295 research outputs found

    Towards Real-time Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are poised to change the way computer systems interact with the physical world. We plan on entrusting sensor systems to collect medical data from patients, monitor the safety of our infrastructure, and control manufacturing processes in our factories. To date, the focus of the sensor network community has been on developing best-effort services. This approach is insufficient for many applications since it does not enable developers to determine if a system\u27s requirements in terms of communication latency, bandwidth utilization, reliability, or energy consumption are met. The focus of this thesis is to develop real-time network support for such critical applications. The first part of the thesis focuses on developing a power management solution for the radio subsystem which addresses both the problem of idle-listening and power control. In contrast to traditional power management solutions which focus solely on reducing energy consumption, the distinguishing feature of our approach is that it achieves both energy efficiency and real-time communication. A solution to the idle-listening problem is proposed in Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling based on Application Semantics: ESSAT). The novelty of ESSAT lies in that it takes advantage of the common features of data collection applications to determine when to turn on and off a node\u27s radio without affecting real-time performance. A solution to the power control problem is proposed in Real-time Power Aware-Routing: RPAR). RPAR tunes the transmission power for each packet based on its deadline such that energy is saved without missing packet deadlines. The main theoretical contribution of this thesis is the development of novel transmission scheduling techniques optimized for data collection applications. This work bridges the gap between wireless sensor networks and real-time scheduling theory, which have traditionally been applied to processor scheduling. The proposed approach has significant advantages over existing design methodologies:: 1) it provides predictable performance allowing for the performance of a system to be estimated upon its deployment,: 2) it is possible to detect and handle overload conditions through simple rate control mechanisms, and: 3) it easily accommodates workload changes. I developed this framework under a realistic interference model by coordinating the activities at the MAC, link, and routing layers. The last component of this thesis focuses on the development of a real-time patient monitoring system for general hospital units. The system is designed to facilitate the detection of clinical deterioration, which is a key factor in saving lives and reducing healthcare costs. Since patients in general hospital wards are often ambulatory, a key challenge is to achieve high reliability even in the presence of mobility. To support patient mobility, I developed the Dynamic Relay Association Protocol -- a simple and effective mechanism for dynamically discovering the right relays for forwarding patient data -- and a Radio Mapping Tool -- a practical tool for ensuring network coverage in 802.15.4 networks. We show that it is feasible to use low-power and low-cost wireless sensor networks for clinical monitoring through an in-depth clinical study. The study was performed in a step-down cardiac care unit at Barnes-Jewish Hospital. This is the first long-term study of such a patient monitoring system

    Raamistik mobiilsete asjade veebile

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    Internet on oma arengus läbi aastate jõudnud järgmisse evolutsioonietappi - asjade internetti (ingl Internet of Things, lüh IoT). IoT ei tähista ühtainsat tehnoloogiat, see võimaldab eri seadmeil - arvutid, mobiiltelefonid, autod, kodumasinad, loomad, virtuaalsensorid, jne - omavahel üle Interneti suhelda, vajamata seejuures pidevat inimesepoolset seadistamist ja juhtimist. Mobiilseadmetest nagu näiteks nutitelefon ja tahvelarvuti on saanud meie igapäevased kaaslased ning oma mitmekülgse võimekusega on nad motiveerinud teadustegevust mobiilse IoT vallas. Nutitelefonid kätkevad endas võimekaid protsessoreid ja 3G/4G tehnoloogiatel põhinevaid internetiühendusi. Kuid kui kasutada seadmeid järjepanu täisvõimekusel, tühjeneb mobiili aku kiirelt. Doktoritöö esitleb energiasäästlikku, kergekaalulist mobiilsete veebiteenuste raamistikku anduriandmete kogumiseks, kasutades kergemaid, energiasäästlikumaid suhtlustprotokolle, mis on IoT keskkonnale sobilikumad. Doktoritöö käsitleb põhjalikult energia kokkuhoidu mobiilteenuste majutamisel. Töö käigus loodud raamistikud on kontseptsiooni tõestamiseks katsetatud mitmetes juhtumiuuringutes päris seadmetega.The Internet has evolved, over the years, from just being the Internet to become the Internet of Things (IoT), the next step in its evolution. IoT is not a single technology and it enables about everything from computers, mobile phones, cars, appliances, animals, virtual sensors, etc. that connect and interact with each other over the Internet to function free from human interaction. Mobile devices like the Smartphone and tablet PC have now become essential to everyday life and with extended capabilities have motivated research related to the mobile Internet of Things. Although, the recently developed Smartphones enjoy the high performance and high speed 3G/4G mobile Internet data transmission services, such high speed performances quickly drain the battery power of the mobile device. This thesis presents an energy efficient lightweight mobile Web service provisioning framework for mobile sensing utilizing the protocols that were designed for the constrained IoT environment. Lightweight protocols provide an energy efficient way of communication. Finally, this thesis highlights the energy conservation of the mobile Web service provisioning, the developed framework, extensively. Several case studies with the use of the proposed framework were implemented on real devices and has been thoroughly tested as a proof-of-concept.https://www.ester.ee/record=b522498

    Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks are penetrating our daily lives, and they are starting to be deployed even in an industrial environment. The research on such industrial wireless sensor networks (IWSNs) considers more stringent requirements of robustness, reliability, and timeliness in each network layer. This Special Issue presents the recent research result on industrial wireless sensor networks. Each paper in this Special Issue has unique contributions in the advancements of industrial wireless sensor network research and we expect each paper to promote the relevant research and the deployment of IWSNs

    Design and implementation of application-specific medium access control protocol for scalable smart home embedded systems

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2016By incorporating electrical devices, appliances and house features in a system that is controlled and monitored either remotely or on-site, smart home technologies have recently gained an increasing popularity. There are several smart home systems already available, ranging from simple on-site home monitoring to self-learning and Wi-Fi enabled systems. However, current systems do not fully make use of recent technological advancement and synergy among a variable number of sensors for improved data collection. For a synergistic system to be provident it needs to be modular and scalable to match exact user needs (type of applications and adequate number of sensors for each application). With an increased number of sensors intelligently placed to optimize the data collection, a wireless network is indispensable for a flexible and inexpensive installation. Such a network requires an efficient medium access control protocol to sustain a reliable system, provide flexibility in design and to achieve lower power consumption. This thesis brings to light practical ways to improve current smart home systems. As the main contribution of this work, we introduce a novel application-specific medium access control protocol able to support suggested improvements. In addition, a smart home prototype system is implemented to evaluate the protocol performance and prove concepts of recommended advances. This thesis covers the design of the proposed novel medium access protocol and the software/hardware implementation of the prototype system focusing on the monitoring and data analysis side, while providing inputs for the control side of the system. The smart home system prototype is Wi-Fi and Web connected, designed and implemented to emphasize system usability and energy efficiency

    Fixed chain-based wireless sensor network for intelligent transportation systems

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are distributed and interconnected wirelessly sensors that are used in a variety of fields of our daily life, such as the manufacturing, utility operations and traffic monitoring. Many WSN applications come with some technical weaknesses and issues, especially when they are used in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). For ITS applications that use a fixed chain topology which contains road studs deployed at ground level, there are some challenges related to radio propagation, energy constraints and the Media Access Control (MAC) protocol. This thesis develops a ground level radio propagation model for communication between road studs, and energy efficiency metrics to manage the resources to overcome the energy constraints, as well as a MAC protocol compatible with chain topology and ground level communication. For the challenges of the physical layer, this thesis investigates the use of a WSN for communicating between road-based nodes. These nodes are situated at ground level, and two-way wireless communication is required between the nodes and from the nodes to a roadside control unit. Field measurements have been carried out to examine the propagation close to the ground to determine the maximum distance between road-based nodes as a function of the antenna height. The results show that for a frequency of 2.4 GHz, a range of up to 8m is achievable with 2mW equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP). An empirical near-ground level radio propagation model has been derived, and the predicted results from this model are shown to match closely to the measured results. Since wireless sensor networks have power constraints, green energy efficiency metrics have been proposed for low-power wireless sensors operating at ground level. A numerical analysis is carried out to investigate the utilisation of the green energy efficiency metrics for ground level communication in wireless sensor networks. The proposed metrics have been developed to calculate the optimal sensor deployment, antenna height and energy efficiency level for the near ground wireless sensor. As an application of the proposed metrics, the relationship between the energy efficiency and the spacing between the wireless sensor nodes has been studied. The results provide guidance for energy efficient deployment of near ground level wireless sensors. To manage the communication between large numbers of nodes deployed on a chain topology, this research presents a time division multiple access (TDMA) MAC protocol that is specifically designed for applications requiring periodic sensing of the sensor field. Numerical analysis has been conducted to investigate the optimum transmission scheduling based on the signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio (SINR) for ground level propagation model applied on wireless chain topology. The optimised transmission schedule considers the SINR value to enable simultaneous transmission from multiple nodes. The most significant advantages of this approach are reduced delay and improved Packet Received Ratio (PRR). Simulation is performed to evaluate the proposed protocol for intelligent transport system applications. The simulation results validate the MAC protocol for a fixed chain topology compared with similar protocols

    A MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensors in a Fixed Chain Topology

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    This paper presents a time division multiple access MAC protocol that is specifically designed for applications requiring periodic sensing of the sensor field. Numerical analysis is conducted to investigate the optimum transmission scheduling based on the signal to interferencenoise-ratio (SINR) for ground level propagation model applied on wireless chain topology. The optimised transmission schedule considers the SINR value to enable simultaneous transmission from multiple nodes. The most significant advantages of this approach are reduced delay and improve the Packet Received Ratio PRR. Simulation is performed to evaluate the proposed protocol for intelligent transport system applications. The simulation results validate the MAC protocol for a fixed chain topology compared with the similar protocols