458 research outputs found

    Between patronage and good governance: organizational arrangements in (local) public appointment processes

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    This article investigates whether certain organizational arrangements in (local) public appointment processes could encourage the use of appointments as a tool of good governance rather than as a tool of patronage. Specifically, we studied the role of six organizational arrangements in 10 case studies of intra- and inter-organizational public appointment processes held in Italian local government. We found that good governance (in terms of perception of overall integrity and fairness) was found in processes of public appointments where there was independent scrutiny, and when the process involved local councillors and/or external stakeholders – that is, actors beyond those with the formal power to appoint. In these cases, making appointments was seen as a tool of good governance rather than of patronage. These organizational arrangements were more relevant than other ones such as the transparency of public advertisements, job descriptions and educational/professional requirements, and media and public awareness. The article describes the relevant literature and the research study, and discusses implications for research, policy and management


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    “People are the active resources of the organization because their potential, experience and passion, their initiatives and development actively contribute to the increase in efficiency and effectiveness of the organization” (Manolescu, 2007), having the ability to boost the results of the engaging of the other resources. This is beyond doubt the reason for which organizations are constantly preoccupied with finding the ideal employee – competent and loyal, capable of performance. How can organizations keep hold of valuable employees? How can they win their employees loyalty? How can they determine them to adhere to the organization’s values? These are questions that employers are asking themselves more and more often. A possible answer to this could be the employer brand.retaining “talent” employees, employer brand, key-employees, employer of choice

    A study of talent management in the context of Chinese private-owned enterprises

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    Talent Management (TM) is still a new research field in China’s context. TM like other management disciplines is often embedded in a certain institutional context and influenced by certain social norms, cultural factors and government policies. TM is therefore closely related to research context. The Chinese cultural context is influential in shaping TM concepts and practices. However, how TM practices are used to retain talents in the context of Chinese private-owned enterprises (POEs) is still a research gap. TM is a holistic strategy for an organisation. It is therefore necessary to explore Chinese POEs’ TM practices through a holistic lens, which covers the processes of defining talents, attracting talents, developing talents and retaining talents. Previous TM studies mainly focused on exploring TM concepts and there is a lack of empirical investigations on TM practices, especially in the context of Chinese POEs. Linked to the characteristics of Chinese POEs and Chinese cultural context, this study explores talent retention from a holistic perspective of TM.This research adopted an interpretivist perspective and inductive approach. Based on a case study research method, primary and secondary data were collected from three case companies, and analysed qualitatively.The theoretical framework used in this research is largely based on TM literature. Talent attraction, talent development, and talent retention are used as a lens to view the case companies and to explore what TM activities drive talent retention in the context of Chinese POEs. Organisational commitment is the main theory employed by this research to explore talented individuals’ turnover intention.Findings show that Chinese guanxi is an important perspective to define talented employees in the context of Chinese POEs. Competence, position, and guanxi are holistically considered to define a talented employee. It was found that guanxi is an important factor influencing the entire TM process, including attracting talents, developing talents and retaining talents. Career development, rewards, and guanxi were significant factors in retaining talented employees in the context of Chinese POEs. Guanxi as a new TM perspective not only makes a theoretical contribution to talent definition but also contributes to talent development and talent retention theories. The research offers practical talent retention suggestions to TM practitioners. A significant practical contribution may be adopting TM practices to develop talented employees’ guanxi ties to increase their organisational commitment and to reduce turnover intention


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    In this study researchers aim to develop a valid and reliable talent management scale for educational organizations. For this aim the sample of the study involves 784 principals, vice principals and teachers who work in different schools and provinces in Istanbul in 2014-2015 academic year. Data was analyzed in eight steps by using quantitative methods; a) explanatory factor analysis for unidimensionality of each of the factors; b) exploratory factor analysis for providing two dimensional factor structures; c) exploratory factor analysis for all factors to provide six dimensional factor structure; d) confirmatory factor analysis for each single factor; e) confirmatory factor analysis for six dimensional model; f) evaluating discriminant validity of the scale; g) assessing Cronbach alpha and Omega coefficients for the reliability; h) and providing measurement invariance into subsamples. All of these stages’ results showed that this talent management scale for educational organization is valid and reliable.  Article visualizations

    Is There a Correlation for Companies With a Strong Employment Brand Between Employee Engagement Levels and Bottom Line Results?

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    The concept of employer brand was first introduced in 1996, where the authors defined “employer brand” as “the package of functional, economic and psychological benefits provided by employment, and identified with the employing company” (Amber & Barrow, 1996). Initial application of employer brand in human resource management focused heavily on attracting and recruiting talents; However, a recent survey by People in Business Co. found that 42% of the 104 survey participants (organizations that are currently developing employer brands) focus as much internal as external (People in Business, 2010). Employer brand is recognized as a powerful tool to help employees to internalize corporate values (The Conference Board, 2001), to shape corporate culture (Backhaus & Tikoo, 2004), to engage employees, and to align talent management with business strategies (Kunerth & Mosley, 2011). SHRM’s survey in 2008 found that 61% of surveyed companies have had an employer brand, and that 25% were either developing or planning to do so within the next 12 months (SHRM, 2008)

    Monitoring Italy 2007

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    management practices; innovation; productivity

    The Impact of Social Responsibility on Improving Organizational Reputation by Existence of the Organizational Architecture as a Moderator Variable at the Jordanians Commercial Banks

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    The study aimed to identify the impact of social responsibility on improving organizational reputation by the existence of the organizational architecture as a moderator variable at the Jordanians commercial banks. The study population consisted of managers, their assistants, their representatives, and heads of departments in the higher managements of each of the Jordanian commercial banks. The data was collected using the purposeful sampling method by distributing the questionnaire to all the items of the sampling unit, which numbered (216) male and female employees. Where the number of questionnaires retrieved and valid for analysis reached (154), which constitutes a response rate (62%) of the distributed questionnaires. Descriptive statistics tests and inferential statistics tests were used. The results showed that social responsibility with its dimensions (philanthropic, moral, legal, economic) has a statistically significant effect in improving the regulatory reputation in Jordanian commercial banks with its dimensions: (creativity, quality of service, transparency, attracting talents). Based on the findings, the study recommends the need to strengthen the organizational architecture of banks by spreading job awareness by motivating employees to adhere to organizational values and encouraging positive work, work and interaction among them

    EU Immigrant Integration Policies and Returns on Human Capital

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    In order to address skill shortages and the demographic challenges facing the EU, member states have to attract (and retain) the more skilled migrants. Nevertheless, foreign residents generally find a significant wage gap with respect to native-born workers when arriving in a host country. Favourable integration policies seem to improve the relative performance of immigrants in the labour market. Indeed, analysis of the role of favourable or unfavourable policies in supporting labour market mobility of recently arrived immigrants shows that wage discrimination between immigrants and natives is lower in those countries with more favourable policies and that this lower gap is associated with higher returns on experience and schooling

    Internal marketing and talent management as integral elements of employer branding strategies

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    The paper presents internal marketing and talent management as key elements determining effective introduction of employer branding strategy. Nowadays tendencies to interdisciplinarity force organizations to search for concepts from different areas of science and combine them for most effective market performance. That is the reason for presentation of two aspects of employer branding – from HRM and marketing perspectives, in the paper. The paper is aimed at presentation and discussion of internal marketing and talent management as elements of overall strategy of organisation in the scope of its competitive advantage gaining. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3550

    A Critical Review of Literature on Talent Management Practices

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    Talent management practices is one of the greatest inspiring aspects in ultra-modern phase’s HRM practices. Although the concept “talent management practices” is growing popularity over a decade with the debating nature, it had conceptual confusions due to the ambiguity nature of the underlying concepts. Effective talent management practices involve driving of business goals successfully while having a rewarding “talent pool”. Global HR specialists discovered talent management practices related to diverse industries. There is a tendency to be a discrepancy between intended and actual talent management practices. With this view, there are four key objectives in this exploratory study. The first objective is to resolve the existing conceptual confusions to the variable “Talent Management Practices” and to establish the definitions for the underlining concepts called, “Talent” and “Talent Management”. Afterward, the second objective is to explore the different “Talent Management Practices” operated in numerous global contexts including both manufacturing and service sectors. The third objective is to establish a definition for “Talent Management Practices”. The fourth objective is to identify the key dimensions of Talent Management Practices. The archival method was adopted by the researchers. The systematic reviewing process has covered empirical research on talent, talent management and talent management practices which have been published between 1990 and 2019 in academic journals and published books. Global manufacturing industries namely, cement manufacturing, steel case manufacturing, coal and mining, energy, automotive and service sectors namely, healthcare, hospitality, fast food service, banking, education, telecommunication and IT services are operating numerous talent management practices in attracting, acquiring, developing and retaining high performing talents. This research study is extremely imperative for future researchers in exploring avenues for context specific talent management practices relevant to various global industries. Further, resolving of conceptual confusions could significant in determining more aspects and perspectives towards talent management and its practices. Keywords: Talent, Talent Management, Talent Management Practices, Global Context