2,957 research outputs found

    TFI-FTS: An efficient transient fault injection and fault-tolerant system for asynchronous circuits on FPGA platform

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    Designing VLSI digital circuits is challenging tasks because of testing the circuits concerning design time. The reliability and productivity of digital integrated circuits are primarily affected by the defects in the manufacturing process or systems. If the defects are more in the systems, which leads the fault in the systems. The fault tolerant systems are necessary to overcome the faults in the VLSI digital circuits. In this research article, an asynchronous circuits based an effective transient fault injection (TFI) and fault tolerant system (FTS) are modelled. The TFI system generates the faults based on BMA based LFSR with faulty logic insertion and one hot encoded register. The BMA based LFSR reduces the hardware complexity with less power consumption on-chip than standard LFSR method. The FTS uses triple mode redundancy (TMR) based majority voter logic (MVL) to tolerant the faults for asynchronous circuits. The benchmarked 74X-series circuits are considered as an asynchronous circuit for TMR logic. The TFI-FTS module is modeled using Verilog-HDL on Xilinx-ISE and synthesized on hardware platform. The Performance parameters are tabulated for TFI-FTS based asynchronous circuits. The performance of TFI-FTS Module is analyzed with 100% fault coverage. The fault coverage is validated using functional simulation of each asynchronous circuit with fault injection in TFI-FTS Module

    Machine Protection and Operation for LHC

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    Since 2010 the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the accelerator with the highest stored energy per beam, with a record of 140 MJ at a beam energy of 4 TeV, almost a factor of 50 higher than other accelerators. With such a high stored energy, machine protection aspects set the boundary conditions for operation during all phases of the machine cycle. Only the low-intensity commissioning beams can be considered as relatively safe. This document discusses the interplay of machine operation and machine protection at the LHC, from commissioning to regular operation.Comment: 25 pages, contribution to the 2014 Joint International Accelerator School: Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection, Newport Beach, CA, USA , 5-14 Nov 201

    Design for soft error tolerance in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuits

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    This research in its present form is the result of experimentation on effect of soft error in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuit. The conclusion are drawn that asynchronous circuit are much easier to detect soft error than synchronous circuits. The asynchronous circuit is implemented in FPGA with software fault injection method to analyze the behavior of soft error generation in FPGA implementation asynchronous circuits. The proposed detection circuit can detect all soft errors that generated in FPGA-implemented asynchronous circuit. The contributions include: investigation of FPGA structure, investigation of soft error model in FPGA, mechanism of FPGA implemented asynchronous circuit, behavior of soft error injection in FPGA look up table that implemented asynchronous circuit, and proposed detection scheme. The research on soft error injection in FPGA routing system and soft error rate estimation will be done in the future

    Adjusting Laser Injections for Fully Controlled Faults

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    Hardware characterizations of integrated circuits have been evolving rapidly with the advent of more precise, sophisticated and cost-efficient tools. In this paper we describe how the fine tuning of a laser source has been used to characterize, set and reset the state of registers in a 90 nm chip. By adjusting the incident laser beam’s location, it is possible to choose to switch any register value from ‘ 0 ’ to ‘ 1 ’ or vice-versa by targeting the PMOS side or the NMOS side. Plus, we show how to clear a register by selecting a laser beam’s power. With the help of imaging techniques, we are able to explain the underlying phenomenon and provide a direct link between the laser mapping and the physical gate structure. Thus, we correlate the localization of laser fault injections with implementations of the PMOS and NMOS areas in the silicon substrate. This illustrates to what extent laser beams can be used to monitor the bits stored within registers, with adverse consequences in terms of security evaluation of integrated circuits

    Ultra-Low Power and Radiation Hardened Asynchronous Circuit Design

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    This dissertation proposes an ultra-low power design methodology called bit-wise MTNCL for bit-wise pipelined asynchronous circuits, which combines multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) with bit-wise pipelined NULL Convention Logic (NCL) systems. It provides the leakage power advantages of an all high-Vt implementation with a reasonable speed penalty compared to the all low-Vt implementation, and has negligible area overhead. It was enhanced to handle indeterminate standby states. The original MTNCL concept was enhanced significantly by sleeping Registers and Completion Logic as well as Combinational circuits to reduce area, leakage power, and energy per operation. This dissertation also develops an architecture that allows NCL circuits to recover from a Single Event Upset (SEU) or Single Event Latchup (SEL) fault without any data loss. Finally, an accurate throughput derivation formula for pipelined NCL circuits was developed, which can be used for static timing analysis

    Hardware Fault Injection

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    Hardware fault injection is the widely accepted approach to evaluate the behavior of a circuit in the presence of faults. Thus, it plays a key role in the design of robust circuits. This chapter presents a comprehensive review of hardware fault injection techniques, including physical and logical approaches. The implementation of effective fault injection systems is also analyzed. Particular emphasis is made on the recently developed emulation-based techniques, which can provide large flexibility along with unprecedented levels of performance. These capabilities provide a way to tackle reliability evaluation of complex circuits.Publicad

    Design of Asynchronous Circuits for High Soft Error Tolerance in Deep Submicron CMOS Circuits

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    As the devices are scaling down, the combinational logic will become susceptible to soft errors. The conventional soft error tolerant methods for soft errors on combinational logic do not provide enough high soft error tolerant capability with reasonably small performance penalty. This paper investigates the feasibility of designing quasi-delay insensitive (QDI) asynchronous circuits for high soft error tolerance. We analyze the behavior of null convention logic (NCL) circuits in the presence of particle strikes, and propose an asynchronous pipeline for soft-error correction and a novel technique to improve the robustness of threshold gates, which are basic components in NCL, against particle strikes by using Schmitt trigger circuit and resizing the feedback transistor. Experimental results show that the proposed threshold gates do not generate soft errors under the strike of a particle within a certain energy range if a proper transistor size is applied. The penalties, such as delay and power consumption, are also presented