269 research outputs found

    Single-channel source separation using non-negative matrix factorization

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    Automatic segregation of overlapping speech signals from single-channel recordings is a challenging problem in speech processing. Similarly, the problem of extracting speech signals from noisy speech is a problem that has attracted a variety of research for several years but is still unsolved. Speech extraction from noisy speech mixtures where the background interference could be either speech or noise is especially difficult when the task is to preserve perceptually salient properties of the recovered acoustic signals for use in human communication. In this work, we propose a speech segregation algorithm that can simultaneously deal with both background noise as well as interfering speech. We propose a feature-based, bottom-up algorithm which makes no assumptions about the nature of the interference or does not rely on any prior trained source models for speech extraction. As such, the algorithm should be applicable for a wide variety of problems, and also be useful for human communication since an aim of the system is to recover the target speech signals in the acoustic domain. The proposed algorithm can be compartmentalized into (1) a multi-pitch detection stage which extracts the pitch of the participating speakers, (2) a segregation stage which teases apart the harmonics of the participating sources, (3) a reliability and add-back stage which scales the estimates based on their reliability and adds back appropriate amounts of aperiodic energy for the unvoiced regions of speech and (4) a speaker assignment stage which assigns the extracted speech signals to their appropriate respective sources. The pitch of two overlapping speakers is extracted using a novel feature, the 2-D Average Magnitude Difference Function, which is also capable of giving a single pitch estimate when the input contains only one speaker. The segregation algorithm is based on a least squares framework relying on the estimated pitch values to give estimates of each speaker's contributions to the mixture. The reliability block is based on a non-linear function of the energy of the estimates, this non-linear function having been learnt from a variety of speech and noise data but being very generic in nature and applicability to different databases. With both single- and multiple- pitch extraction and segregation capabilities, the proposed algorithm is amenable to both speech-in-speech and speech-in-noise conditions. The algorithm is evaluated on several objective and subjective tests using both speech and noise interference from different databases. The proposed speech segregation system demonstrates performance comparable to or better than the state-of-the-art on most of the objective tasks. Subjective tests on the speech signals reconstructed by the algorithm, on normal hearing as well as users of hearing aids, indicate a significant improvement in the perceptual quality of the speech signal after being processed by our proposed algorithm, and suggest that the proposed segregation algorithm can be used as a pre-processing block within the signal processing of communication devices. The utility of the algorithm for both perceptual and automatic tasks, based on a single-channel solution, makes it a unique speech extraction tool and a first of its kind in contemporary technology


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    The acoustic environment surrounding us is extremely dynamic and unstructured in nature. Humans exhibit a great ability at navigating these complex acoustic environments, and can parse a complex acoustic scene into its perceptually meaningful objects, referred to as ``auditory scene analysis". Current neuro-computational strategies developed for auditory scene analysis related tasks are primarily based on prior knowledge of acoustic environment and hence, fail to match human performance under realistic settings, i.e. the acoustic environment being dynamic in nature and presence of multiple competing auditory objects in the same scene. In this thesis, we explore hierarchy based computational frameworks that not only solve different auditory scene analysis related paradigms but also explain the processes driving these paradigms from physiological, psychophysical and computational viewpoint. In the first part of the thesis, we explore computational strategies that can extract varying degree of details from complex acoustic scene with an aim to capture non-trivial commonalities within a sound class as well as differences across sound classes. We specifically demonstrate that a rich feature space of spectro-temporal modulation representation complimented with markovian based temporal dynamics information captures the fine and subtle changes in the spectral and temporal structure of sound events in a complex and dynamic acoustic environment. We further extend this computational model to incorporate a biologically plausible network capable of learning a rich hierarchy of localized spectro-temporal bases and their corresponding long term temporal regularities from natural soundscape in a data driven fashion. We demonstrate that the unsupervised nature of the network yields physiologically and perceptually meaningful tuning functions that drive the organization of acoustic scene into distinct auditory objects. Next, we explore computational models based on hierarchical acoustic representation in the context of bottom-up salient event detection. We demonstrate that a rich hierarchy of local and global cues capture the salient details upon which the bottom-up saliency mechanisms operate to make a "new" event pop out in a complex acoustic scene. We further show that a top-down event specific knowledge gathered by scene classification framework biases bottom-up computational resources towards events of "interest" rather than any new event. We further extend the top-down framework in the context of modeling a broad and heterogeneous acoustic class. We demonstrate that when an acoustic scene comprises of multiple events, modeling the global details in the hierarchy as a mixture of temporal trajectories help to capture its semantic categorization and provide a detailed understanding of the scene. Overall, the results of this thesis improve our understanding of how a rich hierarchy of acoustic representation drives various auditory scene analysis paradigms and how to integrate multiple theories of scene analysis into a unified strategy, hence providing a platform for further development of computational scene analysis research

    Computer Models for Musical Instrument Identification

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    PhDA particular aspect in the perception of sound is concerned with what is commonly termed as texture or timbre. From a perceptual perspective, timbre is what allows us to distinguish sounds that have similar pitch and loudness. Indeed most people are able to discern a piano tone from a violin tone or able to distinguish different voices or singers. This thesis deals with timbre modelling. Specifically, the formant theory of timbre is the main theme throughout. This theory states that acoustic musical instrument sounds can be characterised by their formant structures. Following this principle, the central point of our approach is to propose a computer implementation for building musical instrument identification and classification systems. Although the main thrust of this thesis is to propose a coherent and unified approach to the musical instrument identification problem, it is oriented towards the development of algorithms that can be used in Music Information Retrieval (MIR) frameworks. Drawing on research in speech processing, a complete supervised system taking into account both physical and perceptual aspects of timbre is described. The approach is composed of three distinct processing layers. Parametric models that allow us to represent signals through mid-level physical and perceptual representations are considered. Next, the use of the Line Spectrum Frequencies as spectral envelope and formant descriptors is emphasised. Finally, the use of generative and discriminative techniques for building instrument and database models is investigated. Our system is evaluated under realistic recording conditions using databases of isolated notes and melodic phrases

    Source Separation for Hearing Aid Applications

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    Towards music perception by redundancy reduction and unsupervised learning in probabilistic models

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    PhDThe study of music perception lies at the intersection of several disciplines: perceptual psychology and cognitive science, musicology, psychoacoustics, and acoustical signal processing amongst others. Developments in perceptual theory over the last fifty years have emphasised an approach based on Shannon’s information theory and its basis in probabilistic systems, and in particular, the idea that perceptual systems in animals develop through a process of unsupervised learning in response to natural sensory stimulation, whereby the emerging computational structures are well adapted to the statistical structure of natural scenes. In turn, these ideas are being applied to problems in music perception. This thesis is an investigation of the principle of redundancy reduction through unsupervised learning, as applied to representations of sound and music. In the first part, previous work is reviewed, drawing on literature from some of the fields mentioned above, and an argument presented in support of the idea that perception in general and music perception in particular can indeed be accommodated within a framework of unsupervised learning in probabilistic models. In the second part, two related methods are applied to two different low-level representations. Firstly, linear redundancy reduction (Independent Component Analysis) is applied to acoustic waveforms of speech and music. Secondly, the related method of sparse coding is applied to a spectral representation of polyphonic music, which proves to be enough both to recognise that the individual notes are the important structural elements, and to recover a rough transcription of the music. Finally, the concepts of distance and similarity are considered, drawing in ideas about noise, phase invariance, and topological maps. Some ecologically and information theoretically motivated distance measures are suggested, and put in to practice in a novel method, using multidimensional scaling (MDS), for visualising geometrically the dependency structure in a distributed representation.Engineering and Physical Science Research Counci
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