47,459 research outputs found

    Augmented Reality in the Classroom

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    Low vision can have an exceptionally negative impact on a student’s ability to learn, especially when subjected to the conventional education system. In this environment, students are expected to adhere to a lecture that delivers most information visually via a whiteboard or a projector screen. The goal of this project is to create a customizable application for a smartphone that implements selective processing in order to make it easier for visually impaired students to engage with and learn from lectures. Specifically, this application is written in the Java language for the Android platform. The application uses OpenGL ES, a C-like language for the mobile platform, in order to perform image processing. Filters written in OpenGL ES are used to modify the image read by the phone’s camera. Using these filters, the application can modify an image by stretching, magnifying, and enhancing the color and contrast. The specific processes included in the application include Sobel Edge Detection, Dilation, Zoom and Contrast. Hardware acceleration is also performed using OpenGL ES. A direct consequence of this project is solving a problem in the classroom for visually impaired students not yet addressed by current technologies. While this project needs further development to substantially help students with severe peripheral vision, it was successful in implementing the desired augmentation and can serve as a foundation for future usability improvements

    Toward future 'mixed reality' learning spaces for STEAM education

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    Digital technology is becoming more integrated and part of modern society. As this begins to happen, technologies including augmented reality, virtual reality, 3d printing and user supplied mobile devices (collectively referred to as mixed reality) are often being touted as likely to become more a part of the classroom and learning environment. In the discipline areas of STEAM education, experts are expected to be at the forefront of technology and how it might fit into their classroom. This is especially important because increasingly, educators are finding themselves surrounded by new learners that expect to be engaged with participatory, interactive, sensory-rich, experimental activities with greater opportunities for student input and creativity. This paper will explore learner and academic perspectives on mixed reality case studies in 3d spatial design (multimedia and architecture), paramedic science and information technology, through the use of existing data as well as additional one-on-one interviews around the use of mixed reality in the classroom. Results show that mixed reality can provide engagement, critical thinking and problem solving benefits for students in line with this new generation of learners, but also demonstrates that more work needs to be done to refine mixed reality solutions for the classroom

    Augmented reality in the classroom of primary education

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    En el presente trabajo planteamos la valoración, por parte de los futuros docentes, de la realidad aumentada como recurso didáctico dentro de la Educación Primaria. La investigación la abordamos desde una metodología cuantitativa, a través del uso de un cuestionario creado ad hoc y conformado por 32 ítem que hacen referencia a determinados aspectos educativos (inclusividad, necesidades educativas especiales, procesos de e-a…). Se ha trabajado con una muestra de carácter incidental de 208 estudiantes, pertenecientes al Grado de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. Las conclusiones nos indican que los futuros maestros, en su formación inicial, consideran la realidad aumentada como una herramienta que puede ser valiosa y relevante para el desarrollo de los currículos, así como de la educación inclusivaNeste trabalho, propomos a avaliação de futuros professores, a realidade aumentada como recurso didático no ensino primário. A abordagem de pesquisa a partir de uma metodologia quantitativa através do uso de um questionário criado ad hoc e composta por 32 itens que se referem a certos aspectos educacionais (inclusividade, necessidades educativas especiais, processos e-a ...). Ele tem trabalhado com uma amostra de 208 estudantes caráter incidental pertencente ao grau de Educação Primária, Faculdade de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Córdoba. Os resultados indicam que os futuros professores na sua formação inicial, realidade aumentada considerado como uma ferramenta que pode ser útil e relevante para o desenvolvimento de currículos, bem como a educação inclusivaIn this paper we propose the assessment of the augmented reality by future teachers, as a teaching resource in the Primary Education stage. The research was carried out from a quantitative methodology approach, using a 32-item questionnaire that was created ad hoc and refer to specific learning aspects (inclusivity, special educational needs, teaching-learning processes…). We worked with an incidental sample of 208 students from the Primary School Teaching Degree belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in the University of Cordoba. The findings indicated that future teachers in their initial training, considered the augmented reality as a valuable resource that can help improve learning processes and stimulate the development of curriculum objectives and inclusive educatio

    Using Augmented Reality to Increase Interaction in Online Courses

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    Augmented reality (AR) is technology that combines virtual reality with the real world in the form of live video imagery that is digitally enhanced with computer-generated graphics (Perdue, 2017). Augmented reality was used in a graduate level distance education course offered in the summer of 2017 to foster interaction. Students enrolled in the course had an opportunity to download and create augmented reality assignments to become familiar with the use of this technology as another tool to communicate and collaborate in online settings. Findings included primarily positive student attitudes regarding the use of AR in the online classroom

    Distance learning ects and flipped classroom in the anatomy learning: comparative study of the use of augmented reality, video and notes

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    Background: The establishment of the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) is one of the pillars of the European Space of Higher Education. This way of accounting for the time spent in training has two essential parts, classroom teaching (work with the professor) and distance learning (work without the professor, whether in an individual or collective way). Much has been published on the distance learning part, but less on the classroom teaching section. In this work, the authors investigate didactic strategies and associated aids for distance learning work in a concept based on flipped classroom where transmitting information is carried out with aids that the professor prepares, so that the student works in an independent way before the classes, thus being able to dedicate the classroom teaching time to more complex learning and being able to count on the professor’s help. Methods: Three teaching aids applied to the study of anatomy have been compared: Notes with images, videos, and augmented reality. Four dimensions have been compared: the time spent, the acquired learnings, the metacognitive perception, and the prospects of the use of augmented reality for study. Results: The results show the effectiveness, in all aspects, of augmented reality when compared with the rest of aids. The questionnaire assessed the acquired knowledge through a course exam, where 5.60 points were obtained for the notes group, 6.54 for the video group, and 7.19 for the augmented reality group. That is 0.94 more points for the video group compared with the notes and 1.59 more points for the augmented reality group compared with the notes group. Conclusions: This research demonstrates that, although technology has not been sufficiently developed for education, it is expected that it can be improved in both the autonomous work of the student and the academic training of health science students and that we can teach how to learn. Moreover, one can see how the grades of the students who studied with augmented reality are more grouped and that there is less dispersion in the marks compared with other materials.Financial support of the Foundation “Prevere Bernat Beny”.Pedagogí


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    This research aimed to find out how to apply augmented reality learning media in increasing students' knowledge at SDN 007. This research used mixed methods, namely qualitative and quantitative methods with a type of classroom action research carried out in 2 cycles with the stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research results were obtained through collecting observation data to find out the application of augmented reality-based learning media which was tested using a percentage formula and tests used to increase students' knowledge which were tested using a percentage formula. The research results obtained after applying augmented reality were that in the pre-cycle the score was 60.1%, in the 1st cycle 80.5%, and in the 2nd cycle 90%. These scores showed that after students used augmented reality learning media, students' knowledge experienced a significant increase at State Elementary School 007 Kotabaru Reteh. The benefit of applying augmented reality learning media in schools is that it can visualize abstract learning material into concrete

    Augmented Reality based monitoring of the remote-lab

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    © 2014 IEEE. Augmented Reality technology approach has been being adopted within the education sector. The advanced technology tools in many classes have the potential changed of users' attitudes toward the pedagogical and psychological objectives and goals. Moreover, augmented reality has not elicited so much attention within the corridors of education sector as it is now. In order to improve the interactive effectiveness in the smart classroom environment, there is a demand to tailor the innovation technology and align it with every changing requirements and capabilities of various users. Consequently, the educators are increasingly finding augmented reality suitable for deployment in education. In this paper, a project shows how Augmented Reality utilised with overlay Smart-Grid can support the learning process in attractive methods for monitoring events of captured scenes in remote-lab such as video stream, Web-link from smart devices' camera

    Augmented Reality: A Pleasure or a Pain?

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    The following is a post-research discussion that reviews the findings of an action research project into Augmented Reality (AR) in the classroom

    Piloting mixed reality in ICT networking to visualize complex theoretical multi-step problems

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    This paper presents insights from the implementation of a mixed reality intervention using 3d printed physical objects and a mobile augmented reality application in an ICT networking classroom. The intervention aims to assist student understanding of complex theoretical multi-step problems without a corresponding real world physical analog model. This is important because these concepts are difficult to conceptualise without a corresponding mental model. The simulation works by using physical models to represent networking equipment and allows learners to build a network that can then be simulated using a mobile app to observe underlying packet traversal and routing theory between the different devices as data travels from the source to the destination. Outcomes from usability testing show great student interest in the intervention and a feeling that it helped with clarity, but also demonstrated the need to scaffold the use of the intervention for students rather than providing a freeform experience in the classroom