11 research outputs found

    Augmenting graphs to minimize the diameter

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    We study the problem of augmenting a weighted graph by inserting edges of bounded total cost while minimizing the diameter of the augmented graph. Our main result is an FPT 4-approximation algorithm for the problem.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Mathematical Programming Models For Some Smallest-World Problems

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    Given a weighted graph G, in the minimum-cost-edge-selection problem (MCES), a minimum weighted set of edges is chosen subject to an upper bound on the diameter of graph G. Similarly, in the minimum-diameter-edge-selection problem (MDES), a set of edges is chosen to minimize the diameter subject to an upper bound on their total weight. These problems are shown to be equivalent and proven to be NP-complete. MCES is then formulated as a 0-1 integer programming problem. The problems MCES and MDES provide models for determining smallest-world networks and for measuring the "smallworldness" of graphs

    Minimizing the Continuous Diameter when Augmenting Paths and Cycles with Shortcuts

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    We seek to augment a geometric network in the Euclidean plane with shortcuts to minimize its continuous diameter, i.e., the largest network distance between any two points on the augmented network. Unlike in the discrete setting where a shortcut connects two vertices and the diameter is measured between vertices, we take all points along the edges of the network into account when placing a shortcut and when measuring distances in the augmented network. We study this network augmentation problem for paths and cycles. For paths, we determine an optimal shortcut in linear time. For cycles, we show that a single shortcut never decreases the continuous diameter and that two shortcuts always suffice to reduce the continuous diameter. Furthermore, we characterize optimal pairs of shortcuts for convex and non-convex cycles. Finally, we develop a linear time algorithm that produces an optimal pair of shortcuts for convex cycles. Apart from the algorithms, our results extend to rectifiable curves. Our work reveals some of the underlying challenges that must be overcome when addressing the discrete version of this network augmentation problem, where we minimize the discrete diameter of a network with shortcuts that connect only vertices

    On the characterization of the domination of a diameter-constrained network reliability model

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    AbstractLet G=(V,E) be a digraph with a distinguished set of terminal vertices K⊆V and a vertex s∈K. We define the s,K-diameter of G as the maximum distance between s and any of the vertices of K. If the arcs fail randomly and independently with known probabilities (vertices are always operational), the diameter-constrained s,K-terminal reliability of G, Rs,K(G,D), is defined as the probability that surviving arcs span a subgraph whose s,K-diameter does not exceed D.The diameter-constrained network reliability is a special case of coherent system models, where the domination invariant has played an important role, both theoretically and for developing algorithms for reliability computation. In this work, we completely characterize the domination of diameter-constrained network models, giving a simple rule for computing its value: if the digraph either has an irrelevant arc, includes a directed cycle or includes a dipath from s to a node in K longer than D, its domination is 0; otherwise, its domination is -1 to the power |E|-|V|+1. In particular this characterization yields the classical source-to-K-terminal reliability domination obtained by Satyanarayana.Based on these theoretical results, we present an algorithm for computing the reliability

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    15th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory: SWAT 2016, June 22-24, 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland

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