16 research outputs found

    Hybrid algorithms for distributed constraint satisfaction.

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    A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DisCSP) is a CSP which is divided into several inter-related complex local problems, each assigned to a different agent. Thus, each agent has knowledge of the variables and corresponding domains of its local problem together with the constraints relating its own variables (intra-agent constraints) and the constraints linking its local problem to other local problems (inter-agent constraints). DisCSPs have a variety of practical applications including, for example, meeting scheduling and sensor networks. Existing approaches to Distributed Constraint Satisfaction can be mainly classified into two families of algorithms: systematic search and local search. Systematic search algorithms are complete but may take exponential time. Local search algorithms often converge quicker to a solution for large problems but are incomplete. Problem solving could be improved through using hybrid algorithms combining the completeness of systematic search with the speed of local search. This thesis explores hybrid (systematic + local search) algorithms which cooperate to solve DisCSPs. Three new hybrid approaches which combine both systematic and local search for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction are presented: (i) DisHyb; (ii) Multi-Hyb and; (iii) Multi-HDCS. These approaches use distributed local search to gather information about difficult variables and best values in the problem. Distributed systematic search is run with a variable and value ordering determined by the knowledge learnt through local search. Two implementations of each of the three approaches are presented: (i) using penalties as the distributed local search strategy and; (ii) using breakout as the distributed local search strategy. The three approaches are evaluated on several problem classes. The empirical evaluation shows these distributed hybrid approaches to significantly outperform both systematic and local search DisCSP algorithms. DisHyb, Multi-Hyb and Multi-HDCS are shown to substantially speed-up distributed problem solving with distributed systematic search taking less time to run by using the information learnt by distributed local search. As a consequence, larger problems can now be solved in a more practical timeframe

    A distributed optimization method for the geographically distributed data centres problem

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    The geographically distributed data centres problem (GDDC) is a naturally distributed resource allocation problem. The problem involves allocating a set of virtual machines (VM) amongst the data centres (DC) in each time period of an operating horizon. The goal is to optimize the allocation of workload across a set of DCs such that the energy cost is minimized, while respecting limitations on data centre capacities, migrations of VMs, etc. In this paper, we propose a distributed optimization method for GDDC using the distributed constraint optimization (DCOP) framework. First, we develop a new model of the GDDC as a DCOP where each DC operator is represented by an agent. Secondly, since traditional DCOP approaches are unsuited to these types of large-scale problem with multiple variables per agent and global constraints, we introduce a novel semi-asynchronous distributed algorithm for solving such DCOPs. Preliminary results illustrate the benefits of the new method

    Distributed Constraint Optimization:Privacy Guarantees and Stochastic Uncertainty

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    Distributed Constraint Satisfaction (DisCSP) and Distributed Constraint Optimization (DCOP) are formal frameworks that can be used to model a variety of problems in which multiple decision-makers cooperate towards a common goal: from computing an equilibrium of a game, to vehicle routing problems, to combinatorial auctions. In this thesis, we independently address two important issues in such multi-agent problems: 1) how to provide strong guarantees on the protection of the privacy of the participants, and 2) how to anticipate future, uncontrollable events. On the privacy front, our contributions depart from previous work in two ways. First, we consider not only constraint privacy (the agents' private costs) and decision privacy (keeping the complete solution secret), but also two other types of privacy that have been largely overlooked in the literature: agent privacy, which has to do with protecting the identities of the participants, and topology privacy, which covers information about the agents' co-dependencies. Second, while previous work focused mainly on quantitatively measuring and reducing privacy loss, our algorithms provide stronger, qualitative guarantees on what information will remain secret. Our experiments show that it is possible to provide such privacy guarantees, while still scaling to much larger problems than the previous state of the art. When it comes to reasoning under uncertainty, we propose an extension to the DCOP framework, called DCOP under Stochastic Uncertainty (StochDCOP), which includes uncontrollable, random variables with known probability distributions that model uncertain, future events. The problem becomes one of making "optimal" offline decisions, before the true values of the random variables can be observed. We consider three possible concepts of optimality: minimizing the expected cost, minimizing the worst-case cost, or maximizing the probability of a-posteriori optimality. We propose a new family of StochDCOP algorithms, exploring the tradeoffs between solution quality, computational and message complexity, and privacy. In particular, we show how discovering and reasoning about co-dependencies on common random variables can yield higher-quality solutions

    Spatio-Temporal Context in Agent-Based Meeting Scheduling

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    Meeting scheduling is a common task for organizations of all sizes. It involves searching for a time and place when and where all the participants can meet. However, scheduling a meeting is generally difficult in that it attempts to satisfy the preferences of all participants. Negotiation tends to be an iterative and time consuming task. Proxy agents can handle the negotiation on behalf of the individuals without sacrificing their privacy or overlooking their preferences. This thesis examines the implications of formalizing meeting scheduling as a spatiotemporal negotiation problem. The “Children in the Rectangular Forest” (CRF) canonical model is applied to meeting scheduling. By formalizing meeting scheduling within the CRF model, a generalized problem emerges that establishes a clear relationship with other spatiotemporal distributed scheduling problems. The thesis also examines the implications of the proposed formalization to meeting scheduling negotiations. A protocol for meeting location selection is presented and evaluated using simulations

    Distributed constraint satisfaction for coordinating and integrating a large-scale, heterogeneous enterprise

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    Market forces are continuously driving public and private organisations towards higher productivity, shorter process and production times, and fewer labour hours. To cope with these changes, organisations are adopting new organisational models of coordination and cooperation that increase their flexibility, consistency, efficiency, productivity and profit margins. In this thesis an organisational model of coordination and cooperation is examined using a real life example; the technical integration of a distributed large-scale project of an international physics collaboration. The distributed resource constraint project scheduling problem is modelled and solved with the methods of distributed constraint satisfaction. A distributed local search method, the distributed breakout algorithm (DisBO), is used as the basis for the coordination scheme. The efficiency of the local search method is improved by extending it with an incremental problem solving scheme with variable ordering. The scheme is implemented as central algorithm, incremental breakout algorithm (IncBO), and as distributed algorithm, distributed incremental breakout algorithm (DisIncBO). In both cases, strong performance gains are observed for solving underconstrained problems. Distributed local search algorithms are incomplete and lack a termination guarantee. When problems contain hard or unsolvable subproblems and are tightly or overconstrained, local search falls into infinite cycles without explanation. A scheme is developed that identifies hard or unsolvable subproblems and orders these to size. This scheme is based on the constraint weight information generated by the breakout algorithm during search. This information, combined with the graph structure, is used to derive a fail first variable order. Empirical results show that the derived variable order is 'perfect'. When it guides simple backtracking, exceptionally hard problems do not occur, and, when problems are unsolvable, the fail depth is always the shortest. Two hybrid algorithms, BOBT and BOBT-SUSP are developed. When the problem is unsolvable, BOBT returns the minimal subproblem within the search scope and BOBT-SUSP returns the smallest unsolvable subproblem using a powerful weight sum constraint. A distributed hybrid algorithm (DisBOBT) is developed that combines DisBO with DisBT. The distributed hybrid algorithm first attempts to solve the problem with DisBO. If no solution is available after a bounded number of breakouts, DisBO is terminated, and DisBT solves the problem. DisBT is guided by a distributed variable order that is derived from the constraint weight information and the graph structure. The variable order is incrementally established, every time the partial solution needs to be extended, the next variable within the order is identified. Empirical results show strong performance gains, especially when problems are overconstrained and contain small unsolvable subproblems

    A Distributed, Complete Method for Multi-Agent Constraint Optimization

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    We present in this paper a new complete method for distributed constraint optimization. This is a utility-propagation method, inspired by the sum-product algorithm. The original algorithm requires fixed message sizes, linear memory, and is time-linear in the size of the problem. However, it is correct only for tree-shaped constraint networks. In this paper, we show how to extend the algorithm to arbitrary topologies using cycle cutsets, while preserving the linear message size and memory requirements. We present some preliminary experimental results on randomly generated problems. The algorithm is formulated for optimization problems, but can be easily applied to satisfaction problems as well