1,969 research outputs found

    Identifying attack surfaces in the evolving space industry using reference architectures

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    The space environment is currently undergoing a substantial change and many new entrants to the market are deploying devices, satellites and systems in space; this evolution has been termed as NewSpace. The change is complicated by technological developments such as deploying machine learning based autonomous space systems and the Internet of Space Things (IoST). In the IoST, space systems will rely on satellite-to-x communication and interactions with wider aspects of the ground segment to a greater degree than existing systems. Such developments will inevitably lead to a change in the cyber security threat landscape of space systems. Inevitably, there will be a greater number of attack vectors for adversaries to exploit, and previously infeasible threats can be realised, and thus require mitigation. In this paper, we present a reference architecture (RA) that can be used to abstractly model in situ applications of this new space landscape. The RA specifies high-level system components and their interactions. By instantiating the RA for two scenarios we demonstrate how to analyse the attack surface using attack trees

    Trojans in Early Design Steps—An Emerging Threat

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    Hardware Trojans inserted by malicious foundries during integrated circuit manufacturing have received substantial attention in recent years. In this paper, we focus on a different type of hardware Trojan threats: attacks in the early steps of design process. We show that third-party intellectual property cores and CAD tools constitute realistic attack surfaces and that even system specification can be targeted by adversaries. We discuss the devastating damage potential of such attacks, the applicable countermeasures against them and their deficiencies

    KASR: A Reliable and Practical Approach to Attack Surface Reduction of Commodity OS Kernels

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    Commodity OS kernels have broad attack surfaces due to the large code base and the numerous features such as device drivers. For a real-world use case (e.g., an Apache Server), many kernel services are unused and only a small amount of kernel code is used. Within the used code, a certain part is invoked only at runtime while the rest are executed at startup and/or shutdown phases in the kernel's lifetime run. In this paper, we propose a reliable and practical system, named KASR, which transparently reduces attack surfaces of commodity OS kernels at runtime without requiring their source code. The KASR system, residing in a trusted hypervisor, achieves the attack surface reduction through a two-step approach: (1) reliably depriving unused code of executable permissions, and (2) transparently segmenting used code and selectively activating them. We implement a prototype of KASR on Xen-4.8.2 hypervisor and evaluate its security effectiveness on Linux kernel-4.4.0-87-generic. Our evaluation shows that KASR reduces the kernel attack surface by 64% and trims off 40% of CVE vulnerabilities. Besides, KASR successfully detects and blocks all 6 real-world kernel rootkits. We measure its performance overhead with three benchmark tools (i.e., SPECINT, httperf and bonnie++). The experimental results indicate that KASR imposes less than 1% performance overhead (compared to an unmodified Xen hypervisor) on all the benchmarks.Comment: The work has been accepted at the 21st International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses 201

    Ambush from All Sides: Understanding Security Threats in Open-Source Software CI/CD Pipelines

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    The continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are widely adopted on Internet hosting platforms, such as GitHub. With the popularity, the CI/CD pipeline faces various security threats. However, current CI/CD pipelines suffer from malicious code and severe vulnerabilities. Even worse, people have not been fully aware of its attack surfaces and the corresponding impacts. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct a large-scale measurement and a systematic analysis to reveal the attack surfaces of the CI/CD pipeline and quantify their security impacts. Specifically, for the measurement, we collect a data set of 320,000+ CI/CD pipeline-configured GitHub repositories and build an analysis tool to parse the CI/CD pipelines and extract security-critical usages. Besides, current CI/CD ecosystem heavily relies on several core scripts, which may lead to a single point of failure. While the CI/CD pipelines contain sensitive information/operations, making them the attacker's favorite targets. Inspired by the measurement findings, we abstract the threat model and the attack approach toward CI/CD pipelines, followed by a systematic analysis of attack surfaces, attack strategies, and the corresponding impacts. We further launch case studies on five attacks in real-world CI/CD environments to validate the revealed attack surfaces. Finally, we give suggestions on mitigating attacks on CI/CD scripts, including securing CI/CD configurations, securing CI/CD scripts, and improving CI/CD infrastructure

    Applications of Machine Learning to Threat Intelligence, Intrusion Detection and Malware

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are emerging technologies with applications to many fields. This paper is a survey of use cases of ML for threat intelligence, intrusion detection, and malware analysis and detection. Threat intelligence, especially attack attribution, can benefit from the use of ML classification. False positives from rule-based intrusion detection systems can be reduced with the use of ML models. Malware analysis and classification can be made easier by developing ML frameworks to distill similarities between the malicious programs. Adversarial machine learning will also be discussed, because while ML can be used to solve problems or reduce analyst workload, it also introduces new attack surfaces

    Measuring the attack surfaces of two FTP daemons

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    Software consumers often need to choose between different software that provide the same functionality. Today, se-curity is a quality that many consumers, especially system administrators, care about and will use in choosing one soft-ware system over another. An attack surface metric is a security metric for comparing the relative security of simi-lar software systems [8]. The measure of a system’s attack surface is an indicator of the system’s security: given two systems, we compare their attack surface measurements to decide whether one is more secure than another along each of the following three dimensions: methods, channels, and data. In this paper, we use the attack surface metric to mea-sure the attack surfaces of two open source FTP daemons: ProFTPD 1.2.10 and Wu-FTPD 2.6.2. Our measurements show that ProFTPD is more secure along the method dimen-sion, ProFTPD is as secure as Wu-FTPD along the channel dimension, and Wu-FTPD is more secure along the data di-mension. We also demonstrate how software consumers can use the attack surface metric in making a choice between the two FTP daemons

    Time is of the Essence: Machine Learning-based Intrusion Detection in Industrial Time Series Data

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    The Industrial Internet of Things drastically increases connectivity of devices in industrial applications. In addition to the benefits in efficiency, scalability and ease of use, this creates novel attack surfaces. Historically, industrial networks and protocols do not contain means of security, such as authentication and encryption, that are made necessary by this development. Thus, industrial IT-security is needed. In this work, emulated industrial network data is transformed into a time series and analysed with three different algorithms. The data contains labeled attacks, so the performance can be evaluated. Matrix Profiles perform well with almost no parameterisation needed. Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average performs well in the presence of noise, requiring parameterisation effort. Long Short Term Memory-based neural networks perform mediocre while requiring a high training- and parameterisation effort.Comment: Extended version of a publication in the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW
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