414,640 research outputs found

    IDEAL: A methology for developing information systems

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    As a result of improved capabilities obtained through current computer technologies, application programs and expert systems, Enterprises are being designed or upgraded to be highly integrated and automated information systems. To design or modify Enterprises, it is necessary to first define what functions are to be performed within the Enterprise, identify which functions are potential candidates for automation, and what automated or expert systems are available, or must be developed, to accomplish the selected function. Second, it is necessary to define and analyze the informational requirements for each function along with the informational relationships among the functions so that a database structure can be established to support the Enterprise. To perform this type of system design, an integrated set of analysis tools is required to support the information analysis process. The IDEAL (Integrated Design and Engineering Analysis Languages) methodology provides this integrated set of tools and is discussed

    Training During SDM Implementation

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    Drucker (1988) suggests that new organizational structures result from the dynamic integration of corporate planning, systems analysis and design, and system development. This integration is not possible without a comprehensive system development methodology (SDM) that meets the organization\u27s needs. Today, a SDM can only be successful with a training program that prepares systems personnel to use automated tools within the life cycle phases and tasks of a system development methodology. This relationship between CASE and a SDM make methodology training for CASE users and development staff a key ingredient to a successful CASE implementation. McClure (1992) suggests the following formula for a successful CASE implementation: tools + trained people + methodology. In today\u27s information systems environment, a SDM comprises an overall strategy for computer-based information system development that includes a flexible framework to indicate the sequence of development along with the techniques used to accomplish each task. Automated tools aid the system development process may also be considered part of the methodolog

    From Data Capture to Code Generation: Tools for Entity Modeling

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    The entity-relationship approach to conceptual modelling has long been at the heart of information systems design. Most automated tools and CASE environments created to support database design tend to start at the conceptual modelling stage. This assumes that somehow the analyst has been able to deduce, from the initial requirements specification, what entities are to form part of the system and how they are interrelated. We bring together in this paper two strands of our research to present a set of prototype tools to support the major stages of database design, starting with the tasks of document analysis and data capture, and progressing through to code generation. We conclude with a proposal for an integrated environment for database design

    Digital-flight-control-system software written in automated-engineering-design language: A user's guide of verification and validation tools

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    The user guide of verification and validation (V&V) tools for the Automated Engineering Design (AED) language is specifically written to update the information found in several documents pertaining to the automated verification of flight software tools. The intent is to provide, in one document, all the information necessary to adequately prepare a run to use the AED V&V tools. No attempt is made to discuss the FORTRAN V&V tools since they were not updated and are not currently active. Additionally, the current descriptions of the AED V&V tools are contained and provides information to augment the NASA TM 84276. The AED V&V tools are accessed from the digital flight control systems verification laboratory (DFCSVL) via a PDP-11/60 digital computer. The AED V&V tool interface handlers on the PDP-11/60 generate a Univac run stream which is transmitted to the Univac via a Remote Job Entry (RJE) link. Job execution takes place on the Univac 1100 and the job output is transmitted back to the DFCSVL and stored as a PDP-11/60 printfile

    Recovery And Migration Of Application Logic From Legacy Systems

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    Future Internet technologies necessitate dramatic changes in system design, deliveryand usage patterns. For many legacy applications it means that their furtherdevelopment and transition to the Internet becomes problematic or evenimpossible due to the obsolescence of technologies they use. Replacement ofthe old system with the new one, built from scratch, is usually economicallyunacceptable. Therefore, there is a call for methods and tools supportingthe automated migration of legacy systems into a new paradigm. This paperproposes a tool supported method for recovery and migration of applicationlogic information from legacy systems. The information extracted from a legacyapplication is stored in the form of precise requirement-level models enablingautomated transformation into a new system structure in a model-driven way.Evaluation of the approach is based on a case study legacy system

    FORTES: Forensic Information Flow Analysis of Business Processes

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    Nearly 70% of all business processes in use today rely on automated workflow systems for their execution. Despite the growing expenses in the design of advanced tools for secure and compliant deployment of workflows, an exponential growth of dependability incidents persists. Concepts beyond access control focusing on information flow control offer new paradigms to design security mechanisms for reliable and secure IT-based workflows. This talk presents FORTES, an approach for the forensic analysis of information flow properties. FORTES claims that information flow control can be made usable as a core of an audit-control system. For this purpose, it reconstructs workflow models from secure log files (i.e. execution traces) and, applying security policies, analyzes the information flows to distinguish security relevant from security irrelevant information flows. FORTES thus cannot prevent security policy violations, but by detecting them with well-founded analysis, improve the precision of audit controls and the generated certificates

    An Empirical Analysis on the Benefits of Production Information Sysem for Japanese Manufacturing Companies

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    We empirically analyzed the linkage from computer-based information technologies utilized for production activities to the perceived benefits of production information systems, further to the competitive performance of each manufacturing plant, after presenting our research framework and a series of hypotheses. A database used for the analysis includes forty-six manufacturing plants located in Japan from three industries (machinery, electrical & electronics, and automobile). Information technologies we took up include computer aided design (CAD), computer aided engineering (CAE), computer aided processes planning (CAPP), local area networks (LAN) linking design and engineering stations, computer or direct numerical control (CNC/DNC), flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), automated retrieval and storage, material requirement planning (MRP), just-in-time (JIT) software, simulation tools, statistical process control (SPC) software, database for quality information, and electronic data interchange (EDI) linkages among others. The benefits of production information systems were measured in terms of manufacturing cost reduction, decrease in inventories, quality improvement, lead time reduction, increase in flexibility to changing product mix and production volume, new product introduction time reduction and so on. We found that there were several information technologies which did not necessarily show the hypothesized effects, and there were considerable unexpected or secondary effects upon the benefits of production information systems. Furthermore, some important benefits of production information systems, particularly manufacturing cost reduction and increase in flexibility, didn’t lead to the improvement in the corresponding competitive performance indexes

    Condition monitoring of helical gears using automated selection of features and sensors

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    The selection of most sensitive sensors and signal processing methods is essential process for the design of condition monitoring and intelligent fault diagnosis and prognostic systems. Normally, sensory data includes high level of noise and irrelevant or red undant information which makes the selection of the most sensitive sensor and signal processing method a difficult task. This paper introduces a new application of the Automated Sensor and Signal Processing Approach (ASPS), for the design of condition monitoring systems for developing an effective monitoring system for gearbox fault diagnosis. The approach is based on using Taguchi's orthogonal arrays, combined with automated selection of sensory characteristic features, to provide economically effective and optimal selection of sensors and signal processing methods with reduced experimental work. Multi-sensory signals such as acoustic emission, vibration, speed and torque are collected from the gearbox test rig under different health and operating conditions. Time and frequency domain signal processing methods are utilised to assess the suggested approach. The experiments investigate a single stage gearbox system with three level of damage in a helical gear to evaluate the proposed approach. Two different classification models are employed using neural networks to evaluate the methodology. The results have shown that the suggested approach can be applied to the design of condition monitoring systems of gearbox monitoring without the need for implementing pattern recognition tools during the design phase; where the pattern recognition can be implemented as part of decision making for diagnostics. The suggested system has a wide range of applications including industrial machinery as well as wind turbines for renewable energy applications
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