5,647 research outputs found

    Visual perception system and method for a humanoid robot

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    A robotic system includes a humanoid robot with robotic joints each moveable using an actuator(s), and a distributed controller for controlling the movement of each of the robotic joints. The controller includes a visual perception module (VPM) for visually identifying and tracking an object in the field of view of the robot under threshold lighting conditions. The VPM includes optical devices for collecting an image of the object, a positional extraction device, and a host machine having an algorithm for processing the image and positional information. The algorithm visually identifies and tracks the object, and automatically adapts an exposure time of the optical devices to prevent feature data loss of the image under the threshold lighting conditions. A method of identifying and tracking the object includes collecting the image, extracting positional information of the object, and automatically adapting the exposure time to thereby prevent feature data loss of the image

    Application of augmented reality and robotic technology in broadcasting: A survey

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    As an innovation technique, Augmented Reality (AR) has been gradually deployed in the broadcast, videography and cinematography industries. Virtual graphics generated by AR are dynamic and overlap on the surface of the environment so that the original appearance can be greatly enhanced in comparison with traditional broadcasting. In addition, AR enables broadcasters to interact with augmented virtual 3D models on a broadcasting scene in order to enhance the performance of broadcasting. Recently, advanced robotic technologies have been deployed in a camera shooting system to create a robotic cameraman so that the performance of AR broadcasting could be further improved, which is highlighted in the paper

    WOLF: A modular estimation framework for robotics based on factor graphs

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper introduces WOLF, a C++ estimation framework based on factor graphs and targeted at mobile robotics. WOLF can be used beyond SLAM to handle self-calibration, model identification, or the observation of dynamic quantities other than localization. The architecture of WOLF allows for a modular yet tightly-coupled estimator. Modularity is enhanced via reusable plugins that are loaded at runtime depending on application setup. This setup is achieved conveniently through YAML files, allowing users to configure a wide range of applications without the need of writing or compiling code. Most procedures are coded as abstract algorithms in base classes with varying levels of specialization. Overall, all these assets allow for coherent processing and favor code re-usability and scalability. WOLF can be used with ROS, and is made publicly available and open to collaboration.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    ToF cameras for active vision in robotics

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    ToF cameras are now a mature technology that is widely being adopted to provide sensory input to robotic applications. Depending on the nature of the objects to be perceived and the viewing distance, we distinguish two groups of applications: those requiring to capture the whole scene and those centered on an object. It will be demonstrated that it is in this last group of applications, in which the robot has to locate and possibly manipulate an object, where the distinctive characteristics of ToF cameras can be better exploited. After presenting the physical sensor features and the calibration requirements of such cameras, we review some representative works highlighting for each one which of the distinctive ToF characteristics have been more essential. Even if at low resolution, the acquisition of 3D images at frame-rate is one of the most important features, as it enables quick background/ foreground segmentation. A common use is in combination with classical color cameras. We present three developed applications, using a mobile robot and a robotic arm, to exemplify with real images some of the stated advantages.This work was supported by the EU project GARNICS FP7-247947, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project PAU+ DPI2011-27510, and by the Catalan Research Commission through SGR-00155Peer Reviewe

    Towards Intelligent Telerobotics: Visualization and Control of Remote Robot

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    Human-machine cooperative or co-robotics has been recognized as the next generation of robotics. In contrast to current systems that use limited-reasoning strategies or address problems in narrow contexts, new co-robot systems will be characterized by their flexibility, resourcefulness, varied modeling or reasoning approaches, and use of real-world data in real time, demonstrating a level of intelligence and adaptability seen in humans and animals. The research I focused is in the two sub-field of co-robotics: teleoperation and telepresence. We firstly explore the ways of teleoperation using mixed reality techniques. I proposed a new type of display: hybrid-reality display (HRD) system, which utilizes commodity projection device to project captured video frame onto 3D replica of the actual target surface. It provides a direct alignment between the frame of reference for the human subject and that of the displayed image. The advantage of this approach lies in the fact that no wearing device needed for the users, providing minimal intrusiveness and accommodating users eyes during focusing. The field-of-view is also significantly increased. From a user-centered design standpoint, the HRD is motivated by teleoperation accidents, incidents, and user research in military reconnaissance etc. Teleoperation in these environments is compromised by the Keyhole Effect, which results from the limited field of view of reference. The technique contribution of the proposed HRD system is the multi-system calibration which mainly involves motion sensor, projector, cameras and robotic arm. Due to the purpose of the system, the accuracy of calibration should also be restricted within millimeter level. The followed up research of HRD is focused on high accuracy 3D reconstruction of the replica via commodity devices for better alignment of video frame. Conventional 3D scanner lacks either depth resolution or be very expensive. We proposed a structured light scanning based 3D sensing system with accuracy within 1 millimeter while robust to global illumination and surface reflection. Extensive user study prove the performance of our proposed algorithm. In order to compensate the unsynchronization between the local station and remote station due to latency introduced during data sensing and communication, 1-step-ahead predictive control algorithm is presented. The latency between human control and robot movement can be formulated as a linear equation group with a smooth coefficient ranging from 0 to 1. This predictive control algorithm can be further formulated by optimizing a cost function. We then explore the aspect of telepresence. Many hardware designs have been developed to allow a camera to be placed optically directly behind the screen. The purpose of such setups is to enable two-way video teleconferencing that maintains eye-contact. However, the image from the see-through camera usually exhibits a number of imaging artifacts such as low signal to noise ratio, incorrect color balance, and lost of details. Thus we develop a novel image enhancement framework that utilizes an auxiliary color+depth camera that is mounted on the side of the screen. By fusing the information from both cameras, we are able to significantly improve the quality of the see-through image. Experimental results have demonstrated that our fusion method compares favorably against traditional image enhancement/warping methods that uses only a single image