7 research outputs found

    from e-Heritage systems to Interpretive Archaeology Systems.

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    The principal purpose of this paper is to examine which research approaches are best suited for determining the requirements of the next generation of interactive interpretation support systems for cultural heritage site. We are optimistic that such systems if properly designed to exploit the potential of advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs), can not only meet, but even exceed visitor-user expectations. The research framework proposed to achieve this ideal integrates insights from both Interpretive Archaeology and interpretive IS research. We call the application of ICT’s in systems for communicating cultural heritage information “e-Heritage Systems or e-HS. We define “Interpretive Archaeology Systems”(IAS) as a subclass of e-HS, the design of which is informed by hermeneutics and phenomenology, Therefore, the principal purpose of the paper is to promote a shift from e-HS to IAS. To illustrate the fruitfulness of our preferred approach for IAS requirements identification, we derive a set of criteria from our research philosophy and apply them to the evaluation of an existing e-HS: the ARCHEOGUIDE in Olympia.Information systems; Cultural heritage; Phenomenology; Interpretive Information Systems Research; Interpretive Archaeology; Hermeneutics; Interpretive Archaeology Systems;

    From eHertitage to Interpretive Archaeology Systems (IAS): A Research Framework for Evaluating Cultural Heritage Communication in the Digital Age

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    The principal purpose of this paper is to examine which research approaches are best suited for determining the requirements of the next generation of interactive interpretation support systems for cultural heritage site. We are optimistic that such systems if properly designed to exploit the potential of advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs), can not only meet, but even exceed visitor-user expectations. The research framework proposed to achieve this ideal integrates insights from both Interpretive Archaeology and interpretive IS research. We call the application of ICT’s in systems for communicating cultural heritage information “e-Heritage Systems or e-HS. We define “Interpretive Archaeology Systems”(IAS) as a subclass of e-HS, the design of which is informed by hermeneutics and phenomenology, Therefore, the principal purpose of the paper is to promote a shift from e-HS to IAS. To illustrate the fruitfulness of our preferred approach for IAS requirements identification, we derive a set of criteria from our research philosophy and apply them to the evaluation of an existing e-HS: the ARCHEOGUIDE in Olympia

    Registro de puntos en el espacio a partir del seguimiento de la línea de vista de un individuo

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    Este trabajo describe el proceso de diseño e implementación del prototipo de un sistema que utiliza una plataforma con dos grados de libertad, para indicar la dirección de la línea de vista de un individuo en Tiempo Real, a través del sensado de movimiento de su casco, teniendo como referencia un sistema móvil. Para esto utiliza dos Unidades de Medición Inercial (IMU) de bajo costo con 9 grados de libertad, a las cuales se aplica fusión sensorial de los valores obtenidos de los acelerómetros, magnetómetros y giróscopos, a través de un filtro de Kalman Angular para cada IMU, el cual permite determinar la inclinación y orientación del casco y el sistema de referencia, para luego calcular su valor diferencial y con base a este, ajustar los ángulos de PITCH y YAW de una plataforma que sigue la línea de vista del usuario del casco en tiempo real. En el primer capítulo de este documento, se realiza una introducción, mostrando la importancia del prototipo a implementar, el estado del arte observando trabajos similares, y se determinan los objetivos. El siguiente capítulo explica los fundamentos teóricos requeridos para su implementación. Posterior a esto, en el capítulo 3 se determinan los principales parámetros de diseño y especificaciones generales del prototipo. Luego en el capítulo 4 se explica su implementación, y finalmente, en los capítulos 5 y 6, se describen las pruebas efectuadas y resultados obtenidos, concluyendo cuales fueron los logros alcanzados.This paper describes the design and implementation process of a system prototype that uses a platform with two degrees of freedom, to indícate the direction of the line of sight of an individual in real time, through his helmet movement sensing, having as a reference a system that can change its heading and tilt. For this, two inertial measurement units (IMU)are used, whit low cost and 9 degrees of freedom, to which sensory fusión of the valúes obtained from the accelerometers, magnetometers and gyroscopes is applied, through a Angular Kalman filter for each IMU. Which allows to determine the tilt and orientation of the helmet and the reference system, then calcúlate the differential and based on this valué, adjust the angles of PITCH and YAW of a platform that follows the helmet user s line of view in real time. In the first section, an introduction is made, presenting the importance of the prototype to ¡mplement, the State of the art by Consulting similar investigations papers, and objectives are defined. The following section explains the theoretical foundations required for implementation. After that, in the third section, the main design parameters and general specifications of the prototype are determined. Then in the fourth section, its implementation is explained, and finally, in Sections 5 and 6, the tests carried out and results obtained are described, summarizing the goals achieved.Magíster en Ingeniería ElectrónicaMaestrí

    Exploration Systems:Using Experience Technologies in Automated Exhibition Sites

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    [Poster] Augmented reality binoculars on the move

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