29 research outputs found

    How Do Bloggers Comment: An Empirical Analysis of the Commenting Network of a Blogging Community

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    The blog is one of the most familiar social media to Web users. Its social nature suggests that blogging is not only about writing and publishing bloggers’ experience and thoughts, but also about establishing social relationships and networks with others through various links including citations, blogrolls, comments, and trackbacks. We have a particular interest in comments, and develop a commenting model that considers both unidirectional and bidirectional commenting relationships. This paper presents a social network analysis of the commenting network of CSDN blogging community, the largest Chinese language IT blogging community in China. According to our findings, this is a sparse network, and the most noticeable nodes in it are a few central bloggers who possess a lot of incoming relationships. Each of them is surrounded by a number of ordinary bloggers who recognize the central blogger as their exclusive information source in a star topology. Our continuing study will focus on these central bloggers and examine their influences on the information diffusion in CSDN blogging community at the semantic level

    Investigating the Relationship between Centrality Measures and Productivity of Persian Language and Literature Researchers

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    Objectives: The present study was to identify the structure of co-authorship networks in the field of Persian language and literature, and to investigate how these structures assist researchers in successfully publishing their research works. More specifically, this study investigated the relationship between centrality and productivity of researchers in the field of Persian language and literature. Methodology: This descriptive study was conducted through scientometric approach using social network analysis. The population of the study included all documents which were published by Persian language and literature researchers and have been indexed in ISC since 2012. Findings and conclusion: The results showed that the topological macrostructure of the researchers’ co-authored scientific outputs enjoyed low cohesion and density; there was low willingness to co-authorship. Most of the outputs were written by a single author or two authors. The number of scientific outputs increased in 2009 and 2010, and the production in this area is increasing

    네트워크 거리 효과의 준모수적 추정

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 경영대학 경영학과, 2018. 2. 김진교.마케팅을 비롯한 많은 분야에서 네트워크상의 소비자간에 발생하는 사회적 효과에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 하지만 네트워크 구성원 간의 거리에 대한 연구는 상대적으로 큰 관심을 받지 못했다. 특정 구성원이 여러 구성원을 거쳐 얼마나 멀리 떨어져 있는 구성원에게까지 효과를 미치는지가 마케팅에서 중요한 연구 주제라는 점에서, 본 연구는 소비자의 구매행위에 대한 네트워크 거리의 효과에 주목하였다. 특히, 본 연구는 기존 연구와는 달리 네트워크 거리 효과를 추정함에 있어 선형 가정을 두지 않고 거리 효과의 복잡성을 제대로 포착하고자 효과에 대한 준모수적 회귀분석 추정방법을 이용하였다. 그 결과 본 연구는 준모수적 회귀분석 방법의 하나인 선형 스플라인 회귀분석 모형을 통해, 기존의 선형 가정이 네트워크 거리의 효과를 충분히 설명하지 못한다는 사실을 발견하였다. 또한, 거리 효과가 거리의 특성 수준까지 단조 감소하고 특정 수준을 기점으로 급격히 감소한다는 사실을 확인하였다. 즉, 소비자 구매행위에 대한 거리 효과의 비선형성을 실증적 연구를 통해 입증하였다. 이러한 연구 결과는 이론적인 측면에서 네트워크 거리의 효과를 선형으로 가정한 기존 연구의 한계를 밝혀냈다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 또한, 실증적인 측면에서 각 기업이 네트워크 거리를 비선형적으로 고려함으로써 마케팅 전략이 소비자에게 미치는 영향을 좀 더 정확하게 측정하는 데 기여하였다.제 1 장 서론 1 제 2 장 이론적 배경 3 제 1 절 사회적 거리와 네트워크 거리 3 제 2 절 거리 효과의 비선형성 4 제 3 절 구매행위의 사회적 효과 6 제 3 장 연구 모형 8 제 1 절 모형 8 제 2 절 추정 방법 8 제 4 장 데이터 및 분석 11 제 1 절 데이터 11 제 2 절 추정 결과 12 제 5 장 결론 16 참고문헌 18Maste

    A New Approach to Analyzing Patterns of Collaboration in Co-authorship Networks - Mesoscopic Analysis and Interpretation

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    This paper focuses on methods to study patterns of collaboration in co-authorship networks at the mesoscopic level. We combine qualitative methods (participant interviews) with quantitative methods (network analysis) and demonstrate the application and value of our approach in a case study comparing three research fields in chemistry. A mesoscopic level of analysis means that in addition to the basic analytic unit of the individual researcher as node in a co-author network, we base our analysis on the observed modular structure of co-author networks. We interpret the clustering of authors into groups as bibliometric footprints of the basic collective units of knowledge production in a research specialty. We find two types of coauthor-linking patterns between author clusters that we interpret as representing two different forms of cooperative behavior, transfer-type connections due to career migrations or one-off services rendered, and stronger, dedicated inter-group collaboration. Hence the generic coauthor network of a research specialty can be understood as the overlay of two distinct types of cooperative networks between groups of authors publishing in a research specialty. We show how our analytic approach exposes field specific differences in the social organization of research.Comment: An earlier version of the paper was presented at ISSI 2009, 14-17 July, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Revised version accepted on 2 April 2010 for publication in Scientometrics. Removed part on node-role connectivity profile analysis after finding error in calculation and deciding to postpone analysis

    Análise da Rede de Interação entre os Pesquisadores de Biblioteca Escolar

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    This paper discusses the theory of graphs, with the aim of analyzing the networks of interaction between the researchers of the subject school library, using the database references in the area of Science Information in Brazil and doing a cut from 2000 to 2013. Seeks to identify the authors that have more interactions with other researchers in the publication of articles on school library with the application of the methods of Social Network Analysis (ARS).O presente trabalho aborda a Teoria dos Grafos, com o objetivo de analisar as redes de interação entre os pesquisadores do tema biblioteca escolar, utilizando as bases de dados referências na área de Ciência da Informação no Brasil e fazendo um recorte de 2000 a 2013. Procura identificar os autores que possuem mais interações com outros pesquisadores na publicação de artigos sobre biblioteca escolar com a aplicação dos métodos da Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS)

    Correlation between Impact Factor and productivity with centrality measures in journals of Information science: A social network analysis

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    This research examines the association between co-authorship network centrality (degree, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector, Bonacich flow betweenness) and productivity of Information science researchers. The research population includes all those researchers who have published at least one record in one of the twenty journals of Information Science which has an impact factor of 0.635 as a minimum from the years 1996 to 2010. By using social network analyses, this study examines information science researchers’ outputs during 1996-2011 in ISI Web of Science database. In general co-authorship network of these researchers was analyzed by UCINET6 software. Results showed that there is a significant correlation between Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and all centrality measures except closeness centrality at P= 0.001. Results also showed that there is a significant correlation between productivity of authors and all centrality measures scores at P≥ 0.001. Also, regression reports direct relationship of degree, closeness and flow betweenness and inverse relationship of betweenness as well as Eigen vector centrality on productivity of researchers

    Production in Social Network Analysis: bibliometric study at BRAPC

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    Introdução: O objetivo deste artigo é elaborar e analisar indicadores bibliométricos sobre a produção científica em Análise de Redes Sociais. Método: A metodologia do trabalho é de natureza descritiva-exploratória, com abordagem bibliométrica. A amostra analisada constitui-se de artigos de periódicos indexados na Base de Dados Referenciais de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (BRAPCI), cuja busca abrangeu todos os registros indexados no período de 1972 a 2020. Os metadados dos 88 artigos foram analisados em planilhas de Excel. Resultados: O ano com maior produtividade relacionada ao tema foi 2015. Do total de 157 autorias, prevalece a colaboração entre 2 autores, com prevalência de artigos escritos por autores do gênero masculino, destacando-se Dalton Lopes Martins como o autor com maior número de publicações sobre o tema. Destaca-se o periódico Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação com o maior número de artigos. O referencial teórico utilizado pelos trabalhos mais citados é marcado, efetivamente, por obras internacionais. As palavras-chave com maior ocorrência entre os artigos foram: Análise de Redes Sociais, Redes Sociais, Ciência da Informação, Colaboração científica, Coautoria, Comunicação científica e Bibliometria. Conclusão: Os indicadores levantados indicam que a produção científica em Análise de Redes Sociais na área da Ciência da Informação tem conquistado espaço entre os pesquisadores, com diversas aplicabilidades, sendo utilizado como abordagem metodológica em estudos aplicados ou voltados, principalmente, para os estudos sobre relações colaborativas.Introduction: The objective of this article is to elaborate and analyze bibliometric indicators on the scientific production on Social Network Analysis. Method: The methodology of the work is of a descriptive-exploratory nature, with a bibliometric approach. The sample analyzed consists of articles from journals indexed in the Referential Database of Journal Articles in Information Science (BRAPCI), whose search covered all indexed records in the period 1972 to 2020. The metadata of the 88 articles were analyzed in Excel spreadsheets. Results: The year with the highest productivity related to the theme was 2015. Of the total of 157 authorships, the collaboration between 2 authors prevails, with a prevalence of articles written by male authors, highlighting Dalton Lopes Martins as the author with the largest number of publications on the subject. The journal Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação stands out with the largest number of articles. The theoretical reference used by the most cited papers is effectively marked by international works. The key words with the highest occurrence among the articles were: Social Network Analysis, Social Networks, Information Science, Scientific Collaboration, Coauthorship, Scientific Communication and Bibliometrics. Conclusions: The indicators indicate that the scientific production in Social Network Analysis in the field of Information Science has gained space among researchers, with various applications, being used as a methodological approach in applied studies or focused mainly on studies about collaborative relationships