17 research outputs found

    Auction-Based Mechanisms for Electronic Procurement

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    Mensajes colusivos en subastas con costos de entrada

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    Las subastas son mecanismos para asignar recursos ampliamente utilizados en diferentes países. No obstante están sujetas a actividades "ilegales" como la colusión que suele darse mediante acuerdos entre los distintos postores, los cuales pueden ser implícitos o explícitos. En este trabajo intentaremos encontrar un ejemplo donde el parloteo puede ser un medio efectivo para que al menos uno de los participantes (emisor) mejore su pago esperado en la subasta, a pesar de que el mensaje no tenga ningún costo asociado, no pueda tomarse como un compromiso ni como una amenaza para el otro participante, y que no exista efecto reputación.Auctions are widely used mechanisms to allocate resources in different countries. However they are subject to “illegal” activities such as collusion that usually takes the form of an implicit or explicit agreement among participants. In this paper we will try to find an example in which cheap-talk could be an effective tool for at least one bidder to have a betterexpected pay off. We obtain this result even though the signal is costless or does not take the form of an engagement or threat for the other participant and does has reputation effects.Fil: Gabrielli, Maria Florencia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Mendoza; ArgentinaFil: Latorre, Roberto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas; Argentin

    A Novel Intelligence-based e-Procurement System to offer Maximum Fairness Index in Ongoing Auction Process

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    A perfect auction policy is one of the most strategic elements that contribute to success factor for any e-Procurement system. An auction policy can be only term as an effective if it really offer win-win situation to both the bidder as well as to the merchant. After reviewing existing studies on e-Procurement system, it is found that there isno effective research work focusing on this point and maximum research contribution has limited its scope to certain application or case studis. Hence, the proposed system introduces a novel e-Procurement system which is equipped by an itelligence-building process for performing predictive analysis of ongoing auction process. A mathematical modelling is implemented where all teh variables have been formed using practical implementation of auction system and followed by optimization process using regression-based approach. The study outcome shows that proposed system offers better response time and higher predictive accuracy in contrast to existing approaches

    An Experimental Study of Information Revelation Policies in Sequential Auctions

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    Theoretical models of information asymmetry have identied a tradeoff between the desire to learn and the desire to prevent an opponent from learning private information. This paper reports a laboratory experiment that investigates if actual bidders account for this tradeoff, using a sequential procurement auction with private cost information and varying information revelation policies. Specically, the Complete Information Policy, where all submitted bids are revealed between auctions, is compared against the Incomplete Information Policy, where only the winning bid is revealed. The experimental results are largely consistent with the theoretical predictions. For example, bidders pool with other types to prevent an opponent from learning signicantly more often under a Complete Information Policy. Also as predicted, the procurer pays less when employing an Incomplete Information Policy only when the market is highly competitive. Bids are usually more aggressive than the risk neutral quantitative prediction, which is usually consistent with risk aversion.Complete and Incomplete Information Revelation Policies, Laboratory Study, Procurement Auction, Multistage Game

    Requirement-Based Bidding Language for Agent-Based Scheduling

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    This paper presents a requirement-based bidding language for agent-based scheduling. The language allows agents to attach their valuations directly to scheduling performance requirements. Compared with general bidding languages, the proposed one reduces agents’ valuation and system’s communication complexities. In addition, it results in efficient winner determination problem models. Experimental results show that the requirement-based language exhibits superior winner determination performance in terms of problem-solving speed and scalability

    Multiattribute electronic procurement using goal programming

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    One of the key challenges of current day electronic procurement systems is to enable procurement decisions transcend beyond a single attribute such as cost. Consequently, multiattribute procurement have emerged as an important research direction. In this paper, we develop a multiattribute e-procurement system for procuring large volume of a single item. Our system is motivated by an industrial procurement scenario for procuring raw material. The procurement scenario demands multiattribute bids, volume discount cost functions, inclusion of business constraints, and consideration of multiple criteria in bid evaluation. We develop a generic framework for an e-procurement system that meets the above requirements. The bid evaluation problem is formulated as a mixed linear integer multiple criteria optimization problem and goal programming is used as the solution technique. We present a case study for which we illustrate the proposed approach and a heuristic is proposed to handle the computational complexity arising out of the cost functions used in the bids

    An auction mechanism of renewable energy prediction policy considering the investment in information acquisition

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 산업공학과, 2023. 2. 이덕주.정부는 2030 국가 온실가스 감축 목표 선언과 함께 신재생에너지와 관련한 정책들을 수립하며 기술발전을 위한 여러 제도적 장치를 마련하였다. 그 중 신재생에너지 발전량 예측제도는 발전 전날에 발전사들로부터 예측 발전량을 제출 받고 실제 발전량과의 오차율을 기준으로 정산단가 적용하여 정산금을 지급한다. 이를 통해 해당 제도는 발전사들의 발전량에 대한 예측력을 제고하고자 하는 설립 취지가 있다. 하지만 고정적인 정산단가는 향후 발전 불확실실성과 시장가격을 고려하지 않았다. 또한 오차율을 제도 설립 의도와는 다른 방식으로 산정하여 발전사들은 예측력을 제고하지 않고 수익성만을 극대화하는 전략적인 발전을 할 가능성이 있다. 이에 본 연구는 현행 중인 신재생에너지 발전량 예측제도에서 발생할 수 있는 잠재적인 문제점들을 완화하고 발전사와 전력거래소 간의 효율적인 경매 메커니즘 재설계를 목표로 한다. 발전사들의 정보 수집을 위한 투자를 통한 예측력 제고로써 얻게 되는 효용을 설정하고 이를 예측력 제고라는 제도 수립 목적에 부합하게 메커니즘 모형을 설계하여 분석한다. 본 연구에서 제안하는 신재생에너지 발전량 경매제도는 기존의 제도와는 다르게 할당규칙과 정산규칙을 설계하여 기존보다 발전사들이 정보수집을 위한 투자를 제고할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 제시하는 메커니즘을 통해 할당 효율성(allocation efficiency)와 인센티브 호환성(incentive compatibility)의 성질을 만족함을 보였다. 분석 결과, 제시하는 신재생에너지 발전량 경매제도는 기존보다 정보수집수준을 19.3%에서 38.52%로 증대하였고 정보수집을 위한 투자 수준은 약 2.6배 증대하였다.Along with the declaration of the 2030 national greenhouse gas reduction target, the government established policies related to renewable energy and prepared various institutional mechanisms for technological development. Among them, the "Renewable Energy Generation Prediction Policy" aims to improve power of generators' prediction by paying them incentives according to their accuracy in predicted generation based on fixed price level. However, the fixed price structure did not take into consideration of future related uncertainty and market price. And the method of calculating the error rate is likely to maximize profitability without enhancing the predictive power of power generators. This study aims to identify potential problems that may arise from the current " Renewable Energy Generation Prediction Policy " and redesign the policy through mechanism design and information theory between power generators and government. This study sets the generators utility from improving predictive power through investment for information acquisition and the auction mechanism is proposed and analyzed in accordance with the purpose of improving predictive power. Unlike the existing system, the "Renewable Energy Generation Auction Policy" proposed in this study designed allocation rules and payment rules so that power generators incentivize can increase investment in information acquisition. It was also shown that the allocation efficiency and incentive compatibility was satisfied through the proposed mechanism. As a result of the analysis, the proposed "Renewable Energy Generation Auction Policy " increased the level of information acquisition from 19.3% to 38.52%, and the investment for information acquisition increased by about 2.6 times.초 록 iii 목 차 iv 그림 목차 v 표 목차 vi 제 1장서 론 1 제1절 연구 배경 1 제2절 문제 정의 4 제3절 논문 구성 6 제 2장선행 연구 고찰 7 제 3장 정보수집 투자를 고려한 예측제도 재설계 9 제1절 발전사의 정보수집을 고려한 의사결정 모형 9 제2절 정보수집 투자 유도를 위한 메커니즘 모형 설계 12 제3절 정보수집의 투자를 고려한 경매 제도 모형 18 제 4 장 사례 연구 20 제1절 분석 사례의 설정 20 제2절 분석 사례의 가정 22 제3절 분석 결과 26 제 5 장 결론 및 향후 연구 34 참고 문헌 36석

    Insights into Blockchain Implementation in Construction:Models for Supply Chain Management

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    The interest in the implementation of distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) is on the rise in the construction sector. One specific type of DLT that has recently attracted much attention is blockchain. Blockchain has been mostly discussed conceptually for construction to date. This study presents some empirical discussions on supply chain management (SCM) applications of blockchain for construction by collecting feedback for three blockchain-based models: project bank accounts (PBAs) for payments, reverse auction-based tendering for bidding, and asset tokenization for project financing. The feedback was collected from three focus groups and a workshop. The working prototypes for the models were developed on Ethereum. The implementation of blockchain in payment arrangements was found to be simpler than in tendering and project tokenization workflows. However, the blockchain integration of those workflows may have large-scale impacts on the sector in the future. A broad set of general and model-specific benefits/opportunities and requirements/challenges was also identified for blockchain in construction. Some of these include streamlined, transparent transactions and rational trust building, and the need for challenging the sector culture, upscaling the legacy information technology (IT) systems, and compliance with the regulatory structures