468 research outputs found

objects for

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    This paper presents LORE (Literature Object Re-use and Exchange), a light-weight tool designed to enable scholars and teachers of literature to author, edit and publish OAI-ORE-compliant compound information objects that encapsulate related digital resources and bibliographic records. LORE provides a graphical user interface for creating, labelling and visualizing typed relationships between individual objects using terms from a bibliographic ontology based on the IFLA FRBR. After creating a compound object, users can attach metadata and publish it to a repository (as an RDF graph) where it can be searched, retrieved, edited and re-used by others. LORE has been developed in the context of the Australian Literature Resource project (AustLit) and hence focuses on compound objects for teaching and research within the Australian literary studies community. However it can easily be tailored to support the creation of compound objects for literary and bibliographic research more generally

    The ‘assertive edition’ : On the consequences of digital methods in scholarly editing for historians

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    The paper describes the special interest in edition by historians and the resulting editorial practice in contrast to the methods applied by pure philological textual criticism. The interest in historical ‘facts’ suggests methods trying to create formal representations of the information conveyed by the text in structured databases. This can be achieved with RDF representations of statements extracted from the text, by automatic information extraction methods or by hand. The paper suggests the use of embedded RDF representations in TEI mark-up, following the practice in several recent projects and concludes with a proposal for a definition of the ‘assertive edition’

    Visual Narrative: A Theory and Model for Image-Driven Digital Historiography based on a Case Study of China’s Boxer Uprising (c. 1900)

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    Digitization that has enabled instant access to vast numbers of archival, historical images, demands a new paradigm for the use of visual imagery in historical research. This thesis proposes a new form of historiography in the digital medium, an image-based narrative mode for authoring and reading history. I propose a digital model for conveying history through the visual record, as an alternative to the printed book. Unlike the quantitative “big data” approach to digital humanities, this research explores visuality itself. In a practice-led approach, the research addresses both aspects of historiography: (1) a method of historical representation; and (2) original historical work on a selected topic. The testbed for historiographic and narrative experiments which led to the model was my case study on the Boxer Uprising in China, c. 1900. While many written histories of the Boxer Uprising exist, I collected a large portion of its extensive visual record for the first time. Sources from around the world, in a variety of media, were assembled into a digital data set that reveals previously unexplored historical themes. A series of visual narratives built in the case study culminated in a proposed “Visual Narrative Field” model. In this model, meaning emerges in the patterns observed between images within a complex visual field. The model vertically integrates three narrative approaches in order to support alternating cognitive modes used to read texts and perceive images. Linear concentration is blended with the non-linear exploration of interactive forms. The model provides historians with a much-needed tool for authoring narrative through relationships between images in a scalable approach. Due to digitization, visual databases are easily assembled, and images are as easily reproduced as written text. The Visual Narrative Field model takes advantage of the characteristics of the newly-digitized visual record, providing a means of authoring visual narrative that can be comprehended without the use of extensive written text. The model thus creates an unprecedented image-based method for performing and presenting historical research

    Variable Format: Media Poetics and the Little Database

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    This dissertation explores the situation of twentieth-century art and literature becoming digital. Focusing on relatively small online collections, I argue for materially invested readings of works of print, sound, and cinema from within a new media context. With bibliographic attention to the avant-garde legacy of media specificity and the little magazine, I argue that the “films,” “readings,” “magazines,” and “books” indexed on a series of influential websites are marked by meaningful transformations that continue to shape the present through a dramatic reconfiguration of the past. I maintain that the significance of an online version of a work is not only transformed in each instance of use, but that these versions fundamentally change our understanding of each historical work in turn. Here, I offer the analogical coding of these platforms as “little databases” after the little magazines that served as the vehicle of modernism and the historical avant-garde. Like the study of the full run of a magazine, these databases require a bridge between close and distant reading. Rather than contradict each other as is often argued, in this instance a combined macro- and microscopic mode of analysis yields valuable information not readily available by either method in isolation. In both directions, the social networks and technical protocols of database culture inscribe the limits of potential readings. Bridging the material orientation of bibliographic study with the format theory of recent media scholarship, this work constructs a media poetics for reading analog works situated within the windows, consoles, and networks of the twenty-first century

    Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms & Practices is a volume of essays that provides a detailed account of born-digital literature by artists and scholars who have contributed to its birth and evolution. Rather than offering a prescriptive definition of electronic literature, this book takes an ontological approach through descriptive exploration, treating electronic literature from the perspective of the digital humanities (DH)––that is, as an area of scholarship and practice that exists at the juncture between the literary and the algorithmic. The domain of DH is typically segmented into the two seemingly disparate strands of criticism and building, with scholars either studying the synthesis between cultural expression and screens or the use of technology to make artifacts in themselves. This book regards electronic literature as fundamentally DH in that it synthesizes these two constituents. Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities provides a context for the development of the field, informed by the forms and practices that have emerged throughout the DH moment, and finally, offers resources for others interested in learning more about electronic literature

    Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities

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    This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com. Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities: Contexts, Forms & Practices is a volume of essays that provides a detailed account of born-digital literature by artists and scholars who have contributed to its birth and evolution. Rather than offering a prescriptive definition of electronic literature, this book takes an ontological approach through descriptive exploration, treating electronic literature from the perspective of the digital humanities (DH)––that is, as an area of scholarship and practice that exists at the juncture between the literary and the algorithmic. The domain of DH is typically segmented into the two seemingly disparate strands of criticism and building, with scholars either studying the synthesis between cultural expression and screens or the use of technology to make artifacts in themselves. This book regards electronic literature as fundamentally DH in that it synthesizes these two constituents. Electronic Literature as Digital Humanities provides a context for the development of the field, informed by the forms and practices that have emerged throughout the DH moment, and finally, offers resources for others interested in learning more about electronic literature

    Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice

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    A survey of a range of disciplines whose practitioners are venturing into the new field of digital rhetoric, examining the history of the ways digital and networked technologies inhabit and shape traditional rhetorical practices as well as considering new rhetorics made possible by current technologie

    Web Writing: Why and How for Liberal Arts Teaching and Learning

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    Teaching writing across the curriculum with online tool

    Designing a Library of Components for Textual Scholarship

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    Il presente lavoro affronta e descrive temi legati all'applicazione di nuove tecnologie, di metodologie informatiche e di progettazione software volti allo sviluppo di strumenti innovativi per le Digital Humanities (DH), un’area di studio caratterizzata da una forte interdisciplinaritĂ  e da una continua evoluzione. In particolare, questo contributo definisce alcuni specifici requisiti relativi al dominio del Literary Computing e al settore del Digital Textual Scholarship. Conseguentemente, il contesto principale di elaborazione tratta documenti scritti in latino, greco e arabo, nonchĂ© testi in lingue moderne contenenti temi storici e filologici. L'attivitĂ  di ricerca si concentra sulla progettazione di una libreria modulare (TSLib) in grado di operare su fonti ad elevato valore culturale, al fine di editarle, elaborarle, confrontarle, analizzarle, visualizzarle e ricercarle. La tesi si articola in cinque capitoli. Il capitolo 1 riassume il contesto del dominio applicativo e fornisce un quadro generale degli obiettivi e dei benefici della ricerca. Il capitolo 2 illustra alcuni importanti lavori e iniziative analoghe, insieme a una breve panoramica dei risultati piĂč significativi ottenuti nel settore delle DH. Il capitolo 3 ripercorre accuratamente e motiva il processo di progettazione messo a punto. Esso inizia con la descrizione dei principi tecnici adottati e mostra come essi vengono applicati al dominio d'interesse. Il capitolo continua definendo i requisiti, l'architettura e il modello del metodo proposto. Sono cosĂŹ evidenziati e discussi gli aspetti concernenti i design patterns e la progettazione delle Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). La parte finale del lavoro (capitolo 4) illustra i risultati ottenuti da concreti progetti di ricerca che, da un lato, hanno contribuito alla progettazione della libreria e, dall'altro, hanno avuto modo di sfruttarne gli sviluppi. Sono stati quindi discussi diversi temi: (a) l'acquisizione e la codifica del testo, (b) l'allineamento e la gestione delle varianti testuali, (c) le annotazioni multilivello. La tesi si conclude con alcune riflessioni e considerazioni indicando anche possibili percorsi d'indagine futuri (capitolo 5)
