7 research outputs found

    Change-Point Detection under Dependence Based on Two-Sample U-Statistics

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    We study the detection of change-points in time series. The classical CUSUM statistic for detection of jumps in the mean is known to be sensitive to outliers. We thus propose a robust test based on the Wilcoxon two-sample test statistic. The asymptotic distribution of this test can be derived from a functional central limit theorem for two-sample U-statistics. We extend a theorem of Csorgo and Horvath to the case of dependent data

    Studentized U-quantile processes under dependence with applications to change-point analysis

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    Many popular robust estimators are UU-quantiles, most notably the Hodges-Lehmann location estimator and the QnQ_n scale estimator. We prove a functional central limit theorem for the sequential UU-quantile process without any moment assumptions and under weak short-range dependence conditions. We further devise an estimator for the long-run variance and show its consistency, from which the convergence of the studentized version of the sequential UU-quantile process to a standard Brownian motion follows. This result can be used to construct CUSUM-type change-point tests based on UU-quantiles, which do not rely on bootstrapping procedures. We demonstrate this approach in detail at the example of the Hodges-Lehmann estimator for robustly detecting changes in the central location. A simulation study confirms the very good robustness and efficiency properties of the test. Two real-life data sets are analyzed

    Testing for Changes in Kendall's Tau

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    For a bivariate time series ((Xi,Yi))i=1,...,n((X_i,Y_i))_{i=1,...,n} we want to detect whether the correlation between XiX_i and YiY_i stays constant for all i=1,...,ni = 1,...,n. We propose a nonparametric change-point test statistic based on Kendall's tau and derive its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of no change by means a new U-statistic invariance principle for dependent processes. The asymptotic distribution depends on the long run variance of Kendall's tau, for which we propose an estimator and show its consistency. Furthermore, assuming a single change-point, we show that the location of the change-point is consistently estimated. Kendall's tau possesses a high efficiency at the normal distribution, as compared to the normal maximum likelihood estimator, Pearson's moment correlation coefficient. Contrary to Pearson's correlation coefficient, it has excellent robustness properties and shows no loss in efficiency at heavy-tailed distributions. We assume the data ((Xi,Yi))i=1,...,n((X_i,Y_i))_{i=1,...,n} to be stationary and P-near epoch dependent on an absolutely regular process. The P-near epoch dependence condition constitutes a generalization of the usually considered LpL_p-near epoch dependence, p≄1p \ge 1, that does not require the existence of any moments. It is therefore very well suited for our objective to efficiently detect changes in correlation for arbitrarily heavy-tailed data