5 research outputs found

    Generating and Managing Secure Passwords for Online Accounts

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    User accounts at Internet services contain a multitude of personal data such as messages, documents, pictures, and payment information. Passwords are used to protect these data from unauthorized access. User authentication based on passwords has many advantages for both users and service providers. Users can use passwords across many platforms, devices, and applications and do not need to carry an additional device. Service providers can implement password-based user authentication with little effort and operate it with low cost per user. However, passwords have a key problem: the conflict between security and ease of use. For security reasons, passwords must be attack-resistant, individual for each account, and changed on a regular basis. But, these security requirements make passwords very difficult to use. They require users to create and manage a large portfolio of passwords. This poses three problems: First, the generation of attack-resistant passwords is very difficult. Second, the memorization of many passwords is practically impossible. Third, the regular change of passwords is very time-consuming. These problems are aggravated by the different password requirements, interfaces, and procedures of services. The preservation of passwords for users such as storing passwords on user devices mitigates the memorization problem, but it raises new problems: the confidentiality, availability, recoverability, and accessibility of the preserved passwords. Despite decades of research, the problems of passwords are not solved yet. Consequently, secure passwords are not usable in practice. As a result, users select weak passwords, use them across accounts, and barely change them. In this thesis, we introduce the Password Assistance System (PAS). It makes secure passwords usable for users. This is achieved by automation and comprehensive support. PAS covers all aspects of passwords. It generates, preserves, and changes passwords for users as well as ensures the confidentiality, availability, recoverability, and accessibility of the preserved passwords. This reduces the efforts and activities of users to deal with passwords to a minimum and thus enables users to practically realize secure passwords for their online accounts for the first time. PAS is the first solution that is capable of handling the different password implementations of services. This is achieved by a standardized description of password requirements, interfaces, and procedures. Moreover, PAS is solely realized on the user-side and requires no changes on the service-side. Both features ensure the practicability of PAS and make it ready to be used. PAS solves the password generation problem by creating attack-resistant, individual, and valid passwords for users automatically. Users just need to provide the URL of a service to generate an optimal password for an account. Our uniform description of password requirements provides the information to generate passwords in accordance with the individual password requirements of services. PAS is able to generate the requirements descriptions automatically by extracting the password requirements of services from their websites. So far, this was done for 185,696 services. Moreover, PAS is equipped with an optimal password-composition rule set for the event that services do not explicitly state their password requirements, which is the usual case. By means of the optimal rule set, PAS also generates attack-resistant passwords with the best possible acceptance rate in case of unknown password requirements. PAS solves the password memorization problem by preserving passwords for users. This releases users from memorizing their passwords and facilitates to use individual passwords for accounts. PAS makes users' password portfolios available on all their devices as well as automatically synchronizes changes. PAS achieves this without storing passwords at servers so that an attacker cannot steal them from servers. Moreover, PAS provides a backup solution to recover the preserved passwords in case of loss. Users need to create backups only once and do not have to update them even when their password portfolios change. Consequently, users can keep backups completely offline at secure, different, and physically isolated locations. This minimizes the risk of compromise and loss as well as enables an emergency access to the passwords for trusted persons. Moreover, PAS has a built-in revocation mechanism. It allows users to completely invalidate devices and backups in case they lose control over them. This guarantees that no passwords can be stolen from lost user devices and backups once revoked. Users always have full control of their passwords. PAS solves the password change problem by changing passwords automatically for users. Users neither need to create new passwords nor manually log in to their accounts. Our uniform description of password interfaces and procedures provides the information to change passwords at arbitrary services. Moreover, PAS is the first solution that provides autonomous password changes. It changes passwords on a regular basis with respect to the security level of passwords as well as immediately after PAS detects a compromise of users' passwords. The practicability of PAS is demonstrated by an implementation. The individual components of PAS can be used independently, integrated into other applications, and combined to a single user application, called a password assistant. In summary, this thesis presents a solution that makes secure passwords usable. This is done by automation and comprehensive support in the generation and management of passwords

    Moderne Verwaltung und Datenschutz - ein Widerspruch?

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    In der Dissertation werden eine Reihe für das Verwaltungshandeln maßgeblicher gesetzlicher Vorschriften in Bezug auf den Datenschutz untersucht. Die nationalen und europäischen gesetzlichen Grundlagen für den Datenschutz werden dargestellt, ebenso die einschlägige Rechtsprechung der nationalen und europäischen Gerichte. Einen Schwerpunkt bildet das österreichische Konzept für das E-Government. In der Arbeit wird untersucht, inwieweit dieses Konzept mit Bezug auf den Datenschutz in verschiedenen Bereichen der Verwaltung umgesetzt worden ist, u.a. im Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz, Registerzählungsgesetz und dem Gesundheitstelematikgesetz. Ebenso werden das Sicherheitspolizeigesetz und verschiedene europäische und bilaterale Vorschriften hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes untersucht. Ein Schwerunkt ist dabei die europäische Richtlinie über die Vorratsdatenspeicherung und deren Umsetzung in Österreich.. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchungen lässt sich feststellen, dass Vereinbarkeit mit Datenschutzbestimmungen kein erstrangiges Ziel darstellt. Zwar werden die Datenschutzbestimmungen formal betont mit dem Ziel diese nicht offensichtlich zu verletzen. Dem Geist der Grundrechtsbestimmungen wird jedoch vielfach nicht entsprochen. Deutlich wird dies auch in der zunehmenden Tendenz der Verwaltung möglichst viele Daten über die Bürger zu sammeln, die sich ggf. leicht zu Profilen verdichten lassen. Diesen Tendenzen sollte im Interesse des Schutzes der Privatsphäre der Bürger entgegengewirkt werden und zwar auch durch Forschungen in weiteren Bereichen der Verwaltung. Im Zuge der Ausbreitung des Terrorismus und der organisierten Kriminalität sind die Möglichkeiten der Polizei Daten der Bürger zu erfassen und zu verwenden, stark ausgeweitet worden. Zumindest werden diese Entwicklungen als Argument für die Ausweitung angeführt. Andererseits sind Maßnahmen, Missbrauch von persönlichen Daten zu verhindern und die Privatsphäre zu schützen nicht in gleicher <Weise weiterentwickelt worden. Die Kontrolle der Sicherheitspolizei durch unabhängige Institutionen erscheint verbesserungsfähig. Weiter besteht die Notwendigkeit, die Eingriffe in die Privatsphäre stärker als bisher von richterlichen Zustimmungen abhängig zu machen.The dissertation thesis represents an investigation of several legal acts related to public administration in respect to the concern given to aspects of data protection. The national and European legal basis of data protection has been described as well as the relevant jurisdiction of national and European courts. Special attention has been given to the Austrian scheme for E-Government and its validity in the European context. The thesis investigates how this scheme has been realized in different sections with regard to the data protection, e.g. in the law for the documentation of education (Bildungsdokumentationsgesetz), in the law for the registration of people (Registerzählungsgesetz) and in the bill for the introduction of data processing in the institutions of medical care in Austria. The legal act concerning the activities of the police and the European or bilateral regulations for police cooperation have been analyzed with regard to aspects of data protection. Special attention was paid to the European Data Retention Directive and its application in Austria. As a general result of the investigations it can be stated that compliance with data protection rules seems not to be a very important objective of the public administration. It is followed mainly in a formal manner, in a way not to violate data protection rules obviously; privacy of the citizen is not an urgent topic. It has been showed that there is a growing tendency in governmental institutions to learn as much as possible about the features of the citizens and to get complete profiles of them. As a conclusion, this should be stopped and further research should be made in other areas of governmental activities in order to complement this exemplary representation. The scope of tools, which are used by the police and applied in international police cooperation in order to gain and utilize personal data of citizens, has been vastly extended with the growing phenomenon of international terrorism and the rise of crime rates in a global context. This at least has been the most used argument. On the other hand the measures to avoid misuse of personal data and to protect the privacy of citizens have not been developed to the same extent. The control of national police sections by independent public institutions and judge reserve for intervention into the private sphere of citizens have still to be improved

    Resilient Anonymity Networks

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    Unverkettbare Nachrichten sind ein Grundbaustein anonymer Kommunikation. Anonymisierungsnetze schützen mittels Unverkettbarkeit, wer mit wem kommuniziert sowie die Identität der Beteiligten einer Kommunikationsbeziehung. Anonymisierungsnetze benötigen Kooperation, da die Anonymität durch Ressourcen anderer Teilnehmer geschützt wird. Wenn die Kosten und der Nutzen eines Anonymisierungsnetzes transparent sind, ergeben sich Zielkonflikte zwischen rationalen Teilnehmern. Es wird daher untersucht, inwiefern daraus resultierendes egoistisches Verhalten die Widerstandsfähigkeit dieser Netze beeinträchtigt. Störungen werden in einem spieltheoretischen Modell untersucht, um widerstandsfähige Konfigurationen von Anonymisierungsnetzen zu ermitteln. Eine weitere Störquelle sind Überflutungsangriffe mittels unverkettbarer Nachrichten. Es soll sowohl die Verfügbarkeit als auch die Anonymität geschützt werden. Dazu wird Unverkettbarkeit für Nachrichten aufrecht erhalten, außer wenn die Senderate eines Nachrichtenstroms eine Richtlinie überschreitet. Innerhalb verkettbarer Nachrichten können Überflutungsangriffe erkannt werden. Darüber kann die Verfügbarkeit des Netzdienstes geschützt werden

    Authentisierung mit der Open eCard App

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    Maintaining Security and Trust in Large Scale Public Key Infrastructures

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    In Public Key Infrastructures (PKIs), trusted Certification Authorities (CAs) issue public key certificates which bind public keys to the identities of their owners. This enables the authentication of public keys which is a basic prerequisite for the use of digital signatures and public key encryption. These in turn are enablers for e-business, e-government and many other applications, because they allow for secure electronic communication. With the Internet being the primary communication medium in many areas of economic, social, and political life, the so-called Web PKI plays a central role. The Web PKI denotes the global PKI which enables the authentication of the public keys of web servers within the TLS protocol and thus serves as the basis for secure communications over the Internet. However, the use of PKIs in practice bears many unsolved problems. Numerous security incidents in recent years have revealed weaknesses of the Web PKI. Because of these weaknesses, the security of Internet communication is increasingly questioned. Central issues are (1) the globally predefined trust in hundreds of CAs by browsers and operating systems. These CAs are subject to a variety of jurisdictions and differing security policies, while it is sufficient to compromise a single CA in order to break the security provided by the Web PKI. And (2) the handling of revocation of certificates. Revocation is required to invalidate certificates, e.g., if they were erroneously issued or the associated private key has been compromised. Only this can prevent their misuse by attackers. Yet, revocation is only effective if it is published in a reliable way. This turned out to be a difficult problem in the context of the Web PKI. Furthermore, the fact that often a great variety of services depends on a single CA is a serious problem. As a result, it is often almost impossible to revoke a CA's certificate. However, this is exactly what is necessary to prevent the malicious issuance of certificates with the CA's key if it turns out that a CA is in fact not trustworthy or the CA's systems have been compromised. In this thesis, we therefore turn to the question of how to ensure that the CAs an Internet user trusts in are actually trustworthy. Based on an in depth analysis of the Web PKI, we present solutions for the different issues. In this thesis, the feasibility and practicality of the presented solutions is of central importance. From the problem analysis, which includes the evaluation of past security incidents and previous scientific work on the matter, we derive requirements for a practical solution. For the solution of problem (1), we introduce user-centric trust management for the Web PKI. This allows to individually reduce the number of CAs a user trusts in to a fraction of the original number. This significantly reduces the risk to rely on a CA, which is actually not trustworthy. The assessment of a CA's trustworthiness is user dependent and evidence-based. In addition, the method allows to monitor the revocation status for the certificates relevant to a user. This solves the first part of problem (2). Our solution can be realized within the existing infrastructure without introducing significant overhead or usability issues. Additionally, we present an extension by online service providers. This enables to share locally collected trust information with other users and thus, to improve the necessary bootstrapping of the system. Moreover, an efficient detection mechanism for untrustworthy CAs is realized. In regard to the second part of problem (2), we present a CA revocation tolerant PKI construction based on forward secure signature schemes (FSS). Forward security means that even in case of a key compromise, previously generated signatures can still be trusted. This makes it possible to implement revocation mechanisms such that CA certificates can be revoked, without compromising the availability of dependent web services. We describe how the Web PKI can be transitioned to a CA revocation tolerant PKI taking into account the relevant standards. The techniques developed in this thesis also enable us to address the related problem of ``non-repudiation'' of digital signatures. Non-repudiation is an important security goal for many e-business and e-government applications. Yet, non-repudiation is not guaranteed by standard PKIs. Current solutions, which are based on time-stamps generated by trusted third parties, are inefficient and costly. In this work, we show how non-repudiation can be made a standard property of PKIs. This makes time-stamps obsolete. The techniques presented in this thesis are evaluated in terms of practicality and performance. This is based on theoretical results as well as on experimental analyses. Our results show that the proposed methods are superior to previous approaches. In summary, this thesis presents mechanisms which make the practical use of PKIs more secure and more efficient and demonstrates the practicability of the presented techniques