanning land, ocean, and atmosphere observations; (3) summary of data handling requirements including the frequency of coverage, timeliness of dissemination, and geographic relationships between points of collection and points of dissemination; (4) review of data routing to establish ways of getting data from the collection point to the user; (5) on-board data processing; (6) communications link; and (7) ground data processing. A detailed synthesis of three specific missions is included

    Five decades of radioglaciology

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    Radar sounding is a powerful geophysical approach for characterizing the subsurface conditions of terrestrial and planetary ice masses at local to global scales. As a result, a wide array of orbital, airborne, ground-based, and in situ instruments, platforms and data analysis approaches for radioglaciology have been developed, applied or proposed. Terrestrially, airborne radar sounding has been used in glaciology to observe ice thickness, basal topography and englacial layers for five decades. More recently, radar sounding data have also been exploited to estimate the extent and configuration of subglacial water, the geometry of subglacial bedforms and the subglacial and englacial thermal states of ice sheets. Planetary radar sounders have observed, or are planned to observe, the subsurfaces and near-surfaces of Mars, Earth's Moon, comets and the icy moons of Jupiter. In this review paper, and the thematic issue of the Annals of Glaciology on ‘Five decades of radioglaciology’ to which it belongs, we present recent advances in the fields of radar systems, missions, signal processing, data analysis, modeling and scientific interpretation. Our review presents progress in these fields since the last radio-glaciological Annals of Glaciology issue of 2014, the context of their history and future prospects

    Snow stratigraphy observations from Operation IceBridge surveys in Alaska using S and C band airborne ultra-wideband FMCW (frequency-modulated continuous wave) radar

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    During the concluding phase of the NASA Operation IceBridge (OIB), we successfully completed two airborne measurement campaigns (in 2018 and 2021, respectively) using a compact S and C band radar installed on a Single Otter aircraft and collected data over Alaskan mountains, ice fields, and glaciers. This paper reports seasonal snow depths derived from radar data. We found large variations in seasonal radar-inferred depths with multi-modal distributions assuming a constant relative permittivity for snow equal to 1.89. About 34 % of the snow depths observed in 2018 were between 3.2 and 4.2 m, and close to 30 % of the snow depths observed in 2021 were between 2.5 and 3.5 m. We observed snow strata in ice facies, combined percolation and wet-snow facies, and dry-snow facies from radar data and identified the transition areas from wet-snow facies to ice facies for multiple glaciers based on the snow strata and radar backscattering characteristics. Our analysis focuses on the measured strata of multiple years at the caldera of Mount Wrangell (K'elt'aeni) to estimate the local snow accumulation rate. We developed a method for using our radar readings of multi-year strata to constrain the uncertain parameters of interpretation models with the assumption that most of the snow layers detected by the radar at the caldera are annual accumulation layers. At a 2004 ice core and 2005 temperature sensor tower site, the locally estimated average snow accumulation rate is ∼2.89 m w.e. a−1 between the years 2003 and 2021. Our estimate of the snow accumulation rate between 2005 and 2006 is 2.82 m w.e. a−1, which matches closely to the 2.75 m w.e. a−1 inferred from independent ground-truth measurements made the same year. The snow accumulation rate between the years 2003 and 2021 also showed a linear increasing trend of 0.011 m w.e. a−2. This trend is corroborated by comparisons with the surface mass balance (SMB) derived for the same period from the regional atmospheric climate model MAR (Modèle Atmosphérique Régional). According to MAR data, which show an increase of 0.86 ∘C in this area for the period of 2003–2021, the linear upward trend is associated with the increase in snowfall and rainfall events, which may be attributed to elevated global temperatures. The findings of this study confirmed the viability of our methodology, as well as its underlying assumptions and interpretation models.</p

    Array Manifold Calibration for Multichannel SAR Sounders

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    This dissertation demonstrates airborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sounder array manifold calibration to improve outcomes in two-dimensional and three-dimensional image formation of ice sheet and glacier subsurfaces. The methodology relies on the creation of snapshot databases that aid in both the identification of calibration pixels as well as the validation of proposed calibration strategies. A parametric estimator of nonlinear SAR sounder manifold parameters is derived given a superset of statistically independent and spatially diverse subsets, assuming knowledge of the manifold model. Both measurements-based and computational electromagnetic modeling (CEM) approaches are pursued in obtaining a parametric representation of the manifold that enables the application of this estimator. The former relies on a principal components based characterization of SAR sounder manifolds. By incorporating a subspace clustering technique to identify pixels with a single dominant source, the algorithm circumvents an assumption of single source observations that underlies the formulation of nonparametric methods and traditionally limits the applicability of these techniques to the SAR sounder problem. Three manifolds are estimated and tested against a nominal manifold model in angle estimation and tomography. Measured manifolds on average reduce angle estimation error by a factor of 4.8 and lower vertical elevation uncertainty of SAR sounder derived digital elevation models by a factor of 3.7. Application of the measured manifolds in angle estimation produces 3-D images with more focused scattering signatures and higher intensity pixels that improve automated surface extraction outcomes. Measured manifolds are studied against Method of Moments predictions of the array's response to plane wave excitation obtained with a detailed model of the sounder's array that includes the airborne platform and fairing housing. CEM manifolds reduce angle estimation uncertainty off nadir on average by a factor of 3 when applied to measurements, providing initial confirmation of the utility of the CEM model in predicting angle estimation performance of the sounder's airborne arrays. The research findings of this dissertation indicate that SAR sounder manifold calibration will significantly increase the scientific value of legacy ice sheet and glacier sounding data sets and lead to optimized designs of future remote sensing instrumentation for surveying the cryosphere

    Energy Minimization for Multiple Object Tracking

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    Multiple target tracking aims at reconstructing trajectories of several moving targets in a dynamic scene, and is of significant relevance for a large number of applications. For example, predicting a pedestrian’s action may be employed to warn an inattentive driver and reduce road accidents; understanding a dynamic environment will facilitate autonomous robot navigation; and analyzing crowded scenes can prevent fatalities in mass panics. The task of multiple target tracking is challenging for various reasons: First of all, visual data is often ambiguous. For example, the objects to be tracked can remain undetected due to low contrast and occlusion. At the same time, background clutter can cause spurious measurements that distract the tracking algorithm. A second challenge arises when multiple measurements appear close to one another. Resolving correspondence ambiguities leads to a combinatorial problem that quickly becomes more complex with every time step. Moreover, a realistic model of multi-target tracking should take physical constraints into account. This is not only important at the level of individual targets but also regarding interactions between them, which adds to the complexity of the problem. In this work the challenges described above are addressed by means of energy minimization. Given a set of object detections, an energy function describing the problem at hand is minimized with the goal of finding a plausible solution for a batch of consecutive frames. Such offline tracking-by-detection approaches have substantially advanced the performance of multi-target tracking. Building on these ideas, this dissertation introduces three novel techniques for multi-target tracking that extend the state of the art as follows: The first approach formulates the energy in discrete space, building on the work of Berclaz et al. (2009). All possible target locations are reduced to a regular lattice and tracking is posed as an integer linear program (ILP), enabling (near) global optimality. Unlike prior work, however, the proposed formulation includes a dynamic model and additional constraints that enable performing non-maxima suppression (NMS) at the level of trajectories. These contributions improve the performance both qualitatively and quantitatively with respect to annotated ground truth. The second technical contribution is a continuous energy function for multiple target tracking that overcomes the limitations imposed by spatial discretization. The continuous formulation is able to capture important aspects of the problem, such as target localization or motion estimation, more accurately. More precisely, the data term as well as all phenomena including mutual exclusion and occlusion, appearance, dynamics and target persistence are modeled by continuous differentiable functions. The resulting non-convex optimization problem is minimized locally by standard conjugate gradient descent in combination with custom discontinuous jumps. The more accurate representation of the problem leads to a powerful and robust multi-target tracking approach, which shows encouraging results on particularly challenging video sequences. Both previous methods concentrate on reconstructing trajectories, while disregarding the target-to-measurement assignment problem. To unify both data association and trajectory estimation into a single optimization framework, a discrete-continuous energy is presented in Part III of this dissertation. Leveraging recent advances in discrete optimization (Delong et al., 2012), it is possible to formulate multi-target tracking as a model-fitting approach, where discrete assignments and continuous trajectory representations are combined into a single objective function. To enable efficient optimization, the energy is minimized locally by alternating between the discrete and the continuous set of variables. The final contribution of this dissertation is an extensive discussion on performance evaluation and comparison of tracking algorithms, which points out important practical issues that ought not be ignored

    Technology 2004, Vol. 2

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    Proceedings from symposia of the Technology 2004 Conference, November 8-10, 1994, Washington, DC. Volume 2 features papers on computers and software, virtual reality simulation, environmental technology, video and imaging, medical technology and life sciences, robotics and artificial intelligence, and electronics