30 research outputs found

    On multicolor Ramsey numbers of triple system paths of length 3

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    Let H\mathcal{H} be a 3-uniform hypergraph. The multicolor Ramsey number rk(H) r_k(\mathcal{H}) is the smallest integer nn such that every coloring of ([n]3) \binom{[n]}{3} with kk colors has a monochromatic copy of H\mathcal{H}. Let L \mathcal{L} be the loose 3-uniform path with 3 edges and M \mathcal{M} denote the messy 3-uniform path with 3 edges; that is, let L={abc,cde,efg}\mathcal{L} = \{abc, cde, efg\} and M={abc,bcd,def}\mathcal{M} = \{ abc, bcd, def\}. In this note we prove rk(L)<1.55k r_k(\mathcal{L}) < 1.55k and rk(M)<1.6k r_k(\mathcal{M}) < 1.6k for kk sufficiently large. The former result improves on the bound rk(L)<1.975k+7k r_k( \mathcal{L}) < 1.975k + 7\sqrt{k}, which was recently established by {\L}uczak and Polcyn.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Dirac-type theorems in random hypergraphs

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    For positive integers d<kd<k and nn divisible by kk, let md(k,n)m_{d}(k,n) be the minimum dd-degree ensuring the existence of a perfect matching in a kk-uniform hypergraph. In the graph case (where k=2k=2), a classical theorem of Dirac says that m1(2,n)=⌈n/2⌉m_{1}(2,n)=\lceil n/2\rceil. However, in general, our understanding of the values of md(k,n)m_{d}(k,n) is still very limited, and it is an active topic of research to determine or approximate these values. In this paper we prove a "transference" theorem for Dirac-type results relative to random hypergraphs. Specifically, for any d0d0 and any "not too small" pp, we prove that a random kk-uniform hypergraph GG with nn vertices and edge probability pp typically has the property that every spanning subgraph of GG with minimum degree at least (1+Δ)md(k,n)p(1+\varepsilon)m_{d}(k,n)p has a perfect matching. One interesting aspect of our proof is a "non-constructive" application of the absorbing method, which allows us to prove a bound in terms of md(k,n)m_{d}(k,n) without actually knowing its value

    A Note on the TurĂĄn Number of a Berge Odd Cycle

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    Global hypercontractivity and its applications

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    The hypercontractive inequality on the discrete cube plays a crucial role in many fundamental results in the Analysis of Boolean functions, such as the KKL theorem, Friedgut's junta theorem and the invariance principle. In these results the cube is equipped with the uniform measure, but it is desirable, particularly for applications to the theory of sharp thresholds, to also obtain such results for general pp-biased measures. However, simple examples show that when p=o(1)p = o(1), there is no hypercontractive inequality that is strong enough. In this paper, we establish an effective hypercontractive inequality for general pp that applies to `global functions', i.e. functions that are not significantly affected by a restriction of a small set of coordinates. This class of functions appears naturally, e.g. in Bourgain's sharp threshold theorem, which states that such functions exhibit a sharp threshold. We demonstrate the power of our tool by strengthening Bourgain's theorem, thereby making progress on a conjecture of Kahn and Kalai and by establishing a pp-biased analog of the invariance principle. Our results have significant applications in Extremal Combinatorics. Here we obtain new results on the Tur\'an number of any bounded degree uniform hypergraph obtained as the expansion of a hypergraph of bounded uniformity. These are asymptotically sharp over an essentially optimal regime for both the uniformity and the number of edges and solve a number of open problems in the area. In particular, we give general conditions under which the crosscut parameter asymptotically determines the Tur\'an number, answering a question of Mubayi and Verstra\"ete. We also apply the Junta Method to refine our asymptotic results and obtain several exact results, including proofs of the Huang--Loh--Sudakov conjecture on cross matchings and the F\"uredi--Jiang--Seiver conjecture on path expansions.Comment: Subsumes arXiv:1906.0556

    Clique Factors: Extremal and Probabilistic Perspectives

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    A K_r-factor in a graph G is a collection of vertex-disjoint copies of K_r covering the vertex set of G. In this thesis, we investigate these fundamental objects in three settings that lie at the intersection of extremal and probabilistic combinatorics. Firstly, we explore pseudorandom graphs. An n-vertex graph is said to be (p,ÎČ)-bijumbled if for any vertex sets A, B ⊆ V (G), we have e( A, B) = p| A||B| ± ÎČ√|A||B|. We prove that for any 3 ≀ r ∈ N and c > 0 there exists an Δ > 0 such that any n-vertex (p, ÎČ)-bijumbled graph with n ∈ rN, ÎŽ(G) ≄ c p n and ÎČ â‰€ Δ p^{r −1} n, contains a K_r -factor. This implies a corresponding result for the stronger pseudorandom notion of (n, d, λ)-graphs. For the case of K_3-factors, this result resolves a conjecture of Krivelevich, Sudakov and SzabĂł from 2004 and it is tight due to a pseudorandom triangle-free construction of Alon. In fact, in this case even more is true: as a corollary to this result, we can conclude that the same condition of ÎČ = o( p^2n) actually guarantees that a (p, ÎČ)-bijumbled graph G contains every graph on n vertices with maximum degree at most 2. Secondly, we explore the notion of robustness for K_3-factors. For a graph G and p ∈ [0, 1], we denote by G_p the random sparsification of G obtained by keeping each edge of G independently, with probability p. We show that there exists a C > 0 such that if p ≄ C (log n)^{1/3}n^{−2/3} and G is an n-vertex graph with n ∈ 3N and ÎŽ(G) ≄ 2n/3 , then with high probability G_p contains a K_3-factor. Both the minimum degree condition and the probability condition, up to the choice of C, are tight. Our result can be viewed as a common strengthening of the classical extremal theorem of CorrĂĄdi and Hajnal, corresponding to p = 1 in our result, and the famous probabilistic theorem of Johansson, Kahn and Vu establishing the threshold for the appearance of K_3-factors (and indeed all K_r -factors) in G (n, p), corresponding to G = K_n in our result. It also implies a first lower bound on the number of K_3-factors in graphs with minimum degree at least 2n/3, which gets close to the truth. Lastly, we consider the setting of randomly perturbed graphs; a model introduced by Bohman, Frieze and Martin, where one starts with a dense graph and then adds random edges to it. Specifically, given any fixed 0 < α < 1 − 1/r we determine how many random edges one must add to an n-vertex graph G with ÎŽ(G) ≄ α n to ensure that, with high probability, the resulting graph contains a K_r -factor. As one increases α we demonstrate that the number of random edges required ‘jumps’ at regular intervals, and within these intervals our result is best-possible. This work therefore bridges the gap between the seminal work of Johansson, Kahn and Vu mentioned above, which resolves the purely random case, i.e., α = 0, and that of Hajnal and SzemerĂ©di (and CorrĂĄdi and Hajnal for r = 3) showing that when α ≄ 1 − 1/r the initial graph already hosts the desired K_r -factor.Ein K_r -Faktor in einem Graphen G ist eine Sammlung von Knoten-disjunkten Kopien von K_r , die die Knotenmenge von G ĂŒberdecken. Wir untersuchen diese Objekte in drei Kontexten, die an der Schnittstelle zwischen extremaler und probabilistischer Kombinatorik liegen. Zuerst untersuchen wir Pseudozufallsgraphen. Ein Graph heißt (p,ÎČ)-bijumbled, wenn fĂŒr beliebige Knotenmengen A, B ⊆ V (G) gilt e( A, B) = p| A||B| ± ÎČ√|A||B|. Wir beweisen, dass es fĂŒr jedes 3 ≀ r ∈ N und c > 0 ein Δ > 0 gibt, so dass jeder n-Knoten (p, ÎČ)-bijumbled Graph mit n ∈ rN, ÎŽ(G) ≄ c p n und ÎČ â‰€ Δ p^{r −1} n, einen K_r -Faktor enthĂ€lt. Dies impliziert ein entsprechendes Ergebnis fĂŒr den stĂ€rkeren Pseudozufallsbegriff von (n, d, λ)-Graphen. Im Fall von K_3-Faktoren, löst dieses Ergebnis eine Vermutung von Krivelevich, Sudakov und SzabĂł aus dem Jahr 2004 und ist durch eine pseudozufĂ€llige K_3-freie Konstruktion von Alon bestmöglich. TatsĂ€chlich ist in diesem Fall noch mehr wahr: als Korollar dieses Ergebnisses können wir schließen, dass die gleiche Bedingung von ÎČ = o( p^2n) garantiert, dass ein (p, ÎČ)-bijumbled Graph G jeden Graphen mit maximalem Grad 2 enthĂ€lt. Zweitens untersuchen wir den Begriff der Robustheit fĂŒr K_3-Faktoren. FĂŒr einen Graphen G und p ∈ [0, 1] bezeichnen wir mit G_p die zufĂ€llige Sparsifizierung von G, die man erhĂ€lt, indem man jede Kante von G unabhĂ€ngig von den anderen Kanten mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit p behĂ€lt. Wir zeigen, dass, wenn p ≄ C (log n)^{1/3}n^{−2/3} und G ein n-Knoten-Graph mit n ∈ 3N und ÎŽ(G) ≄ 2n/3 ist, G_pmit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit (mhW) einen K_3-Faktor enthĂ€lt. Sowohl die Bedingung des minimalen Grades als auch die Wahrscheinlichkeitsbedingung sind bestmöglich. Unser Ergebnis ist eine VerstĂ€rkung des klassischen extremalen Satzes von CorrĂĄdi und Hajnal, entsprechend p = 1 in unserem Ergebnis, und des berĂŒhmten probabilistischen Satzes von Johansson, Kahn und Vu, der den Schwellenwert fĂŒr das Auftreten eines K_3-Faktors (und aller K_r -Faktoren) in G (n, p) festlegt, entsprechend G = K_n in unserem Ergebnis. Es impliziert auch eine erste untere Schranke fĂŒr die Anzahl der K_3-Faktoren in Graphen mit einem minimalen Grad von mindestens 2n/3, die der Wahrheit nahe kommt. Schließlich betrachten wir die Situation von zufĂ€llig gestörten Graphen; ein Modell, bei dem man mit einem dichten Graphen beginnt und dann zufĂ€llige Kanten hinzufĂŒgt. Wir bestimmen, bei gegebenem 0 < α < 1 − 1/r, wie viele zufĂ€llige Kanten man zu einem n-Knoten-Graphen G mit ÎŽ(G) ≄ α n hinzufĂŒgen muss, um sicherzustellen, dass der resultierende Graph mhW einen K_r -Faktor enthĂ€lt. Wir zeigen, dass, wenn man α erhöht, die Anzahl der benötigten Zufallskanten in regelmĂ€ĂŸigen AbstĂ€nden “springt", und innerhalb dieser AbstĂ€nde unser Ergebnis bestmöglich ist. Diese Arbeit schließt somit die LĂŒcke zwischen der oben erwĂ€hnten bahnbrechenden Arbeit von Johansson, Kahn und Vu, die den rein zufĂ€lligen Fall, d.h. α = 0, löst, und der Arbeit von Hajnal und SzemerĂ©di (und CorrĂĄdi und Hajnal fĂŒr r = 3), die zeigt, dass der ursprĂŒngliche Graph bereits den gewĂŒnschten K_r -Faktor enthĂ€lt, wenn α ≄ 1 − 1/r ist

    The regularity method for graphs with few 4-cycles

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    We develop a sparse graph regularity method that applies to graphs with few 4-cycles, including new counting and removal lemmas for 5-cycles in such graphs. Some applications include: * Every n-vertex graph with no 5-cycle can be made triangle-free by deleting o(n^(3/2)) edges. * For r ≄ 3, every n-vertex r-graph with girth greater than 5 has o(n^(3/2)) edges. * Every subset of [n] without a nontrivial solution to the equation x₁+x₂+2x₃ = x₄+3x₅ has size o(√n)