9,067 research outputs found

    Sodium-activated potassium channels shape peripheral auditory function and activity of the primary auditory neurons in mice

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    Potassium (K+) channels shape the response properties of neurons. Although enormous progress has been made to characterize K+ channels in the primary auditory neurons, the molecular identities of many of these channels and their contributions to hearing in vivo remain unknown. Using a combination of RNA sequencing and single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization, we localized expression of transcripts encoding the sodium-activated potassium channels K(Na)1.1(SLO2.2/Slack) and K(Na)1.2 (SLO2.1/Slick) to the primary auditory neurons (spiral ganglion neurons, SGNs). To examine the contribution of these channels to function of the SGNs in vivo, we measured auditory brainstem responses in K(Na)1.1/1.2 double knockout (DKO) mice. Although auditory brainstem response (wave I) thresholds were not altered, the amplitudes of suprathreshold responses were reduced in DKO mice. This reduction in amplitude occurred despite normal numbers and molecular architecture of the SGNs and their synapses with the inner hair cells. Patch clamp electrophysiology of SGNs isolated from DKO mice displayed altered membrane properties, including reduced action potential thresholds and amplitudes. These findings show that K(Na)1 channel activity is essential for normal cochlear function and suggest that early forms of hearing loss may result from physiological changes in the activity of the primary auditory neurons

    Transmitter release from cochlear hair cells is phase locked to cyclic stimuli of different intensities and frequencies

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    The auditory system processes time and intensity through separate brainstem pathways to derive spatial location as well as other salient features of sound. The independent coding of time and intensity begins in the cochlea, where afferent neurons can fire action potentials at constant phase throughout a wide range of stimulus intensities. We have investigated time and intensity coding by simultaneous presynaptic and postsynaptic recording at the hair cell-afferent synapse from rats. Trains of depolarizing steps to the hair cell were used to elicit postsynaptic currents that occurred at constant phase for a range of membrane potentials over which release probability varied significantly. To probe the underlying mechanisms, release was examined using single steps to various command voltages. As expected for vesicular release, first synaptic events occurred earlier as presynaptic calcium influx grew larger. However, synaptic depression produced smaller responses with longer first latencies. Thus, during repetitive hair cell stimulation, as the hair cell is more strongly depolarized, increased calcium channel gating hurries transmitter release, but the resulting vesicular depletion produces a compensatory slowing. Quantitative simulation of ribbon function shows that these two factors varied reciprocally with hair cell depolarization (stimulus intensity) to produce constant synaptic phase. Finally, we propose that the observed rapid vesicle replenishment would help maintain the vesicle pool, which in turn would equilibrate with the stimulus intensity (and therefore the number of open Ca 2+ channels), so that for trains of different levels the average phase will be conserved.Fil: Goutman, Juan Diego. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentin

    Why do axons differ in caliber?

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    CNS axons differ in diameter (d) by nearly 100-fold (∼0.1-10 μm); therefore, they differ in cross-sectional area (d(2)) and volume by nearly 10,000-fold. If, as found for optic nerve, mitochondrial volume fraction is constant with axon diameter, energy capacity would rise with axon volume, also as d(2). We asked, given constraints on space and energy, what functional requirements set an axon's diameter? Surveying 16 fiber groups spanning nearly the full range of diameters in five species (guinea pig, rat, monkey, locust, octopus), we found the following: (1) thin axons are most numerous; (2) mean firing frequencies, estimated for nine of the identified axon classes, are low for thin fibers and high for thick ones, ranging from ∼1 to >100 Hz; (3) a tract's distribution of fiber diameters, whether narrow or broad, and whether symmetric or skewed, reflects heterogeneity of information rates conveyed by its individual fibers; and (4) mitochondrial volume/axon length rises ≥d(2). To explain the pressure toward thin diameters, we note an established law of diminishing returns: an axon, to double its information rate, must more than double its firing rate. Since diameter is apparently linear with firing rate, doubling information rate would more than quadruple an axon's volume and energy use. Thicker axons may be needed to encode features that cannot be efficiently decoded if their information is spread over several low-rate channels. Thus, information rate may be the main variable that sets axon caliber, with axons constrained to deliver information at the lowest acceptable rate

    Maturation of NaV and KV channel topographies in the auditory nerve spike initiator before and after developmental onset of hearing function

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    Auditory nerve excitation and thus hearing depend on spike-generating ion channels and their placement along the axons of auditory nerve fibers (ANFs). The developmental expression patterns and native axonal locations of voltage-gated ion channels in ANFs are unknown. Therefore, we examined the development of heminodes and nodes of Ranvier in the peripheral axons of type I ANFs in the rat cochlea with immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. Nodal structures presumably supporting presensory spiking formed between postnatal days 5 (P5) and P7, including Ankyrin-G, NaV1.6, and Caspr. These immature nodal structures lacked low-voltage-activated KV1.1 which was not enriched at juxtaparanodes until approximately P13, concurrent with the developmental onset of acoustic hearing function. Anatomical alignment of ANF spike-initiating heminodes relative to excitatory input from inner hair cell (IHC) ribbon synapses continued until approximately P30. High-voltage-activated KV3.1b and KV2.2 were expressed in mutually exclusive domains: KV3.1b was strictly localized to nodes and heminodes, whereas KV2.2 expression began at the juxtaparanodes and continued centrally along the first internode. At spike-initiating heminodes in the distal osseous spiral lamina, NaV1.1 partly overlapped NaV1.6 and ankyrin-G. ANFs displayed KV7.2 and KV7.3 at heminodes, nodes, internodes, and the unmyelinated synaptic terminal segments beneath IHCs in the organ of Corti. In response to sound, spikes are initiated at the heminode, which is tightly coupled to the IHC ribbon synapse ∼20–40 μm away. These results show that maturation of nodal alignment and ion channel content may underlie postnatal improvements of ANF excitability and discharge synchrony.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTAcoustic and electrical hearing depends on rapid, reliable, and precise spike generation in auditory nerve fibers. A limitation of current models and therapies is a lack of information on the identities and topographies of underlying ion channels. We report the developmental profile of the auditory nerve spike generator with a focus on NaV1.1, NaV1.6, KV1.1, KV2.2, KV3.1b, KV7.2, and KV7.3 in relation to the scaffold ankyrin-G. Molecular anatomy of the spike generator matures in the weeks after developmental onset of hearing function. Subcellular positioning of voltage-gated ion channels will enable multicompartmental modeling of auditory nerve responses elicited by afferent chemical neurotransmission from hair cells and modulated by efferent neurotransmitters or evoked by extracellular field stimulation from a cochlear implant.</jats:p

    The nicotinic receptor of cochlear hair cells: A possible pharmacotherapeutic target?

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    Mechanosensory hair cells of the organ of Corti transmit information regarding sound to the central nervous system by way of peripheral afferent neurons. In return, the central nervous system provides feedback and modulates the afferent stream of information through efferent neurons. The medial olivocochlear efferent system makes direct synaptic contacts with outer hair cells and inhibits amplification brought about by the active mechanical process inherent to these cells. This feedback system offers the potential to improve the detection of signals in background noise, to selectively attend to particular signals, and to protect the periphery from damage caused by overly loud sounds. Acetylcholine released at the synapse between efferent terminals and outer hair cells activates a peculiar nicotinic cholinergic receptor subtype, the α9α10 receptor. At present no pharmacotherapeutic approaches have been designed that target this cholinergic receptor to treat pathologies of the auditory system. The potential use of α9α10 selective drugs in conditions such as noise-induced hearing loss, tinnitus and auditory processing disorders is discussed.Fil: Elgoyhen, Ana Belen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Farmacología; ArgentinaFil: Katz, Eleonora. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Fisiología, Biología Molecular y Celular; ArgentinaFil: Fuchs, Paul A.. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Estados Unido

    A frequency-selective feedback model of auditory efferent suppression and its implications for the recognition of speech in noise

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    The potential contribution of the peripheral auditory efferent system to our understanding of speech in a background of competing noise was studied using a computer model of the auditory periphery and assessed using an automatic speech recognition system. A previous study had shown that a fixed efferent attenuation applied to all channels of a multi-channel model could improve the recognition of connected digit triplets in noise [G. J. Brown, R. T. Ferry, and R. Meddis, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 127, 943?954 (2010)]. In the current study an anatomically justified feedback loop was used to automatically regulate separate attenuation values for each auditory channel. This arrangement resulted in a further enhancement of speech recognition over fixed-attenuation conditions. Comparisons between multi-talker babble and pink noise interference conditions suggest that the benefit originates from the model?s ability to modify the amount of suppression in each channel separately according to the spectral shape of the interfering sounds
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