11 research outputs found

    Atlas-Based Under-Segmentation

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    We study the widespread, but rarely discussed, tendency of atlas-based segmentation to under-segment the organs of interest. Commonly used error measures do not distinguish between under- and over-segmentation, contributing to the problem. We explicitly quantify over- and under-segmentation in several typical examples and present a new hypothesis for the cause. We provide evidence that segmenting only one organ of interest and merging all surrounding structures into one label creates bias towards background in the label estimates suggested by the atlas. We propose a generative model that corrects for this effect by learning the background structures from the data. Inference in the model separates the background into distinct structures and consequently improves the segmentation accuracy. Our experiments demonstrate a clear improvement in several applications.National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (U.S.) (U54-EB005149)Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) (P41-EB015902

    Contour-Driven Atlas-Based Segmentation

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    We propose new methods for automatic segmentation of images based on an atlas of manually labeled scans and contours in the image. First, we introduce a Bayesian framework for creating initial label maps from manually annotated training images. Within this framework, we model various registration- and patch-based segmentation techniques by changing the deformation field prior. Second, we perform contour-driven regression on the created label maps to refine the segmentation. Image contours and image parcellations give rise to non-stationary kernel functions that model the relationship between image locations. Setting the kernel to the covariance function in a Gaussian process establishes a distribution over label maps supported by image structures. Maximum a posteriori estimation of the distribution over label maps conditioned on the outcome of the atlas-based segmentation yields the refined segmentation. We evaluate the segmentation in two clinical applications: the segmentation of parotid glands in head and neck CT scans and the segmentation of the left atrium in cardiac MR angiography images

    Investigating the role of machine learning and deep learning techniques in medical image segmentation

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    openThis work originates from the growing interest of the medical imaging community in the application of machine learning techniques and, from deep learning to improve the accuracy of cancerscreening. The thesis is structured into two different tasks. In the first part, magnetic resonance images were analysed in order to support clinical experts in the treatment of patients with brain tumour metastases (BM). The main topic related to this study was to investigate whether BM segmentation may be approached successfully by two supervised ML classifiers belonging to feature-based and deep learning approaches, respectively. SVM and V-Net Convolutional Neural Network model are selected from the literature as representative of the two approaches. The second task related to this thesisis illustrated the development of a deep learning study aimed to process and classify lesions in mammograms with the use of slender neural networks. Mammography has a central role in screening and diagnosis of breast lesions. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks have shown a great potentiality to address the issue of early detection of breast cancer with an acceptable level of accuracy and reproducibility. A traditional convolution network was compared with a novel one obtained making use of much more efficient depth wise separable convolution layers. As a final goal to integrate the system developed in clinical practice, for both fields studied, all the Medical Imaging and Pattern Recognition algorithmic solutions have been integrated into a MATLAB® software packageopenInformatica e matematica del calcologonella gloriaGonella, Glori

    A patch-based approach for the segmentation of pathologies: Application to glioma labelling

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    International audienceIn this paper, we describe a novel and generic approach to address fully-automatic segmentation of brain tumors by using multi-atlas patch-based voting techniques. In addition to avoiding the local search window assumption, the conventional patch-based framework is enhanced through several simple procedures: an improvement of the training dataset in terms of both label purity and intensity statistics, augmented features to implicitly guide the nearest-neighbor-search, multi-scale patches, invariance to cube isometries, stratification of the votes with respect to cases and labels. A probabilistic model automatically delineates regions of interest enclosing high-probability tumor volumes, which allows the algorithm to achieve highly competitive running time despite minimal processing power and resources. This method was evaluated on Multimodal Brain Tumor Image Segmentation challenge datasets. State-of-the-art results are achieved, with a limited learning stage thus restricting the risk of overfit. Moreover, segmentation smoothness does not involve any post-processing

    Multi-Atlas Segmentation of Biomedical Images: A Survey

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    Abstract Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS), first introduced and popularized by the pioneering work of Rohlfing

    Approches multi-atlas fondées sur l'appariement de blocs de voxels pour la segmentation et la synthèse d'images par résonance magnétique de tumeurs cérébrales

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    This thesis focuses on the development of automatic methods for the segmentation and synthesis of brain tumor Magnetic Resonance images. The main clinical perspective of glioma segmentation is growth velocity monitoring for patient therapy management. To this end, the thesis builds on the formalization of multi-atlas patch-based segmentation with probabilistic graphical models. A probabilistic model first extends classical multi-atlas approaches used for the segmentation of healthy brains structures to the automatic segmentation of pathological cerebral regions. An approximation of the marginalization step replaces the concept of local search windows with a stratification with respect to both atlases and labels. A glioma detection model based on a spatially-varying prior and patch pre-selection criteria are introduced to obtain competitive running times despite patch matching being non local. This work is validated and compared to state-of-the-art algorithms on publicly available datasets. A second probabilistic model mirrors the segmentation model in order to synthesize realistic MRI of pathological cases, based on a single label map. A heuristic method allows to solve for the maximum a posteriori and to estimate uncertainty of the image synthesis model. Iterating patch matching reinforces the spatial coherence of synthetic images. The realism of our synthetic images is assessed against real MRI, and against outputs of the state-of-the-art method. The junction of a tumor growth model to the proposed synthesis approach allows to generate databases of annotated synthetic cases.Cette thèse s'intéresse au développement de méthodes automatiques pour la segmentation et la synthèse d'images par résonance magnétique de tumeurs cérébrales. La principale perspective clinique de la segmentation des gliomes est le suivi de la vitesse d'expansion diamétrique dans le but d'adapter les solutions thérapeutiques. A cette fin, la thèse formalise au moyen de modèles graphiques probabilistes des approches de segmentation multi-atlas fondées sur l'appariement de blocs de voxels. Un premier modèle probabiliste prolonge à la segmentation automatique de régions cérébrales pathologiques les approches multi-atlas classiques de segmentation de structures anatomiques. Une approximation de l'étape de marginalisation remplace la notion de fenêtre de recherche locale par un tamisage par atlas et par étiquette. Un modèle de détection de gliomes fondé sur un a priori spatial et des critères de pré-sélection de blocs de voxels permettent d'obtenir des temps de calcul compétitifs malgré un appariement non local. Ce travail est validé et comparé à l'état de l'art sur des bases de données publiques. Un second modèle probabiliste, symétrique au modèle de segmentation, simule des images par résonance magnétique de cas pathologiques, à partir d'une unique segmentation. Une heuristique permet d'estimer le maximum a posteriori et l'incertitude du modèle de synthèse d'image. Un appariement itératif des blocs de voxels renforce la cohérence spatiale des images simulées. Le réalisme des images simulées est évalué avec de vraies IRM et des simulations de l'état de l'art. Le raccordement d'un modèle de croissance de tumeur permet de créer des bases d'images annotées synthétiques