84 research outputs found

    Machine Learning and Signal Processing Design for Edge Acoustic Applications

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    Machine Learning and Signal Processing Design for Edge Acoustic Applications

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    Independent component analysis (ICA) applied to ultrasound image processing and tissue characterization

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    As a complicated ubiquitous phenomenon encountered in ultrasound imaging, speckle can be treated as either annoying noise that needs to be reduced or the source from which diagnostic information can be extracted to reveal the underlying properties of tissue. In this study, the application of Independent Component Analysis (ICA), a relatively new statistical signal processing tool appeared in recent years, to both the speckle texture analysis and despeckling problems of B-mode ultrasound images was investigated. It is believed that higher order statistics may provide extra information about the speckle texture beyond the information provided by first and second order statistics only. However, the higher order statistics of speckle texture is still not clearly understood and very difficult to model analytically. Any direct dealing with high order statistics is computationally forbidding. On the one hand, many conventional ultrasound speckle texture analysis algorithms use only first or second order statistics. On the other hand, many multichannel filtering approaches use pre-defined analytical filters which are not adaptive to the data. In this study, an ICA-based multichannel filtering texture analysis algorithm, which considers both higher order statistics and data adaptation, was proposed and tested on the numerically simulated homogeneous speckle textures. The ICA filters were learned directly from the training images. Histogram regularization was conducted to make the speckle images quasi-stationary in the wide sense so as to be adaptive to an ICA algorithm. Both Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and a greedy algorithm were used to reduce the dimension of feature space. Finally, Support Vector Machines (SVM) with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel were chosen as the classifier for achieving best classification accuracy. Several representative conventional methods, including both low and high order statistics based methods, and both filtering and non-filtering methods, have been chosen for comparison study. The numerical experiments have shown that the proposed ICA-based algorithm in many cases outperforms other algorithms for comparison. Two-component texture segmentation experiments were conducted and the proposed algorithm showed strong capability of segmenting two visually very similar yet different texture regions with rather fuzzy boundaries and almost the same mean and variance. Through simulating speckle with first order statistics approaching gradually to the Rayleigh model from different non-Rayleigh models, the experiments to some extent reveal how the behavior of higher order statistics changes with the underlying property of tissues. It has been demonstrated that when the speckle approaches the Rayleigh model, both the second and higher order statistics lose the texture differentiation capability. However, when the speckles tend to some non-Rayleigh models, methods based on higher order statistics show strong advantage over those solely based on first or second order statistics. The proposed algorithm may potentially find clinical application in the early detection of soft tissue disease, and also be helpful for better understanding ultrasound speckle phenomenon in the perspective of higher order statistics. For the despeckling problem, an algorithm was proposed which adapted the ICA Sparse Code Shrinkage (ICA-SCS) method for the ultrasound B-mode image despeckling problem by applying an appropriate preprocessing step proposed by other researchers. The preprocessing step makes the speckle noise much closer to the real white Gaussian noise (WGN) hence more amenable to a denoising algorithm such as ICS-SCS that has been strictly designed for additive WGN. A discussion is given on how to obtain the noise-free training image samples in various ways. The experimental results have shown that the proposed method outperforms several classical methods chosen for comparison, including first or second order statistics based methods (such as Wiener filter) and multichannel filtering methods (such as wavelet shrinkage), in the capability of both speckle reduction and edge preservation

    Holographic Fourier domain diffuse correlation spectroscopy

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    Diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is a non-invasive optical modality which can be used to measure cerebral blood flow (CBF) in real-time. It has important potential applications in clinical monitoring, as well as in neuroscience and the development of a non-invasive brain-computer interface. However, a trade-off exists between the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and imaging depth, and thus CBF sensitivity, of this technique. Additionally, as DCS is a diffuse optical technique, it is limited by a lack of inherent depth discrimination within the illuminated region of each source-detector pair, and the CBF signal is therefore also prone to contamination by the extracerebral tissues which the light traverses. Placing a particular emphasis on scalability, affordability, and robustness to ambient light, in this work I demonstrate a novel approach which fuses the fields of digital holography and DCS: holographic Fourier domain DCS (FD-DCS). The mathematical formalism of FD-DCS is derived and validated, followed by the construction and validation (for both in vitro and in vivo experiments) of a holographic FD-DCS instrument. By undertaking a systematic SNR performance assessment and developing a novel multispeckle denoising algorithm, I demonstrate the highest SNR gain reported in the DCS literature to date, achieved using scalable and low-cost camera-based detection. With a view to generating a forward model for holographic FD-DCS, in this thesis I propose a novel framework to simulate statistically accurate time-integrated dynamic speckle patterns in biomedical optics. The solution that I propose to this previously unsolved problem is based on the Karhunen-Loève expansion of the electric field, and I validate this technique against novel expressions for speckle contrast for different forms of homogeneous field. I also show that this method can readily be extended to cases with spatially varying sample properties, and that it can also be used to model optical and acoustic parameters

    Doppler vortography : detection and quantification of the vortices in the left ventricle

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    Nous proposons une nouvelle méthode pour quantifier la vorticité intracardiaque (vortographie Doppler), basée sur l’imagerie Doppler conventionnelle. Afin de caractériser les vortex, nous utilisons un indice dénommé « Blood Vortex Signature (BVS) » (Signature Tourbillonnaire Sanguine) obtenu par l’application d’un filtre par noyau basé sur la covariance. La validation de l’indice BVS mesuré par vortographie Doppler a été réalisée à partir de champs Doppler issus de simulations et d’expériences in vitro. Des résultats préliminaires obtenus chez des sujets sains et des patients atteints de complications cardiaques sont également présentés dans ce mémoire. Des corrélations significatives ont été observées entre la vorticité estimée par vortographie Doppler et la méthode de référence (in silico: r2 = 0.98, in vitro: r2 = 0.86). Nos résultats suggèrent que la vortographie Doppler est une technique d’échographie cardiaque prometteuse pour quantifier les vortex intracardiaques. Cet outil d’évaluation pourrait être aisément appliqué en routine clinique pour détecter la présence d’une insuffisance ventriculaire et évaluer la fonction diastolique par échocardiographie Doppler.We propose a new method for quantification of intra-cardiac vorticity (Doppler vortography) based on conventional Doppler images. To characterize the vortices, an index called “blood vortex signature” (BVS) was obtained using a specific covariance-based kernel filter. The reliability of BVS measured by Doppler vortography was assessed in mock Doppler fields issued from simulations and in vitro experimentations. Some preliminary results issued from healthy subjects and patients with heart disease were also presented in this research project. Strong correlations were obtained between the Doppler vortography-derived and ground-truth vorticities (in silico: r2 = 0.98, in vitro: r2 = 0.86, in vivo: p = 0.004). Our results demonstrated that Doppler vortography is a potentially promising echocardiographic tool for quantification of intra-ventricular vortex flow. This technique can be easily implemented for routine checks to recognize ventricular insufficiency and abnormal blood patterns at early stages of heart failure to decrease the morbidity of cardiac disease

    An image processing decisional system for the Achilles tendon using ultrasound images

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    The Achilles Tendon (AT) is described as the largest and strongest tendon in the human body. As for any other organs in the human body, the AT is associated with some medical problems that include Achilles rupture and Achilles tendonitis. AT rupture affects about 1 in 5,000 people worldwide. Additionally, AT is seen in about 10 percent of the patients involved in sports activities. Today, ultrasound imaging plays a crucial role in medical imaging technologies. It is portable, non-invasive, free of radiation risks, relatively inexpensive and capable of taking real-time images. There is a lack of research that looks into the early detection and diagnosis of AT abnormalities from ultrasound images. This motivated the researcher to build a complete system which enables one to crop, denoise, enhance, extract the important features and classify AT ultrasound images. The proposed application focuses on developing an automated system platform. Generally, systems for analysing ultrasound images involve four stages, pre-processing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. To produce the best results for classifying the AT, SRAD, CLAHE, GLCM, GLRLM, KPCA algorithms have been used. This was followed by the use of different standard and ensemble classifiers trained and tested using the dataset samples and reduced features to categorize the AT images into normal or abnormal. Various classifiers have been adopted in this research to improve the classification accuracy. To build an image decisional system, a 57 AT ultrasound images has been collected. These images were used in three different approaches where the Region of Interest (ROI) position and size are located differently. To avoid the imbalanced misleading metrics, different evaluation metrics have been adapted to compare different classifiers and evaluate the whole classification accuracy. The classification outcomes are evaluated using different metrics in order to estimate the decisional system performance. A high accuracy of 83% was achieved during the classification process. Most of the ensemble classifies worked better than the standard classifiers in all the three ROI approaches. The research aim was achieved and accomplished by building an image processing decisional system for the AT ultrasound images. This system can distinguish between normal and abnormal AT ultrasound images. In this decisional system, AT images were improved and enhanced to achieve a high accuracy of classification without any user intervention

    Speckle Noise Reduction via Homomorphic Elliptical Threshold Rotations in the Complex Wavelet Domain

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    Many clinicians regard speckle noise as an undesirable artifact in ultrasound images masking the underlying pathology within a patient. Speckle noise is a random interference pattern formed by coherent radiation in a medium containing many sub-resolution scatterers. Speckle has a negative impact on ultrasound images as the texture does not reflect the local echogenicity of the underlying scatterers. Studies have shown that the presence of speckle noise can reduce a physician's ability to detect lesions by a factor of eight. Without speckle, small high-contrast targets, low contrast objects, and image texture can be deduced quite readily. Speckle filtering of medical ultrasound images represents a critical pre-processing step, providing clinicians with enhanced diagnostic ability. Efficient speckle noise removal algorithms may also find applications in real time surgical guidance assemblies. However, it is vital that regions of interests are not compromised during speckle removal. This research pertains to the reduction of speckle noise in ultrasound images while attempting to retain clinical regions of interest. Recently, the advance of wavelet theory has lead to many applications in noise reduction and compression. Upon investigation of these two divergent fields, it was found that the speckle noise tends to rotate an image's homomorphic complex-wavelet coefficients. This work proposes a new speckle reduction filter involving a counter-rotation of these complex-wavelet coefficients to mitigate the presence of speckle noise. Simulations suggest the proposed denoising technique offers superior visual quality, though its signal-to-mean-square-error ratio (S/MSE) is numerically comparable to adaptive frost and kuan filtering. This research improves the quality of ultrasound medical images, leading to improved diagnosis for one of the most popular and cost effective imaging modalities used in clinical medicine
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